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HanuAncutei.com - ARTA de a conversa > Odaia Noutatilor > Politica interna si externa. Stiri din Romania.
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QUOTE (March @ 23 Mar 2006, 11:21 AM)
Din ciclul : " Rezultatele teoriei si practicii " ,

Romanii, afectati psihic de comunism

Tipul mi se pare ca vrea sa faca lobby meseriei sale in primul rind si de-aia se leaga de aspecte care intuieste ca pot fi justificative. rolleyes.gif

Relevant din citatul urmator e partea subliniata : wink.gif


In Romania traieste, de exemplu, o populatie de 35-40 de ani care a avut de suferit, in perioada copilariei, din cauza realitatilor comunismului. Barbatii si femeile erau cu totii constransi sa mearga la serviciu, iar multi dintre copii au fost crescuti de bunicii lor. ( n.mea - hai nu ma innebuni !! Asta era marea suferinta din perioada copilariei ?? blink.gif dar aia care au fost crescuti in crese cu program prelungit si apoi s-au descurcat cu "cheia la git" cum era inainte expresia ? tongue.gif )

Cand bunicii au murit, in cele din urma, s-au trezit in fata unor parinti cu care stabilisera prea putine legaturi. Lucrul acesta a avut, cu siguranta, un impact puternic asupra psihicului lor. Cred ca, in timp, romanii nu vor mai fi atat de reticenti, pe masura ce psihanaliza va ajunge sa faca parte si din cultura lor.

March - ma asteptam la ceva mai inteligent si mai "vitriolant" din partea ta. laugh.gif
Mai demult am postat un mesaj, pe aici pe forum, insa nu mai stiu la ce topic, probabil la unul despre masonerie, mesaj in care vorbeam despre Cristian Rakovski (Rakovsky), Chaim Rakeover pe numele lui adevarat. Mai exact despre interogatoriul care i-a fost luat de un ofiter NKVD, Kuzmin. La vremea aceea, cand am scris acel mesaj, nu era nici o referinta pe google cu privire la Rakovski (Rakovsky). Acum vad ca abunda netul de ele.
Cine va avea ocazia sa gaseasca si sa citeasca interogatoriul va avea cheia cu care sa inteleaga natura comunismului si istoria ultimilor 100 de ani. Ideile lui Rakovsky l-au inspirat pe Stalin, in incheierea pactului Ribbentrop-Molotov, sub acordul tacit al trozkistilor americani, astazi numiti neoconi. Pe atunci li se zicea trozkisti pentru ca l-au trimis pe Trotzki (pe numelel lui adevarat, Leon Bronstein) cu tot banetul necesar in Rusia pentru a finanta Revolutia bolsevica. Trotzki a fost chiar ginerele unui din cei mai bogati oameni ai planetei, familie din cercul Ocultei financiare. Partida bolsevicilor s-a nascut din transformarea unei intregi loji masonice in partid. Intre ei erau loja, pentru vulg erau partid.
In timpul Revolutiei bolsevice francmasonice, Rakovki asta, Chaim Rakeover, avea iddea fixa de a bolseviza Romania. Cum? Prin teroare si cu arma in mana, din postura de Comisar bolsevic, sef al Rumcherod.
Ce e aia? E: Rumcherod (Russian: Румчерод) was a short-lived organ of Soviet power in the South-Western Ukraine and Bessarabia that functioned during May 1917–May 1918. The name is the transliteration of the Russian language abbreviation for "Rumania" + "Black Sea" + "Odessa" (Румыния + Черное море + Одесса), the full name being Central Executive Committee of the Soviets of Romanian Front, Black Sea Fleet, and Odessa Military District.

At these times the Odessa Military District (Odessa Military Okrug) included Kherson guberniya, Bessarabia guberniya, Taurida guberniya and parts of Podolia and Volhynia guberniyas.

Rumcherod was created at the 1st Congress of Front and District Soviets in Odessa, May 10–May 27, 1917 (May 23–June 9 O.S.). The majority in the initial membership were Mensheviks and Esers, who supported the Russian Provisional Government and the continuation of the war to the very end. Their position was against Bolsheviks and their October Revolution. Therefore by the order of Sovnarkom, Chief Commander Nikolai Krylenko and Military Revolutionary Committee at Stavka, Rumcherod was dismissed and a new one (180 persons) was elected at the 2nd Congress of Front and District Soviets in Odessa, December 10–December 23, 1917 (December 23, 1917–January 5, 1918 O.S.). The composition of the second Rumcherod was 70 Bolsheviks, 55 left Esers, 23 representatives of peasant organizations, and 32 from other parties. A Bolshevik, Vladimir Yudovsky, was elected Chairman.

In March 1918 the invasion of Austria-German troops forced Rumcherod to evacuate to Nikolayev, then to Rostov-on-Don, and then to Yeysk. In May 1918 it was dissolved.

Ca aperitiv:

Esenta comunismului in: Simfonia en Rajo Major, capitolul IX, Radiografia de la Revolucion

Rakovsky, adica Chaim Rakeover, catre ofiterul NKVD Kuzmin:
If it is necessary to end, then I can only express myself in this way. Let us see if I shall not be able yet to help to understand. It is known that Marxism was called Hegelian. So this question was vulgarised.Hegelian idealism is a widespread adjustment to an uninformed understanding in the West of the natural mysticism of Baruch Spinosa. "They" are Spinosists: perhaps the matter is the other way round, i.e. that Spinosism is "Them," insofar as he is only a version adequate to the epoch of "Their" own philosophy, which is a much earlier one, standing on a much higher level. After all, a Hegelian and for that reason also the follower of Spinosa, was devoted to his faith, but only temporarily, tactically. The matter does not stand as is claimed by Marxism, that as the result of the elimination of contradictions there arises the synthesis. It is as the result of the opposing mutual fusion, from the thesis and anti-thesis that there arises, as a synthesis, the reality, truth, as a final harmony between the subjective and objective. Do you not see that already? In Moscow there is Communism: in New York Capitalism. It is all the same as a thesis and anti-thesis. Analyze both. Moscow is subjective Communism, but Capitalism objective - State Capitalism. New York: Capitalism subjective, but Communism objective. A personal synthesis, truth: the Financial International, the Capitalist-Communist one. "They."
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