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> O Lectie De La Bosimani
mesaj 23 Apr 2009, 12:39 PM
Mesaj #281


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 5.298
Inscris: 9 June 04
Forumist Nr.: 3.787

Trecerea de la viata de vanator-culegator la cea urbana s-a facut treptat. Intr-adevar si unele triburi de indieni din America de nord practicau agricultura sau aveau asezari permanente sau semipermanente. Erau si triburi nomade si seminomade atat in nord cat si in sud. Dar e greu sa tragi o linie de demarcatie si sa spui, astia sunt in mod cert vanatori-culegatori, iar astialaltii sunt civilizati.
E drept ca conquistadorii, colonizatorii sau misionarii, ii numeau pe toti amerindienii salbatici. Dar mare parte din ei erau civilizati. E drept ca ei au avansat mai incet decat europenii sau au apucat un alt drum al emanciparii. Dar erau civilizati, constriau orase, aveau cultura, stratificare sociala, etc.
In prezent mai gasesti vanatori culegatori in jungla amazoniana sau in zonele desertice sau semidesertice din Africa si in alte cateva locuri izolate de pe glob. Ceea ce este de admirat la acesti oameni este ca isi pastreaza stilul de viata in ciuda presiunilor externe care le restrange habitatul si le face viata din ce in ce mai dificila. Dar la un moment dat discutam cu cineva, in cazul unui cataclism mondial, ghici cine va avea mai mari sanse de supravietuire? Ei, "bosimanii"! Sunt cei mai adaptabili. Nu cunosc ei prea multe, dar stiu sa scoata apa din piatra seaca si sa gaseasca hrana acolo unde noi am muri de foame. Ei nu au ce pierde. Noi putem pierde totul. Daca ne iei infrastructura devenim neajutorati. Distruge drumurile, taie apa, lumina, incalzirea, inchide porturile si aeroporturile si supermarketurile... ce parere aveti? vom mai supravietui? In cazul unui cataclism cam asta se va intampla. S-ar prabusi infrastructura.
Am vazut la un moment dat un film despre dezastre naturale, un fel de top. Iar unul dintre dezastre era un scenariu interesant. O furtuna electromagnetica solara care ar afecta profund infrastructura moderna si ne-ar retrimite in epoca de piatra. smile.gif
Eu zic sa nu ii dispretuim ci sa invatam de la ei. Ei traiesc mult mai sanatos decat noi. Nu contest faptul ca progresul tehnologic ne ofera confort si ne simtim mult mai bine asa, dar merita ca din cand in cand sa ne punem in pielea lor si sa intelegem ca ei prefera un alt mod de viata si ca nu e chiar asa de rau sa traiesti in acel fel.

viata e simpla si misto!
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turbo trabant
mesaj 23 Apr 2009, 12:48 PM
Mesaj #282


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 7.773
Inscris: 27 December 08
Din: za great milky way
Forumist Nr.: 12.719

QUOTE(actionmedia @ 23 Apr 2009, 12:39 PM) *
Daca ne iei infrastructura devenim neajutorati. Distruge drumurile, taie apa, lumina, incalzirea, inchide porturile si aeroporturile si supermarketurile... ce parere aveti? vom mai supravietui? In cazul unui cataclism cam asta se va intampla. S-ar prabusi infrastructura.

Germania/Japonia anului 1945 . Infrastructura complet prabusita , drumuri distruse, orase bombardate , apa, lumina, incalzirea nu functionau.

Au supravietuit pentru ca stiau cum sa se descurce, aveau cunostiintele pentru a reface totul. Stiau ce trebuie facut ca sa refaca civilizatia.

Omul cand ajunge in situatii extreme isi regaseste o multime de instincte de pe vremea copacului si le aplica. Din pacate , vanatorii-culegatori nu sunt capabili sa se duca mai departe de aceste instincte.

Romanii, ca popor, sunt prosti. Nu va chinuiti sa raspundeti, considerati posturile drept opera unui dusman al poporului.

Ba, ia faceti liniste si ordine, ce dreacu!
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jet li
mesaj 23 Apr 2009, 01:46 PM
Mesaj #283


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 1.196
Inscris: 31 January 04
Din: ae
Forumist Nr.: 2.045

Vrei sa spui ca nu suporta sclavia. E de neconceput pentru unul din ei sa ii spuna altul unde sa fie in fiecare zi 8 ore, ce sa faca, cand sa se scoale, etc. Aia sunt oameni liberi si relatiile intre ei sunt relatii inte oameni asa cum trebuie sa fie, nu ca intre lacuste. Fiecare pentru el, impotriva tuturor, cautand fericirea pierduta in lucruri materiale si de fapt nu stie ce-i lipseste. Tribul, comunitatea, oamenii din jur, aia lipseste.
Aceasi libertate o cautam noi prin "imbogatire". Adica dupa ce ai fost sclav toata viata, cand ai 60 de ani zici ca esti "liber", "la pensie".

Triburile din Amazon:
You have church groups, relief agencies, military operators, social scientists, archeologist's, etc...all dying to get their hands on people like this. Of course, they would get killed trying to do it from the ground, these tribes will out and out kill you as an outsider. The west shows up with radios and food, they look at it hastly and toss it aside, tell you to leave. One kid starts messing with the radio and picks up some music, people in the tribe start to get intrigued. They open up the food, and have a taste, its good and safe. A few weeks later, a landrover shows up with more things, they communicate in archaic means, give them t-shirts with Nike logos and shoes to boot. These tribes are all now big pimpin.
They move into the nearest big city, get shaved up, loose the war paint and get a job cleaning urinals at the local Hilton hotel. Before you know it, the tribe has lost contact with each other and the people individually begin to enter into a deep cycle of poverty, they are unbelievably sad. They get a group of people back together, by shear luck, they take a bus to the border of the inhabited areas, they go and take rental cars as far as they can go. They walk back into their lands, its nothing but smoke, machinery, cane fields and a totally lost culture. They go back, live off the rest of their lives a miserable existence. In Brazil, we talked to Army guys that were born into these kinds of situations, they can talk about this stuff at great length. It so sad to listen to, they were living a fairly decent life. They had death and other issues, but at the very least they were happy, until man showed up and tempted them. The story gets repeated over and over again so many times people have lost count. When I would train in areas like this in S.A., we would run into friendly tribes, I always told them to just hold onto what you have and ignore us. We cannot do anything better for you than you can for yourself. We are just passing through. The only time I'd do anything for them was to help someone who was injured, I had medicine so I gave it to them. Never stayed to see if the antibiotics worked out, but thats about the limit of my engagements. They need to be left alone, its better in the jungle than in the city.

The plan by the Arabs to buy their land is all the more ironic: the Hadza have no concept of private property, roaming unchecked for thousands of years alongside the animals they hunt.

Nevertheless, the Tanzanian government has repeatedly tried to 'tame' the Hadza, building houses and trying to teach them to grow crops. One attempt to resettle them ended when a dozen perished when they were forced into modern homes.

"They just rotted inside and died," said Charles Ngereza, a tribal expert

FIVE tribesmen from the South Pacific Island of Tanna, one of the most southerly islands of the nation of Vanuatu, visited Britain recently to observe the country's tribes working class, middle class and upper class

Visiting their first British city is an exciting and eye opening experience for the islanders but they are saddened to discover how many homeless people are living on the streets.
How, they ask, is it possible for a city with so much wealth to contain people with no home or family to shelter them?

Acest topic a fost editat de jet li: 23 Apr 2009, 01:48 PM

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Promo Contextual
mesaj 23 Apr 2009, 01:46 PM
Mesaj #


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turbo trabant
mesaj 23 Apr 2009, 02:11 PM
Mesaj #284


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 7.773
Inscris: 27 December 08
Din: za great milky way
Forumist Nr.: 12.719

Jet , tulburator, dar nu ti se pare ca daca inlocuiesti cuvantul triburi cu satra si tribesmen cu tigani, iti cam da acelasi rezultat? ohyeah.gif

Romanii, ca popor, sunt prosti. Nu va chinuiti sa raspundeti, considerati posturile drept opera unui dusman al poporului.

Ba, ia faceti liniste si ordine, ce dreacu!
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mesaj 23 Apr 2009, 02:21 PM
Mesaj #285


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 5.298
Inscris: 9 June 04
Forumist Nr.: 3.787

In Germania si Japonia inainte si imediat dupa razboi au murit foarte multi oameni. Multi dintre ei civili, multi dintre ei din cauza nefunctionarii sau functionarii defectuoase a infrastructurii.
Totusi, nu se poate vorbi de o "infrastructura complet prabusita", ca sa duci un razboi iti trebuie infrastructura. Daca nu ai cai ferate, drumuri, fabrici, energie, etc, nu poti sa porti un razboi. Asa ca fie aparatorii, fie invadatorii, se grabeau sa refaca infrastructura partial deteriorata.
Germania si Japonia invadate au fost refacute cu ajutorul invadatorilor, iar invadatorii aveau infrastructura mai buna, fabricile lor erau functionale, vapoarele functionau, aveau unelte, tehnologie, aveau comunicatii, cam tot ce le trebuiau. Nu compara asta cu un cataclism care ar distruge complet infrastructura globala.

viata e simpla si misto!
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turbo trabant
mesaj 23 Apr 2009, 02:42 PM
Mesaj #286


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 7.773
Inscris: 27 December 08
Din: za great milky way
Forumist Nr.: 12.719

Am vizitat orase si muzee din orase din Germania. Imaginile si marturiile celor care au trait anul 1945 sunt cumplite.

Nu numai berlinul si marile orase erau devastate ci si orasele mici erau distruse in proportie de peste 50%. Foametea incepuse sa se raspandeasca , copiii erau obligati sa aduca lemne la scoala pentru a participa la lectii. Oamenii se inghesuiau claie peste gramada in casele care ramasesera in picioare.

Razboiul nu s-a mai purtat efectiv si coordonat de prin februarie cand adolfel a dat ordinul de distrugere a infrastructurii pagubele fiind imense. Caile ferate au incetat practis ca functioneze la fel alimentarea cu energie.

Pentru nemti a fost perioada "mortilor vii", ce mai ramasese din natiunea germana nu era in stare nici sa mearga la servici iar oamenii se plimbau ore in sir pe strazi fara sa faca nimic. Erau socati si a durat luni pana cand oameni aceia si-au revenit din soc.
Aliatii ( partea de vest ) erau disperati ca nu puteau sa scoata tara dintr-o grava depresie. Oamenilor nu le mai pasa de nimic. Intr-un final , de abia frigul iernii i-a mai dezmortit.

Dar si atunci oamenii au stiut sa se adune. Ziarele dadea indicatii de supravietuire ( cum sa faci focul /tai lemne/ prepari chestii exotice). Cunoasterea este mai importanta decat averea intructa poate fi replicata.

Romanii, ca popor, sunt prosti. Nu va chinuiti sa raspundeti, considerati posturile drept opera unui dusman al poporului.

Ba, ia faceti liniste si ordine, ce dreacu!
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mesaj 28 Apr 2009, 08:03 PM
Mesaj #287


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.477
Inscris: 6 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.211


Keep calm and host yourself.
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mesaj 29 Apr 2009, 02:35 AM
Mesaj #288


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 635
Inscris: 3 August 03
Din: Bucuresti / Ramnicu Valcea
Forumist Nr.: 537

Am si eu cateva intrebari:

1. Cam care e speranta medie de viata la un vanator-culegator din asta?
2. Cam care e rata mortalitatii infantile in aceste triburi?
3. Cam ce suport stiintific exista pentru afirmatia ca populatii de milione de oameni ar putea sa isi procure mijloacele necesare vietii muncind 2-3 ore pe zi?
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mesaj 29 Apr 2009, 06:32 AM
Mesaj #289

Filosof boem

Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 6.222
Inscris: 10 July 03
Din: Bucuresti
Forumist Nr.: 445

Pai intrebarile tale sunt strans legate intre ele!

1. E foarte mica.
2. E foarte mare.
3. 1 si 2 => control demografic riguros, populatia nu depaseste niciodata cateva sute de membri per trib => resurse suficiente.

A nation cannot prosper for long when it favors only the prosperous - Obama
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mesaj 29 Apr 2009, 07:55 AM
Mesaj #290


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 17.291
Inscris: 9 December 06
Din: Din acest univers.
Forumist Nr.: 9.062

QUOTE(actionmedia @ 23 Apr 2009, 03:21 PM) *
Germania si Japonia invadate au fost refacute cu ajutorul invadatorilor, iar invadatorii aveau infrastructura mai buna, fabricile lor erau functionale, vapoarele functionau, aveau unelte, tehnologie, aveau comunicatii, cam tot ce le trebuiau.

Mai exista si exceptii, rusii spre exemplu au luat de la germani si nu numai, cam tot ce se putea lua, ca daune de razboi, fabrici, vapoare, locomotive, minereuri, mana de lucru, etc. La noi sovromurile au lasat urme care se mai vad si azi, unde mai pui ca nici nu ne-au lasat sa profitam de planul Marshall.

"Problema cu lumea este că proștii și fanaticii sunt întotdeauna așa de siguri pe ei, în timp ce oamenii înțelepți sunt atât de plini de îndoieli." (Bertrand Russell)

"A fi tolerant nu inseamnă a tolera intoleranţa altora" (Jules Romains)

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jet li
mesaj 29 Apr 2009, 09:02 AM
Mesaj #291


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 1.196
Inscris: 31 January 04
Din: ae
Forumist Nr.: 2.045

1. E foarte mare, tocmai am dat exemplul cu tribul ala de alergatori, traiesc in pesteri, mananca ce apuca dar la 57 de ani alearga 100 de mile si castiga.
2. Mare. Cred ca la mortalitate infantila mor mai multi in tari din lumea a 3 a de azi. Care sunt "civilizate", organizarea tribala unde toti aveau grija de toti a disparut.
3. Da un search pe CIA world factbook si vezi cat din forta de munca lucreaza in agricultura in tari ca Franta, USA, mari exportatori de produse agricole, cum era si Romania odata. Maxim 3%. Asta din forta de munca nu din toata populatia.

Apoi uita-te in jur la cati "muncesc" pentru lucruri inutile care se vor arunca la gunoi, la cati sapa gropi ca sa aiba cine le umple si la cati muta hartii de pe un birou pe altul. Crede-ma nu forta de munca e problema. Apoi uita-te aici :

Primitive small-scale agriculturalists enjoyed a similar unhurried pace of life. Consider Helena Norberg-Hodge's description of pre-modern Ladakh, a region in the Indian portion of the Tibetan Plateau.iii Despite a growing season only four months long, Ladakh enjoyed regular food surpluses, long and frequent festivals and celebrations, and ample leisure time (especially in winter when there was little field work to do). This, despite the harsh climate and the (proportionately) enormous population of non-working Buddhist monks in that country's numerous monasteries! More powerfully than any statistic, Norberg-Hodge's video documentary Ancient Futures conveys a sense of the leisurely pace of life there: villagers chat or sing as they work, taking plenty of long breaks even at the busiest time of the year. As the narrator says, "work and leisure are one.

Deci astia fara sa munceasca ca niste sclavi si fara tractoare si ingrasaminte se descurcau, si hraneau si toti calugarii din manastiri. Noi insa cu toata tehnica noastra moderna suntem traumatizati de experienta iobagiei (1907) si de asta nu ne putem imagina decat "multa munca" i, "toti trebuie sa munceasca" in agricultura.

Ca sa intelegeti cum traia un trib de vanatori culegatori si cum traiesc dupa ce a ajuns civilizatia la ei - in momentul asta sunt toti intr-un sat, mor de foame si sunt bolnavi de TBC, si nu mai au voie sa fie nomazi, ordine de la "guvern" :

The story of a !Kung woman

Cum credeti ca se masoara mortalitata infantila inainte si dupa "civilizatie" ? Eu cred ca mult mai prost. Civilizatia o fi ajuns la ei, dar nu orice "civilizatie" e mai buna decat traiul de vanator culegator. Doar cea din Europa si USA sa zicem. In rest sunt 3 miliarde de oameni care traiesc cu 2.5 $ pe zi si nu o duc prea bine. 1 miliard nu au acces la apa curata. Salvati-i pe astia inainte sa civilizati ultimele triburi.

Acest topic a fost editat de jet li: 29 Apr 2009, 09:03 AM

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jet li
mesaj 3 May 2009, 10:19 PM
Mesaj #292


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 1.196
Inscris: 31 January 04
Din: ae
Forumist Nr.: 2.045

"Boli psihice" ?

Hospitalism (or anaclitic depression in its sublethal form) was a pediatric diagnosis used in the 1930s to describe infants who wasted away while in hospital. The symptoms could include retarded physical development, and disruption of perceptual-motor skills and language.[1] It is now understood that this wasting disease was mostly caused by a lack of social contact between the infant and its caregivers. Infants in poorer hospitals were less subject to this disease since those hospitals could not afford incubators which meant that the hospital staff regularly held the infants.

Treaba asta e generalizata. Peste tot in jurul nostru, mediul artificial creat, apoi sistemul care ne pune sa concuram intre noi pentru hartiute cu numere. Totul pentru protectia omului, numai ca nu mai e om complet.

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mesaj 4 May 2009, 09:42 AM
Mesaj #293


Grup: Moderator
Mesaje: 22.306
Inscris: 8 March 04
Din: Bucuresti
Forumist Nr.: 2.507

QUOTE(jet li @ 29 Apr 2009, 10:02 AM) *
Da un search pe CIA world factbook si vezi cat din forta de munca lucreaza in agricultura in tari ca Franta, USA, mari exportatori de produse agricole, cum era si Romania odata. Maxim 3%. Asta din forta de munca nu din toata populatia.

Ai uitat sa precizezi ca cei care lucreaza in agricultura acelor tari nu ara cu plugul tras de boi. Acolo agricultura este super-tehnologizata, se folosesc din greu masinile, ingrasamintele chimice, pesticidele etc. Serele nu sunt o raritate, irigatiile cu atat mai putin. Cei care lucreaza in agricultura trebuie sa fie specialisti, nu unii care lucreaza si ei un an-doi acolo... Fermele de animale arata mai degraba ca niste uzine decat ca niste stane din varful muntelui. Soiurile de plante si animale sunt standardizate, injectate, indopate cu hormoni de crestere etc. Numai in astfel de conditii este posibil ca un procent atat de mic din forta de munca sa asigure hrana pentru toti ceilalti.

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turbo trabant
mesaj 4 May 2009, 10:21 AM
Mesaj #294


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 7.773
Inscris: 27 December 08
Din: za great milky way
Forumist Nr.: 12.719

QUOTE(jet li @ 3 May 2009, 10:19 PM) *
mediul artificial creat, apoi sistemul care ne pune sa concuram intre noi pentru hartiute cu numere.

Care mediu artificial creat? Aerul, apa tot azot , oxigen si hidrogen contin.

E drept, la bosimanii tai contin si o gramada de virusi gen holera dar nu e bai sunt fericiti ca traiesc liberi. Si pentru un tricou cu arnold se lasa fotografiati de diversi paparazzi care apoi iau avionul si scriu marturii zguduitoare cum ca experienta cu bosimanii le-a schimbat viata.

Uite demonstreaza-ne ce bine e ca bosiman: ia trenul , du-te undeva prin africa, incropeste o coliba si baga jurnale de acolo pe twitter sau vreo alta dracovenie din asta.

daca dupa 3 zile nu palmezi ceva dizenterie/holera/ebola , iti dau o tuica la intoarcere. bineinteles, fara vaccinuri ca astea sunt artificiale.

Acest topic a fost editat de turbo trabant: 4 May 2009, 10:22 AM

Romanii, ca popor, sunt prosti. Nu va chinuiti sa raspundeti, considerati posturile drept opera unui dusman al poporului.

Ba, ia faceti liniste si ordine, ce dreacu!
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jet li
mesaj 4 May 2009, 02:12 PM
Mesaj #295


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 1.196
Inscris: 31 January 04
Din: ae
Forumist Nr.: 2.045

Abis stiu, se poate face o trecere treptata spre o agricultura mai organica (pastram totusi tractoarele, si alte masini). Nu putem produce destul pentru toti fara chestiile astea moderne. Vezi cu cat a crescut populatia in ultimul secol fata de ultimul milion de ani. De fapt a crescut tocmai datorita agriculturii moderne si acum suntem intr-un cerc vicios.

turbo trabant, suntem deconectati de natura apoi separati. Fiecare om isi cauta un trib al lui. De fapt isi cauta oameni in jurul lui cu care sa nu fie in competitie. Sau ii vezi pe aia care se mandresc cu bunurile lor materiale, si ei au nevoie de altii care sa-i vada cu toate alea. Degeaba canta ei "mor toti dusmanii mei, eu sunt cel mai tare", cauta un trib si nu isi dau seama.

The record of Native Americans in California is similar. Kroeber reported that their fighting was "notably bloodless. They even went so far as to take poorer arrows to war than they used in economic hunting."6 Wintu people of Northern California called off hostilities once someone was injured.7 "Most Californians were absolutely nonmilitary; they possessed next to none of the traits requisite for the military horizon, a condition that would have taxed their all but nonexistent social organization too much. Their societies made no provision for collective political action," in the view of Turney-High.8 Lorna Marshall described Kung! Bushmen as celebrating no valiant heroes or tales of battle. One of them remarked, "Fighting is very dangerous; someone might get killed!"9 George Bird Grinnell's "Coup and Scalp Among the Plains Indians"10 argues that counting coup (striking or touching an enemy with the hand or a small stick) was the highest point of (essentially nonviolent) bravery, whereas scalping was not valued.

Acest topic a fost editat de jet li: 4 May 2009, 02:16 PM

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turbo trabant
mesaj 4 May 2009, 03:04 PM
Mesaj #296


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 7.773
Inscris: 27 December 08
Din: za great milky way
Forumist Nr.: 12.719

QUOTE(jet li @ 4 May 2009, 02:12 PM) *
turbo trabant, suntem deconectati de natura apoi separati. Fiecare om isi cauta un trib al lui. De fapt isi cauta oameni in jurul lui cu care sa nu fie in competitie. Sau ii vezi pe aia care se mandresc cu bunurile lor materiale, si ei au nevoie de altii care sa-i vada cu toate alea. Degeaba canta ei "mor toti dusmanii mei, eu sunt cel mai tare", cauta un trib si nu isi dau seama.

dragul meu de fiecare data cand iti citesc un post, ma gandesc la filozofia lui darre si cum indienii tai nativi au ajunsi "arieni de onoare" in al 3-lea reich. nu o lua ca o jignire dar drumul spre iad e pavat cu cele mai bune intentii si minti stralucite s-au dus alergand spre el.

acum 60 de ani , ahnenerbe ar fi fost o organizatie catre care te-ai fi indreptat cu placere. Darré's writings have proven fairly influential on those modern-day right-wing extremists who also believe in the decadence of urban life and the nobility of self-sufficiency.wiki rolleyes.gif

in ce priveste lipsa scalparilor facute de indieni iti recomand sa citesti cum au mierlit-o primii colonisti din america de pe mayflower: scalpati rofl.gif

Romanii, ca popor, sunt prosti. Nu va chinuiti sa raspundeti, considerati posturile drept opera unui dusman al poporului.

Ba, ia faceti liniste si ordine, ce dreacu!
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jet li
mesaj 4 May 2009, 04:36 PM
Mesaj #297


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 1.196
Inscris: 31 January 04
Din: ae
Forumist Nr.: 2.045

Chiar asa ? Probabil ar fi trebuit primiti cum a fost primit Columb in Cuba de azi. Vezi mai jos, o societate avansata in privinta religiei, in privinta "casatoriei" etc. Am venit noi cu modelul nostru "avansat", pana si azi e inferior si o sa fie atat timp cat tratam planeta ca un "obiect".

Marriage laws are non-existent men and women alike choose their mates and leave them as they please, without offense, jealousy or anger. They multiply in great abundance; pregnant women work to the last minute and give birth almost painlessly; up the next day, they bathe in the river and are as clean and healthy as before giving birth. If they tire of their men, they give themselves abortions with herbs that force stillbirths, covering their shameful parts with leaves or cotton cloth; although on the whole, Indian men and women look upon total nakedness with as much casualness as we look upon a man's head or at his hands.
The Indians, Las Casas says, have no religion, at least no temples. They live in_ large communal bell-shaped buildings, housing up to 600 people at one time ... made of very strong wood and roofed with palm leaves.... They prize bird feathers of various colors, beads made of fishbones, and green and white stones with which they adorn their ears and lips, but they put no value on gold and other precious things. They lack all manner of commerce, neither buying nor selling, and rely exclusively on their natural environment for maintenance. They are extremely generous with their possessions and by the same token covet the possessions of then; friends and expect the same degree of liberality. ...

Total control led to total cruelty. The Spaniards "thought nothing of knifing Indians by tens and twenties and of cutting slices off them to test the sharpness of their blades." Las Casas tells how "two of these so-called Christians met two Indian boys one day, each carrying a parrot; they took the parrots and for fun beheaded the boys."
The Indians' attempts to defend themselves failed. And when they ran off into the hills they were found and killed. So, Las Casas reports, "they suffered and died in the mines and other labors in desperate silence, knowing not a soul in the world to whom they could turn for help." He describes their work in the mines

Today, the few surviving hunter-gatherers occupy the least “economically interesting” areas of the world where agriculture has not penetrated, such as the snows of the Inuit or desert of the Australian aborigines. And yet the refusal of farming drudgery, even in adverse settings, bears its own rewards. The Hazda of Tanzania, Filipino Tasaday, !Kung of Botswana, or the Kalahari Desert !Kung San-who were seen by Richard Lee as easily surviving a serious, several years’ drought while neighboring farmers starved-also testify to Hole and Flannery’s summary that “No group on earth has more leisure time than hunters and gatherers, who spend it primarily on games, conversation and relaxing.” Service rightly attributed this condition to “the very simplicity of the technology and lack of control over the environment” of such groups. And yet simple Paleolithic methods were, in their own way, “advanced.” Consider a basic cooking technique like steaming foods by heating stones in a covered pit; this is immemorially older than any pottery, kettles or baskets (in fact, is anti-container in its non-surplus, non-exchange orientation) and is the most nutritionally sound way to cook, far healthier than boiling food in water, for example. Or consider the fashioning of such stone tools as the long and exceptionally thin “laurel leaf” knives, delicately chipped but strong, which modern industrial techniques cannot duplicate.

Oamenii astia nu au parasit "gradina raiului" spre deosebire de primii agricultori. Care apoi au inventat o poveste cu "alungarea din rai" sa isi explice viata lor grea. Si niciodata nu au aflat de ce sunt din ce in ce mai nefericiti, au probleme psihice, alcoolism, crime, etc etc cu toate inventiile lor. Noi avem impresia ca viata trebuie sa fie grea. Asa e, mai ales acum dupa ce am depasit cu mult capacitatea planetei de a ne sustine - adica numarul oamenilor apoi sistemul lor de viata unde toti vor o vila nu poate duce decat la micsorarea capacitatii de sustinere a vietii.

Acest topic a fost editat de jet li: 4 May 2009, 04:48 PM

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turbo trabant
mesaj 4 May 2009, 05:07 PM
Mesaj #298


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 7.773
Inscris: 27 December 08
Din: za great milky way
Forumist Nr.: 12.719

QUOTE(jet li @ 4 May 2009, 04:36 PM) *
Chiar asa ? Probabil ar fi trebuit primiti cum a fost primit Columb in Cuba de azi.

Eram sigur ca sari in barca contra pelerinilor. Exemplul nu a fost intamplator:Pelerinii vroiau sa intemeieze o colonie care sa fie libera, toleranta religios si dedicata agriculturii . Erau fugitivi si nu conchistadori dornici de aur. Insa ca orice societata idealista contactul cu realitatea a fost mult mai dur.

iar cand pelerinii au ajuns, au gasit 2 triburi de indieni care si-o trageau cu sulitele si arcurile fara nici o jena. asa pacifisti cum ii crezi tu. dar colonistii au facut pace cu ei si s-au purtat echitabil ( fara sclavie , negot fair).

Romanii, ca popor, sunt prosti. Nu va chinuiti sa raspundeti, considerati posturile drept opera unui dusman al poporului.

Ba, ia faceti liniste si ordine, ce dreacu!
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jet li
mesaj 4 May 2009, 05:15 PM
Mesaj #299


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 1.196
Inscris: 31 January 04
Din: ae
Forumist Nr.: 2.045

Nu te duci pe pamantul altuia si te numesti "fair". Sau daca te duci te astepti sa te lupti cu el. Cine crezi ca erau indienii ? Calugari care asteapta sa moara sa scape din lumea asta "rea" ?
Asta era razboiul la indieni :
They are agile, he says, and can swim long distances, especially the women. They are not completely peaceful, because they do battle from time to time with other tribes, but their casualties seem small, and they fight when they are individually moved to do so because of some grievance, not on the orders of captains or kings.

Nu masina de ucis unde soldatii sunt carne de tun din era moderna. Fiecare era un individ egal cu toti si se ducea la lupta daca avea chef.
While the men were sent many miles away to the mines, the wives remained to work the soil, forced into the excruciating job of digging and making thousands of hills for cassava plants.
Thus husbands and wives were together only once every eight or ten months and when they met they were so exhausted and depressed on both sides ... they ceased to procreate. As for the newly born, they died early because their mothers, overworked and famished, had no milk to nurse them, and for this reason, while I was in Cuba, 7000 children died in three months. Some mothers even drowned their babies from sheer desperation.... hi this way, husbands died in the mines, wives died at work, and children died from lack of milk . .. and in a short time this land which was so great, so powerful and fertile ... was depopulated. ... My eyes have seen these acts so foreign to human nature, and now I tremble as I write. ...

Acest topic a fost editat de jet li: 4 May 2009, 05:19 PM

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turbo trabant
mesaj 4 May 2009, 05:26 PM
Mesaj #300


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 7.773
Inscris: 27 December 08
Din: za great milky way
Forumist Nr.: 12.719

QUOTE(jet li @ 4 May 2009, 05:15 PM) *
Nu te duci pe pamantul altuia si te numesti "fair". Sau daca te duci te astepti sa te lupti cu el.

Au primit pamantul de la indieni in dar nici macar atata nu stii. Satul de indieni unde au intemeiat colonia era pustiu (toti murisera) si indienii superstiosi nu mai reveneau acolo. Colonistii au facut cererea ca satul sa fie al lor si indienii au fost de acord.

La inceput s-au razboit dupa care a urmat o lunga perioada de pace. S-au semnat si acorduri de pace iar indienii au profitat si ei de pe urma aliantei : razboiul cu celalalt trib a fost castigat. Dar apoi au urmat razboaiele si au fost decimati.

de pe wiki

The largest source of wealth for Plymouth Colony was the fur trade. The disruption of this trade caused by Myles Standish's raid at Wessagussett created great hardship for the colonists for many years to come, and was directly cited by William Bradford as a contributing factor to the colonists economic difficulties in their early years.[46] The colonists attempted to supplement their income by fishing; the waters in Cape Cod bay were known to be excellent fisheries. However, they lacked any skill in this area, and it did little to relieve their economic hardship.[146] The colony traded throughout the region, establishing trading posts as far away as Penobscot, Maine. They were also frequent trading partners with the Dutch at New Amsterdam.[147]

Agriculture also made up an important part of the Plymouth economy. The colonists adopted Native American agricultural practices and crops. They planted maize, squash, pumpkins, beans, and potatoes. Besides the crops themselves, the Pilgrims learned productive farming techniques from the Native Americans, such as proper crop rotation and the use of dead fish to fertilize the soil. In addition to these native crops, the colonists also successfully planted Old World crops such as turnips, carrots, peas, wheat, barley, and oats.[150]

Overall, there was very little cash in Plymouth Colony, so most wealth was accumulated in the form of possessions. Since trade goods such as furs, fish, and livestock were subject to fluctuations in price, they were unreliable repositories of wealth. Goods such as clothes and furnishings represented an important source of economic stability for the residents.[151]

Geez, mai citeste si tu vreo carte.....

Romanii, ca popor, sunt prosti. Nu va chinuiti sa raspundeti, considerati posturile drept opera unui dusman al poporului.

Ba, ia faceti liniste si ordine, ce dreacu!
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jet li
mesaj 4 May 2009, 05:35 PM
Mesaj #301


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 1.196
Inscris: 31 January 04
Din: ae
Forumist Nr.: 2.045

Jamestown itself was set up inside the territory of an Indian confederacy, led by the chief, Powhatan. Powhatan watched the English settle on his people's land, but did not attack, maintaining a posture of coolness. When the English were going through their "starving time" in the winter of 1610, some of them ran off to join the Indians, where they would at least be fed. When the summer came, the governor of the colony sent a messenger to ask Powhatan to return the runaways, whereupon Powhatan, according to the English account, replied with "noe other than prowde and disdaynefull Answers." Some soldiers were therefore sent out "to take Revenge." They fell upon an Indian settlement, killed fifteen or sixteen Indians, burned the houses, cut down the corn growing around the village, took the queen of the tribe and her children into boats, then ended up throwing the children overboard "and shoteinge owit their Braynes in the water." The queen was later taken off and stabbed to death.

Twelve years later, the Indians, alarmed as the English settlements kept growing in numbers, apparently decided to try to wipe them out for good. They went on a rampage and massacred 347 men, women, and children. From then on it was total war.

Not able to enslave the Indians, and not able to live with them, the English decided to exterminate them. Edmund Morgan writes, in his history of early Virginia, American Slavery, American Freedom:
Since the Indians were better woodsmen than the English and virtually impossible to track down, the method was to feign peaceful intentions, let them settle down and plant their com wherever they chose, and then, just before harvest, fall upon them, killing as many as possible and burning the corn... . Within two or three years of the massacre the English had avenged the deaths of that day many times over.

Howard Zinn - A people's history of the United States

Acest topic a fost editat de jet li: 4 May 2009, 05:37 PM

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turbo trabant
mesaj 4 May 2009, 05:42 PM
Mesaj #302


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 7.773
Inscris: 27 December 08
Din: za great milky way
Forumist Nr.: 12.719

QUOTE(jet li @ 4 May 2009, 05:35 PM) *
Howard Zinn - A people's history of the United States

Cum ziceam pune mana pe o carte scrisa fara intentii de romantare/innegrire nu pe romane thriller cu senzatii sandrabrowniene socialistico -mistice de pacifisti siguri ca sistemul e putred in timp ce iau royalties la greu rofl.gif

wiki : Writing in the Washington Post Book World, reviewer Michael Kammen, a professor of American History at Cornell, wrote: "I wish that I could pronounce Zinn's book a great success, but it is not. It is a synthesis of the radical and revisionist historiography of the past decade... Not only does the book read like a scissors and paste-pot job, but even less attractive, so much attention to historians, historiography and historical polemic leaves precious little space for the substance of history. ... We do deserve a people's history; but not a singleminded, simpleminded history, too often of fools, knaves and Robin Hoods. We need a judicious people's history because the people are entitled to have their history whole; not just those parts that will anger or embarrass them. ... If that is asking for the moon, then we will cheerfully settle for balanced history."[34]

LE: dude, esti varza. ai dat cu gugal repede si ai gresit colonia, ai ales jamestown in loc de plymouth . colonia asta e aia cu pocahontas rofl.gif blink.gif

Acest topic a fost editat de turbo trabant: 4 May 2009, 05:50 PM

Romanii, ca popor, sunt prosti. Nu va chinuiti sa raspundeti, considerati posturile drept opera unui dusman al poporului.

Ba, ia faceti liniste si ordine, ce dreacu!
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jet li
mesaj 4 May 2009, 05:50 PM
Mesaj #303


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 1.196
Inscris: 31 January 04
Din: ae
Forumist Nr.: 2.045

Children in Iroquois society, while taught the cultural heritage of their people and solidarity with the tribe, were also taught to be independent, not to submit to overbearing authority. They were taught equality in status and the sharing of possessions. The Iroquois did not use harsh punishment on children; they did not insist on early weaning or early toilet training, hut gradually allowed the child to learn self-care.

All of this was in sharp contrast to European values as brought over by the first colonists, a society of rich and poor, controlled by priests, by governors, by male heads of families. For example, the pastor of the Pilgrim colony, John Robinson, thus advised his parishioners how to deal with their children: "And surely there is in all children ... a stubbornness, and stoutness of mind arising from natural pride, which must, in the first place, be broken and beaten down; that so the foundation of their education being laid in humility and tractableness, other virtues may, in their time, be built thereon."

Gary Nash describes Iroquois culture:
No laws and ordinances, sheriffs and constables, judges and juries, or courts or jails-the apparatus of authority in European societies-were to be found in the northeast woodlands prior to European arrival. Yet boundaries of acceptable behavior were firmly set. Though priding themselves on the autonomous individual, the Iroquois maintained a strict sense of right and wrong.... He who stole another's food or acted invalourously in war was "shamed" by his people and ostracized from their company until he had atoned for his actions and demonstrated to their satisfaction that he had morally purified himself.

Nu vad nici o problema sa te imbogatesti scriind o carte. Nu poti trai fara bani in sistemul asta. Nu e ca si cum ai fi un patron care isi pune sclavii la munca. Pot gasi si reviewuri pozitive daca vreau.

Acest topic a fost editat de jet li: 4 May 2009, 05:54 PM

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turbo trabant
mesaj 4 May 2009, 05:57 PM
Mesaj #304


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 7.773
Inscris: 27 December 08
Din: za great milky way
Forumist Nr.: 12.719

QUOTE(jet li @ 4 May 2009, 05:50 PM) *
Nu vad nici o problema sa te imbogatesti scriind o carte

Pai poti sa scrii aproape ce vrei tu dar asta nu te face istoric rofl.gif

Romanii, ca popor, sunt prosti. Nu va chinuiti sa raspundeti, considerati posturile drept opera unui dusman al poporului.

Ba, ia faceti liniste si ordine, ce dreacu!
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jet li
mesaj 4 May 2009, 06:00 PM
Mesaj #305


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 1.196
Inscris: 31 January 04
Din: ae
Forumist Nr.: 2.045

De ce ? Ca asa spune un "critic" ? Uite altul care spune altceva :
"Professor Zinn writes with an enthusiasm rarely encountered in the leaden prose of academic history, and his text is studded with telling quotations from labor leaders, war resisters, and fugitive slaves. There are vivid descriptions of events that are usually ignored, such as the great railroad strike of 1877 and the brutal suppression of the Philippine independence movement at the turn of the last century. Professor Zinn's chapter on Vietnam—bringing to life once again the free-fire zones, secret bombings, massacres, and cover-ups-should be required reading for a new generation of students."

Foner said, "The portrayal of these anonymous Americans is strangely circumscribed. Blacks, Indians, women and laborers appear either as rebels or as victims. Less dramatic but more typical lives—people struggling to survive with dignity in difficult circumstances

In the Journals of the House of Burgesses of Virginia is a document of 1619 which tells of the first twelve years of the Jamestown colony. The first settlement had a hundred persons, who had one small ladle of barley per meal. When more people arrived, there was even less food. Many of the people lived in cavelike holes dug into the ground, and in the winter of 1609-1610, they were ... driven thru insufferable hunger to eat those things which nature most abhorred, the flesh and excrements of man as well of our own nation as of an Indian, digged by some out of his grave after he had lain buried three days and wholly devoured him; others, envying the better state of body of any whom hunger has not yet so much wasted as their own, lay wait and threatened to kill and eat them; one among them slew his wife as she slept in his bosom, cut her in pieces, salted her and fed upon her till he had clean devoured all parts saving her head.. ..

The Virginians needed labor, to grow corn for subsistence, to grow tobacco for export. They had just figured out how to grow tobacco, and in 1617 they sent off the first cargo to England. Finding that, like all pleasurable drugs tainted with moral disapproval, it brought a high price, the planters, despite their high religious talk, were not going to ask questions about something so profitable.
They couldn't force Indians to work for them, as Columbus had done. They were outnumbered, and while, with superior firearms, they could massacre Indians, they would face massacre in return. They could not capture them and keep them enslaved; the Indians were tough, resourceful, defiant, and at home in these woods, as the transplanted Englishmen were not.

White servants had not yet been brought over in sufficient quantity. Besides, they did not come out of slavery, and did not have to do more than contract their labor for a few years to get their passage and a start in the New World. As for the free white settlers, many of them were skilled craftsmen, or even men of leisure back in England, who were so little inclined to work the land that John Smith, in those early years, had to declare a kind of martial law, organize them into work gangs, and force them into the fields for survival.
There may have been a kind of frustrated rage at their own ineptitude, at the Indian superiority at taking care of themselves, that made the Virginians especially ready to become the masters of slaves.

Edmund Morgan imagines their mood as he writes in his book American Slavery, American Freedom:

If you were a colonist, you knew that your technology was superior to the Indians'. You knew that you were civilized, and they were savages... . But your superior technology had proved insufficient to extract anything. The Indians, keeping to themselves, laughed at your superior methods and lived from the land more abundantly and with less labor than you did... . And when your own people started deserting in order to live with them, it was too much. ... So you killed the Indians, tortured them, burned their villages, burned their cornfields. It proved your superiority, in spite of your failures. And you gave similar treatment to any of your own people who succumbed to their savage ways of life. But you still did not grow much Black slaves were the answer.

Acest topic a fost editat de jet li: 4 May 2009, 06:01 PM

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turbo trabant
mesaj 4 May 2009, 06:03 PM
Mesaj #306


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 7.773
Inscris: 27 December 08
Din: za great milky way
Forumist Nr.: 12.719

jet li ma repet din pacate: esti varza.

vorbeam de colonia pelerinilor si tu sari cu jamestown. vorbim de timisoara si tu sari cu caracalul. sau de razbelul de independenta si tu sari la primul razboi mondial.

Romanii, ca popor, sunt prosti. Nu va chinuiti sa raspundeti, considerati posturile drept opera unui dusman al poporului.

Ba, ia faceti liniste si ordine, ce dreacu!
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+Quote Post
mesaj 4 May 2009, 06:19 PM
Mesaj #307


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 16.101
Inscris: 7 May 04
Din: Noris Rock City
Forumist Nr.: 3.415

No no, just a moment, please laugh.gif

Cea mai buna inventie e dormitul, de c�nd au fost obositii.
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jet li
mesaj 4 May 2009, 08:22 PM
Mesaj #308


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 1.196
Inscris: 31 January 04
Din: ae
Forumist Nr.: 2.045

E acelasi lucru.
Observing a prisoner exchange between the Iroquois and the French in upper New York in
1699, Cadwallader Colden is blunt: “ notwithstanding the French Commissioners took all the
Pains possible to carry Home the French, that were Prisoners with the Five Nations, and they
had full Liberty from the Indians, few of them could be persuaded to return. “Nor, he has to
admit, is this merely a reflection on the quality of French colonial life, “for the English had as
much Difficulty” in persuading their redeemed to come home, despite what Colden would
claim were the obvious superiority of English ways:

No Arguments, no Intreaties, nor Tears of their Friends and Relations, could persuade many
of them to leave their new Indian Friends and Acquaintance; several of them that were by the
Caressings of their Relations persuaded to come Home, in a little Time grew tired of our
Manner of living, and run away again to the Indians, and ended their Days with them
. On the
other Hand, Indian Children have been carefully educated among the English, cloathed and
taught, yet, I think, there is not one Instance, that any of these, after they had Liberty to go
among their own People, and were come to Age, would remain with the English, but returned
to their own Nations, and became as fond of the Indian Manner of Life as those that knew
nothing of a civilized Manner of Living. And, he concludes, what he says of this particular
prisoner exchange “has been found true on many other Occasions.”

Benjamin Franklin was even more pointed: When an Indian child is raised in white civilization,
he remarks, the civilizing somehow does not stick, and at the first opportunity he will go back
to his red relations, from whence there is no hope whatever of redeeming him. But when white
persons of either sex have been taken prisoners young by the Indians, and have lived a while
among them, tho’ ransomed by their Friends, and treated with all imaginable tenderness to
prevail with them to stay among the English, yet in a Short time they become disgusted with
our manner of life, and the care and pains that are necessary to support it, and take the first
good Opportunity of escaping again into the Woods, from whence there is no reclaiming them.

There was always the great woods, and the life to
be lived within it was, Crevecoeur admits, “singularly captivating,” perhaps even superior to
that so boasted of by the transplanted Europeans. For, as many knew to their rueful
amazement, “thousands of Europeans are Indians, and we have no examples of even one of
those aborigines having from choice become Europeans!”

Da, "viata in padure", "aventura", libertatea, toate astea pe care poate le-ati simtit vreodata apoi le-ati uitat, au existat. Acum nu mai ai unde sa fugi. Povestile despre copii ramasi orfani la Hiroshima care traiesera liberi pe strazi cativa ani si apoi fugeau tot timpul din caminele sau scolile unde erau adusi, desi acolo aveau mancare, sunt adevarate. Dar dupa cum am spus, nu mai ai unde sa fugi cu adevarat sa traiesti cum traiau indienii pana acum 150 de ani.

They know that there is a way the world is supposed to be, and a magnificent role for themselves in that more beautiful world. Broken to the lesser lives we offer them, they react with hostility, rage, cynicism, depression, escapism, or self-destruction—all the defining qualities of modern adolescence. Then we blame them for not bringing these qualities under control, and when they finally have given up their idealism we call them mature. Having given up their idealism, they can get on with the business of survival: practicality and security, comfort and safety, which is what we are left with in the absence of purpose. So we suggest they major in something practical, stay out of trouble, don't take risks, build a résumé. We think we are practical and wise in the ways of the world. Really we are just broken and afraid. We are afraid on their behalf, and, less nobly, we are afraid of what their idealism shows us: the plunder and betrayal of our own youthful possibilities.

Acest topic a fost editat de jet li: 4 May 2009, 08:28 PM

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turbo trabant
mesaj 5 May 2009, 10:55 AM
Mesaj #309


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 7.773
Inscris: 27 December 08
Din: za great milky way
Forumist Nr.: 12.719

QUOTE(jet li @ 4 May 2009, 08:22 PM) *
Acum nu mai ai unde sa fugi.

Hai nu ma innebuni, esti in puscarie?

in spiritul unei discutii academice cu peretii iata o carte care prezinta viata la indieni rofl.gif


Romanii, ca popor, sunt prosti. Nu va chinuiti sa raspundeti, considerati posturile drept opera unui dusman al poporului.

Ba, ia faceti liniste si ordine, ce dreacu!
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jet li
mesaj 5 May 2009, 11:14 AM
Mesaj #310


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 1.196
Inscris: 31 January 04
Din: ae
Forumist Nr.: 2.045

Gasesc alti cativa nebuni si plec in padure - daca mai e padure. Traiesc din vanatoare. Vine politia si ma aresteaza pe motive de braconaj si speriat turistii. Deci unde mai poti fugi ? Nu mai e ca in America in 1699, vezi ce scrie mai sus, sa fugi la indieni. Care se vede ca nu omorau orice alb intalneau.

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turbo trabant
mesaj 5 May 2009, 11:15 AM
Mesaj #311


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 7.773
Inscris: 27 December 08
Din: za great milky way
Forumist Nr.: 12.719

QUOTE(jet li @ 5 May 2009, 11:14 AM) *
Gasesc alti cativa nebuni si plec in padure - daca mai e padure. Traiesc din vanatoare. Vine politia si ma aresteaza pe motive de braconaj si speriat turistii. Deci unde mai poti fugi ? Nu mai e ca in America in 1699, vezi ce scrie mai sus, sa fugi la indieni. Care se vede ca nu omorau orice alb intalneau.

Pai nu e mai simplu sa te faci padurar? rofl.gif

Romanii, ca popor, sunt prosti. Nu va chinuiti sa raspundeti, considerati posturile drept opera unui dusman al poporului.

Ba, ia faceti liniste si ordine, ce dreacu!
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mesaj 5 May 2009, 12:25 PM
Mesaj #312


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 212
Inscris: 22 September 06
Forumist Nr.: 8.705

QUOTE(jet li @ 5 May 2009, 11:14 AM) *
Gasesc alti cativa nebuni si plec in padure - daca mai e padure. Traiesc din vanatoare. Vine politia si ma aresteaza pe motive de braconaj si speriat turistii. Deci unde mai poti fugi ? Nu mai e ca in America in 1699, vezi ce scrie mai sus, sa fugi la indieni. Care se vede ca nu omorau orice alb intalneau.

Stai ma copile linistit ca n-o sa pleci in nici o padure. Iti spun eu ce-o sa faci: O sa ne ti predici pe forum despre nostalgia ta anarho-primitivista pana o sa te plictisesti si tu ( ca pe noi ne-ai distrus de plictiseala), apoi o sa gasesti si tu o fata care sa-ti bage mintile in cap si ai sa-ti revii.
Tu nu de padure si triburi ai nevoie, tu ai nevoie de forum ca sa spui altora ca retetele tale de fericire sunt universale.

Dupa nick banuiesc cam care a fost traiectoria "gandirii" tale...e una clasica: arte martiale ->contact cu "spiritualitatea" orientala -> concluzia "dharma este eterna" -> seductia "reintoarcerii la origini" -> predici plicticoase pe forum.

Hai sa-ti dezvalui un secret : Hapiness is a warm pussy ohyeah.gif

Acest topic a fost editat de entropy: 5 May 2009, 03:24 PM
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jet li
mesaj 5 May 2009, 01:45 PM
Mesaj #313


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 1.196
Inscris: 31 January 04
Din: ae
Forumist Nr.: 2.045

Bine ca le stii tu pe toate. Da retetele mele sunt universale. Sunt pentru toti.

Si imposibil de aplicat la cati suntem nu putem trai simplu avem nevoie de tehnologie. Am descris o societate tribala cu tehnologie. Nu va fi aplicata vreodata. De ce mai scriu ? Nu stiu, poate ca sa am satisfactia sa sa zic odata : "v-am spus eu !" smile.gif

Planeta este aproape de distrugere. Curand vei intelege ca fericirea ta nu poate fi decat o parte din fericirea tuturor. Altfel o sa trebuiasca sa te lupti cu toti pentru supravietuire. Mult mai necivilizat decat oamenii dintr-un trib.

"Soylent Green"

Acest topic a fost editat de jet li: 5 May 2009, 01:47 PM

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turbo trabant
mesaj 5 May 2009, 01:53 PM
Mesaj #314


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 7.773
Inscris: 27 December 08
Din: za great milky way
Forumist Nr.: 12.719

QUOTE(jet li @ 5 May 2009, 01:45 PM) *
Planeta este aproape de distrugere.


jet fa-te mama padurar: or sa fie astia fericiti ca stai la cort si nu e nevoie de cabana. iti dau si pusca dar tu poate o refuzi si vrei o sulita , nimeni nu o sa aiba nimic cu tine. ca padurar, faci ce vrei pe tarlaua ta. bine, pana in prima noapte cu mos martin cu care o sa te intelegi de minune cum se intelegeau indienii talpa-iute cu ursuletul de plus grizzly. wub.gif

Acest topic a fost editat de turbo trabant: 5 May 2009, 01:53 PM

Romanii, ca popor, sunt prosti. Nu va chinuiti sa raspundeti, considerati posturile drept opera unui dusman al poporului.

Ba, ia faceti liniste si ordine, ce dreacu!
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jet li
mesaj 5 May 2009, 02:04 PM
Mesaj #315


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 1.196
Inscris: 31 January 04
Din: ae
Forumist Nr.: 2.045


"A declining soil fertility, due to a lack of organic material, major elements, and trace minerals, is responsible for poor crops and in turn for pathological conditions in animals fed deficient foods from such soils, and that mankind is no exception."

Dr Albrecht goes further to unequivocally lay the blame:

"NPK formulas, as legislated and enforced by State Departments of Agriculture, mean malnutrition, attack by insects, bacteria and fungi, weed takeover, crop loss in dry weather, and general loss of mental acuity in the population, leading to degenerative metabolic disease and early death."
1992 Earth Summit Statistics

1992 Earth Summit Report* indicate that the mineral content of the world's farm and range land soil has decreased dramatically.

Percentage of Mineral Depletion From Soil During The Past 100 Years, By Continent:
North America 85% **
South America 76%
Asia 76%
Africa 74%
Europe 72%
Australia 55%

* You may remember the 1992 Earth Summit by the fact that President Bush wouldn't sign any of the treaties.

** Some US farms are 100% depleted and some are 60% depleted, the average is 85% depletion as compared to 100 years ago. This is worse than in any other country in the world because of the extended use of fertilizers and "maximum yield" mass farming methods.

According to research in animal husbandry and from The National Science Foundation, animals require at least: 45 minerals 12 essential amino acids 16 vitamins 3 essential fatty acids

According to Gary Price Todd, MD, the human body requires at least 60 minerals for optimal health and basically the same other essentials as animals.

But, only 8 minerals are available in any kind of quantity in most of the food we eat today.

We know plants can make vitamins, amino acids and varying amounts of fatty acids, if they are healthy from being grown in soils containing abundant minerals. If the soil lacks minerals, the plant is stunted because a plant can not make minerals.

Deci in momentul asta doar ingrasamintele artificiale ne mai tine solul in stare "productiva". Nu va mirati de gustul si calitatile legumelor produse "industrial". Fara ingrasamintele astea eram de mult timp intr-o criza de alimente.

Iowa is almost all fields now. Little prairie remains, and if you can find what Iowans call a “postage stamp” remnant of some, it most likely will abut a cornfield. This allows an observation. Walk from the prairie to the field, and you probably will step down about six feet, as if the land had been stolen from beneath you. Settlers' accounts of the prairie conquest mention a sound, a series of pops, like pistol shots, the sound of stout grass roots breaking before a moldboard plow. A robbery was in progress.

People were far more alive in all their senses. !Kung San, reported R. H. Post, have heard a single-engined plane while it was still 70 miles away, and many of them can see four moons of Jupiter with the naked eye. The summary judgment of Harris and Ross, as to “an overall decline in the quality - and probably in the length - of human life among farmers as compared with earlier hunter-gatherer groups,” is understated.
One of the most persistent and universal ideas is that there was once a Golden Age of innocence before history began. Hesiod, for instance, referred to the “life-sustaining soil, which yielded its copious fruits unbribed by toil.” Eden was clearly the home of the huntergatherers and the yearning expressed by the historical images of paradise must have been
that of disillusioned tillers of the soil for a lost life of freedom and relative ease.

The history of civilization shows the increasing displacement of nature from human experience, characterized in part by a narrowing of food choices. According to Rooney, prehistoric peoples found sustenance in over 1500 species of wild plants, whereas “All civilizations,” Wenke reminds us, have been based on the cultivation of one or more of just six plant species: wheat, barley, millet, rice, maize, and potatoes.”
It is a striking truth that over the centuries “the number of different edible foods which are actually eaten,” Pyke points out, “has steadily dwindled.” The world’s population now depends for most of its subsistence on only about 20 genera of plants while their natural strains are replaced by artificial hybrids and the genetic pool of these plants becomes far less varied.

The diversity of food tends to disappear or flatten out as the proportion of manufactured foods increases. Today the very same articles of diet are distributed worldwide so that an Inuit Eskimo and an African native may soon be eating powdered milk manufactured in Wisconsin or frozen fish sticks from a single factory in Sweden. A few big multinationals such as Unilever, the world’s biggest food production company, preside over a highly integrated service system in which the object is not to nourish or even to feed, but to force an everincreasing consumption of fabricated, processed products upon the world.

The diets of hunter-gatherers appear to be comparatively well balanced, even when they are lean. Ethnographic accounts of contemporary groups suggest that protein intakes are commonly quite high, comparable to those of affluent modern groups and substantially above world averages. Protein deficiency is almost unknown in these groups, and vitamin and mineral deficiencies are rare and usually mild in comparison to rates reported from many Third World populations.
Archaeological evidence suggests that specific deficiencies, including that of iron (anemia), vitamin D (rickets), and, more controversially, vitamin C (scurvy) as well as such general signs of protein calorie malnutrition as childhood growth retardation have generally become more common in history rather than declining.

Acest topic a fost editat de jet li: 5 May 2009, 02:07 PM

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