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Versiune completa:Ce Personaj Din Benzi Desenate Sunteti?
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PS: motivul pentru care te-am facut acest personaj este faptul ca eu il consider pe Deadpool un filosof boem... who kills a lot of people


Ce sa zic... tu esti Diva. Fie ca tine! rofl.gif
QUOTE (ComicDiva @ 6 Oct 2004, 07:59 PM)
contraste, tu esti
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Clarice Ferguson (hello clarice tongue.gif ) - tatal tau autoritor dorea sa te afaci avocat insa tu visai numai la cantat. In timpul unui recital la scoala ti-ai manifestat puterile de mutant pentru prima data: transformarea sunetului in energie luminoasa. Ai ascunt faptul ca esti mutant si ti-ai folosit puterile pentru a organiza spectacole nemaipomenite si astfel sa avansezi in cariera ta de cantareata. Adevarul s-a aflat iar fanii tai s-au intors impotriva ta. Singurii care te-au ajutat au fost X-men, si in schimb te-ai alaturat echipei. Asta pana cand l-ai intalnit pe Longshot, un erou din alta dimensiune. V-ati indragostit si ati plecat amandoi din dimensiunea noastra. Te-ai intors doar pentru a-ti ajuta fostii coechipieri cand acestia au fost transformati in copii, mai precis x-babies. smile.gif
Dazzler: Being a hero is great, don't get me wrong, but... there's no business like show business.

abis, tu esti: Waverider
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Mathew Ryder - cand erai mic ai fost prins intr-un incendiu si un erou ti-a salvat viata insa niciodata nu ai putut sa-ti dai seama cine era. Ai crescut intr-un viitor unde nu existau eroi, deoarece toti fusesera ucisi de un "Monarh" care conducea lumea cu o mana de fier. AI fost trimis inapoi in timp pentru a opri un erou numit Hawk sa devina acest Monarh. Dupa ce ai facut asta, te-ai salvat pe tine insuti din incendiul de care ti-am spus mai devreme. Experimentul care te-a trimis inapoi in timp ti-a permis sa pastrezi puterile de time-traveler si ai devenit astfel un gardian al timpului. Poti sa vezi viitorul unei persoane printr-o atingere. Ai facut parte dintr-o echipa numita Linear Men care aveau datoria sa protejze istoria insa nu a durat mult angajamentul tau pentru ca in timp ce ei sustineau ca trecutul nu poate fi schimbat sub nici o forma, tu credeai ca este moral acceptabil atat timp cat asta ar duce la savlarea vietilor.
Citat: trebuie sa citesc ceva in care apari mai intai. O sa ma ocup in seara asta. Sorry pt delay. smile.gif

Data_q, daca viata vesnica te intereseaza, atunci poti sa fii
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Thor- zeul viking al tunetului si fulgerului. Dum-dum-duuuuuuuuuuuuuuum! Esti fiul lui Odin si al Geei. Odin dorea un fiu care sa reprezinte Asgard-ul si Pamantul. Ai fost crescut impreuna cu fratele tau vitreg, Loki, care toata viata te-a urat si este inamicul tau nr 1. Ai coborat pe Pamant pentru a ajuta oamenii. esti unul dintre membrii fondatorii ai echipei The Avengers care aduna cei mai buni eroi ai universului Marvel. Faci parte din echipa asta de peste 40 de ani, pana de curand cand in urma Ragnorok-ului, a trebuit sa parasesti echipa pentru a-ti ajuta tatal sa reconstruiasca Asgard-ul.
The Wasp (despre thor): "Those shoulders, those eyes, that hair...mmmm..."

daca ti se pare bizar, ok... poti sa fii wolverine dar te avertizez! exista in momentul de fata 3 echipe x-men si o echipa avengers si faci parte din toate! smile.gif nu mai spun ca ai doua comics-uri lunare dedicate numai tie (Wolverine si Weapon X).
Deci, you're busy little mutant. smile.gif Reaaaaaaaaaaaaally busy.

Wow!Nu ma asteptam la Thor...Cool! I like it! Care-i faza cu echipele, ca nu stiu nimic?...
Intr-adevar, le faci bine asociatiile. Am urmarit si ceilalti semnatari ai hanului. Am sa iti mai dedic niste versuri ! (Ca...plata !)
QUOTE (Data'q @ 13 Oct 2004, 11:03 AM)

Wow!Nu ma asteptam la Thor...Cool! I like it! Care-i faza cu echipele, ca nu stiu nimic?...

pai... avand in vedere ca sunt asa de multi x-men, s-au facut 3 echipe, fiecare avand propria revista de benzi desenate lunara: uncanny x-men, x-men simplu si astonishing x-men.

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uncanny fac parte: Angel, Storm, Nightcrawler, Bishop, Wolverine, etc.
x-men: Havok (fratiorul lui cyclops), Polaris (prietena lui), Gambit, Rogue, Wolverine din nou.
astonishing: Cyclops, Emma Frost, Beast, Kitty Pryde... si SURPRISE din nou Wolverine.

Plus ca acum a fost inrolat si in echipa Avengers, care este ceva separat fata de X-men. Din acea echipa face parte Captain America, Thor, Iron Man, etc.
deci Logan este in 4 echipe, care in fiecare luna trebuie sa faca CEVA si mai are si o revista proprie. Asta ma enerveaza super mult la Marvel. recunosc ca Wolverine este un personaj popular dar chiar asa il baga in orice doar ca sa vanda niste numere.

Multam. smile.gif

Si felicitari pentru asa un subiect... educativ. smile.gif
Acum ma duc sa imi caut palaria. laugh.gif M-am gandit mai bine si acum cred ca era totusi un lucru bun, nu prea vad supereroi care sa aiba asa ceva si in meseria asta nonconformismul da bine la CV. laugh.gif
Imi pare suuuuuuuuper rau ca nu ti-am pus pana acum dar abia azi ti-am vazut mesajul.
ce vaca sunt. smile.gif
ca sa-mi spal rushinea...
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Al Simmons, once the U.S. government's greatest soldier and most effective assassin, was mercilessly executed by his own men. Resurrected from the ashes of his own grave in a flawed agreement with the powers of darkness, Simmons is reborn as a creature from the depths of Hell. A Hellspawn. Now Spawn must choose between his life on Earth and his place on a throne in Hell. Spawn is one of the longest-running and most-respected independent comics of all time
(luat de pe spawn.con... de parca eu puteam sa o spun mai bine. tongue.gif )
Jason Wynn : Who are you?
Spawn : Don't you remember me? You had me burned alive.
Jason Wynn : What? Simmons? Simmons... he's dead.
Spawn : No shit.

si o poza care mie imi place foarte mult:
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ComicDiva esti o dulce hug.gif , multumesc mult! flowers.gif . A meritat asteptarea, poza e superba. wub.gif
@omu_vexx, datorita mie, Angela, traiesti, pt ca am avut bunavointa de a te lasa in viata ohyeah.gif

"Daca Raiul are ingeri, iad-ul are hellspawni. Treaba ta este sa-i ucizi. de curand ai coborat pe Pamant te-ai luptat cu un astfel de Spawn si l-ai lasat sa traiasca (nu un spawn oarecare... THE Spawn care este personajul principal al revistei in care ai aparut ). La cateva luni de la incident, tocmai de ziua ta de nastere (mentionez ca ai 100 000 de ani ), ai fost arestata si acuzata de tradare. A fost nevoie de ajutorul lui Spawn pentru a scapa din Rai si de executie."

Vezi pagina 8 a acestui topic!
Multumesc pentru ajutorul dat in privinta executiei tongue.gif
QUOTE (Tyra @ 22 Oct 2004, 11:20 PM)
A fost nevoie de ajutorul lui Spawn pentru a scapa din Rai si de executie."

Deci suntem chit...and we lived happily ever after! ohyeah.gif hug.gif
Hey! Pick me, pick me!! I wanna be next! hiya.gif

i wonder who i'll turnout to ... boy... i'm so excited ( fetelor nu va ganditi la prostii..numai eu am voie jamie.gif )
Mda... comics. Si eu ce sunt? De unde stii tu ce suntem ca pers de benzi desenate? Eu nu stiu. ohyeah.gif
kodiak tu ai onoarea... nay, the privilege... sa fii unul dintre my all time favourite characters


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Remy LeBeau aka Gambit- te-ai nascut in New Orleans. Esti un hot international de opere de arta si eventual bijuterii, membru al echipei x-men, wise-ass si professional heart-breaker. Ce pot sa mai spun despre tine? Esti un mutant cu puterea de a incarca materia cu energie kinetica pana cand se descarca. In alte cuvinte you make things go BOOM. smile.gif In afara de asta esti un maestru al artelor martiale si un empat. N-ai vrut niciodata sa fii un erou si te-ai inrolat in echipa profesorului Xavier pentru ca te-a convins prietena ta, Storm, dar ai ramas acolo din cauza lui Rogue... adica ea:
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Impreuna formati cuplul meu preferat hehehe, desi nu aveti o relatie foarte stabila pentru ca domnishoara cu pricina nu poate fi atinsa datorita puterilor sale de mutant (absoarbe amintiri si energie prin atingeri). De curand ati salvat lumea impreuna de un invadator din alta dimensiune si in urma bataliei ati ramas amandoi fara puteri... deci sunteti un cuplu fericit... pentru moment.

Rogue: What am I going to do with you Remy Lebeau?
Gambit: I have a list but I left it in my other pants.

Blakut, tu esti:
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Pentru Pietro Maximoff aka Quicksilver lumea toata este un film fara sfarshit care se deruleaza in slow motion. Asta pentru ca esti un mutant a carui putere este viteza. Viteza maxima este aparent viteza sunetului. Tatal tau este insusi Magneto a carui filosofie de mad evil scientist ai respins-o si acum faci parte din echipa Avengers alaturi de sora ta geamana Scarlet Witch. Intr-una dintre bataliile echipei ai fost ranit foarte grav si o membra a unei famillii speciale de mutanti, The Inhumans, Crystal te-a ingrijit si... you know. smile.gif v-ati casatorit si ati avut doi copii. Insa lumea benzilor desenate este mai rau ca Hollywood-ul deci v-ati despartit si impacat de cateva ori. La un moment dat ai fost transportat intr-o realitate paralela unde ai vazut-o pe Crystal murind insa intre timp te-ai intors in dimensiunea ta cu un upgrade la puteri! Ai fost liderul echipei guvernamentale de mutanti X-factor o vreme insa de curand te-ai intors la Avengers, sa lupti alaturi de sora ta.

Citat (e unul lung dar esential pentru personaj) :
DR SAMSON: Well, Val did warn me you're always nasty. She called it PMS...
QUICKSILVER: I beg your pardon?
DR SAMSON: "Pietro Maximoff Syndrome". An uncrontollable urge to be high-handed and arrogant.
QUICKSILVER: And I'm upholding that assessment?
DR SAMSON: Somewhat, yes. You seem proud of it.
QUICKSILVER: I revel in it. I'll have you know, doctor, not everyone can raise arrogance to the level of an art form.
DR SAMSON: Why do you feel so set apart from everyone else? Is there anyone you feel close to within X-Factor, Pietro? Feel friendship or even affection for?........... Well?
QUICKSILVER: None of your business. Tell me doctor... Have you ever stood in line at a banking machine behind a person who didn't know how to use it? Or wanted to buy stamps at the post office, and the fellow in front of you wants to know every single way he can ship his package to Istanbul? Or gotten some counter idiot at Burger King who cant comprehend "Whopper, No Pickles?"
DR SAMSON: Well... yes... I suppose...
QUICKSILVER: And how do you feel on those occasions?
DR SAMSON: Impatient. Irritated. A little angry sometimes.
QUICKSILVER: Precisely. Because your life is being slowed to a crawl by the inabilities or the inconvenient behavior of others. It's not a rational or considerate attitude to have, but there it is. Now, Imagine, Doctor, that everyone you work with, everywhere you go your entire world is filled with people who cant work cash machines. I'd venture to say, Doctor, that you too would suffer from PMS. Get the picture? Not so puzzling now, is it?
Vreau si eu sa fiu un personaj....daca se poate sorry.gif
Dee Dee, tu esti

Black Cat
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Felicia Hardy - Nu ai avut nici o problema cu meseria ta de hot de bijuterii pana te-ai intalnit cu insecta favorita a lumii intregi, Spiderman. Ati inceput o relatie profesioanala SI personala. biggrin.gif Din pacate ai simtit ca nu esti de ajuns de puternica pentru a fi partenera lui asa ca ai apelat la seful crimei organizate din New York, King Pin pentru a te face cu niste puteri supra-omenesti. King Pin te-a ajutat sa obtii puteri de afectare a probabilitatilor, si astfel ai devenit un fel de "piaza rea" pentru dusmanii tai. Din pacate si Spiderman a fost afectat, ceea ce a fost de fapt intentia lui King Pin. V-ati despartit dar mai mult datorita faptului ca tu de fapt iubeai pe Spiderman nu pe Peter Parker. De dragul lui, ai scapat de puteri. Desi inca mai ai sentimente pentru el, mai lucrati impreuna din cand in cand si ai devenit prietena cu actuala sotie a lui Parker, Mary Jane.

Spiderman: He could be dangerous...
Black Cat: And I'm a woman with father issues who's pushing thirty, crammed into wet leather and nursing a mean case of PMS. Who the hell's more dangerous then that!?
Povestea vietii mele rofl.gif Eu vreau si el nu vrea rofl.gif
Ioi! Divo mama, tu ai avut some inside information dp alt forum cumva????
Ca acolo jucam intr-un roleplay si eram guess who....Gambit biggrin.gif
So...cine este Rogue? I wanna meet my sweetheart cool.gif

PS: Cred ca vorbesc in numele tuturor cand te intreb TU CINE ESTI? smile.gif
Am revazut subiectul si brusc mi-a incoltit o intrebare in minte. Nu te-ai razgandit? Tot Lex Luthor sunt? rofl.gif
tocmai am citit o pveste lunga de vreo 30 de numere din diferite comixuri in care ai salvat lumea... de doua ori.
so stop complaining.

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Excelenta idee ai ai vut cu threadul asta, comicdivo. Cred ca-ti ocupa o groaza de timp. Daca totusi ai sau iti faci timp si pentru un amarat de musteriu ca mine, nu incerci sa ma "ghicesti"? M-ai facut extrem de curioasa(si in acelasi timp geloasa pe cultura ta generala despre comicbooks-uri) wub.gif
I aim to please my dear. smile.gif
chiar acum caut... hold on.

N.V. tu esti:


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Raven: Azarath... Metrion... ZINTHOS! (un fel de incantatie magica... o zici cam tot timpul)

Beast Boy: See? SHE thinks I'm funny.
Raven: Statistically, someone has to.

"And the raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting
On the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door;
And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming,
And the lamp-light o'er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor;
And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor
Shall be lifted - nevermore!"

Edgar allen Poe, The Raven
omu_vexx... tradezi echipa sad.gif
Ce-am facut? huh.gif blink.gif
Divo, m-ai lamurit: intr-adevar esti o diva a comics-urilor. Saru' mana!!! mwah1.gif
QUOTE (ComicDiva @ 19 Nov 2004, 03:30 PM)
tocmai am citit o pveste lunga de vreo 30 de numere din diferite comixuri in care ai salvat lumea... de doua ori.
so stop complaining.

PAi deh... probabil ca am salvat lumea ca sa am eu ce sa distrug... laugh.gif Ma... stau eu si ma gandesc si o sa revolutionez lumea comicsurilor - o sa ma fac ala bun din ala rau. Si pe bune ca scap eu cumva de cancer laugh.gif
QUOTE (omu_vexx @ 20 Nov 2004, 09:47 AM)
Ce-am facut? huh.gif blink.gif

Cred ca n am vazut bine sau a fost editat mesajul... Credeam ca vrei inca un personaj. Am luat o razna? blink.gif
vreau si eu unsure.gif
dadadada moi aussi!!!!
Wow, new blood!
Ok kiddies... va pun maine sau poimaine. It's a hectic time. Teste, verificari, sesiuni. nu stiu nimic...
melcucu, tu esti
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Antonia Louise Moretti, Toni pentru prieteni. Ai fost si inca esti un copil special. Tatal tau este H'san Natael, un extraterestru [WHOA!] de la care ai mostenit tenul alb smile.gif si puterea de a manipula o forma de energie numita "lumina dura" care este asemanatoare cu cea produsa de inelele Green Lantern. Poti sa o folosesti sub forma de arma sau camp de forta. Esti inzestrata si cu empatie. La inceput ai fost o super-eroina repezita dar cu vremea te-ai maturizat si ti-ai acceptat mostenirea genetica si trecutul tatalui tau care nu numai ca era extraterestru dar era si "bad guy". smile.gif

Cinnamon Girl, tu esti
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voi pune in engleza pentru ca sunt in intarziere... sorry dar oricum, plenty of info here:

History: Lorna Dane's parents are said to have died in a plane crash only weeks after her birth. She was then adopted by the Danes, who are said to be her mother's sister and brother-in-law. The Danes never told Lorna that they were not her true parents for fear that the truth might have a traumatic effect on her. Lorna did not learn the story about the plane crash and the fact that she had been adopted until she was nearly twenty years old.

Lorna Dane had been born with green hair, which at first her foster parents and then she herself always kept dyed brown so that she would not be thought of as being "different." Dane's hair color was the only outward sign of her unusual genetic structure. She had the latent genetic potential for magnetic powers, but certain genetic factors were absent which would have allowed her to exercise those powers. In the normal course of events, Dane would never have been able to use these powers. However, the intervention of Samuel "Starr" Saxon, the master roboticist whose brain patterns were later preserved in the Machinesmith, altered the normal course of events. Saxon had constructed an android duplicate of Magneto, the mutant with great magnetic powers who was then believed to be dead, and a small army of androids with strange powers called the Demi-Men. Saxon's plans were to use these androids as his means of accumulating vast wealth and power, while deceiving the world into believing them to be examples of evil mutants, who had become objects of widespread fear.

Saxon decided that he needed some actual mutants to help lead the android army while he himself remained behind the scenes, giving directions through the Magneto robot. First, Saxon had the robot Magneto recruit Mesmero to serve as second in command. Then, Saxon decided that a mutant who was a natural source of vast magnetic power would be useful in dealing with his metal robot army. From sources still unrevealed, Saxon acquired a "psyche-generator," which has some features in common with Charles Xavier's Cerebro machine. Mesmero used the psyche-generator to summon mutants in North America with latent powers. The nearest such mutant with latent magnetic powers, Lorna Dane, found herself compelled to travel to San Francisco, the city where Mesmero was. Mesmero and his androids captured her and brought her to their desert headquarters, where they placed her inside a "genetic stimulator," which altered her genetic structure so as to allow her to exercise her previously latent powers. Meanwhile Mesmero used his hypnotic powers upon her to alter her personality so that she would sympathize with the bogus Magneto and his cause. She was told that she was the daughter of Magneto and that she had inherited her powers from him.

Shortly afterwards, however, Mesmero dropped his control over Dane, overconfidently assuming that she would obey her supposed father no matter what happened. On the contrary, after the X-Man named Iceman revealed to her that Magneto was not her father, and told her about the plane crash and her adoption, Lorna Dane joined the X-Men in battling "Magneto". Mesmero and the Magneto robot escaped, the Demi-Men were destroyed, and Saxon, his plans ruined, had to fall back on hiring himself out as an assassin who used androids to kill.

For a time Dane was romantically inclined toward Robert Drake, the Iceman, but eventually she fell in love with Alexander Summers, who is also known as Havok. Neither Dane nor Summers wished to lead lives as adventurers, but they discovered that they had a mutual interest in geophysics. Hence, they both began doing doctoral research in that subject in the Diablo mountain range in California. Since they spent most of their time away from public view, Dane did not bother to dye her hair. Neither Dane (who eventually took the code-name Polaris) nor Summers have ever been full-time X-Men, but they were always willing to help the X-Men in emergency situations, and have done so in the past.

Lorna received her current costume, which is of Shi'ar design, when her mind came under the domination of the Shi'ar Intelligence agent Davan Shakari, who served D'ken, the now deposed emperor of the Shi'ar Galaxy. Charles Xavier finally freed her from Shakari's control.

For a time Polaris was mentally possessed by Malice, one of the members of the team of assassins called the Marauders. Later, after she regained her free will, Polaris encountered her alleged sister Zaladane, a sorceress based in the prehistoric Savage Land. Zaladane temporarily stole Polaris's magnetic powers. Strangely, as a result, Polaris developed alternate powers, including superhuman strength and durability, and also grew considerably in height and mass.

Eventually Polaris regained her normal size and powers. She resumed her romantic relationship with Havok, and they both joined the United States government's new version of X-Factor. She has remained a member of X-Factor for years.

Height: 5 ft. 7 in.
Weight: 115 lbs.
Eyes: Dark green
Hair: Light green

Strength level: Polaris possesses the normal human strength of a woman of her age, height, and build who engages in moderate regular exercise.

Known superhuman powers: Polaris possesses the ability to manipulate magnetism. Although she has the potential to exercise all of the powers that Magento has, as yet she has only used powers involving the manipulation of magnetic, electrical, and gravitic fields. Moreover, she cannot summon as great an amount of energy as Magneto can. The exact limits on the amount weight that she can magnetically lift at present have not been measured, but they are considerably below those of Magneto. Since she has preferred not to use her powers in combat situations, she has not worked nearly as hard to develop them as Magneto has. As with Magneto, it is unknown whether Polaris's powers are purely psionic or whether they derive from her physically.

Polaris has been observed levitating metallic objects and creating force fields in which she can suspend persons or objects in the air and in which she can protect them from attacks from outside the fields. She can also overload or short-circuit electrical systems. By concentrating, Polaris can perceive the world around herself solely as patterns of magnetic and electrical energy. She can perceive the natural magnetic auras surrounding living beings, as well.

Ma poti identifica si pe mine cu un personaj din benzi desenate? rolleyes.gif
Multumesc ComicDiva
Hihihi... vreau si io... Sau sunt prea 'noua'...? ohyeah.gif
Si eu plssss unsure.gif
they're on the way! Scuze pt intarziere dar am avut probleme cu calculatorul.
Nushi, tu esti:
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Cissie King Jones- mama ta a fost prima super-eroina adolescenta cu un arc in mana insa niciodata nu a avut ochiul si dexteritatea ta. De mica te-a pregatit pentru ca intr-o zi sa-i calci pe urme. Eroul Green Arrow este idolul tau. Folosesti mai multe feluri de sageti numite trick-arrows: sageti cu gheata, bombe, foc, gaz, etc. Cei mai buni prieteni ai tai sunt co-echipierii tai din Young Justice, o echipa de side-kicks formata cu scopul de a lucra, lupta si distra impreuna. De curand ti-ai agatat costumul de eroina pentru a duce o viata normala, dar si pentru ca ai fost ispitita sa ucizi un om. In afara de aventurile cu Young Justice, consideri ca cea mai mare implinire a ta este faptul ca ai castigat medalia de aur la proba "de tras cu arcul" la olimpiada din 2000 de la Sidney.
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" You realise what this means? I'm evil. I have to start to dress slutty and have a cleavage. Oh GOD! I have to get a cleavage!"

Mickydutza, tu esti
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Ai putea sa imi spui si mie? smile.gif

Comic Diva, uimeste-ma, te rog.... Vreau si eu sa vad ce personaj imi asociezi.
oooh, I love when I'm in demand.

I'll see what I can do fellas!
Wow! asta da biografie. Super! Mersi mult wink.gif
Hope you liked it. Imi pare rau ca nu am scris eu una dar nu prea am citit nimic cu ea si nu as vrea s-o dau in bara. smile.gif ah da, si scuze pentru intarziere.
Lutherius, tu esti


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Auslander, tu esti
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vreau si eu! sorry.gif mercic
Wow... multumesc ComicDiva! Hai ca imi place wink.gif .

Corydalis... tu esti un personaj care mie personal imi place foarte mult:


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Citat: "Wouldst thou care to test thy firm resolve--against my yielding lips?"

PS: motivul pentru care eu nu mai scriu introducerile este ca am gasit acest site care zic eu se pricepe mai bine ca mine. Ah, da, si mi-e lene. smile.gif Ar fi al doilea motiv, sper ca nu se supara nimeni.
Multumesc mult, Diva a Comics-urilor!
Pacala este....

Punisher devil.gif

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Mickydutz, da' focoasa mai esti, manca-te-ar omu! tongue.gif

Corydalis drool.gif Eu is Spawn cel intunecat....poate facem o echipa! ohyeah.gif
mwah1.gif Vreau si eu mwah1.gif Mai am loc? rofl.gif
Of course. I'll think about it!


Sunt curioasa - eu cine as fi? smile.gif

P.S.: N-ai venit bine din "vacanta" si deja te asalteaza lumea. It's a gift, I tell you wink.gif
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