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Să faci poze!

Eu ţin minte că am fost într-o vară la păstrăvărie cu cei de la GNV şi erau acolo 3-4 pui mici-mici de ciobănesc şi m-am jucat tot weekendul cu ei. Erau ca nişte ghemotoace de blană. laugh.gif Am şi nişte poze cu ei, cred, dar trebuie să le scanez, că-s poze pe hârtie.
o sa fac sigur smile.gif

daca ai stii ce invidioasa is pe diacriticele tale smile.gif)

Ciobanescul de Berna este cainele nostru preferat.Daca ar avea cine sa aiba grija de el cele doua saptamani pe an cand suntem plecati in concediu am fi avut demult un astfel de caine.
Cand sunt mici te indragotesti pe loc de ei si cand sunt mari nu ai mai vrea sa plece de langa tine.Au un caracter asa de bland si pentru ca sunt asa de mari si latosi impun respect pentru cine nu cunoaste rasa rolleyes.gif

Sunt invidioasa sorry.gif Sa faci poze
ieri am citit pe internet ca ciobanestii de berna fac tare devreme cancer, ca 17% din ei nu apuca varsta de 4 ani...

Oiski da' de ce nu luati cainele cu voi in concediu?

Pana la urma suntem tot unde am fost ca nu stim pe ce caine sa ne hotaram...

You are reading from the book The Language of Letting Go

Self care means taking responsibility for ourselves. Taking responsibility for ourselves includes assuming our true responsibilities to others.

Sometimes, when we begin recovery, we're worn down from feeling responsible for so many other people. Learning that we need only take responsibility for ourselves may be such a great relief that, for a time, we disown our responsibilities to others.

The goal in recovery is to find the balance: we take responsibility for ourselves, and we identify our true responsibilities to others.

This may take some sorting through, especially if we have functioned for years on distorted notions about our responsibilities to others. We may be responsible to one person as a friend or as an employee; to another person, we're responsible as an employer or as a spouse. With each person, we have certain responsibilities. When we tend to those true responsibilities, we'll find balance in our life.

We are also learning that while others aren't responsible for us, they are accountable to us in certain ways.

We can learn to discern our true responsibilities for ourselves, and to others. We can allow others to be responsible for themselves and expect them to be appropriately responsible to us.

We'll need to be gentle with ourselves while we learn.

Today, I will strive for clear thinking about my actual responsibilities to others. I will assume these responsibilities as part of taking care of myself.

tocmai am vb cu seful despre ce am de gand, l-m intrebat ce are el de gand si daca gandurile noastre o sa se intalneasca undeva pe la mijloc si-o zis ca da smile.gif

azi mai am un hop

dar poate-l hopalesc altadata sa nu ma obosesc prea mult intr-o singura zi?

nu stiu...

deocamdata ma duc sa spal vasele
is la lucru si inca n-am lucrat nimica. De cand am avut discutia cu sefu is cu 100 de kile mai usoara.

am reusit sa mai impachetez niste haine si maruntisuri ca scule de gradinarit, lumanarele etc. Am facut ordine si curat in tot apartamentul. Maine daca pot impachetez ultimele incaltaminte. Degeaba ca la haine si la pantofi nu ma indor sa ma despart de ele. Si-s multe...

Azi NU am fost la Mrs Sporty si nu am fost nici cu bicleta. Am fost in schimb la un all you can eat si am putut mult smile.gif) Acuma ma tratez cu ceai de ghimbir si fenicul.

In functie de o anume chestie o sa vad maine daca ajung la Sporty sau nu.

Mi-e bine.

De dimineata am citit ceva: "Today is the tomorrow we worried about"
Maine cand o sa ma uit la ziua de azi o sa ma distrez bine de tot smile.gif
E bine ca ti-e bine, fata draga!
Mi-e drag de tine cum planuiesti totul in detaliu, mi-e drag sa te citesc, imi plac visele tale si ciobanescul de Berna!
Sa fii fericita! mwah1.gif
mersi dasca draga. cat despre caine... nu stiu ce sa zic... am citit ca rasa asta se imbolnaveste foarte des de cancer si ca sufera vara din cauza parului lung deci nu-s facuti pentru o clima ca a noastra...
s-ar putea ca maine sa nu vina iel sa mergem dupa caine. Poate-mi petrec ziua cu M, mergem sa culegem capsune c-a zis ca taaare ii place marmelada din care i-am dat un borcan si ei... a zis ca e deosebita. Te cred ca la cat de lichida mi-a iesit nu gasesti asa ceva pe piata biggrin.gif

si de planuit sigur, fac si eu ce pot, am si muuult suport din toate partile asa ca nu pot decat sa-mi mearga bine smile.gif
You are reading from the book The Language of Letting Go
Moving Forward

Much as we would like, we cannot bring everyone with us on this journey called recovery. We are not being disloyal by allowing ourselves to move forward. We don't have to wait for those we love to decide to change as well.

Sometimes we need to give ourselves permission to grow, even though the people we love are not ready to change. We may even need to leave people behind in their dysfunction or suffering because we cannot recover for them. We don't need to suffer with them.

It doesn't help.

It doesn't help for us to stay stuck just because someone we love is stuck. The potential for helping others is far greater when we detach, work on ourselves, and stop trying to force others to change with us.

Changing ourselves, allowing ourselves to grow while others seek their own path, is how we have the most beneficial impact on people we love. We're accountable for ourselves. They're accountable for themselves. We let them go, and let ourselves grow.

Today, I will affirm that it is my right to grow and change, even though someone I love may not be growing and changing alongside me.
You are reading from the book Today's Gift
Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, but only saps today of its strength. —A. J. Cronin

There is always something to worry about. What if it rains tomorrow on the family picnic? What if the baby gets sick and we can't go? What if we can't find a shady spot for our lunch table? Will the water be too cold for swimming? Will the boat motor conk out in the middle of the lake? What if we forget the charcoal? Or the lighter fluid?

Today, while preparing the potato salad for tomorrow's picnic, all we need to know is whether the potatoes are cool enough to peel and slice. Our worries about tomorrow change nothing but ourselves, and they have nothing to do with what we are doing right now. Tomorrow will become today soon enough, and today is the day we have.

Which of my worries belong only to tomorrow and should be left alone until then?

pana la urma nu mai fac babysitter weekendul asta si nici dupa capsune nu merg. Merg in schimb cu bicicleta la K&O sa culeg cirese smile.gif
Am gatit o ciorba de legume albe cu zeama de rosii si perisoare si ciuperci umplute.
Multumesc pentru postarile din meditatiile tale! Astea cu tomorrow mi se potrivesc la fix si desi undeva in adancul contiintei mele stiam chestiile alea, faptul ca le-am citit asa clar, spuse de altii, ajuta mult! Multumesc! hug.gif

Apropos, cum ai facut dulceturile? biggrin.gif Ca vreau si eu! smile.gif

Edit: Am uitat sa spui ca deja incep sa fiu adormita iara: ma bucur sa citesc ca ti-e bine. E linistitor sa stiu ca ti-e bine smile.gif
Multumesc Afro. Pentru dulceata am pus fructele cu zahar la copt, la 1 kg de fructe 1/2 de zahar, cand s-au inmuiat le-am facut pireu cu batul magic, am mai pus 1/4 kg de zahar gelatinat ca il aveam in casa, am lasat un clocot si le-am pus in borcane spalate bine si uscate.

Cineva m-a sunat azi noapte la 2 din greseala, s-a scuzat dar eu dupa aia n-am mai putut dormi pana pe la vreo 7, la 9 a sunat telefonul, M a avut un accident azi noapte si e in spital, m-a rugat sa ma duc la ea, normal ca m-am dus,o baut toata noaptea si pe la 3 jumate o vrut sa ia un taxi sa mearga acasa dar i-o venit un sms din partea unuia pe care ea il adora si el o cauta cand are el chef, in care el ii scria ca este in fata usii ei asa ca ea s-a gandit ca nu mai astepta dupa taxi, s-a urcat in masina si-a accelerat, s-a oprit intr-un perete.
E intreaga, speriata, fericita totusi ca n-o omorat pe nimeni, acuma uraste alcoolul...

La pranz am fost la Mi si am mancat, a facut goulash de carne de soia, foarte buna, a pus si boabe de malai in el.

ma odihnesc o juma de ora si merg la lucru.
Lipsa auto-stimei este o boala mortala.
Multumesc de reteta. Cand spui la copt te referi ca le-ai bagat in cuptor sau le-ai lasat la foc mic pe aragaz?

Ma bucur ca M este bine... Nasol momentul cu accidentul... Cred ca se simte foarte aiurea ca a reactionat asa la un mesaj si-a adus-o in starea asta. N-o sa aiba probleme cu politia ca o condus beata?

Si da, lipsa auto-stimei nu aduce nimic bun, te face sa iei numai deciziile gresite...

O duminica placuta smile.gif
la copt ma refer pe aragaz la flama mai mica.

Sigur ca o fost si politia la locul accidentului, i-o masurat alcoolemia, acuma ii iau sigur permisul, a mai trebui sa faca o data scoala, sa plateasca amenda si sa plateasca daunele la masina pentru ca in caz de alcool la volan asigurarea nu plateste nimica.

Io cand mi-o povestit de accident si de sms nu am spus nimica, am ascultat doar. N-o fost momentul s-o dojenesc si oricum o ajuns singura la concluzia care era de luat, in legatura cu alcoolul si cu tipul respectiv.

Chiar si fara accidentul lui M, am avut o zi cam stresanta azi, cu muuulte persoane care m-o sunat pentru diverse chestiuni...

Ma pun sa lucru un picutz... deseara termin la 11 si maine dimineata incep la 7. Sa vedem...
De pe http://www.self-confidence.co.uk/

Firstly, the 3 biggest myths of self confidence. These are the most common things we hear from confidence clients.

"You have to be born with it."

Not true, self confidence is a set of skills that can be learned, just like learning to drive or play a game.

"If you've had your confidence destroyed, it's gone for good."

Wrong. It may take a greater leap of faith to start building it back up, but once you're there you'll be much hardier than you were before and less likely to have your confidence shaken again.

"I'll know I'm confident when I can be sure I'll succeed at something new".

How can you know you'll succeed when you've never done something before?

Confidence is much more about tolerating uncertainty: being cool with not knowing what is going to happen.

It's important that you look at these and see if you have been thinking along any of these lines.

In your notes, write down whether you think any of these are true. I don't want you to change your mind now, but it will be interesting to look back in a few weeks time to see how your ideas about self confidence have changed.

Great self confidence can be learned, and you're going to learn it!

Exercise 1

The essential first step to building your self-confidence is to assess what 'self confidence' means to you.

Just saying 'I want to be more confident' is like saying 'I just want to travel'! Where? How? When?

So, an example might be: "When I am with a new group of people, I want to be able to relax, join in conversations and ask people about themselves."

In your course notes, write your answers to the following questions:

1) What does 'self confidence' mean to you? Generally, your answer should start with "I want to be able to..." or "I want to be..." Stay away from "I don't want to be...", "I want to be less..." and other 'avoiding' statements. You need to know where you going, not where you've come from!

2) In what situations do you need more confidence?

3) Where do you already have it? - For example: with your family, friends, at work…? Around which of the following are you confident in your abilities? Cooking, gardening, vocabulary, spelling, exercising, driving? What do you just know you can do without thinking about it?

4) Write down one thing you will be able to do once you have the confidence you need. This should be something tangible, like making a particular phone call, saying something to a particular person, giving a presentation, speaking up in a situation. We will refer back to this later.

Write these answers down now. When you think you've got all of them; stop, take a deep breath and then think some more until you come up with others.

afara ploua si abia astept sa mai treaca un ceas jumate sa ma duc sa ma culc. Is rupta de oboseala. M e bine, e deja acasa, si-a recuperat poseta si telefonul de la politie, masina e distrusa complet.

Eu am mancat cam mult azi, portii cam mari. Ia de maine sa ma concentrez mai mult pe asta...

Mi s-a extins lista cu chestii amanate. Sa vedem e reusesc sa vrajesc maine din ele. Poate dupa ce dorm, mai spre seara, daca ploua si nu e vreme faina, o sa cos gacii pentru fratele lui A. Daca nu ploua ies cu bici si iara n-am facut nimica...

ma duc sa caut niste exercitii de facut la trambulina pentru ca de lucrat nu am chef. Si maine e o zi rolleyes.gif

inca 45 de minute...
o chestie m-a binedispus e dimineata... ayyyyy corazon rofl.gif asa ca azi o sa am o zi faina. Inca nu-mi dau seama daca o sa ploua sau nu, prognoza zice ca da. Noa dar sa vedem, poate fac din fiecare cate putin, adica si ies si fac unele din chestiile amanate ca-mi stau pe creier.

o sa ma mai ocup azi de un tutorial

dar deocamdata ma pun pe treaba ca-s la serviciu

Exercise - your model of confidence

Think of one person who you consider to be self-confident in a situation where you would like to be (see your answers to the exercise in Tutorial 1). Write down their name. Do this for every situation in which you would like more self-confidence.

Once you have a 'confidence model' for every situation, write down what it is that lets you know that that person is confident - make it specific. For example, rather than, "the way he looks", write "his face is relaxed and smiling a little".

Cover all aspects of the person:

- facial expression
- posture
- voice tonality (loud, soft, deep...)
- gestures
- the way they dress
- how they interact with others
- how others react to them
- anything else you notice about them

And if you can't remember enough details for a really good description, study them during the week before the next tutorial (without letting them know it of course!)

Important: When describing the person, it is vital to be as specific as possible. It's no good writing that their posture is confident-looking. It's confidence you're learning to make here, so you need to know its ingredients!

de pe http://www.self-confidence.co.uk
ui hei what a day!

am terminat lucrul la 12 si am gatit Flade, cornuri umplute si saleuri cu branza si marar, cu chimen peste tot si peste toate si din belsug...
apoi am fost la M si ne-am plimbat ca era cam depri dupa niste discutii cu mama-sa pe marginea accidentului
apoi am venit la mine, am mancat cirese, ne-am facut unghiile, a venit A cu fata, M s-a dus la un date, eu am pus fata in marsupiu si am umblat asa cu ea sa exersez pe joi cand ramane 8 ore cu mine...
am umblat mult de tot cu bicicleta prin ploaie azi. Cu M si cu Bia. A fost fain. Ma bucur c-am gasit o prietena care, ca mine, nu se teme de ploaie si chiar ii place sa se plimbe cand ploua pe principiul ca nu suntem de zahar sa ne topim.
Mi-ai amintit ca aveam niste cirese prin dulap, sper ca n-or facut carne pana acu laugh.gif Ma duc sa le verific, pentru ca mi-ai facut pofta biggrin.gif

E fain sa te plimbi prin ploaie biggrin.gif
Tuesday, June 14, 2011 You are reading from the book The Language of Letting Go
Letting Go of Timing

"When the time is right, child." When the time is right. How often have we heard those words - from a friend, a sponsor, our Higher Power?

We want things so badly - that job, that check, a relationship, a possession. We want our life to change.

So we wait, sometimes patiently, sometimes anxiously, wondering all the while: When will the future bring me what I long for? Will I be happy then?

We try to predict, circling dates on the calendar, asking questions. We forget that we don't hold the answers. The answers come from God. If we listen closely, we'll hear them. When the time is right, child. When the time is right.

Be happy now.

Today, I will relax. I am being prepared. I can let go of timing. I can stop manipulating outcomes. Good things will happen when the time is right, and they will happen naturally.

Afro eu am mancat la prietena mea o prajitura tare buna cu cirese, mi-am scris reteta ca vreau s-o fac vineri cand vine L, ti-o scriu ca vrei ca nu vrei ohyeah.gif

750 g cirese
2-3 lg zahar pudra

150 g unt
150 g zahar pudra
1 pliculetz zahar vaniliat
scoarta de lamaie razuita
1 pic de sare
6 oua
450 g faina
1,25 l lapte
1 praf de copt
150 zahar cristal

eu o sa injumatatesc cantitatile pentru ca din 450 g de faina e prea mare prajitura. Atentie la zahar ca si ala e mult, iese dulce bine, o sa pun mai putin. Se freaca untul cu zaharul pudra, se adauga galbenusurile unul cate unul si se amesteca dupa fiecare, albusurile se bat cu un pic de sare s zaharul cristal si ala vanilat, in compozitia de unt se adauga laptele si apoi spuma de albus si scoarta razuita, se toarna in tava, se pun ciresele fara samburi peste si se coace la 180 de grade pana e gata smile.gif) se pudreaza cu zahar pudra.
You are reading from the book The Language of Letting Go
Ending Relationships

It takes courage and honesty to end a relationship - with friends, loved ones, or a work relationship.

Sometimes, it may appear easier to let the relationship die from lack of attention rather than risk ending it. Sometimes, it may appear easier to let the other person take responsibility for ending the relationship.

We may be tempted to take a passive approach. Instead of saying how we feel, what we want or don't want, or what we intend to do, we may begin sabotaging the relationship, hoping to force the other person to do the difficult work.

Those are ways to end relationships, but they are not the cleanest or the easiest ways.

As we walk this path of self-care, we learn that when it is time to end a relationship, the easiest way is one of honesty and directness. We are not being loving, gentle, or kind by avoiding the truth, if we know the truth.

We are not sparing the other person's feelings by sabotaging the relationship instead of accepting the end or the change, and doing something about it. We are prolonging and increasing the pain and discomfort - for the other person and ourselves.

If we don't know, if we are on the fence, it is more loving and honest to say that.

If we know it is time to terminate a relationship, say that.

Endings are never easy, but endings are not made easy by sabotage, indirectness, and lying about what we want and need to do. Say what you need to say, in honesty and love, when it is time. If we are trusting and listening to ourselves, we will know what to say and when to say it.

Today, I will remember that honesty and directness will increase my self-esteem. God, help me let go of my fear about owning my power to take care of myself in all my relationships.

am facut cateva chestii dar lista e lunga, asa ca inapoi la treaba biggrin.gif
mi tare jos tensiunea, amestesc si stand pe scaun... ce chestie... mai ales daca merg cu bicicleta sau am emotii si-mi bate inima tare si apoi ma asez si ma linistesc dau sa cad cu nasu-n parchet...
azi am avut pofta sa ma dau cuoja altcuiva. Sa fie o oja noua si sa nu fie a mea. Colega-mea nu avea oja la ea... hmmm... am sunat-o pe M sa vina dupa carnea pentru caine si sa-mi aduca oja dar o inceput sa ploua si cum nu mai are masina... noa lasa, macar nu mai (poate) face vreun accident auto ohyeah.gif

Now you have read over your notes, get yourself comfortable and ready to do this week's exercise.

Imagine you have been granted 3 wishes. One of your wishes is to have the self confidence you want. You go to bed tonight and during the night miraculously your wish is granted. When you wake up in the morning, you have all the confidence you need. What is life like?

Close your eyes and really begin to explore this fantasy. Imagine going to bed, doing your nighttime routine, switching off the lights, getting comfortable in bed and that lovely feeling as you begin to drift off?.

This is a fantastic way to use your imagination. (After all, you probably use it to scare yourself enough - imagining things going wrong, why not use it to help yourself for a change?)

In your fantasy, answer the following questions:

How do you feel when you get up in the morning?
What do you look like in those situations that used to be a problem?
How do you sound?
What is your facial expression like?
What do others notice about you that is different?
How do you think about those things that used to be a problem?
What do you do during your day that you didn't before?
Work at doing this exercise. The more detail you include the better.
This could be the most important 15 minutes you have ever spent.

Afterwards, write in your notes the things you noticed about the newly confident you. This will be very useful for future exercises. Also, as I've already said, you MUST know where you're going if you're going to get there. This exercise provides the target for your conscious and unconscious mind to move towards.

Make the effort to do this exercise now - you'll be glad you did!


Trainer Tip - Experience Your 'Miracle'

The above exercise is best done when relaxed for 2 main reasons:

Your imagination works better when you are relaxed (after all, think about dreaming - the most incredible imaginative process you can create!)
When you are relaxed, you break out of habitual patterns of anxiety or under-confidence. This makes it much easier to see yourself performing well.

Confidence Tip: Things You Can't Do!

This is a really common habit I've noticed people get into if they're feeling a bit down. You think of something other people can do and then feel bad because you can't do it too. Have you ever noticed yourself doing that?

Of course it's natural to want to be able to compare favourably with others, but consider this:

*There will ALWAYS be more things you can't do than things you can do*

The World is huge, and possibilities are endless!

So, by the law of averages, you are always more likely to be able to think of something you can't so than something you can.

So don't let your mind play tricks on you! If you find yourself doing this, deliberately change the contents of your thoughts to things you *have* learnt to do in the past.

This way, you will end up feeling more capable, better about yourself, and you're more likely to start tackling some of those things you'd like to be able to do!

de pe http://www.self-confidence.co.uk
Hani, n-ai idee cat de mult ajuta postarile tale aici! Sau poate ai si de aceea postezi smile.gif Si daca-i asa, si mai multe mii de multumiri!! hug.gif

E super ce spui si unele chestii descopar ca deja le fac, deja, cumva, s-au descoperit singure in mine in ultimele doua saptamani! Parca m-am rupt de-o vraja lunga de un deceniu jumate! Si ai si tu bucatica ta in toata treaba asta smile.gif

Multumesc flowers.gif
am stat dupa program si am baut o sticla de vin cu un oaspete ce vine pentru a doua oara aici, e psiholog si filozof, am avut o discutie care m-a stimulat intelectual si emotional, i-am retinut fata de anul trecut.

Afro io invat continuu si public aici ceea ce invat ca sa tin minte si ca sa exersez, nu stiu cat is de coerenta dupa 2 pahare de vin... dar is atata de fericita ca nu mai traiesc in starea de semi-depresie sau depresie absoluta in care am trait de la nastere si pana acuma 3-4 ani.

Oricum, concluzia mea este ca de fapt CHEIA este auto-stima.

Ma duc la nani, ma uit la tv, o discutie cu specialisti despre cum e bine sa fi la dieta si suparat sau gras si fericit smile.gif)

Noapte buna
is atata de fericita ca nu mai traiesc in starea de semi-depresie sau depresie absoluta

Stiu ce spui si te inteleg perfect! Imi amintesc de zilele si anii in care ma plangeam la mine in jurnal ca "ba, chiar nu am dreptul la fericire? Chiar nu poa' sa mearga toate lin macar o saptamana?" - si de 3 saptamani deja toate merg lin! Incontinuu! Si sincera sa fiu inca nu stiu ce s-a schimbat la mine (evident, perceptia si gandirea, da' nu pricep cum si in ce fel s-a schimbat atat de repede si daca o sa ma tina!) atat de radical incat sa-mi dea atatea zile bune! Si uneori mi-i teama sa nu pic iara in ceea ce am fost - depresiva cronica - asa ca te-nteleg ca esti fericita ca nu ai mai picat in zona aia de 3-4 ani! Eu-s fericita dupa 3 saptamani, dupa 4 ani as zbura de fericire biggrin.gif

Si las' ca si paharul de vin e bun smile.gif

Referitor la "dieta si suparata" sau "grasa si fericita" - sincer, eu nu consider ca esti grasa! Poate cantaresti un pic mai mult de greutatea ideala (a ta, aia de-o vrei tu), da' NU esti grasa! Mai ai multe mancaruri de la mcdonalds de bagat in tine si multe sute de zile de vegetat pe canapea pana sa ajungi grasa. Ca n-ai greutatea ce-o vrei tu - e partea a doua, da' eu spun ca esti prea dura cu tine daca te vezi grasa.

Si pana la dieta incearca faza cu portiile mai mici. Am vazut ca ai inceput ceva in privinta asta, sper ca nu vorbesc prostii biggrin.gif Dar da, incearca sa mananci zilnic din farfurioarele alea mai mici de la seturi in loc de cele mari ca niste platouri. Lasa dieta deoparte daca te supara si te face sa te simti aiurea, papa din farfurii mai mici zilnic , papa sanatos (ca si pana acum), continua cu bicla si Mrs Sporty si-ai sa vezi ca n-o sa ai nevoie de dieta smile.gif Acorda-i trebii asteia cam 3-4 luni ca sa apuci sa vezi rezultate clare.

Ma rog, asta e parerea mea si sfatul meu ce nu l-ai cerut smile.gif Nu trebuie sa-l urmezi, da' sper din suflet ca n-o sa te mai consideri grasa curand hug.gif (ca NU esti! smile.gif )
off draga mea bugata. Am burta, am grasime pe solduri.. nici nu vreau sa ma gandesc ce-i intre organele mele... De cand m-am lasat de fumat am dospit si am dospit. Noa si e si varsta ca nu mai am metabolismul de la 20 de ani...

noa da o sa vad io cum o-i scoate-o la capat...

Confidence Tip: Trust 'the back part' of your mind!

As a human being, you are blessed with the most incredibly intelligent system, fine-tuned by millions of years of development.

Your unconscious mind moderates your body temperature, your co-ordination, your immune system. It allows you to remember things that you heard only once, years ago! It makes unbelievably complex tasks ridiculously easy, such as catching a ball, understanding a sentence, or recognising a smell.

You CAN trust it to do more for you. If it can do all this, it can certainly think of what to say in social situations, give you greater abilities in any area you need, enable you to learn almost anything you choose and much, much more.

All YOU need to do is let it. And to do this, you need to relax. When you're relaxed, your mind and brain function in a much more intelligent, focused and efficient way. When you do relax in a situation that used to make you nervous or tense, you'll really amaze yourself. (Or rather, your unconscious mind will amaze you!)

So, think about how it feels to just trust yourself a little more to do your best in a situation. Just have faith that whatever happens, you'll be OK. Relax and enjoy watching what your unconscious mind can do for you :-)


Trainer Tip - Trusting Yourself Naturally

Trusting yourself more will come naturally as a result of using the Trainer. Through the thinking exercises, and perspective-shifting psychology and the hypnotic sessions, you will simply be more relaxed in situations that used to be difficult.

In addition, your unconscious mind will gain a clear blueprint of the way you want to be. Your conscious and unconscious mind will both be 'pulling in the same direction'!

QUOTE(Afrodita @ 15 Jun 2011, 09:00 AM) *
Ma rog, asta e parerea mea si sfatul meu ce nu l-ai cerut smile.gif Nu trebuie sa-l urmezi, da' sper din suflet ca n-o sa te mai consideri grasa curand hug.gif (ca NU esti! smile.gif )

Mersi de sfaturi, le citesc si le las sa dospeasca si alea-n mine smile.gif
am mancat azi mamaliga prajita. An batut un ou cu sare si cu doua linguri de lapte, am adaugat faina de malai pana am obtinut o crema mai fluida pe care am turnat-o intr-o tigaie peste ulei incins si am lasat-o cateva minute. Apoi am rupt bucati cu lingura de lemn si le-am intors sa se faca si pe cealalta parte. Cred ca merge super daca pun o lingura de parmezan razuit in ea si niste frunze de ceva tocate, poate de cimbru... si, desigur, piper. Mamanc mamaliga asta cu salata sau cu un pahar de iaurt sau kefir.

Today is the first day from the rest of my life. Azi e prima zi din viata mea cand nu am nimic de asuns si nu sunt secretul nimanui. Am inceput devreme in viata, chiar din copilarie cand am ascuns-o pe mama beata de tata, pe tata cu femeile lui de mama, pe mama de restul lumii, pe tata de restul lumii. Cand am inceput sa-mi cladesc eu relatii le-am cladit la fel, tot cu ascunsuri si ascunzisuri. Mereu am avut de tinut pe cineva sau ceva in secret.
Azi nu mai am secrete, nu sunt secretul nimanui si nu trebuie sa ma ascund sau feresc de nimeni. Azi am totul clar si clarificat. Si o sa am maaare grija ca situatia sa ramana asa! Si pentru claritatea asta sunt recunoscatoare Universului. Multumesc!
Is asa de "tare" ca o sa ma pup cand ma-ntalnesc ohyeah.gif
Am suparat-o pe fosta sefa refuzand sa fac un rahat ce mi l-a pretins. Nu e obisnuita s-o refuz sorry.gif Anyway, i-am spus parerea mea. O iesit trantind usa. La care eu am strigat pe un ton plin de iubire (nu, nu sunt sarcastica): "Va rog nu faceti asta!". Eu stiu ca are cu nervii si la serviciu multi se organizeaza in functie de nervii ei. Daaar daca are cu nervii atunci sa mearga la doctor ca eu nu am asemenea competente. smile.gif Saptamana trecuta am venit cu bicicleta si am vazut_o in parcare cum isi cearta masina in gura mare ca de ce e murdara pe dinauntru unsure.gif Noa si eu iau la modul personal ce-mi zice cineva care isi cearta masina... sorry.gif

Mai ramane sa vad cum fac cu colega din birou la care azi am fost cu o intrebare. Am intrat si am zis "As avea o intrebare". La care ea n-a reactionat, a ramas intoarsa cu spatele. Dupa cateva secunde s-a intors spre mine si-a zis "Sprich!" adica "Vorbeste!"... sa vedem ce solutie plina de iubire o sa gasesc pentru ea...
pana la urma nu mai e nevoie sa merg de baby-sitter azi. Acuma-s libera pana la 6 deseara, fac un chili con cane fara carne biggrin.gif si impachetez.
Ca sa economisesc banii de cutii de carton am strans de la lucru cutiile de la cornfleicshi si hartii de buda. Is incapatoare si stabile.

B-si fa de cap dar deocamdata is bine distantata si asa o sa si raman.

poza asta e cea mai frumoasa poza ce-am facut-o vreodata

aseara tarziu am golit sticla de vin inceputa acuma 3 zile cu K. El nu mai sta la noi, s-a mutat intr-un alt hotel pentru doua nopti. Am povestit iar pana tarziu si mi-am notat niste autori si titluri de carti de la el. Si am prins unele idei pe care inca le rumeg. A plecat pe la miezul noptii sa duca bicicleta inapoi si stia ca de la bici la hotelul lui are de trecut o padurice, i-am dat sprayul meu de protectie, ca suvenir biggrin.gif

E nascut in 1938. Si-a inceput studiul in psihologie la 50 de ani. Asta a fost visul lui. S-a specializat in psihoterapie si inca niste chestii pe care nu le-am retinut. E absolut vital si are o piele asa de frumoasa pe fata... atat de clara... Eu am nevoie de oameni in varsta in jurul meu. Mama a murit relativ tanara, in chinuri si neimpacata cu soarta ei. Tata refuza sa accepte imbatranirea ca pe ceva normal si se teme la modul panicos de moarte. Am nevoie de oameni in varsta linistiti, sereni si fericiti in jurul meu. De la ei invat cum sa imbatranesc.

Cautand sa comand titlurile ce mi le-a recomandat, la o carte am dat peste versiunea comentata. De cine? De cineva care e oaspete stabil la noi. Vine anual cu un grup de studenti care iau parte la concursul de literatura Premiul Ingeborg Bachmann smile.gif Ce mica e lumea...!

Cum am intrat pe usa apartamentului mi-a venit un sms de la L prin care imi spunea sa stau linistita mai departe dar el merge sa se culce ca are azi program incarcat inainte de a veni incoace. L-am sunat scurt si i-am spus ca merg si eu la culcare si i-am urat noapte buna. Apoi m-a sunat K sa-mi spuna c-a trecut cu bine prin padurice, fara sa fi fost nevoie sa faca uz de spray rolleyes.gif
You are reading from the book The Language of Letting Go

Master the lessons of your present circumstances.

We do not move forward by resisting what is undesirable in our life today. We move forward, we grow, we change by acceptance.

Avoidance is not the key; surrender opens the door.

Listen to this truth: We are each in our present circumstances for a reason. There is a lesson, a valuable lesson that must be learned before we can move forward.

Something important is being worked out in us, and in those around us. We may not be able to identify it today; but we can know that it is important. We can know it is good.

Overcome not by force, overcome by surrender. The battle is fought, and won, inside ourselves. We must go through it until we learn, until we accept, until we become grateful, until we are set free.

Today, I will be open to the lessons of my present circumstances. I do not have to label, know, or understand what I'm learning; I will see clearly in time. For today, trust and gratitude are sufficient.
am facut curat, ordine, am pregatit o masa pentru lucrurile lui bebe si am aranjat patul. Mi-am pregatit mancarea astfel incat atunci cand ea doame eu sa pun doar la incalzit. M-am imbracat comod, incaltat cu incaltamnte de sport. Ca sa pot avea grija de bebe trebe sa am grija de mine prima data. Peste o jumatate de ora vine bebina smile.gif

sper ca n-am uitat nimic. Si daca am uitat sper c-o sa fiu destul de isteata incat sa improvizez smile.gif
QUOTE(wulfenia @ 16 Jun 2011, 06:19 PM) *
poza asta e cea mai frumoasa poza ce-am facut-o vreodata

Imi place mult poza asta, ai facut-o in Italia cumva?
QUOTE(wulfenia @ 17 Jun 2011, 09:31 AM) *
am facut curat, ordine, am pregatit o masa pentru lucrurile lui bebe si am aranjat patul. Mi-am pregatit mancarea astfel incat atunci cand ea doame eu sa pun doar la incalzit. M-am imbracat comod, incaltat cu incaltamnte de sport. Ca sa pot avea grija de bebe trebe sa am grija de mine prima data. Peste o jumatate de ora vine bebina smile.gif

sper ca n-am uitat nimic. Si daca am uitat sper c-o sa fiu destul de isteata incat sa improvizez smile.gif

f frumos smile.gif
sa ne pove cum a fost. sa ai o zi linistita
Feli da,poza am facut-o la venezia smile.gif

Ieri o fost totul super fain pana pe la 6 cand o inceput sa urle si s-o calmat pe la 8, ajjj de viata mea rofl.gif

oricum trebuie sa invat ca si de plang ca in cea mai mare disperare nu inseamna ca sunt in pericol. Inseamna ca sunt obositi de exemplu... noa, ieri am plans si eu si am sunat-o pe prietena mea care are 5 nepoti si deci ceva mai multa experienta...

Dupa parerea mea este prea mult 8 ore de trei ori pe saptamana departe de mama cand bebe are 4-5 luni... cred eu... ma rog, eu is numai o data pe saptamana "de serviciu". E mama singura mama bebelei si tatal inca nu-i plateste alimentele fetei.

Acuma o sa fiu rea si o sa.mi bag narile unde nu e treaba mea. De-as fi in papucii prietenei mele nu mi-as lua o slujba cu orar redus la care castig circa 400 de euro si-mi las fata pe unde pot ci m-as lasa de fumat ca banii acolo-s. Noa am zis-o ca altfel imi exploda creierul desi n-am io ce sa am o parere despre cum isi organizeaza altii viata, ia sa-mi vad io de ale mele...
You are reading from the book The Language of Letting Go
Being Vulnerable

Part of recovery means learning to share ourselves with other people. We learn to admit our mistakes and expose our imperfections - not so that others can fix us, rescue us, or feel sorry for us, but so we can love and accept ourselves. This sharing is a catalyst in healing and changing.

Many of us are fearful of sharing our imperfections because that makes us vulnerable. Some of us have tried being vulnerable in the past, and people tried to control, manipulate, or exploit us, or they made us feel ashamed.

Some of us in recovery have hurt ourselves by being vulnerable. We may have shared things with people who didn't respect our confidence. Or we may have told the wrong people at an inappropriate time, and scared them away.

We learn from our mistakes - and despite our mistakes, it is still a good thing to allow ourselves to be vulnerable and honest. We can learn to choose safe people with whom to share ourselves. We can learn to share appropriately, so we don't scare or push people away. We can also learn to let others be vulnerable with us.

Today, God, help me learn to be appropriately vulnerable. I will not let others exploit or shame me for being vulnerable, and I will not exploit myself.

Si eu as face la fel.M-as lasa de fumat smile.gif

Carmen, dupa ce bebele meu a plans din momentul in care am venit cu el acasa de la spital mi-am zis , na o fi o indispozitie.Dupa ce a plans in continuare toata noaptea m-am gandit ca sunt o mama de rahat ca nu sunt buna de nimica.Dupa ce o plans zilele urmatoare m-am gandit ca am sa mor.Si dupa ce o plans saptamanile urmatoare si nu am murit mi-am zis ca sunt eroina.Si cand pe la 7 luni s-o oprit jur ca-mi lipsea ceva rofl.gif

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