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Versiune completa:Hugo Chavez
HanuAncutei.com - ARTA de a conversa > Odaia Noutatilor > Politica interna si externa. Stiri din Romania. > Politica Externa
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jet li
Stii ce e aia presedinte ales democratic ? Nu adus de rusi. Stii ce e aia constitutie pe care o lovitura de stat o incalca ? Adica pentru ca nu le-a iesit lor omul democratic au facut lovitura de stat, l-au arestat pe Chavez dar poporul a iesit in strada si l-a dat jos pe noul presedinte. Asta e democratie pentu tine , nu iesi in alegeri te pui singur ?
Chavez si sleahta lui ? Uita-te la flmul loviturii de stat cu care am inceput topicul, sa vezi ce face mass media. Imi pierd vremea cu oameni ca tine, care stiu istoria din imaginatie
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=58...805144&q=chavez - sari 25 de minute pana incepe lovitura de stat
Ai inceput sa ma plictisesti la topicul asta ! Sa ma chemi cand il vor da jos pe idolul tau. tongue.gif Acum ma duc la topicul despre sex ca-i mai... fierbinte ! laugh.gif
discutabila discutia despre posturile tv sau media de acolo, atita timp cit noi nu prea avem acces la ea ci vorbim din auzite...
si daca e pina acolo, ar trebui ca jurnalistii de la catavencu sa fi fost inchisi de mult...
jet li
Va rog priviti filmul loviturii de stat ,motivul pentru care am inceput topicul. Veti vedea diferenta intre tv de acolo si catavencu.
Chavez pregăteşte aparitia Republicii Socialiste Venezuela

Si uite asa acest sergent atins de boala terminala fidelista pregateste singur lovitura de stat care-l va matura de la putere !

Patria o muerte tongue.gif
...da si se pare ca ar fi real... biserica in venezuela nu a jucat niciodata un rol major....ceea ce vreau sa spun este altceva in aceasta tara este nevoie de mana forte pentru ca altfel ar intra sub dominatia americana ori s-ar zbate in razboaie civile...

... din anii 70 petrolul Venezuelei a jucat un rol important in zona insa economistii tari aveau pareri impartite in ceea ce priveau fondurile obtinute din aceasta resursa..unii sustineau investirea sumelor tot in industria petroliera iar altii pentru crearea altor zone industriale din care economia sa beneficieze...acest aspect a atras disputele din cadrul societatii si au fost contractate numeroase datorii externe ...au fost deschise noi intreprinderi mari care depindeau de ceea ce venezuela nu putea controla....pretul petrolului a scazut...preturile interne au crescut..coruptia a inflorit...saracia s-a diversificat culminand cu revoltele din 1989... au crescut operatiunile de gherila si odata cu instaurarea noului regim oamenii de la varf au trebuit sa se reorienteze ..si alaturi de tara vecina Columbia au inceput sa joace un rol important si pe piata drogurilor..
..Hugo Chavez..poate sa faca ce doreste intr-o tara in care .....ca de altfel in toata america latina toata populatia se zbate intr-o saracie incredibila....atata timp cat va fi un jucator important pe piata internationala a drogurilor lui Chavez i se va permite orice....America (S.U.A.) nu va interveni pentru ca are nevoie de piata si traficul care se manifesta in Venezuela cat si in tara cartelurilor Columbia...
...CAT PRIVESTE IDEEA ca s-ar autoproclama conducator al bisericii nu vad cat ar putea sa influenteze in vreun fel societatea americii latine...
..legat de societatile de informare ..am foarte multe rezerve atat de FOX NEWS cat si de ceea ce implica mass-media americana... ohmy.gif
...informatia adevarata este cea care este revelata nu cea redata... rofl.gif
jet li
A spus ca vrea socialism, apoi a fost votat de 63 %, e vointa celor din Venezuela, s-a vazut din Vietnam ca nu trebuie sa te bagi in treburile altora
Şi Ceaşcă era ales de tot poporul, cică, da' realitatea era un pic altfel.
jet li
Alegerile nu au fost falsificate in Venezuela
sunt in asentimentul tau jet li alegerile nu au fost falsificate....insa au fost manipulate masele ..ceea ce pentru mine este cam acelasi lucru poate mai grav.... cry.gif
jet li
Nu poti spune "oamenii sunt prosti si ii prosteste Chavez sa il voteze" , noi 20% destepti punem pe cel care il stim ca e bun.
Uita-te la semnatura mea, la fel ar putea zice si cei 80% despre candidatul celorlalti
Asta e democratia si asa trebuie sa ramana.
Vezi cum au iesit oamenii pe strazi cand Chavez a fost luat prozonier in timpul loviturii de stat, si oricum a spus ce va face inainte de a fi votat, apoi a fost votat, nu a mintit, acum face ce a spus.
...de data asta nu sunt de acord deloc...democratia nu inseamna sa te joci cu mintile oamenilor....da sunt oamenii alesi dar sa ne fim intelesi ...alesi de cine?... in spiritul cui?...intotdeauna cauta sa vezi cum a ajuns o personalitate de orice fel in prim plan si ai sa descoperi lucruri uluitoare....chavez a fost propulsat din randurile armatei...forta care decide in America Latina...din randul luptatorilor de gherila mai exact...care controlau o parte puternica din coruptia la nivel inalt...cand s-a pus problema alegerii sale pe rand ceilalti candidati au fost eliminati...e firesc...dar 2 ,3 persoane aflate in lupta trebuie sa beneficieze de drepturi egale dc vrem sa vb de democratie...
....insa eu ma delimitez aci pentru ca eu nu sunt un adept al democratiei sub nici un fel..avand in vedere pe ce baze s-a faurit conceptul...

......chavez nu ar fi luat niciodata puterea daca nu ar fi fost sprijinit .... de cine ..??..hmmm... ohyeah.gif
jet li
Uita-te la filmul din primul meu post sa vezi ce facea armata care zici ca l-a ajutat sa ia puterea. Poate l-a ajutat dar nu si-a dat seama ce va face cu ea. Vezi si cine l-a ajutat sa o pastreze
Uite ce pateste o tara care e al 6 lea producator mondial de petrol http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=57...6138363045546&q
Io iti sugerez sa te muti acolo imediat ce idolul tau o declara republica socialista laugh.gif
Alta invitatie a lu' Hugo la o lovitura de stat care sa-l dea cu cracii in sus tongue.gif

Iran's Ahmadinejad to meet U.S. foes in visit to South America

Ahmadinejad will leave Tehran on Friday and begin his tour Saturday morning in Caracas, where he will meet and hold talks with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. Ahmadinejad last visited Venezuela in September 2006.

Chavez, a stringent opponent of the U.S., has openly defended Tehran's nuclear program

Patria o Muerte, Venceremos ! tongue.gif
Gata, dictatura a venit in Venezuela wink.gif Jedi Li, timp sa emigrezi catre America de Sud biggrin.gif

Rule by decree passed for Chavez

Venezuela's National Assembly has given initial approval to a bill granting the president the power to bypass congress and rule by decree for 18 months.

President Hugo Chavez says he wants "revolutionary laws" to enact sweeping political, economic and social changes.

He has said he wants to nationalise key sectors of the economy and scrap limits on the terms a president can serve.

Mr Chavez began his third term in office last week after a landslide election victory in December.

The bill allowing him to enact laws by decree is expected to win final approval easily in the assembly on its second reading on Tuesday.

Venezuela's political opposition has no representation in the National Assembly since it boycotted elections in 2005.


Mr Chavez approved 49 laws by decree during the first year of his previous term, after the assembly passed a similar "Enabling Law" in November 2000.

Now the president says an Enabling Law is a key step in what he calls an accelerating march toward socialism.

He has said he wants to see major Venezuelan power and telecoms companies come under state control.

Mr Chavez also called for an end to foreign ownership of lucrative crude oil refineries in the Orinoco region.

Critics of the president accuse him of trying to build an authoritarian regime with all institutional powers consolidated into his own hands.

But, National Assembly President Cilia Flores said "there will always be opponents, and especially when they know that these laws will deepen the revolution".

Campaigning for the elections last year, Mr Chavez vowed he would strengthen his "Bolivarian revolution", named after the 19th-Century Latin American independence fighter.

Ce face Jet Li acum? Tace malc? rolleyes.gif
QUOTE (axel @ 20 Jan 2007, 10:21 AM)
Ce face Jet Li acum? Tace malc? rolleyes.gif

Cauta link-uri pentru raspuns ! rofl.gif
Pe Google Video laugh.gif
jet li
Eu il sustin in continuare, a spus ce va face inainte sa fie votat. Cand o sa aud ca isi impusca sau inchide oponentii atunci nu il mai sustin
A mai avut o perioada in care a condus prin decret, la fel acordata de parament
Ceausescu si poporul! Ceausescu si poporul!

Nici nu ma asteptam sa te manifesti altfel decat ca un apologist wink.gif
jet li
Care i problema Axel, stii ce e aia democratie ? Oamenii au stiut ce aleg.
In nici un caz nu ai voie sa zici : oamenii sunt prosti ! sa le luam dreptul la vot ! - te transformi in cea ce urasti - dictator. Am spus - cand aud ca isi inchide oponentii , si cenzureaza tot - adica e dictator, nu il mai sustin. Dar am incredere ca nu va face aceste lucruri
Imi pare rau, dar habar n-ai ce e aia democratie.
jet li
Ce e ? "Vointa poporului". Cum isi exprima poporul vointa ? Prin vot. Votul nu trebuie obstructionat in nici un fel
Uite aici un congressman american tine un discurs. Spune cum e legata stabilitatea dolarului de faptul ca petrolul in intreaga lume se vinde pe dolari, si actiunile USA pentru a mentine acest lucru
jet li
Ce destept esti. Daca Chavez nu mai lasa sa se organizeze alegeri - dictator. Pana atunci nu
Cum spuneam, n-ai nici macar cunostinte elementare despre democratie...
Cand o sa aud ca isi impusca sau inchide oponentii atunci nu il mai sustin

In general asa gandeste si poporul, dar problema e ca daca trebuie sa se ajunga la asta ca un popor sa se trezeasca, e prea tarziu...
First they came.....


When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out."
jet li
Stiu poezia aia, e foarte buna pentru America, nu stiu ce are cu Venezuela.
Cautati si voi filme despre Venezuela pe google video sa vedeti ce e pe acolo, cata vreme nu inchide pe nimeni si organizeaza iar alegeri in 2012 cand isi termina mandatul nu stiu ce aveti cu el
Explica mi axel ce e aia democratie ?
Poezia aia a fost facuta despre nazism.
Poezia aia, adaptata, merge si despre "war on terror".
Poezia aia, adaptata, merge si despre instaurarea oricarei dictataturi. Comuniste sau nu.
jet li
Dictatura - nu mai poti spune orice , nu mai sunt alegeri. In Venezuela nu e asa
In SUA e dictatura, poti inca sa spui orice, si alegerile nu mai sunt, au fost furate. Observatorii internationali s-au declarat mai multumiti de alegerile din Venezuela decat cele din SUA
Da? Atunci cum explici reflexele de dictator ale lui Chavez? (vezi articolul postat acum 2 zile)
Explica mi axel ce e aia democratie ?

Eh, cauta si tu pe google un film...
jet li
A mai avut o perioada in care a condus la fel. Ii permite constitutia daca a cerut acordul parlamentului.
Blakut, sa explic ce se intampla in Venezuela mi-ar lua o zi sa scriu aici. Deomocratie e mai usor de explicat si am si spus definitia mea
jet li
Uitati aici : Chavez inaintea alegerilor a renuntat la emisiunea lui de 6 ore in fiecare duminica ,unde vorbea prin telefon cu oamenii , ca sa nu se spuna ca are mai mult timp la tv decat opozitia. Am gasit si eu ceva bun despre el sa va arat
A vociferous former paratroop commander who revels in the role of talk-show host, Chavez suspended "Hello President" over five months ago, saying that broadcasting the weekly program would have constituted unfair use of state airtime ahead of December's presidential election.
Chavez gets sweeping new powers

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has been granted new special powers after an extraordinary assembly vote in the main square of the capital, Caracas.

Mr Chavez will now be able to rule by decree for the next 18 months.

His planned reforms will affect the energy sector, telecommunications, the economy and defence, among others.

Mr Chavez has said the legislation will transform the country into a socialist society. Opponents describe the new law as an abuse of power.

In the open-air public ceremony in the capital, lawmakers voted unanimously to grant the Venezuelan leader the new powers, shouting: "Long live Socialism."

Congressional Vice President Roberto Hernandez said the assembly passed the law so Mr Chavez could "urgently set up the framework for resolving the grave problems we have".

According to the so-called enabling law, the president can remake laws for "the construction of a new, sustainable economic and social model" to achieve an equal distribution of wealth.

Mr Chavez will be able to effect change by presidential decree in 11 broad areas.

jet li
Fast track authority pentru Bush
Esti offtopic, Jet Li. Ce ai postat tu n-are nici o legatura cu Chavez.
Gata ! Hugo a devenit EL Lider Maximo al Venezuelei ! Parlamentul l-a votat cu mana sus si a strigat la unison : " Traiasca poporul suveran ! Traiasca presedintele Chavez ! Traiasca socialismul ! Patria, socialismul sau moartea ! "

Asta se intampla in tara care este al 4-lea producator de petrol din lume !
jet li
Si ce daca e al 4 lea producator ? Daca vor sa nu mai vanda nimanui sau sa vanda Chinei in loc de US e dreptul lor. Dupa cum s-a comportat US in Venezuela - lovitura de stat, si in America de Sud de obicei, asta ar merita

In an executive order published last week in the Federal Register, Bush said that each agency must have a regulatory policy office run by a political appointee, to supervise the development of rules and documents providing guidance to regulated industries. The White House will thus have a gatekeeper in each agency to analyze the costs and the benefits of new rules and to make sure the agencies carry out the president’s priorities.
Meat, Sugar Scarce in Venezuela Stores

CARACAS, Venezuela -- Meat cuts vanished from Venezuelan supermarkets this week, leaving only unsavory bits like chicken feet, while costly artificial sweeteners have increasingly replaced sugar, and many staples sell far above government-fixed prices.

President Hugo Chavez's administration blames the food supply problems on unscrupulous speculators, but industry officials say government price controls that strangle profits are responsible. Authorities on Wednesday raided a warehouse in Caracas and seized seven tons of sugar hoarded by vendors unwilling to market the inventory at the official price.

Major private supermarkets suspended sales of beef earlier this week after one chain was shut down for 48 hours for pricing meat above government-set levels, but an agreement reached with the government on Wednesday night promises to return meat to empty refrigerator shelves.

Shortages have sporadically appeared with items from milk to coffee since early 2003, when Chavez began regulating prices for 400 basic products as a way to counter inflation and protect the poor.

Yet inflation has soared to an accumulated 78 percent in the last four years in an economy awash in petrodollars, and food prices have increased particularly swiftly, creating a widening discrepancy between official prices and the true cost of getting goods to market in Venezuela.

"Shortages have increased significantly as well as violations of price controls," Central Bank director Domingo Maza Zavala told the Venezuelan broadcaster Union Radio on Thursday. "The difference between real market prices and controlled prices is very high."

Most items can still be found, but only by paying a hefty markup at grocery stores or on the black market. A glance at prices in several Caracas supermarkets this week showed milk, ground coffee, cheese and beans selling between 30 percent to 60 percent above regulated prices.

The state runs a nationwide network of subsidized food stores, but in recent months some items have become increasingly hard to find.

At a giant outdoor market held last weekend by the government to address the problems, a street vendor crushed raw sugar cane to sell juice to weary shoppers waiting in line to buy sugar.

"They say there are no shortages, but I'm not finding anything in the stores," grumbled Ana Diaz, a 70-year-old housewife who after eight hours, had managed to fill a bag with chicken, milk, vegetable oil and sugar bought at official prices. "There's a problem somewhere, and it needs to be fixed."

Gonzalo Asuaje, president of the meat processors association Afrigo, said that costs and demand have surged but in four years the government has barely raised the price of beef, which now stands at $1.82 per pound. Simply getting beef to retailers now costs $2.41 per pound without including any markup, he said.

"They want to sell it at the same price the cattle breeder gets for his cow," he said. "It's impossible."

After a meeting with government officials Wednesday, supermarkets association head Luis Rodriguez told the TV channel Globovision that beef and chicken will be available at regulated prices within two to three days. He did not say whether the government would be subsidizing sales or if negotiations on price controls would continue.

The government has urged Venezuelans to refrain from panic buying and is looking to imports to help.

Jorge Alvarado, trade secretary at the Bolivian Embassy in Caracas, told the state news agency that Venezuela's government plans to import 330 tons of Bolivian beef next week, eventually bringing that to 11,000 tons a year. It also plans to import 8,250 tons of beans, chicken, soybeans and cooking oil, Alvarado said.

Government officials dismiss any problems with price controls, while state TV has begun running tickers urging the public to "denounce the hoarders and speculators" through a toll-free phone number.

"The weight of the law will be felt, and we demand punishment," Information Minister Willian Lara said Wednesday.
Atentie JetLi ! Au inceput construirea socialismului ! In curand or sa moara de foame cu petrolul lor in brate ! Si Cuba exporta o gramada de zahar !!
jet li
Tot tin cu Chavez, sper sa reauseasca, nu o sa moara nimeni de foame, oamenii nu mananca bani.
QUOTE (jet li @ 13 Feb 2007, 12:10 PM)
oamenii nu mananca bani.

Exact. Daca te-ai fi obosit sa citesti articolul despre fixarea preturilor si efectele lor, ai fi remarcat ca oamenii au acum bani de cumparat mancare pe care nu-i pot folosi in acest scop. Pentru ca magazinele refuza sa vanda mai ieftin decat ar cumpara de la distribuitor/producator.
Viva Chavez! Que se chingan todos los capitalistas de mierda y los putos rumanos que son pinches victimas del consumismo neoliberal!
Viva la revolucion bolivariana!
El pueblo unido jamas sera vencido!

Mis huevos son tus ojos ,mi verga tu nariz,puto capitalista!
QUOTE (entropy @ 1 Mar 2007, 12:27 AM)
Viva Chavez! Que se chingan todos los capitalistas de mierda y los putos rumanos que son pinches victimas del consumismo neoliberal!
Viva la revolucion bolivariana!
El pueblo unido jamas sera vencido!

Mis huevos son tus ojos ,mi verga tu nariz,puto capitalista!

Bre stai linistit ca nu mai avem locuri libere la balaceanca ! laugh.gif

In capitala Venezuelei, la Caracas, Poliția a folosit tunurile cu apă pentru a dispersa demonstranții, care contestă o decizia președintelui Hugo Chavez. Protestul a venit ca reacție la hotărârea liderului venezuelean de a închide un post de televiziune al opoziției.
N-ar fi rau sa facem niste pariuri cu privire la soarta lui Chavez. Daca va sfarsi ca " Geniul Carpatilor" sau va cere azil politic in Cuba.
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