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> Placeri Gratuite Sau Foarte Ieftine, Aduc banii fericirea?
mesaj 26 Apr 2008, 04:22 PM
Mesaj #1156


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 366
Inscris: 8 November 06
Forumist Nr.: 8.912

QUOTE(mutulica @ 26 Apr 2008, 08:10 AM) *
stie Helmuth ceva

Si mai stiu ca trebuie sa ne ferim de individualism si materialism,, de surse de depresie precum goana dupa sporirea banilor si statutului, , de inegalitatile sociale, caci sporesc si perpetueaza coruptia, . Plus ca s-a demonstrat stiintifica ca renuntarea la materialism sporeste fericirea,, lucru cu care si prof. Vani Borooah e de acord.

munceste mai putin, traieste mai mult!
Fericire fara bani
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mesaj 9 May 2008, 12:56 PM
Mesaj #1157


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 1.930
Inscris: 3 November 03
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Zic: nu trebuie sa luati extremele. Normal ca nimeni nu se asteapta sa stai cu burta la soare si sa astepti sa mori fericit la 102 ani. Eu nu cred ca Helmuth a vrut sa spuna asta in deschiderea topicului. E normal sa ai un job si sa castigi bani. Era vorba de alergat dupa bani - adicatelea, mult, mult, tot mai mult! Era vorba de ideea ca unora nu le ajunge cat au si vor sa aiba mai mult si mai mult.

Ca de obicei, calea moderata cred ca e cea mai OK si in cazul banilor si a alergaturii dupa bani si cariera si titluri...

"Marile fericiri ie mute...."
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mesaj 13 May 2008, 11:06 AM
Mesaj #1158


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 366
Inscris: 8 November 06
Forumist Nr.: 8.912

Dr. Csikszentmihalyi si starea de flux

Dr. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi preda psihologia la Universitatea din Claremont, California. Printre pozitiile ocupate in trecut se numara cea de sef al departamentului de psihologie din Universitatea din Chicago, si al departamentului de sociologie si antropologie la Colegiul Lake Forest. E suficient sa mai spunem aici ca insusi Martin Seligman, fostul presedinte al Asociatiei Psihologilor Americani, l-a descris pe Csikszentmihalyi ca fiind cel mai important cercetator din lume in domeniul emotiilor pozitive si fericirii.
In articolul sau intitulat sugestiv „If We Are So Rich, Why Aren't We Happy?”, American Psychologist, Volume 54(10), octombrie 1999, pag. 821–827, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi vorbeste mai intai de realitatea conform careia odata trecut un anumit prag modest, veniturile nu se mai coreleaza semnificativ cu fericirea, apoi prezinta explicatiile acestei stari de fapt pentru ca la urma sa prezinte o posibilitatea de a spori fericirea intr-o maniera ce nu presupune deloc acumularea de bani si care se dovedeste a fi si mult mai eficienta. Sa-l urmarim deci:

Realitatea: banii nu sporesc semnificativ fericirea
„Inhabitants of the wealthiest industrialized Western nations are living in a period of unprecedented riches, in conditions that previous generations would have considered luxuriously comfortable, in relative peace and security, and they are living on the average close to twice as long as their great-grandparents did. Yet, despite all these improvements in material conditions, it does not seem that people are so much more satisfied with their lives than they were before. (...) Although cross-national comparisons show a reasonable correlation between the wealth of a country as measured by its gross national product and the self-reported happiness of its inhabitants (Inglehart, 1990), the relationship is far from perfect. The inhabitants of Germany and Japan, for instance, nations with more than twice the gross national product of Ireland, report much lower levels of happiness.

Comparisons within countries show an even weaker relationship between material and subjective well-being. Diener, Horwitz, and Emmons (1985), in a study of some of the wealthiest individuals in the United States, found their levels of happiness to be barely above that of individuals with average incomes. After following a group of lottery winners, Brickman, Coates, and Janoff-Bulman (1978) concluded that despite their sudden increase in wealth, their happiness was no different from that of people struck by traumas, such as blindness or paraplegia. That having more money to spend does not necessarily bring about greater subjective well-being has also been documented on a national scale by David G. Myers (1993). His calculations show that although the adjusted value of after-tax personal income in the United States has more than doubled between 1960 and 1990, the percentage of people describing themselves as “very happy” has remained unchanged at 30% (Myers, 1993, pp. 41–42).”

Explicatia acestei stari de fapt
Primul motiv

„I'll start by reflecting on why material rewards, which people regard so highly, do not necessarily provide the happiness expected from them. The first reason is the well-documented escalation of expectations. If people strive for a certain level of affluence thinking that it will make them happy, they find that on reaching it, they become very quickly habituated, and at that point they start hankering for the next level of income, property, or good health. In a 1987 poll conducted by the Chicago Tribune, people who earned less than $30,000 a year said that $50,000 would fulfill their dreams, whereas those with yearly incomes of over $100,000 said they would need $250,000 to be satisfied (“Pay Nags,” 1987; “Rich Think Big,” 1987; see also Myers, 1993, p. 57). Several studies have confirmed that goals keep getting pushed upward as soon as a lower level is reached. It is not the objective size of the reward but its difference from one's “adaptation level” that provides subjective value (e.g., Davis, 1959; Michalos, 1985; Parducci, 1995).”

Al doilea motiv
„The second reason is related to the first. When resources are unevenly distributed, people evaluate their possessions not in terms of what they need to live in comfort, but in comparison with those who have the most. Thus, the relatively affluent feel poor in comparison with the very rich and are unhappy as a result. This phenomenon of “relative deprivation” (Martin, 1981; Williams, 1975) seems to be fairly universal and well-entrenched. In the United States, the disparity in incomes between the top percentage and the rest is getting wider; this does not bode well for the future happiness of the population.”

Al treilea motiv
„The third reason is that even though being rich and famous might be rewarding, nobody has ever claimed that material rewards alone are sufficient to make us happy. Other conditions—such as a satisfying family life, having intimate friends, having time to reflect and pursue diverse interests—have been shown to be related to happiness (Myers, 1993; Myers & Diener, 1995; Veenhoven, 1988). There is no intrinsic reason why these two sets of rewards—the material and the socioemotional—should be mutually exclusive. In practice, however, it is very difficult to reconcile their conflicting demands. As many psychologists from William James (1890) to Herbert A. Simon (1969) have remarked, time is the ultimate scarce resource, and the allocation of time (or more precisely, of attention over time) presents difficult choices that eventually determine the content and quality of our lives. This is why professional and business persons find it so difficult to balance the demands of work and family, and why they so rarely feel that they have not shortchanged one of these vital aspects of their lives.

Material advantages do not readily translate into social and emotional benefits. In fact, to the extent that most of one's psychic energy becomes invested in material goals, it is typical for sensitivity to other rewards to atrophy. Friendship, art, literature, natural beauty, religion, and philosophy become less and less interesting. The Swedish economist Stephen Linder was the first to point out that as income and therefore the value of one's time increases, it becomes less and less “rational” to spend it on anything besides making money—or on spending it conspicuously (Linder, 1970). The opportunity costs of playing with one's child, reading poetry, or attending a family reunion become too high, and so one stops doing such irrational things. Eventually a person who only responds to material rewards becomes blind to any other kind and loses the ability to derive happiness from other sources (see also Benedikt, 1999; Scitovsky, 1975). As is true of addiction in general, material rewards at first enrich the quality of life. Because of this, we tend to conclude that more must be better. But life is rarely linear; in most cases, what is good in small quantities becomes commonplace and then harmful in larger doses.”

Pe scurt, faptul ca ne obisnuim rapid cu un nivel superior de venituri, ca atata timp cat altii au mai mult decat noi, nu vom fi satisfacuti cu ce avem si ca goana dupa bani inseamna munca in exces care rapeste din timpul cuvenit surselor verificate de fericire, sunt tot atatea motive universale care dovedesc ca lacomia de bani si acceptarea inegalitatilor socio-economice sunt in cel mai bun caz ineficiente, in cel mai rau daunatoare bunastarii psihice umane. Dupa cum concluzioneaza Csikszentmihalyi, „ None of this is intended to suggest that the material rewards of wealth, health, comfort, and fame detract from happiness. Rather, after a certain minimum threshold—which is not stable but varies with the distribution of resources in the given society—they seem to be irrelevant.”

Experienta fluxului
Csikszentmihalyi explica faptul ca a intra in starea de flux este o cale spre sporirea fericirii, ce nu depinde de bani sau lux. Starea la care se refera psihologul este descrisa de wikipedia ca fiind „the mental state of operation in which the person is fully immersed in what he or she is by a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and success in the process of the activity.”

In cuvintele autorului,
„The concept describes a particular kind of experience that is so engrossing and enjoyable that it becomes autotelic, that is, worth doing for its own sake even though it may have no consequence outside itself. Creative activities, music, sports, games, and religious rituals are typical sources for this kind of experience. Autotelic persons are those who have such flow experiences relatively often, regardless of what they are doing.

Of course, we never do anything purely for its own sake. Our motives are always a mixture of intrinsic and extrinsic considerations. For instance, composers may write music because they hope to sell it and pay the bills, because they want to become famous, because their self-images depends on writing songs—all of these being extrinsic motives. But if the composers are motivated only by these extrinsic rewards, they are missing an essential ingredient. In addition to these rewards, they could also enjoy writing music for its own sake—in which case, the activity would become autotelic. My studies (e.g., Csikszentmihalyi, 1975, 1996, 1997) have suggested that happiness depends on whether a person is able to derive flow from whatever he or she does.”

In ce consta starea de flux?
„A brief selection from one of the more than 10,000 interviews collected from around the world might provide a sense of what the flow experience is like. Asked how it felt when writing music was going well, a composer responded: You are in an ecstatic state to such a point that you feel as though you almost don't exist. I have experienced this time and time again. My hand seems devoid of myself, and I have nothing to do with what is happening. I just sit there watching in a state of awe and wonderment. And the music just flows out by itself. (Csikszentmihalyi, 1975, p. 44). This response is quite typical of most descriptions of how people feel when they are thoroughly involved in something that is enjoyable and meaningful to the person. First of all, the experience is described as “ecstatic”: in other words, as being somehow separate from the routines of everyday life. This sense of having stepped into a different reality can be induced by environmental cues, such as walking into a sport event, a religious ceremony, or a musical performance, or the feeling can be produced internally, by focusing attention on a set of stimuli with their own rules, such as the composition of music.
Next, the composer claims that “you feel as though you almost don't exist.” This dimension of the experience refers to involvement in the activity being so demanding that no surplus attention is left to monitor any stimuli irrelevant to the task at hand. Thus, chess players might stand up after a game and realize that they have splitting headaches and must run to the bathroom, whereas for many hours during the game they had excluded all information about their bodily states from consciousness.
The composer also refers to the felt spontaneity of the experience: “My hand seems devoid of myself … I have nothing to do with what is happening.” Of course, this sense of effortless performance is only possible because the skills and techniques have been learned and practiced so well that they have become automatic. This brings up one of the paradoxes of flow: One has to be in control of the activity to experience it, yet one should not try to consciously control what one is doing. (...)

You lose your sense of time, you're completely enraptured, you are completely caught up in what you're doing, and you are sort of swayed by the possibilities you see in this work. If that becomes too powerful, then you get up, because the excitement is too great ….”

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi clarifica faptul ca starea de flux nu depinde de belsugul material: „The prerequisite for happiness is the ability to get fully involved in life. If the material conditions are abundant, so much the better, but lack of wealth or health need not prevent one from finding flow in whatever circumstances one finds at hand. In fact, our studies suggest that children from the most affluent families find it more difficult to be in flow—compared with less well-to-do teenagers, they tend to be more bored, less involved, less enthusiastic, less excited.”

Pentru mai multe detalii despre starea de flux, continutul ei, conditiile de aparitie ale ei etc. puteti citi articolul din care am citat, la adresa: http://www.educ.msu.edu/DWongLibrary/CEP99...i-RichHappy.doc
Si mai indicat e sa ii cititi cartea „Starea de flux”, aparuta in limba romana la Editura Curtea Veche, in anul 2007.
Ca un scurt rezumat, fericirea depinde prea putin de avere si bogatie odata ce o limita minima e depasita, in schimb poate fi sporita daca invatam sa ne „afundam” in activitatile noastre zilnice, ca savuram clipa prezenta, sa ne concentram asupra activitatilor noastre chiar pana la punctul de uita de noi. Iar atunci cand putem atinge starea de flux in moduri active, implicându-ne fizic, mental si emotional in activitati precum „work, sports, hobbies, meditation, and interpersonal relationships—then the chances for a complex life that leads to happiness improve.”

Alte teme de interes pentru acest topic, ce dovedesc ca adeptii placerilor ieftine si gratuite, nu cei care alearga dupa imbogatire si placeri costisitoare, au cele mai multe sanse de a-si spori fericirea:
Putem spori fericirea prin simplificarea vietii, sport si modestie

Si americanii incep sa renunte la materialism

Ce e mult dauneaza

Clive Hamilton indeamna spre downshifting

munceste mai putin, traieste mai mult!
Fericire fara bani
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Promo Contextual
mesaj 13 May 2008, 11:06 AM
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mesaj 21 Oct 2011, 05:32 PM
Mesaj #1159


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 10.490
Inscris: 19 January 05
Forumist Nr.: 5.473

un topic fain smile.gif

incerc o lista cu placeri gratuite sau ieftine cu care ma desfat eu tongue.gif
- plimbarea - in parcuri sau pe strazi pur si simplu; iar cand am ocazia, pe dealuri
- jucat cu copiii
- vizionat un documentar la tv, eventual inregistrat
- o mancare buna, cu cat mai ieftina si mai sanatoasa, cu atat placerea e mai mare
- o partida de sex
- privitul pe fereastra sau de pe balcon - am un view chiar fain
- statul la soare, sub un copac inflorit, in fata unei flori, in spatele unei albine tongue.gif , langa un fluture, sub o pasare etc
- privitul apei de pe malul raului/canalului
- o balaceala in rau
- un gratar la iarba verde
- privitul unui vitel laugh.gif
- privitul trenurilor in mers de deasupra
- admirat marea cu picioarele ingropate in nisip pana la genunchi
- adunat scoici sau pietre frumoase
- jucat cu colectia de nasturi rofl.gif
- jucat cu o pisica
- mancat un pepene ieftin la vremea lui
- jucat un joc pe calculator
- o cafea cu prietenele
- gatit impreuna cu o prietena
- cules fructe de la sursa
- pus conserve pentru iarna
- jucat in zapada
- folosit gresia din shopping centre pe post de alunecus
de completat

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."
Never asume.
A friend told me I was delusional. I almost fell off of my unicorn.
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+Quote Post
mesaj 21 Oct 2011, 06:00 PM
Mesaj #1160


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.816
Inscris: 16 March 04
Din: Bucuresti
Forumist Nr.: 2.605

QUOTE(Felina @ 21 Oct 2011, 06:32 PM) *
Placere gratuita sau ieftina:

- statul sub o pasare

Esti draguta sa-mi explici cum stai tu sub o pasare? Pur si simplu nu-mi imaginez...
Nu e periculos?
Ai vorbit la figurat?
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+Quote Post
mesaj 21 Oct 2011, 06:16 PM
Mesaj #1161


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 10.490
Inscris: 19 January 05
Forumist Nr.: 5.473

QUOTE(freeman @ 21 Oct 2011, 05:00 PM) *
Esti draguta sa-mi explici cum stai tu sub o pasare? Pur si simplu nu-mi imaginez...
Nu e periculos?
Ai vorbit la figurat?

hai domne... prea iei totul in serios, cred ca te-ai maturizat prea mult tongue.gif

uite cum se sta sub o pasare: te uiti pe cer cand zboara pasarile pe deasupra ta si le admiri laugh.gif

p.s. m-am exprimat si eu ca o cizma, da mi-era lene sa scriu...

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."
Never asume.
A friend told me I was delusional. I almost fell off of my unicorn.
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