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mesaj 16 Jul 2011, 10:19 AM
Mesaj #1126


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 17.291
Inscris: 9 December 06
Din: Din acest univers.
Forumist Nr.: 9.062

QUOTE(exergy33 @ 16 Jul 2011, 11:09 AM) *
....Ma gandesc ca e posibil ca ei sa fi fost semiti.....

Ar putea fi traci, cimerieni.

"Problema cu lumea este că proștii și fanaticii sunt întotdeauna așa de siguri pe ei, în timp ce oamenii înțelepți sunt atât de plini de îndoieli." (Bertrand Russell)

"A fi tolerant nu inseamnă a tolera intoleranţa altora" (Jules Romains)

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mesaj 16 Jul 2011, 05:54 PM
Mesaj #1127


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 4.959
Inscris: 9 August 05
Din: marginea viselor
Forumist Nr.: 6.763

Shahr-e Yeri

foto5 ............................................................ foto6

Pentru a va face o impresie despre marimea locului funerar si a ruinelor templelor am anexat inca doua fotografii.
In foto5, in fundal, se observa alt sir de pietre si stele funerare. Daca veti descarca imaginea veti putea vedea mai clar. In foto6 am incercat sa captez 'ramasitele' unui templu.

Cu ajutorul urmatoarelor imagini vreau sa scot in evidenta un aspect: cu exceptia catorva pietre funerare de dimensiuni mici, ce dupa toate probabilitatile reprezinta copii/suflete de copii smile.gif , toate celelalte 'poarta' arme.

Fac o paranteza pentru a da cateva explicatii.
La inceput s-a crezut ca statuile/stelele/menhirele ar reprezenta femei. In favoarea acestei afirmatii statea coafura personajelor reprezentate. Toate au plete sau cozi interesant impletite/pieptanate. Partea de jos a podoabei capilare are o forma anume. Voi pune imagini in urmatoarea postare.

Acum ma intorc la ideea precedenta. Deci spuneam ca toate statuile de dimensiuni ceva mai mari poarta arme ... un fel de sabii incovoiate, hangeare ... nu stiu cum sa le numesc.

Mai tarziu arheologii au lansat ipoteza ca, indiferent de sex, toate persoanele adulte reprezentate in acest loc funerar poarta arme. Cele fara arme reprezinta copii.
Dupa fizionomie nu se poate face o distinctie clara intre femei si barbati. Toti au nasul extrem de lung, plete coafate in acelasi stil, nu au gura si nici alte elemente, ca de exemplu sani- cu ajutorul carora sa se poata spune clar ca e vorba de reprezentari feminine, dar nici mustati sau barba - care sa indice faptul ca ar fi vorba de personaje masculine wub.gif .

... ... ...
foto7 .............................................. foto8 ................................... foto9

Dau acum un prim pachet de informatii. Trebuie sa spun ca, despre acest oras Yeri, necunoscut chiar de marea masa a persanilor, nu exista prea multe date publicate in literatura de specialitate, ori pe 'interpretarile' facute pe blogurile de limba persana si cele din revistele cu 'de toate pentru toti' nu ma pot baza rolleyes.gif .

Se stie ca acesti locuitori au fost facuti vasali de catre regatul Urartu si ca au renuntat la religia lor in favoarea zeilor venerati de urartieni.
Aceste informatii parvin de pe o inscriptie descoperita in 1978 de arheologul Charles Burney pe o piatra din incinta noului templu. Tot el e cel ce a tradus-o.

Daca nu ma insel, piatra inscriptionata a fost luata de Burney pentru a fi cercetata in amanunt.
In 1979 are loc rasturnarea de la putere a sahului, revolutia si apoi razboiul de opt ani cu Irakul.
In aceasta perioada nu s-a intreprins nimic in Shahr-e Yeri, dar, traficantii de antichitati si localnicii doritori de a descoperi comori, au devastat si furat tot ceea ce li s-a parut ca are valoare si poate fi vandut peste granite. Un bonus trebuie acordat turistilor rusi care, cu camionetele, carau statui in Rusia sub ochii 'vigilentilor' graniceri (iranieni si rusi).

Cand lucrurile au intrat relativ in normal, dupa terminarea razboiului, niste arheologi iranieni s-au incumetat sa faca sapaturi si datari pe baza standardelor arheologice moderne. Dar a fost prea tarziu caci, dupa cum au marturisit ei insisi, cea mai mare parte a mormintelor au fost gasite goale ... adica furate.
Totusi in cateva morminte din zona unde am facut si eu fotografiile s-au descoperit diverse obiecte: nasturi din bronz aurit si argint aurit extrem de migalos prelucrati. De aici s-a tras concluzia ca si hainele oamenilor acelor timpuri trebuiau sa fi fost pe masura, caci nimeni nu coase nasturi de argint filigranat pe panza de sac.
S-au mai descoperit placi din aur prinse pe snur/bentita din piele si petrecute in jurul gatului. Deasemeni au fost descoperite siraguri din pietre semipretioase (posibil ca scheletele cu siraguri sa apartina femeilor), arme din fier si ramasite de ceramica. Aceste informatii le am dintr-un interviu dat televiziunii de catre arheologul sef al proiectului Shahr-e Yeri
Nu stiu unde au fost transportate obiectele descoperite, nici cum arata, caci niciodata televiziunea iraniana nu le-a aratat. Posibil sa nu fi fost curatate, restaurate si inventariate.

Bineinteles ca m-am intrebat cine au fost locuitorii din arealul actualei zone mediatizata sub numele de Shahr-e Yeri.
Daca au fost semiti, cimerieni, traci sau altceva .... e foarte greu de precizat.
Voi posta mai multe imagini pentru cei ce doresc sa faca o evaluare a subiectului.

Luind ca punct de reper informatia sigura ca locuitorii din Shahr-e Yeri au fost vasalii regatului Urartu, si ca disparitia lor coincide cu disparitia de pe scena politica a urartienilor ce au fost invadati in sec VI ien de catre sciti si mezi, pot trage urmatoarea concluzie : regatul Urartu le asigura securitatea sau locuitorii din orasul Yeri, si nu degeaba toate statuile au arme la sold, faceau parte din angrenajul militar al urartienilor.

Regatul Urartu s-a intins din zona lacului Van (actuala Turcie) pana in zona lacului Urumie/Urmia (actualul Iran), cu ramificatii inspre Caucaz si partea de nord-vest a Iranului de azi.
Urartienii sunt considerati de catre unii drept stramosii armenilor si s-au facut diverse speculatii si interpretari pe paralela lingvistica Urartu - Ararat.

Acest topic a fost editat de exergy33: 16 Jul 2011, 05:59 PM


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mesaj 17 Jul 2011, 02:33 PM
Mesaj #1128


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 4.959
Inscris: 9 August 05
Din: marginea viselor
Forumist Nr.: 6.763

mama, tatal si copilul

. . .
foto10 .................................... foto11 ............................. foto12 .............................foto13

Spuneam ca interpretarea pietrelor funerare (menhirelor) de la Shahr-e Yeri e relativ dificila si din cauza ca nu se poate preciza cu exactitate sexul personajelor reprezentate.

Totusi, dupa ce am facut cateva ture kilometrice printre siragurile de pietre si statui, si dupa ce m-am uitat din toate partile la ele, am reusit sa identific trei sau patru tipuri distincte.

Nefiind istoric, nici arheolog, sa nu va luati dupa interpretarile mele smile.gif ...
Le-am grupat in trei categorii de baza si spre exemplificare postez cate o imagine caracteristica fiecarei categorii in parte.
Deci iata cum ar suna clasificarea :

foto10 - imagine generica pentru reprezentari de copii sugari, sau copii foarte mici, care nu pot prinde la sold o arma ( cateva pietre chiar mi-au sugerat imaginea unui fat infasat ... sau o fi fost halucinatii datorate caldurii si pustietatii ? ! unsure.gif )

foto11 - mi se pare cumva feminina statueta aceasta, in ciuda armei prinsa la cingatoare, iar daca compar coafura ei cu cea a statuetei din figura 13, nu observ nici o diferenta. La fel ca si altii am remarcat faptul ca marea majoritate a statuilor sunt 'coafate' in mod identic.

foto12 - pare sa fie un "EL". E vorba de o menhira sfaramata.

Dar ca sa nu las loc "scepticismelor" m-am gandit sa postez o fotografie de familie: mama, tata si copilul! (foto13)... si sper sa fiti de acord cu mine.

Personajul din dreapta imaginii, pe care l-am denumit "mama", are capul tesit si o coafura putin mai deosebita fata de restul statuilor. Ochii sunt reprezentati parca in alt stil.
Personajul din centru, pe care l-am denumit "copilul", poarta si el sabie.
"Tatal", pozitionat in stanga imaginii, e mai inalt cu cativa centimetri ... si bineinteles ca e inarmat.
Toti trei au nasurile extrem de lungi si toti trei, la fel ca restul tututor statuilor, absolut fara nici o exceptie, nu au gura.
Oare de ce oamenii din Yeri reprezentau figuri umane lipsite de gura?
Imi trec prin cap atatea posibile explicatii ca as putea scrie peste noapte o carte rolleyes.gif ...

Expresivitatea lor, chiar si dupa milenii, chiar in ciuda simplitatii si executiei rudimentare, m-a urmarit ore bune dupa ce m-am despartit de ei ... EI, oamenii din Yeri, despre care deocamdata nu se stie mare lucru.

Acest topic a fost editat de exergy33: 17 Jul 2011, 04:50 PM


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Promo Contextual
mesaj 17 Jul 2011, 02:33 PM
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mesaj 17 Jul 2011, 06:05 PM
Mesaj #1129


Grup: Admin
Mesaje: 5.082
Inscris: 26 December 05
Din: Bucuresti
Forumist Nr.: 7.531

la fel de stranii ca statuile din insula Paştelui... smile.gif

Poate că nu sunt reprezentări ale oamenilor ci ale unui zeu şi atunci se explică regularitatea "fizionomiei". Prin analogie cu pietrele de mormânt actuale, mărimea indică mai degrabă "bunăstarea" celor îngropaţi. Aşa cum creştinii pun o cruce, ei puneau imaginea zeului (al morţii, reînvierii etc)... unsure.gif

Acest topic a fost editat de Erwin: 17 Jul 2011, 06:09 PM

pantha rhei
Universul Fractal
The universe appears to be fractal, cyclic and self-regenerating. Implied is that it is eternal and infinite.
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mesaj 19 Jul 2011, 06:28 PM
Mesaj #1130


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 4.959
Inscris: 9 August 05
Din: marginea viselor
Forumist Nr.: 6.763

... ...
foto14 ................................................. foto15 ........................................... foto16

Nu cred sa fie vorba de reprezentari de zei. Ai dreptate. Au ceva straniu in fizionomie, nefiresc ..
Totusi mie, la fata locului, mi-a lasat impresia unui cimitir foarte normal unde niste oameni obisnuiti, nestiutori in ale scrisului, au tinut sa dea informatii despre sexul celor ingropati, eventual si varsta ...

Acum am altele pe cap smile.gif, dar peste cateva zile voi face o paralela intre aceste statui/menhire si altele, oarecum asemanatoare, descoperite prin varii locuri geografice.

Pun cateva fotografii noi.

In foto 14 cred ca e vorba de o jumatate dintr-o piatra de altar. Ca dimensiune cred ca ajunge la 1.5m.

In aceasta ultima fotografie am vrut sa prind in cadru cat mai mult din dimensiunea locului marcat de pietre si statui. In partea din stanga a imaginii se poate observa pana unde 'merge' sirul de bolovani. E una din imaginile mele preferate si ma bate gandul sa-mi fac un poster cu ea wink.gif .


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mesaj 21 Jul 2011, 05:44 AM
Mesaj #1131


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 4.959
Inscris: 9 August 05
Din: marginea viselor
Forumist Nr.: 6.763

Yeri ... am auzit prima oara acest nume cu vreo zece ani in urma. Apoi am vazut niste fotografii facute acolo. Apoi s-a trezit in mine gandul ca, intr-o buna zi, sa merg sa vizitez locul. Dar pe lista de prioritati existau atatea altele. Dorinta a ramas totusi intr-o stare latenta. In ultimii trei - patru ani m-am gandit serios ca trebuie sa merg neaparat pana la Shahr-e Yeri dar mereu a intervenit cate ceva. La asta se adauga si faptul ca drumul nu e accesibil in orice anotimp. Chiar daca se afla la doar 32 km de Meshkin Shahr, drumul principal fiind asfaltat si de o foarte buna calitate, insa de la drumul principal si pana in asa-zisul sat Pyrazmeyan ( fara scoala, moschee, baie, brutarie ... populat doar de cateva familii de batrani ce asteapta sa moara acolo unde s-au nascut, refuzand sa-si urmeze copiii la oras) trebuie mers vreo 2-3 km pe un drum neasfaltat, cu pietre, gropi si noroi (in zilele ploioase).
Dar supliciul nu se termina aici caci, din sat si pana la situl arheologic, mai trebuie parcursi vreo cativa kilometri pe un acelasi tip de drum, oarecum mai bun, acoperit cu prundis compactat.

In ultimul an pot spune ca dorinta s-a transformat intr-o mica obsesie ... dar si intr-un fel de teama.
Mi-ar fi parut rau sa fi plecat din Iran fara sa fi ajuns la Shahr-e Yeri.
Acum ca l-am vizitat ma simt foarte bine ... ca si cum as fi incheiat niste socoteli foarte vechi cu cineva caruia ii eram datoare smile.gif .

Acest topic a fost editat de exergy33: 21 Jul 2011, 05:59 AM


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mesaj 21 Jul 2011, 07:36 AM
Mesaj #1132


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 374
Inscris: 22 September 06
Forumist Nr.: 8.699

Pleci din Iran? Vacante frumoase in continuare. smile.gif

Mergeam in zigzaguri anapoda, ma invarteam in loc, stiam ca oricat as fi ratacit aveam sa ajung la timp.
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mesaj 21 Jul 2011, 12:11 PM
Mesaj #1133


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 17.291
Inscris: 9 December 06
Din: Din acest univers.
Forumist Nr.: 9.062

M-am uitat cu atentie la pietrele fotografiate de tine, un lucru mi-e clar, aceste pietre sunt foarte vechi, el ar putea fi incadrate ca, sunt de fapt, basoreliefuri, ce apartin perioadei anterioare sculpturii moderne asa cum o cunoastem. Acel popor trebuie sa fi preluat sau inventat aceasta forma de reprezentare prezenta in tot orientul mijlociu si in Egipt. Calatorie placuta in continuare.

"Problema cu lumea este că proștii și fanaticii sunt întotdeauna așa de siguri pe ei, în timp ce oamenii înțelepți sunt atât de plini de îndoieli." (Bertrand Russell)

"A fi tolerant nu inseamnă a tolera intoleranţa altora" (Jules Romains)

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mesaj 22 Jul 2011, 01:55 PM
Mesaj #1134


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 4.959
Inscris: 9 August 05
Din: marginea viselor
Forumist Nr.: 6.763

Cred ca au trecut mai bine de doi ani de cand am inceput sa citesc in mod organizat texte referitoare la megaliti, stele funerare, menhire si pietre ciudate.
Pe siturile iraniene, in persana sau in engleza, am avut surpriza sa descopar ca si iranienii au "Savestii" lor smile.gif ... "Savesti" ce emit teorii care mai de care mai fantasmagorice.
Totusi, prin desisul acela de informatii reale, bine documentate, amestecate insa cu interpretari fanteziste, alambicate si distorsionate, condimentate cu minciuni de ti-e mai mare dragul sa le citesti, am descoperit si lucruri utile.

De exemplu am descoperit ca nu numai la Yeri pietrele funerare sunt lipsite de gura. In foarte multe alte locuri, din Indonezia si pana in Franta, din Iran si pana in Irlanda, au fost descoperite astfel de menhire.

Astazi ma voi ocupa doar de arealul locuit de doua popoare de ginta latina, exclusiv Romania - careia mi-am propus sa-i dedic un post separat.

Deci voi posta linkuri cu texte si imagini din Franta si Italia si voi sublinia in rosu ideile ce mi s-au parut importante.


Statue-menhir carving may be in relief, leaving features standing in rounded profile, or in sunken relief, or may consist simply of incised lines. The features depicted usually follow a standardized pattern. Lower limbs are rarely shown, but are generally naked when they are shown. Upper limbs, by contrast, are commonly depicted, as is the face, with prominently rounded chin, and the hair, which often continues onto the edges and back of the stone. Occasional elements of clothing or equipment are also shown. The most common is a belt or girdle, sometimes attached to a shoulder strap. Some of the figures grasp in their hands a curved-ended stick resembling a shepherd's crook; others hold axes or bows; but the most famous piece of equipment represented on these stones is the copper dagger, frequently shown hanging from a cord around the neck.


a curved-ended stick ... exact ca in foto 11 rolleyes.gif
the hair, which often continues onto the edges and back of the stone ... dupa cum se observa din toate fotografiile mele, oamenii din Shahr-e Yeri puneau mare pret pe podoaba capilara wub.gif

In sharp contrast to the statue-menhirs of southern France and the Alpine region are those of Corsica and Sardinia. These date to the second and first millennia b.c. The Sardinian examples generally have little carving, and are merely roughly shaped standing pillars. The earliest of the Corsican statue-menhirs, on the other hand, resemble those of the mainland; they are flat slabs of stone carved with schematic triangular faces and occasional weapons. In date, however, they are probably later than the mainland examples, since the weapons depicted include daggers with T-shaped hilts and cruciform handled swords of Middle or Late Bronze Age type. One theory made these Corsican statue-menhirs the work of Corsican warriors fighting against an invasion of Sardinian "Shardana" during the late second millennium b.c. The "Shardana" are mentioned in Egyptian accounts of the reign of Rameses III as one of the Sea Peoples who invaded Egypt in the twelfth century b.c. There is, however, no firm connection, despite the similarity of name, between the Shardana of Egyptian records and the island of Sardinia.


Ideea cu o posibila legatura intre vechii locuitori ai Sardiniei si "oamenii marii" ce au invadat Egiptul pe timpul faraonului Ramses III merita sa fie cercetata.

Cum arata menhirele sau menhirii din Italia, mai precis din Sardinia?
Intrati aici si veti vedea: http://www.sardiniapoint.it/8630.html

In micul orasel Laconi de pe insula Sardinia exista un muzeu al acestor pietre lungi.

La adresele date in continuare puteti vedea cateva imagini. Nu ratati linkul al doilea, cel cu expozitia. Sunt niste exponate superbe, cu forme geometrice simple si de invidiat. Expozitia va fi deschisa in perioada 10 iulie - 28 noiembrie la Musée du Pic Saint-Loup.
Deci atentie maxima pentru cei ce locuiesc in zona smile.gif .


Pentru incheiere propun o vizita virtuala, tot in Franta, tot cu niste imagini deosebit de sugestive.


Gordin, si tie o vacanta cat mai relaxanta.
Marduk, in mod cert ca unele din statui sunt mai vechi de 2800-3000 de ani, unii arheologi afirma chiar ca ar fi mai vechi de 5000 de ani.

Acest topic a fost editat de exergy33: 22 Jul 2011, 02:01 PM


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mesaj 25 Jul 2011, 03:16 PM
Mesaj #1135


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 4.959
Inscris: 9 August 05
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Forumist Nr.: 6.763

Dar nu numai in sudul Europei pot fi intalnite aceste "pietre lungi". Spatiul britanic, in special Irlanda si Scotia, abunda in ele. Pot fi vazute pe marginea drumurilor, in adancul padurilor, pe panta vreunui deal, pe tarmul oceanului sau chiar in mijlocul ogoarelor.

De la bun inceput denumirea "menhir" nu mi-a mers la inima din cauza ca nu se armonizeaza fonetic cu limba romana. Ma tot straduiam sa caut un echivalent cand deodata mi-a fulgerat prin (bruma de) minte o idee wub.gif ... mai bine zis o expresie: stane de piatra.

Imediat m-am gandit la povestile cu vrajitoarele si vrajitorii ce-i transformau pe oameni in stana de piatra si m-am intrebat daca nu cumva aceste povesti nu au fost inspirate si de descoperirea menhirelor antropomorfe de catre sateni.
Conform DEX-ului cuvantul stana a patruns in limba romana prin filiera slavona.

Megalitii se deosebesc de menhire in primul rand datorita dimensiunilor geometrice ce deseori depasesc 2m.
Mai rar se intampla ca megalitii (mega = mare, lithos = piatra), adica "pietrele mari" sa aiba forme antropomorfe evidente sau detalii atent cizelate. Menhirele/menhirii/stanele de piatra au de obicei dimensiuni cuprinse intre (0,5-1,5)m si au fost 'prelucrate' mai migalos de catre oamenii epocii pietrei, ai epocii bronzului si a celei a fierului.

Dau cateva linkuri surori cu imagini de pe taramuri 'anglo-saxone'...
( cautati Calanais (Callanish I), Clach an Trushal, Cnoc Ceann à Gharaidh (Callanish II) )

(cautati Ballycrovane, Punchestown, Drombeg )

Am avut o surpriza in toata regula, pot spune chiar ca imi auzeam cum imi bate inima in timpane, atunci cand am descoperit acest loc din Scotia ... Hill o'Many Stanes smile.gif
Sa fi insemnand "dealul cu multe stane (de piatra)" ?


Acest topic a fost editat de exergy33: 25 Jul 2011, 03:18 PM


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mesaj 26 Jul 2011, 07:54 PM
Mesaj #1136


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 4.959
Inscris: 9 August 05
Din: marginea viselor
Forumist Nr.: 6.763

Scrutam zarea de pe platoul cu pietre funerare de la Shahr-e Yari si-mi ziceam in gand de una singura ca locul denumit "la Mama Huciului" trebuia sa fi fost prin apropiere.
Stane de piatra si vant ... vantul care adia usor, abia simtindu-l pe fata, scotea sunete asemanatoare cu niste vaiere ... ca si cum in departare cineva se tanguia.

Soferul ce ne adusese pana acolo a ramas uimit de existenta locului. Avea si de ce.

Noi cautam sa luam un taximetrist localnic pentru traseu lung, bazandu-ne pe faptul ca o asemenea persoana cunoaste bine imprejurimile.
Respectivul ne spusese ca se nascuse si crescuse intr-un sat situat la o distanta de 80 km de Meshkin Shahr, iar noi ne-am zis ca situl arheologic Yeri, situat la 32 km de Meshin Shahr, ii este cunoscut.

Da' de unde!

De abia cand am ajuns la vreo 50 km de oras, tin minte ca vazusem placa indicatoare cu diverse distante, tipul ne-a anuntat cu nonsalanta ca nu stie unde se afla acel loc ... ba mai mult ... ne-a intrebat daca suntem siguri ca un asemenea loc, cu statui si pietre, exista in realitate in zona ?! smile.gif

Sunt prea 'hârşita' de astfel de situatii ca sa mai reactionez violent si sa ma cert. Sotul meu s-a suparat pe loc si aproape ca s-a pornit la o cearta 'gospodareasca' cu soferul. I-am facut semn ca nu are nici un rost sa-si consume nervii pentru asta. Stiam ca nu-i un traseu complicat.

Deci inarmata cu multa rabdare i-am spus ca stiu precis de existenta locului si ca de pe Internet am descarcat cateva fotografii facute acolo de catre altii. Mi-a parut rau ca nu pusesem fotografiile pe celular. In ultimul timp, in mod frecvent imi introduc in baza foto a celularului imaginile cu obiectivele pe care doresc sa le vizitez pentru ca am descoperit un fapt. De extrem de multe ori denumirea unui castel, moschee, loc turistic, ruina, pod, turn, etc data pe Internet nu coincide cu denumirea utilizata de localnici. Am descoperit pe parcurs ce util e ca mai intai sa arati satenior imaginea locului pe care vrei sa-l vizitezi si de abia dupa aceea sa formulezi intrebarea.

Norocul nostru ca pe partea inverzita paralela cu drumul mergea la pas un taran. L-a lamurit pe sofer pe unde trebuie sa mearga si, dupa vreo jumatate de ora, ne-am odihnit oasele langa menhirele din Shahr-e Yeri.
Anterior, locul principal, cu grosul statuilor, fusese acoperit cu o copertina metalica. Furtuna din primavara nu numai ca a distrus copertina, dar a adus aluviuni sub forma de mal si pietris, aluviuni ce au ingropat partial statuile mici.
Ghinionul s-a abatut mereu asupra acestor stane de piatra inarmate, cu parul lung si lipsite de gura.

In perioada decembrie 2007 - ianuarie 2008 Iranul a trecut printr-o inzapezire crunta ce a blocat efectiv viata mai multor provincii. O saptamana si mai bine aeroporturile au fost inchise, o serie de drumuri principale, cu exceptia celor din sud, au fost inaccesibile din cauza zapezilor si a pericolului avalanselor, zeci de mii de oameni au innoptat in locuri amenajate de catre Semiluna Rosie in moschei, scoli, saloane de sport, ...

Cateva zile la rand Iranul a inregistrat cele mai scazute temperaturi din ultimii 50-60 de ani.

Expresia 'a fost un ger de-au crapat pietrele' s-a dovedit adevarata. Gerul a frânt pur si simplu o serie de statui de aici... zeci de statui.

Ceea ce am reusit sa vedem la fata locului reprezinta de fapt ceea ce a mai ramas dupa ger, furtuna, furturile traficantilor de antichitati ce au operat nestingheriti in perioada razboiului cu Irakul, si dupa ce arheologii au transferat cele mai reprezentative piese in laboratoarele de restaurare.

Vestea buna e ca statul si autoritatile locale au hotarat sa construiasca un muzeu chiar in acest loc indepartat, in care sa expuna toate artefactele descoperite in zona. Bineinteles ca intreaga zona va fi amenajata corespunzator ... cu locuri de parcare, restaurante, cofetarie, ceainarie, grupuri sanitare, punct de prin ajutor medical, etc ... drum asfaltat pana in satul Pirazmeyan si din sat pana la situl arheologic ... dar mi-e teama ca aceste schimbari vor rapi din frumusetea panoramei.

Locul acesta, asa cum l-am admirat cu nesat in aceasta vara, ne-a facut sa ne simtim rupti de istorie si timp.
Pana si soferul neincrezator in existenta statuilor a ingenuncheat rand pe rand in fata celor mai interesante si le-a cercetat in amanuntime. Era foarte miscat de ceea ce vedea si parca-i era rusine sa se exteiorizeze fata de noi.
Ma uitam la mainile lui si felul cum isi trecea degetele de-a lungul sabiei prinse la soldul unei menhire cu capul spart si ma gandeam ca l-a fel va fi trebuit sa fi facut si cel, sau poate ca cea, ce a cizelat piatra aceea transformand-o in statuia pe care o priveam acum.

Oare cate mii de ani au trecut de cand sufletul acelui mester s-a preschimbat in vant iar trupul in pamant?

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mesaj 28 Jul 2011, 05:15 AM
Mesaj #1137


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 4.959
Inscris: 9 August 05
Din: marginea viselor
Forumist Nr.: 6.763

Calatoria a mai avut un moment oarecum comic, dar care m-a binedispus mult in acea zi.

In apropiere de oras am zarit niste ruine. Soferul stia de existenta ruinelor dar nu stia exact ce-i cu ele ... din ce perioada sunt si ce reprezinta. Pe parcurs m-am convins ca nu doar soferul. Mi s-a parut inexplicanil ca vreo sase persoane la rand, localnici si destul de in varsta, sa nu ne poata da amanunte despre acele ruine, cu exceptia numelui sub care sunt cunoscute in zona: Kohneh Qaleh (Vechea Fortareata sau Vechiul Castel)

Le-am inconjurat si am ajuns intr-un loc prin care se putea intra in 'darapanatura' ... caci asa aratau de la distanta.
Am pasit intr-o incinta cu putina iaraba, niste flori orbitor de galbene si cateva vaci ce pasteau nestingherite. Ne-a izbit un miros puternic de balegar.

Nu cunosc denumirea plantei din imagine, insa, dupa parerea mea, se aseamana cu coada soricelului. Mi-a fost imposibil sa-mi dau seama ce miros are pentru ca mirosul de balegar anihila orice alt miros ...

Soferul ramasese in masina.
Dupa cativa pasi sotul mi-a declarat ca abandoneaza incursiunea in incinta rolleyes.gif , ca si asa nu-i nimic de vazut, si ca merge sa faca un tur al zonei sa vada daca exista prin apropiere vreo ceainarie.

Deci singura, si cu mare atentie, am pasit pas cu pas pe terenul 'minat' cu balegar.

Am fotografiat ceea ce se vedea jur imprejurul meu fara sa dau importanta vacilor ... dar la un moment dat m-am trezit inconjurata de ele smile.gif ...

Povestea are continuare smile.gif .


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mesaj 28 Jul 2011, 11:32 AM
Mesaj #1138


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 4.959
Inscris: 9 August 05
Din: marginea viselor
Forumist Nr.: 6.763

Am inaintat cu grija pana in mijlocul imprejmuirii si de acolo am fotografiat (in) cele patru puncte cardinale.
Vacutele, vreo patru la numar, se apropiasera de mine ... probabil ca intruziunea mea le stingherea pasunatul.
Pe latura de rasarit am depistat un turn in ruina. De pe locul in care eram l-am fotografiat si m-am decis sa ma apropii ca sa-l pot capta mai bine. Calea mi-a fost barata de o vaca de culoare deschisa.

Chiar in acel moment am observat ca se apropie un barbat, potrivit de statura, la vreo treizeci de ani, imbracat cu niste haine nici murdare si nici prea curate, cu o punga de nailon in mana.
Privirea mi-a fost atrasa de punga. In primul moment am avut impresia ca are in punga niste conopida ... apoi am realizat ca sunt ciuperci. Niste ciuperci albe, mai mari decat pumnul.

Tipul s-a oprit si m-a masurat o secunda cu privirea. Cred ca-si daduse seama ca nu sunt iranianca ... si de aceea n-a zis nimic ... nici macar o formula uzuala de salut. Dar a luat un vreasc de jos si a inceput sa mane vitele. Ele in loc sa se imprastie au inceput sa se invarta in cerc in jurul nostru.

Era ca intr-o scena de comedie. M-a bufnit rasul si i-am zis sa le lase in pace ca nu are nici un rost.
Vazand ca-i vorbesc in persana tipul mi-a raspuns imediat si mi-a zis ca vacile lui nu-s periculoase. laugh.gif
Credea ca vin de pe Marte, probabil,...

In sfarsit, eu inainte, el dupa mine, si doua vaci dupa noi, ne-am apropiat de turn.
Am facut mai multe fotografii la rand si tipul, cu o mimica demna de un premiu pentru actorie, se incrunta sau se mira teatral de fiecare data cand apasam pe declansator.
Probabil ca in gand isi spunea : "uite-o si pe vacuta asta straina. Oare ce fotografiaza? ... ca nu-i nimic de fotografiat!" wub.gif

S-a apropiat la o jumatate de metru de mine si efectiv si-a concentrat privirea pe aparatul foto ... doar doar o vedea ce imagini iau in cadru. Poate ca-si inchipuia ca in locul in care stau s-a deschis o poarta magica prin care vad un palat poleit cu aur, iar el, nu.

Dupa ce am terminat cu fotografiatul m-am intors spre dansul si l-am intrebat daca stie ceva despre aceste ruine.
Nu stia mai mult decat ceilalti ... ca ar fi ruinele unei fortarete ... dar din ce dinastie si care shah sau rege a construit-o, nu stia, insa oamenii din zona cred ca-i vorba de o constructie sassanida.

In sfarsit m-am decis sa destram misterul, si sa-l dumiresc ce mi s-a parut extrem de interesant la turnul cu pricina, si i-am zis ca dantelaria de pe turn e asemanatoare in linii mari cu dantelaria unui turn dintr-o alta fortareata de lut. Iranul are mai multe fortarete de lut trecute in patrimoniul istoric.

I-am zis ca la Meybod, in provincia Yazd, se afla Kale-e Narin sau Kale-e Narenj, un castel-fortareata de pe timpul mezilor. Acolo vazusem un turn cu o 'fatada' interesanta.

Nu mai stiam daca pe memory card mai aveam fotografiile facute la Maybod, caci multe imagini captate in urma cu trei ani la Yazd le stersesem.
Spre norocul meu pastrasem o fotografie cu turnul fortaretei ... asa ca i-am aratat-o.

S-a uitat lung, cand la ruina din fata ochilor, cand la fotografia cu Qale-e Narenj.

Acest model, sau mai bine zis pattern, se regaseste in toate cetatile mezilor ... se regaseste apoi la sassanizi ... se regaseste pe covoarele tesute (kilimuri) de sotiile oierilor ce populeaza provinciile Kermanshah, Sanandaj si Hamadan.

Informatii exacte despre aceste ruine ar trebui sa se gaseasca in monografia provinciei Ardebil sau intr-un carte despre cetatile si forturile persilor. Din pacate serverul de la biblioteca era defect, nu se puteau imprumuta si nici restitui carti, si nici nu se putea utiliza baza de date.
Ramane sa ma documentez mai serios dupa ce ma voi intoarce din calatorie.

Am studiat cu atentie modul in care au imbinat lutul cu piatra, cum au folosit drugi din lemn pentru a spori rezistenta zidurilor, cum au conceput cetatea - cu doua ziduri de aparare ( descarcati a doua imagine din postul anterior pentru a vedea detaliile, in cazul in care va intereseaza), in ce fel au construit ferestruicile si cum au pozitionat fortareata, in imediata vecinatate a muntelui ...

Acest topic a fost editat de exergy33: 28 Jul 2011, 11:38 AM


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mesaj 29 Jul 2011, 08:33 AM
Mesaj #1139


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 4.959
Inscris: 9 August 05
Din: marginea viselor
Forumist Nr.: 6.763

Ruinele fortaretei de lut sunt intr-o stare groaznica de paragina. E evident faptul ca nimeni nu le-a acordat importanta.

Acum sa spun si niste lucruri care stiu ca vor face deliciul unora care se agita pe la forumul de politica rolleyes.gif .

In apropiere se afla intradevar o ceainarie. O cladire modesta dar, spre totala mea surprindere, foarte curata si mobilata in stil modern.
In interior cateva mese si scaune cu design italian, din plastic incasabil si inox, straluceau in lumina ce venea prin ferestrele mari si extrem de curate. Cred ca senzatia de curatenie era indusa in special de sticla curata, fara urme de zgarieturi, murdarie si praf si de podeaua mozaicata in nuante fumurii-argintii.

Pe terasa se juca o fetita de vreo zece ani. Am intrebat-o in ce directie trebuie sa mergem pentru a ajunge la inscriptia in piatra din timpul regelui Shapur al II-lea.
Mi-a zis ca acea inscriptie nu mai exista pentru ca a luat-o apa.
N-am comentat nimic crezand ca dansa vorbeste aiurea ... dar de fapt stia foarte bine ce spunea.

Batranul proprietar al ceainariei a confirmat.
Mi se pare incredibil tot ce s-a intamplat cu acest petrograph tradus de iranologul Nelson Richard Frye, despre care am vorbit putin aici:

Piatra inscriptionata fusese incastrata in stanca si, la vremea aceea, mentiona trecatorilor evenimentul inaltarii unui castel.

In ultimii ani orasul Meshkin Shahr s-a extins destul de mult. Asa se face ca stanca respectiva a ajuns sa faca parte din 'interiorul' orasului.
Niste "destepti" de la primarie au acceptat un proiect in care reteaua de canalizare a apelor menajere trecea exact pe sub rondul cu stanca si inscriptia. Daca va puteti inchipui asa ceva!

Din cauza lucrarilor neadecvate, care nu au tinut cont de proprietatile pamantului din zona, in urma unor ploi abundente, reteaua de canalizare s-a surpat iar apele reziduale au luat cu ele piatra.
Batranul spunea ca au venit niste persoane de la Teheran care au incercat s-o recupereze dar n-au gasit-o ...
Interesant e ultimul paragraf de pe petrograph (l-am luat din articolul cu traducerea efectuata de Richard Frye). Iata cum suna :

" [You] whom it may not please, then you make a castle that is better of this". wink.gif

Imi pare nespus de rau ca am ajuns prea tarziu si ca nu am putut fotografia petrographul caci in acea inscriptie a fost utilizat un cuvant vechi, vechi chiar si pentru iranieni : dezh.
Se pronunta "dej" si inseamna cetate.
Cuvantul asta a ajuns sa nu-mi dea pace pentru ca traiesc cu impresia ca exista o legatura intre etimologia numele orasul Dej din Romania si limba veche persana.

In sfarsit, povestile triste despre monumente istorice lasate de izbeliste sunt la ordinea zilei pe aici.
La rubrica "incredibil dar adevarat" ar trebui sa adaug inca una.
Tot batranul cu ceainaria mi-a spus ca pe timpul cand era tanar, am presupus ca asta se intampla in urma cu vreo 40 sau 50 de ani in urma smile.gif , peretii fortaretei, cu exceptia laturii nordice, erau aproape intacti. Pe atunci intre fortareata si oras se interpuneau vreo doi trei kilometri de spatiu liber, nelocuit.
Distanta a fost benefica caci nu vantul, ploile si ninsorile au distrus fortareata ci factorul uman.

Oamenii din vechime au realizat lucruri extrem de durabile, chiar daca numai din lut si piatra.
Nu e gluma ca un castel din lut sa reziste 2000 de ani! Sa reziste intr-o zona cu conditii vitrege de clima, cu ninsori abundente si vanturi aspre, asa cum sunt cele din muntii Azerbajanului.

Cand a inceput razboiul cu Irakul, si odata cu el mobilizarea voluntarilor, din cauza ca poligonul militar era prea mic, soldatii si voluntarii au fost dusi sa faca pregatire ghiciti unde? ... da, in fortareata aceasta.
Escaladau zidurile, trageau la tinta, aruncau grenade in incinta, invatau sa foloseasca mastile de gaze lacrimogeme "in conditii reale" ...
Nu-i de mirare ca zidurile nu au rezistat.

Am aflat ca numele original al acestei fortarete sau castel fortuit este Arshoq.

Fortareata Arshoq ... sau mai bine zis ceea ce a mai ramas din ea sad.gif ... acum transformata in loc de pasunat pentru vite!

Meshkin Shahr nu s-a chemat dintotdeauna asa.
Primul nume, sub care dealtfel apare pe hartile intocmite in timpul dinastiei sassanide (ultima dinastie persana inainte de invazia arabilor si islamizarea Persiei), il reprezinta numele "Khiyav".
Apoi, mai exact in timpul dinastiei selgiucide din perioada de domnie a sultanului turkmen Alp Arslan/Alb Arslan, orasul apare mentionat sub alt nume : "Varavi" ... uneori "Orovi".

In nenumaratele sale razboiaie, inclusiv cu Bizantul, Alp Arslan il captureaza pe Peshkin - print goergian de rang superior. Capturarea are loc cu ocazia unei incursiuni in Caucaz.
In timpul captivitatii acest print Peshkin, devenit ulterior Beshkin din cauza ca in limba oficiala araba uzitata la curte nu exista litera "P" (aceasta litera existand insa in alfabetul persan), a trecut de la crestinism la islam, de buna-voie.
Drept gratificatie sultanul Arp Arslan i-a pus la dispozitie orasul, o garnizoana de soldati si vreo doua sute de servitori. Imediat dupa aceea orasul Varavi apare in cronici sub un nume nou : Beshkin Shahr, adica "Orasul lui Beshkin".
Comutarea fonetica reprezinta un lucru frecvent in limba persana insa, aici, in acest caz particular, comutarea "b" -> "m" s-a produs datorita limbii turce azere vorbita in provincie. Alt exemplu ce-mi vine acum in minte il reprezinta muntele Sabalan al carui nume original a fost "Savalan". Satenii folosesc numele original insa in majoritatea referintelor si hartilor moderne am intalnit denumirea Sabalan.

Si iata cum Barbara a devenit Varvara smile.gif

Acum, dupa ce am incheiat 'pictorialul' acesta rustic, pot pleca linistita intr-o noua runda de vacanta.

Acest topic a fost editat de exergy33: 29 Jul 2011, 01:53 PM


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mesaj 4 Aug 2011, 08:24 AM
Mesaj #1140


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 4.959
Inscris: 9 August 05
Din: marginea viselor
Forumist Nr.: 6.763

Afara e cald, cald de tot, si din cauza temperaturilor de cuptor m-am intors mai repede decat imi propusesem. In plus de asta a inceput si Ramazanul. Deci ce lucru mai bun as putea face decat sa stau la racoare, sa citesc, sa ascult muzica sau sa ma uit la filmele trecute pe lista de prioritati, si, din cand in cand, sa postez in jurnal? smile.gif

Cu cateva zile in urma am revizitat Palatul Golestan, restaurat in mare parte. Desi lucrarile inca nu s-au terminat, si desi unele saloane sunt deocamdata inchise, totusi m-am simtit bine in gradina acum pusa la punct si am facut o calatorie in timp plimbandu-ma prin restul saloanelor si pavilioanelor ce au fost reamenajate dupa desenele si fotografiile de epoca.

Pret de cateva saptamani, sau poate chiar luni, voi merge pas la pas prin Golestan, considerat cel mai vechi monument al Teheranului ... desi nu e. In Teheran exista monumente mai vechi decat acest palat, insa Golestanul reprezinta cel mai vechi monument de anvergura al capitalei si, la vremea sa, a reprezentat cea mai inalta constructie.
Ceea ce-i da unicitate e modul in care au fost decorate fatadele. Nicaieri in alta parte in Iran nu se intalnesc astfel de mozaicuri - o fuziune ciudata intre arta iraniana din perioada islamica, pictura naiva ... si elemente de arta moderna, geometrizate.

Venind de pe alee, si intrand in incinta, primul lucru cu care am dat ochii a fost corpul de cladire din pe care tocmai il priviti.

In aceasta postare am introdus doar fotografii cu "fatade geometrice". Despre restul ma voi ocupa pe parcurs.


Acum nu am chef de lectii de istorie, nici de cele de arhitectura si arta, si nici nu am chemare sa enumar toate saloanele si pavilioanele. Ramane pentru alta data.
Daca nu va interveni ceva neasteptat in programul zilei de azi voi reveni mai spre noapte.

In timpul safavizilor, shahul Tamasp I construieste o citadela in Teheran. Pe vremea aceea Teheranul era un insignifiant targ de provincie. In interiorul citadelei locuiau cateva familii de nobili cu servitorii si corpurile de garda.
Cei ce vor alege Teheranul drept capitala vor fi Qajarii (1785-1925)- dinastie pe care eu nu o agreez deloc. De aceea voi incerca sa vorbesc mai putin despre qajari, pentru ca voi fi tentata sa-i vorbesc mai mult de rau si va veti face o impresie gresita despre ei, dar voi incerca sa suplinesc lipsa de informatii cu fotografii si linkuri ...

... decoratia acestui perete mi-a adus aminte de un ora de lucru manual din clasa I ... va mai aduceti aminte de jocul "sa tesem frumos? " unsure.gif


In schimb peretele pe care tocmai il priviti pare a fi desenat dupa un model fractalier ... wub.gif



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mesaj 4 Aug 2011, 05:30 PM
Mesaj #1141


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 4.959
Inscris: 9 August 05
Din: marginea viselor
Forumist Nr.: 6.763

Deci spuneam ca Palatul Golestan a fost ridicat intr-o citadela safavida. In limba persana acestui tip de citadela, adeseori facuta din lut, i se spune "argh".
Dar nu safavizii au construit palatul.

Cea mai veche parte a complexului apartine dinastiei Zand. Qajarii insa si-au adus cel mai mare aport construind de fapt palatul propriuzis si transformandu-l in resedinta regala. Dinastia Pahlavi a distrus o parte din palat, in special dormitoarele haremului si superba gradina destinata doamnelor de la curte (harem care in timpul dinastiei Pahlavi ramasese gol, neutilizabil) dar si o parte din cladirile administrative, pentru a crea spatiu in vederea construirii unor cladiri moderne, europene, destinate viitoarelor ministere.

Sa nu uit sa amintesc faptul ca ambii shahi ai dinastiei Pahlavi, Reza Khan aka Reza Shah si Mohammmad Reza Shah, au fost incoronati ln acest palat.

Dar in timpul dinastiei Pahlavi (1925-1979) s-au adaugat cateva corpuri noi si s-au renovat cele vechi. Un exemplu ar fi pavilionul special construit pentru a o gazdui pe regina Elisabeta a II-a a Angliei in timpul vizitei sale din 1956 in Iran.

Dar cine au fost Qajarii?
Qajarii faceau parte din ramura Karagoz a confederatiei de triburi Qaraqalpaq, triburi turcmene/turkmene ce au patruns in zona in timpul invaziei mongole (in limbile turcice "qara" sau "kara" inseamna negru).
Ei au facut parte din gruparea Qezelbashilor, sau Qizilbashilor, acele triburi turcice inarmate ce au asigurat forta militara a imperiului safavid si carora, ca sa ma exprim concis si neliterar, Shah AbbasI le-a cam 'taiat macaroana' smile.gif .

Am mai povestit cate ceva despre Qajari asa ca nu vad nici un rost sa ma repet.

Ii voi aminti totusi pe cei mai importanti shahi ... (dupa parerea mea "toti o apa si-un pamant" ).

Agha Mohammad Khan (crudul intemeietor al dinastiei) - contemporan cu Alexandru Ipsilanti si Constantin Mavrocordat.
Fath Ali Shah (cu o barba neagra lunga pana la brau, usor de recunoscut dintr-o mie de shahi) - contemporan cu Tudor Vladimirescu si Napoleon Bonaparte.
Nasser Din Shah (fotograf impatimit) - contemporan cu "pasoptistii" si Razboiul de Independenta din 1877)
Mozaffar Din Shah (afemeiat notoriu) - contemporan cu regele Carol I

Acestea fiind spuse trec la fotografii.
Postarea de fata o dedic gradinii palatului, de fapt un parc in toata regula traversat pe axa centrala de un drum de apa punctat de trei havuzuri circulare cu arteziene (tasnitoare).
Alte doua havuzuri mai mici si unul foarte lung, deasemeni cu tasnitoare, pot fi vazute in partea laterala.


foto4 .................................................... foto5

foto6 ....................................................... foto7

Aceste imagini le-am captat din doua puncte terminale opuse situate pe axa centrala a gradinii.
Ceea ce se vede in foto4 reprezinta fostul corp administrativ al palatului (pavilionul cu coloane), corp ce gazduia o serie de saloane de primire a ambasadorilor, inaltilor demnitari, intelectualilor, militarilor de rang superior, negustorilor, demnitarilor din provincie si al oamenilor de incredere ai shahului.
Foto6, captata exact din fata pavilionului cu coloane, pe care am retusat-o putin marindu-i luminozitatea, se vrea o imagine in oglinda a celei din foto4.

Deci cam asa arata traseul cu havuzuri de pe axa principala a parcului.

Ma voi apropia de pavilionul cu coloane ... si chiar daca imaginea e stramba (m-am dezechilibrat si era aproape sa cad in apa de pe marginea bazinului devil.gif ) e totusi o imagine la care tin ... verdele apei e exact asa cum se vede aici. Nu am photoshopat nimic.

In foto7 am modificat putin unghiul pentru a oferi privirii urmatorul punct al vizitei. Poate fi observat in partea din stanga a fundalului.

Acest topic a fost editat de exergy33: 5 Aug 2011, 06:09 AM


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mesaj 5 Aug 2011, 01:54 PM
Mesaj #1142


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 4.959
Inscris: 9 August 05
Din: marginea viselor
Forumist Nr.: 6.763

Reiau traseul intrerupt la fotografia cu numarul 7.

... ...
foto8 ....................................foto9 ...................................... foto10

Margand drept inainte ajungem in fata unui perete cu trei deschideri din care cele doua, laterale, sunt strajuite de cate o pereche de pisici ... persane, evident smile.gif (foto8)
Urcam treptele si intram in cea mai veche parte a Palatului Golestan. Acest colt cu mozaicuri geometrice si florale, dar si cu mozaicuri de tip medalion ( ce mie personal, ca design de baza, mi se par de inspiratie franceza), e denumit Khalvat-e Karim Khani (foto9).
Denumirea e mai dificil de tradus.
Karim Khani indica faptul ca a fost construit in timpul lui Karim Khan Zand, cel mai important shah din dinastia Zand - dinastie anterioara Qajarilor.
Khalvat inseamna linistit, neaglomerat, intim ...

Aceasta terasa acoperita a fost locul preferat al lui Nasser al-Din Shah si se zice ca petrecea zilnic cateva ore aici.

Iata de ce, dupa moartea sa, si dupa initial fusese ingropat in cimitirul familiei din suburbia Shahr-e Ray, urmasii au decis sa-i mute piatra funerara aici, in locul atat de indragit de catre dansul (foto10).

Ce as putea spune despre Nasser Din Shah ?
Voi incepe cu punctele pozitive ...

In primul rand vreau sa spun ca a fost un fotograf impatimit, intratat de impatimit incat a pus bazele unui atelier foto chiar in incinta palatului. El in persoana fotografia si isi developa fotografiile. Avea cateva aparate foto aduse din Europa, aparate ce pot fi vazute in Aks Khane (Casa cu fotografii), adica in fostul atelier acum amenajat ca muzeu. In periplul meu virtual voi ajunge si acolo.
Nasser Din Shah e considerat pionierul artei fotografice din Iran si unul din promotorii ei.
Nu degeaba aristocratii europeni l-au poreclit "regele fotograf" rolleyes.gif

Deasemeni el e singurul shah din istoria Persiei si a Iranului modern ce si-a scris memoriile ... si le-a scris intr-un stil ce denota ca avea talent literar.
Memoriile au la baza cele trei calatorii facute in Europa in 1873, 1878 si 1889, intalnirea cu regina Victoria a Angliei si cu Moses Montefiori - liederul spiritual al evreilor - caruia i-a sugerat sa cumpere suprafete mari de pamant pe care apoi evreii sa-si intemeieze un stat al lor, si creionarea extrem de atenta a lumii europene, in special modernitatea societatii si nivelul tehnic.
El introduce pentru prima oara in Persia serviciul telegrafic si sponsorizeaza tiparirea primului ziar dupa modelul gazetelor din vest.

Cunostea franceza si engleza la nivel mediu, atat cat sa poata citi cartile din biblioteca sau sa intretina o conversatie simpla, fara pretentii, insa nu vorbea aceste limbi in mod fluent.

Nasser Din Shah fusese un bun caligraf, asa cum o dovedesc lucrarile de "khosh nevisi" (scriere frumoasa) pastrate in arhiva regala. Pe deasupra mai si picta, si nu a fost lipsit de talent daca e sa ma pronunt analizandu-i desenele in penita si tus smile.gif , dar ceea ce-i foarte important e ca dansul l-a trimis pe Kamal-ol Molk sa faca studii in Europa.
Kamal-ol Molk a devenit primul pictor iranian modern. O serie din tablourile lui Kamal-ol Molk le-am putut vedea in muzeul palatului. Anterior ii mai vazusem cateva lucrari la Muzeul de Arta Contemporana din Teheran si la Palatul Niavaran.

Trec la punctele negative.

A fost un shah ce si-a inceput domnia intr-un stil democratic, a continuat-o in mod dictatorial si a murit asasinat.
A domnit extrem de mult: patruzeci si opt de ani. In clasamentul celor mai longevivi shahi, in ceea ce priveste perioada de domnie, ocupa pozitia a treia dupa Shapur II (dinastia sassanida) si Tamasp I (dinastia safavida).

A dat ordin sa fie exterminati iranienii ce faceau parte din secta Baha'i si la ordinul lui armata a omorat la gramada barbati, femei si copii, inclusiv copii sugari.

S-a opus sistematic reformelor administrative si financiare si prin aceasta politica a scazut puterea economica a tarii ingreunand viata oamenilor simpli.

A pus la cale asasinarea lui Amir Kabir, mare vizir, prieten din copilarie si cumnat ... sora sahului fiind sotia lui Amir Kabir. Am povestit pe larg episodul in la est de Eden, jurnal intrerupt pe care sper sa-l continui candva.

Amir Kabir a fost singurul vizir/ministru/cancelar cu adevarat reformator de pe tot parcursul istoric dominat de qajari. Amir Kabir e cel ce a infiintat Dar-ul Fonoon, prima institutie de invatamant tehnic superior din Iran, a impus notiunea de buget si a instituit patente si licente tehnice pentru inovatori si mestesugari.
Eu cred ca prietenia de lunga durata cu Amir Kabir l-a facut pe Nasser Din Shah sa se apropie de lumea tehnicii.

In sfarsit, istoria se razbuna.
Dupa cum spuneam, Nasser Din Shah va fi asasinat, si va fi asasinat de un om cu acelasi nume ca si asasinul platit pentru a-l asasina pe Amir Kabir.

Tronul va fi preluat de fiul sau, Mozaffar Din Shah, un om lipsit de talent si cu un atrofiat simt al realitatii.

Acest topic a fost editat de exergy33: 6 Aug 2011, 05:54 AM


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mesaj 6 Aug 2011, 02:05 PM
Mesaj #1143


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 4.959
Inscris: 9 August 05
Din: marginea viselor
Forumist Nr.: 6.763

Sa povestesc si un episod mai comic din biografia lui Nasser Din Shah.
In efortul sau de a se apropia de puterile europene, in 1890 shahul ii concesioneaza unui om de afaceri britanic cultivarea, prelucrarea si comertul tutunului pe tot teritoriul Persiei.
Clerul, inca de pe atunci ostil oricaror influente din vest - si nu ca le-ar fi pasat lor de sanatatea oamenilor, caci daca le-ar fi pasat ar fi reactionat in mod asemanator in ceea ce privea consumul de opium - riposteaza prin Mirza Shirazi, un ayatollah viclean si uns cu toate alifiile.
Mirza Shirazi va da o fatwa prin care interzicea fumatul si afirma ca fumatul, cultivarea si vanzarea tutunului reprezinta fapte imorale iar cei ce le vor practica sunt la randul lor imorali si vor fi pedepsiti.
O fatwa nu poate fi data de oricare cleric shiit. El trebuie neaparat sa aiba titlul de ayatollah. Sunnitii nu au astfel de functii clericale in ierarhia lor.

Partea comico-tragica e ca sotiile legitime si concubinele (legitime) lui Nasser Din Shah intra in acel salon al palatului special amenajat pentru fumat. Pe atunci in Persia se fuma qelian/ghalyan. Deci intra si sparg toate vasele de qelian ( narghilea in limba romana).

Gestul il paralizeaza pe batranul sah, mai ales dupa ce afla ca respectivul cleric le invatase sa procedeze in acest mod.
Dar purtatea "doamnelor" nu se va potoli. Ele il vor urmari zi si noapte pe shah si nu-l vor lasa sa fumeze. Terorizat de femei, Nasser Din Shah va fi nevoit sa se ascunda prin pivnitele cu alimente, sau prin alte cotloane, unde servitori de incredere ii aduceau ustensilele necesare fumatului.
Aceasta atitudine a haremului il va zdruncina psihic si va ajunge la concluzia ca o tara seculara are doar de castigat. Sunt de-a dreptul uluitoare paginile de jurnal in care necazurile provocate de sotii il conduc spre revelatii politice wink.gif

Sase ani mai tarziu va scapa de chinul pricinuit de sotiile si concubinele ce formasera o veritabila liga anti-fumat ... dupa cum am amintit anterior, va fi asasinat.

... ...
foto11 .................................................. foto12 ................................ foto13

Revin la interiorul coltului de palat denumit Khalvat-e Karim Khani.
Ce se poate vedea aici?
In primul rand poate fi admirata piatra mortuara a lui Nasser Din Shah, de fapt o statuie din marmura de mari dimensiuni, protejata de o vitrina din sticla securit (foto11), deasupra careia arde mereu o lumanare (foto13). Nu am inteles de unde preferinta aceasta crestina (s-ar putea sa fi fost o dorinta cu radacini in calatoriile sale europene) ... e adevarat ca, spre deosebire de sunniti, shiitii aprind ocazional lumanari pe morminte si au chiar morminte cu locuri speciale, ca niste mici vitrine din sticla, in care pun lumanari, dar sincera sa fiu nu am vazut pana acum mormantul unei personalitati de religie musulmana la care, zi si noapte, sa arda lumina.

Se mai poate vedea un pat din piatra. Pe acest pat se puneau paturi si perne, nu se statea pe piatra goala smile.gif (foto12)

Intre piatra de mormant si patul din piatra se afla un havuz care, pe vremuri, era functional, adica plin de apa si cu o arteziana de mica intensitate (foto12).

E ciudat ca la prima vizita, desi imbibata de imaginile absorbite din sclipitoarele saloane de diamant, briliant, oglinzi, etc, am retinut cu destula claritate cum arata Khalvat-e Karim Khani ... prima vizita am facut-o foarte demult, pe neasteptate, fara sa am aparatul foto cu mine.
La a doua, in ciuda faptului ca palatul se transformase in santier de restaurare, am reusit sa fac unele fotografii. Le-am pus cu trei sau patru ani in urma in jurnal.

Iata de ce postez mai multe imagini din acest loc intunecos, racoros, cu decoratii geometrice extrem de stilizate ... si cu elemente de pridvor romanesc.

Cred ca data viitoare va trebui sa vorbesc putin si despre sotiile shahilor qajari rolleyes.gif .

Acest topic a fost editat de exergy33: 6 Aug 2011, 02:17 PM


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mesaj 7 Aug 2011, 04:54 PM
Mesaj #1144


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 4.959
Inscris: 9 August 05
Din: marginea viselor
Forumist Nr.: 6.763

Ma voi desparti de Khalvat-e Karim Khani cu aceste trei imagini, cea din mijloc fiind preferata mea smile.gif .

... ...
foto14 .................................................... foto15 ......................................... foto16

Iata cum e decorata portiunea de terasa ce adaposteste piatra de mormant a lui Nasser Din Shah.
Paleta cromatica compusa din verde, galben, alb si negru e putin mai speciala, la fel cum speciale sunt si formele geometrice deosebit de simplificate.
In fundal, dar si la marginea capului, pot fi vazute mozaicuri 'in medalion'.

Voi iesi din nou in lumina soarelui pentru a merge spre urmatorul punct: Pavilionul Soarelui.

Inainte de a ma indeparta vreau sa atrag atentia asupra fatadei. Desi qajarii au fost etnici turcmeni ( ramura Karagoz - familia Qaraqalpac) ei au adoptat "Leul si Soarele" drept efigie si element de stindard.

Da. Putini straini stiu cine au fost si cum au dominat qajarii. Fenomenul qajar nu-i analizat cu suficienta sinceritate de catre istoricii iranieni. Asta-i parerea mea.
Dupa cativa ani de stat in Iran, ajutata si de sansa, am patruns in adancul epocii qajare. Am inteles ca vreo cateva zeci de mii de seminomazi turcmeni, traitori in corturi si crescatori de animale, au dominat un secol si jumatate cateva milioane de iranieni ce aveau o societate urbana, una rurala foarte bine organizata, si oameni cu carte ce s-au pus in serviciile administrative si militare ale noilor guvernanti.

O minoritate aflata mai jos pe scara valorilor culturale, dar viguroasa in ceea ce privea forta militara, a dominat o majoritate cu un bagaj cultural greu, insa slabita financiar, militar si moral.

De fapt qajarii nu semnifica numele unei dinastii ci numele unor etnici.
Pentru a accede la tron, conditie neaparata, ambii parinti trebuiau sa fi fost "qajari" de origine.
Fiul unui shah ce avea o mama ne-qajara, chiar daca era intaiul nascut pe linie barbateasca dintr-o mama ce fusese sotia legitima (aghdi) a tatalui, si chiar daca mama provenea dintr-o familie nobila ( persana, armeana, georgiana, azera, araba, iudaica), nu putea accede la tron.

In schimb, fiul unei femei qajare ce fusese doar o concubina legitima (sigheh), chiar si in cazul in care nu provenea dintr-o familie nobila, putea accede la tron.
Titlul de print sau printesa qajara se mostenea in orice fel de situatii, cu conditia ca tatal sa fi fost print qajar.
O mama printesa qajara si un tata ne-qajar nu-i confereau copilului un titlu nobil.
Iata de ce in extrem de putine cazuri, pe timpul dinastiei qajare vreau sa zic, printesele qajare nu se casatoreau cu barbati ne-qajari.

M-am luminat in ceea ce-i priveste pe qajari datorita unei expozitii de fotografii. Atunci s-a daramat in mintea mea imaginea falsa pe care mi-o facusem despre printesele qajare.

Intrasem intr-o galerie de pictura din apropiere de Vanak. Galeria era mare si o sageata rosie indica drumul spre un coridor semiobscur.
Deasupra sagetii se afla un poster, mai bine zis un colaj cu cateva imagini si explicatii.
Pe atunci nu stiam sa citesc in persana, insa imaginile imi sugerau ca ar fi vorba de refugiatii armeni din timpul pogromului din Turcia.

Curioasa am strabatut holul si m-am trezit in fata a zeci de fotografii cu oameni ce mie imi pareau refugiati sau familii de oieri in transhumanta.
Noroc ca fotografiile aveau explicatii bilingve.
Nu-mi venea sa cred ! ... era vorba de nobili qajari.

M-am intrebat atunci : daca nobilii si printesele qajare din perioada anilor 1850 -1900 se imbracau asa, atunci cum se imbracau si cum aratau oamenii din popor.

Pentru cei ce au rabdare si interes dau aceste linkuri cu imagini:

mama lui Nasser din Shah

sora lui Naser Din Shah si sotia lui Amir Kabir - marele vizir
un veritabil album foto ce apartine unei familii de nobili qajari ... nu e de ratat !!! rolleyes.gif

favorita lui Nasser Din Shah ... fotografiata de shah in persoana

mama lui Nasser Din Shah
printesa Shams, sotia lui Nasser Din Shah, impreuna cu tatal si unchiul ei … atat de departe de modelul european de printesa

Mozaffar Din Shah impreuna cu fiii … in fundal se observa un cort traditional turcmen smile.gif


Imbracamintea femeilor indica clar faptul ca e vorba de imbracamintea traditionala, ancestrala, a triburilor din care faceau parte, imbracaminte conforma cu conditiile de viata.
Deci femeile purtau pantaloni si o fusta scurta pe deasupra, caci o astfel de imbracaminte le dadea posibilitatea sa calareasca si sa se ocupe de animale.
Diferenta intre un etnic qajar, om simplu, si un nobil qajar, nu consta in stiinta sau distinctie, ci in bani si forta militara.
Ambii erau la fel de prost imbracati si la fel de 'scoliti'.
La inceputul epocii qajarii marea majoritate a qajarilor de la curte erau analfabeti. Toata munca administrativa, de protocol, de cancelarie si arhivare, adica tot ceea ce impunea cunoasterea scrisului si cititului, era facuta de etnici persani, azeri si armeni.

Daca in perioada safavida a sec 16-17 nu numai printesele si fiicele curtenilor, dar si dansatoarele de la curte erau literate, la inceputul anilor 1900 destule din fiicelor nobililor qajari si din femeilor din harem erau analfabete.
Printre ele s-au numarat si femei culte, desigur, femei ce au scris memorii si carti si au fost active in miscarea constitutionala (mashruteh).

V-am prevenit de la inceput ca nu-i pot vedea pe qajari intr-o lumina pozitiva si ca nu pot fi impartiala in ceea ce-i priveste, dar incerc smile.gif

Vreau sa mai spun ca desi au pornit din corturi si de la turmele de animale, qajarii au evoluat mult de-a lungul timpului.
Ei se credeau superiori persanilor, fiind obsedati de calitatea sangelui ce le curge prin vine, insa in acelasi timp realizau ca sunt inferior europenilor.

Toti shahii qajari au fost fascinti de tehnica si au intuit corect ca tehnologia va reprezenta adevarata putere a viitorului si ca un popor fara tehnologie va trebui mereu sa-si plece capul in fata popoarelor ce o poseda.

Trag si eu concluzii din cele vazute si citite, nu e neaparat nevoie sa ma credeti pe cuvant wink.gif .... dar puteti verifica ceea ce spun.

Intemeietorul dinastiei, Agha Mohammad Khan Qajar, a fost obsedat de pustile si tunurile fabricate de europeni. A facut tot posibilul sa-si armeze trupele cu arme performante.

Fathali Shah Qajar avea o pasiune ascunsa pentru ceasuri, busole si binocluri. In toate picturile pe care le-am vazut pana acum in decor apare si un ceas smile.gif

Nasser Din Shah fusese impatimit de arta fotografiatului. Deschide primul atelier foto din Iran si totodata introduce servicii de telegrafie.

Amir Kabir, mare vizir = prim ministru, in perioada lui Nasser Din Shah, deschide prima institutie de invatamant superior cu profil tehnic din Iran, introduce notiunea de buget, face prima campanie de vaccinare impotriva variolei din Orientul Mijlociu, ii sprijina pe inventatori, inovatori si mestesugari prin legea patentelor si licentelor.

Mozaffar Din Shah, fiul lui Nasser Din Shah, se indragosteste de cinema. Pune bazele primului studio cinematografic din Iran (1901) prin intermediul lui Mirza Khan Akkas Bashi-fotograful sau personal. Akkas Bashi va fi primul iranian/persan producator de film si totodata cameraman. El va filma ceremoniile de la palat si unele ceremonii religioase la care a participat shahul, realizand astfel primele filme documentare din Iran.

Fakhr-ed-Dowleh fiica lui Mozaffar din Shah, introduce (pe banii ei) primele taximetre in Teheran ... masini albe, marca Fiat smile.gif
A fost supranumita de catre popor Ashraf Khanoum, adica Doamna cea Mare.

Dupa 1880 in special, multi din nobilii qajari isi trimit baietii la studii peste hotare (Franta, Austria, Germania, Anglia, Italia, Rusia, scolile franceze din Liban, Belgia, Suedia chiar). Nu doar la studii de medicina, filozofie si drept, ci si la cele tehnice : cai ferate, geologie, industrie petroliera, arhitectura, mecanica ... mai tarziu electrotehnica, aviatie, industrie navala, etc.

Asa se face ca in momentul in care Reza Khan a preluat puterea printr-o lovitura militara, indepartandu-i de la putere pe qajari, si cand a trebuit sa intocmeasca noul cabinet si sa-si puna la punct corpul diplomatic, vrand-nevrand, a trebuit sa apeleze la serviciile printilor qajari sau al celorlalti qajari cu studii serioase facute peste hotare.
Patru decenii mai tarziu, daca e sa se analizeze compozitia oamenilor importanti din perioada de domnie a lui Mohammad Reza Pahlavi (fiul lui Reza Khan), situatia nu se schimbase prea mult.
Un procent important din cabinetele ministeriale, corpul diplomatic, directorii de departamente, institutii si intreprinderi, directorii de ziare si edituri, primari si prefecti, generali si ofiteri superiori din cadrul fortelor armate, precum si alti functionari cu posturi cheie, era format din copiii, nepotii si stranepotii printilor si printeselor qajare.

Pe drept cuvant afirma qajarii ca ei au construit Iranul modern ...

Acest topic a fost editat de exergy33: 8 Aug 2011, 06:42 AM


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+Quote Post
mesaj 7 Aug 2011, 05:21 PM
Mesaj #1145


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 17.291
Inscris: 9 December 06
Din: Din acest univers.
Forumist Nr.: 9.062

Pe fundal pare a fi imagine unui om, pana acum nu am mai vazut, or poate mi-a scapat, imagini de oameni pe zidurile cladirilor ornate cu mozaic.

"Problema cu lumea este că proștii și fanaticii sunt întotdeauna așa de siguri pe ei, în timp ce oamenii înțelepți sunt atât de plini de îndoieli." (Bertrand Russell)

"A fi tolerant nu inseamnă a tolera intoleranţa altora" (Jules Romains)

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+Quote Post
mesaj 8 Aug 2011, 05:39 PM
Mesaj #1146


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 4.959
Inscris: 9 August 05
Din: marginea viselor
Forumist Nr.: 6.763

Da, ai vazut bine. E vorba de un soldat cu pusca ce vegheaza piatra funerara.

Aceste mozaicuri in medalion reprezinta de fapt o inovatie in arhitectura persana ... apar prima data la Palatul Golestan iar mai apoi pe poarta orasului Qazvin si in unele resedinte din Shiraz. Sunt foarte rare si mai putin cunoscute. In curtea palatului am vazut iranieni deosebit de surprinsi de existenta unor astfel de reprezentari mozaicate si pictate.
Dupa ce voi termina cu Shams-ol-Emareh voi pune imagini cu 'reprezentarile umane' din incinta palatului.
Am foarte multe si trebuie sa sortez doar cateva ... dificila treaba smile.gif

Shams-ol-Emareh (Pavilionul Soarelui sau Edificiul Soarelui) e cea mai inalta constructie din incinta Palatului Golestan, si, dupa cum spuneam, la vremea inaugurarii, a reprezentat cea mai inalta cladire din Teheran.
Are povestea ei ...

... ...
foto17 .................................................. foto18 .......................................... foto19

Cu mai multi ani inainte sa faca prima calatorie in Europa (in 1873), Nasser Din Shah a comandat niste carti despre tarile pe care intentiona sa le viziteze. Dorea sa se informeze despre obiceiurile oamenilor, imbracamintea, gastronomia, istoria, arta si bunele maniere.
Dar dintre toate cartile cel mai mult l-au captivat albumele si cartile de arhitectura. Dupa ce le-a studiat pe indelete i-a venit ideea sa ridice un corp de palat in care sa se imbine arhitectura persana cu cea europeana, deci o fuziune intre est si vest smile.gif .
Shahul dorea o cladire inalta, asemanatoare celor despre care citise in carti, unde el cu familia, asemenea monarhilor europeni, sa se refugieze in clipele de liniste pentru a admira panorama orasului.

Cateva schite preliminare au fost facute de de shah in persoana, dealtfel el isi adusese si in alte dati contributia la decorarea palatului, insa proiectul constructiei a fost conceput de mai marele arhitectilor din capitala.

Pavilionul are un parter inalt, trei etaje cu apartamente si saloane, si doua turnuri cu foisor. Intre ele a fost intercalat un mic turn cu ceas.
Pavilionul a fost ridicat si finisat (exteriorul si interioarele) intr-un timp record pentru tehnologia epocii ... doar doi ani (1865-1867).

Intregul ansamblu aduce de departe cu o pagoda, si, in general, aminteste de stilul arhitectonic al pavilioanelor regale din Japonia, China, Coreea si Nepal. Parerea mea de neavizat in ale arhitecturii ...


In realitate acest corp de cladire e inspirat din arhitectura persana preislamica.
Decorarea fatadelor si a interioarelor s-a facut apeland la tehnici mixte : mozaicuri clasice si mozaicuri cu medalioane pictate, lucratura in oglinzi (aineh kari), lucratura in ghips - stuco (gachi bori), lucratura in marmura, pictura murala, lemnarie cu intarsii metalice ...

Acest topic a fost editat de exergy33: 9 Aug 2011, 05:52 AM


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mesaj 10 Aug 2011, 04:19 PM
Mesaj #1147


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 4.959
Inscris: 9 August 05
Din: marginea viselor
Forumist Nr.: 6.763

De ieri am inceput sa citesc jurnalul de calatorie al lui Nasser-al Din Shah, mai mult din curiozitatea de a vedea Europa prin ochii unui shah, ai unui musulman, ai unui om contemporan cu regina Victoria a Angliei wub.gif .

Prima calatorie a insemnat un veritabil tur de forta: 138 de zile cu vaporul, caleasca si trenul. Iata etapele si traseul.

Din cauza ca am descoperit pagini povestite cand cu umor, cand cu amaraciune, dar mereu cu o curiozitate neascunsa, sanatoasa, si cu un foarte ascutit simt al realitatii, m-am decis sa postez extrase din jurnal.

Pentru a ilustra paragrafele alese azi voi apela la imaginea unui salon cu oglinzi de la parterul pavilionului Shams-ol-Emareh.


Deci prima etapa a calatoriei a reprezentat-o traversarea Marii Caspice - cu vaporul, calatoria de la Astrakhan la Saratov-pe raul Volga, apoi traversarea Rusiei prin Moscova si Sankt Petersburg - cu trenul.

Dar iata care a fost traseul in detaliu. Numerele din text indica pagina de jurnal.

Leave Tehran, 1 ; reach Qazwin, 6 ; arrive at Rasht, 13 ; reach Enzeli (Anzali),
16 : embark for Astrakhan, 17 ; accident to Russian Admiral, 20 ;
anchor at Quarantine-ground off the Volga ; ascend river in boats, 22.

Astrakhan. Aspect of the delta, 23 ; reach Astrakhan ; triumphal
arch ; bread and salt, 25 ; palaces, 26 ; bath and fire-brigade, 27 ;
theatre ; levee, 28 ; mosques, 29 ; museum, 30 ; leave by water for
Tsaritsin, 30 ; aspect of Volga, 31 ; Tsaritsin, 31 ; railway to
Moscow, 32.
Moscow. Arrive at Moscow ; lodged in the Kremlin, 35 ; Kremlin
described, 3G ; theatre 37 ; lower apartments and museum of the
Kremlin, 38 ; Lazarof College ; ball ; fire brigade ; Ethnographic
Museum, 40 ; leave for St. Pertersburg by rail, 41.

St. Petersburg. Arrive ; lodged in the Winter Palace, 43 ;
theatre, 44 ; review, 55 ; Prince of Oldenburg, 46 ; ball of the
nobles, 47 ; the Hermitage, 48 ; state banquet, 49 ; Michael theatre,
50 ; visits, 51 ; the Hermitage again, 53 ; bank ; mint, 55 ; state ball,
56 ; Cronstadt, 57 ; Peterhof, 59 ; fireworks, 61 ; Tsarskoi-selo, 63 ;
leave for Prussia, 66.

Primele impresii ...

Next I proceeded to an establishment where are preserved various relies of Peter, the Great, Emperor of Russia. I saw there two large boats built by Peter the Great with his own hands, and more especially one of them that is ornamented with very fine carvings. There, too,- are portraits of Peter and Catherine. An immense glass tumbler was also shown, out of which it is well known that Peter the Great drank wine with Prince Menschikoff, ancestor of the very Prince Menschikoff who is in attendance on us. There was also a large chair presented by Catherine to the Governor of Hajji- Tarkhan of her day : and further, a law book, which Catherine sent for the inhabitants of Hajji-Tarkhan. Again, there were the carpenter's tools of Peter, his saw, chisel, axe, with which he built vessels.

pentru prima oara in viata cu trenul smile.gif
From the wharf, for a certain distance, the railroad was illuminated on both sides. Our railway carriages are a special train of saloons for the use of the Emperor, very handsome, spacious, and beautifully fitted up. They contained many different apartments, dining-saloons, sleeping-carriages, reception-saloons, all furnished with lamps, tables, chairs, sofas, and couches.
They all communicated with one another, so that one could go and come from end to end of the train. Those of our suite who accompanied us on board the " Constantine " were placed in the same saloon with ourselves ; our princes and the rest following in a separate train. This is the first time we travel on a railway, and very nice and comfortable it is : it goes five leagues in an hour.

Early in the morning (17th" May) it became evident that during the night we had been passing through a beautiful country; for, whichever way we looked out over the land, we saw green fields, meadows, flowers, grass, tented tribes, mares, sheep, swine, &c., and every two or three leagues a handsome, populous village. These parts are celebrated for their productiveness. Everywhere we looked we saw sown fields that required no irrigation, or else grass lands. We crossed a large and handsome bridge over a stream, full of water, that flows into the river Don. Every now and then we passed over smaller bridges ia great numbers. At distances of two or three miles were guard-houses for the care of the road ; and a few leagues apart were stations. A "station" is a place where the trains stop to have their wheels greased, and where the passengers take coffee and refreshments ; so that it really is a post-house. These stations are prettily built ; and at each of them there are always several carriages for the conveyance of passengers and merchandize.

primul spectacol de balet vazut la Moscova ... rolleyes.gif
The theatre is of large size, and was built by the Emperor Nicholas. It has six tiers of seats, and all of them were crowded with women and men. A large chandeHer is hung in the middle of the theatre. Prince Dolgoruki, the Governor of Moscow, sat in our box.
The curtain rose, and a strange world made its appearance. A large number of dancing- women set-to dancing.

This dancing and performance is called a ballet, i.e., a performance and dance without speaking. In its course they both dance and perform in various ways, which it is not possible to describe. Opposite the audience and below the stage there were also a great number of musicians who unceasingly sounded their instruments. Every now and then a light, produced by electricity and variously coloured, was thrown from the corners on to the stage ; this had a very pleasing effect. The dancers, too, every now and then changed their costumes. Such dancers as danced well were applauded by the audience clapping their hands, and crying "bis," i.e., "encore." At the conclusion of one act the curtain fell ; and after a quarter of an hour, when people had reposed somewhat, the curtain again rose and another act was performed.

Sankt Petersburg si curiozitatea legata de chestiunile tehnice ... wink.gif
Nearing St. Petersburg, we put on our state costume, ready for our arrival. When the train stopped at the terminus. His Most Exalted Majesty the Emperor, with the Nawwab ^ the Heir- Apparent, and his other sons, as also the whole of the princes of the Imperial House, the Commanders-in-Chief, and Generals of the army, were there. His Most Exalted Majesty the Emperor Alexander II., Autocrat of all the Russias, received us with the perfection of warmth and friendship. The Nawwab the Grand Duke Nicholas, Commander-in-Chief of all the Russian forces and brother of His Most Exalted Majesty the Emperor, handed in a state of the forces stationed at (St.) Peter (sburg). The Nawwab the Grand Duke Constantine Nicholaievich, another brother of His Most Exalted Majesty the Emperor, was also present. In short, giving our hand into the hand of the Emperor, we walked forward on foot. Very many officials in uniform lined the passage, and we thus reached the head of the street known by the name of Newsky, which is a very wide and long street, with houses three and five stories high on both sides.
On each side of the streets there are stone pavements, while the middle is of wood, which makes no noise when carriages pass over it. Whenever a vehicle passes over a stone pavement, a disagreable sound arises therefrom ; but they roll along over the wood noiselessly and with great comfort.

Acest topic a fost editat de exergy33: 10 Aug 2011, 06:10 PM


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mesaj 11 Aug 2011, 05:09 AM
Mesaj #1148


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 4.959
Inscris: 9 August 05
Din: marginea viselor
Forumist Nr.: 6.763

Etapa a doua cuprinde Prusia, Germania si Belgia. Programul detaliat al vizitei pe parcursul celor 20 de zile.


Railway. " Hole in a mountain ; " frontier reached, 68 ; Prussian
station, 69 ; Konigsberg, 70 ; Frische-Haff, 72 ; Custrin, 73 ; reach
Berlin, 73.

Berlin. Palace, 74 ; Potsdam, 76 ; Whitsunday ; relics of Frederick
the Great, 77 ; mill in ruins, 78 ; palace of Prince Charles, 79 ; state
banquet ; theatre, 80 ; Zoological Gardens, 81 ; cemetery, 84 ; the
Empress, 82 ; Aquarium, 85 ; dinner, 87 ; theatre ; coronation of the
Emperor, 85 ; review, 88 ; dine with the Empress, 89 ; gala night at
theatre ; Sardanapalus, 89 ; lion of Holstein, 89 ; Order of Black
Eagle, 90 ; Charlotte Pavilion ; Orangery ; Babelbrig, 91; Frederick
the Great's tomb, 92 ; Crown Prince's house, 92 ; Parliament ; the
Ecole-des-Cadets, 93 ; Prince Bismarck's house ; Museum ; visit
of adieu, 94 ; Aquarium again, 95 ; leave for Cologne, 95 ; M. Krupp's
factory, 96.

Rhine Country. Reach Cologne, 97 ; cathedral, 97 ; Botanical Gar-
dens, 98 ; Zoological Gardens, 99 ; Coblentz, 100 ; "Wiesbaden, 101 ;
Mr. Blundberg's garden, 103 ; Prince Nicholas of Nassau, 104 ;
Frankfort-on-the-Main, 105 ; the Palms, 106 ; Zoological Gardens,107 ;
tomb of the Duchess of Nassau, 108 ; the Kur-Saal, 108 ; Emperor
of Russia at Darmstadt, 110 ; Heidelberg ; Carlsruhe ; Baden troops,
111 ; Palace at Carlsruhe, 112 ; Baden-Baden, 113 ; Chapel and tomb,
of Prince of Roumania, 115 ; palace, 116 ; steam down the Rhine,
118 ; Coblentz, 120 ; Bonn ; Cologne ; by rail to Spa, 120 ; Aix-la-
Chapelle ; frontier of Belgium, 121.

Belgium. Spa, 122 ; Peter tiie Great ; footstep of St. Mark, 124 ;
procession of the Virgin ; theatre, 126 ; Liege, 129 ; arrive at Brus-
sels ; the King, 130 ; arrival of the English Officials iy waiting, 131 ;
theatre, 132 ; cathedral ; museum ; Chateau of Laken, 134 ; Zoolo-
gical Garden ; Hotel de Ville, 135 ; state banquet, 136 ; leave Brus-
sels ; Ostend ; embark on board the ' Vigilant,' 137 ; cross the
straits, 138 \ Channel squadron ; arrive at Dover, 139 ; reach London,

primele impresii din Prusia ..

Again we started. As the Prussian trains travel very fast, it was hut two hours and a half since leaving the Pussian frontier hefore we arrived at Konigsherg, a city of Prussia, and very near to the Baltic Sea. A large river passes through this city which is named the Pregel.
Merchant steamers come up from the sea to the middle of the city, and return in like manner. It is a small city, but pretty ; its population is 95,000 souls.
We have today seen in the Prussian territory the cultivation of rape, which has a yellow flower of a very charming tint. It is sown for its oil (colza oil), which is much used for the lubrication of machinery on railways, and the like. It was very extensively cultivated, and it gave a peculiar charm to the landscape. Naturally, the whole country is a meadow, with forests of fir and yews, though in much less quantities than in Russia.
Many very pretty avenues of willows and great poplars were seen, which are places of promenade for carriages and pedestrians. We passed many streams, large and small, but all bridged over, and so went by the town of Marienburg, through which the Vistula, a great river, flows. Numbers of vessels ply on this stream. It has an iron bridge over it of very great length.
At the stations and guardhouses along our line of road we saw very pretty gardens, and cultivations, and many pretty flowers. The jasmine of Shirwan, called by the Franks the lilac, was everywhere in flower. As far as the eye could reach, all was cultivation, human improvements, rivers, guardhouses, hotels, avenues, forests, flowers, meadows. Many oxen were seen, resembling those of Mazandaran

primire oficiala facuta de 'greii' Europei smile.gif

At last we reached the station, and alighted. His Most Exalted Majesty the Emperor of Germany, William, the Nawwab the Heir-Apparent, his son, the Nawwab Prince Charles, his brother, Frederick-Charles, son of a brother of the Emperor and captor of Metz, together with other princes of the royal family, such as Prince Hohenzollern, a youngster, and the very prince respecting whom the war between Germany and France occurred, as the French were not willing that he should become king of Spain; also Prince Bismarck, the famous Chancellor of Germany, Marshal Roon, the Minister of War and Premier of Prussia, and General Moltke, now Marshal and Generalissimo, very celebrated, and much spoken of, and other generals and officials, with a battalion of the Guards, a band, a cavalry regiment, and others, as also a concourse of people beyond all compute on the roads, were there to receive us. They gave us a most cordial reception.
We reached home. This evening the Emperor gave a special banquet in this very palace where our quarters are. Our princes, the Prussian princes, our Grand- Vazir, Prince Bismarck, Marshal Moltke, Marshal Roon, and others, were present, as also Marshal Wrangel, with whom we conversed. He is a short and very old man, ninety years of age, but full of mental vigour. He served everywhere in the wars of the first Napoleon.

vizita la celebrele uzine de armament Krupp

We passed the city of Hanover, which is very pretty, and then the cities and regions of Westphalia, which are charming spots. Here we saw a few mountains and high hills, and crossed numerous rivers, one very large, and at an hour to sunset we arrived at the works of M. Krupp, who came himself to the railway (to meet us).
He is a tall, thin old man.
He has himself, in a certain span of time, created the whole of these works. The cannon of every government does he furnish from hence. Guns of every description, such as large cannon for forts, cannon for ships, and cannon for field use in campaigns, are all manufactured here.
His plant and workshops, of which steam is the motive power, resemhle a mighty city. He employs 15,000 workmen, for the whole of whom he has erected houses and lodgings, paying them salaries and wages.
After deducting his expenditure, his own yearly income amounts to 800,000 tumans (320,000L).

We went to the shop of the steam hammers. They are singular hammers, like mountains ; and, worked by steam, fulfil the office of forging cannons. They make these of any pattern they desire. When the hammer strikes the gun, the earth floor of the workshop emits a sound and trembles. It was a marvellous thing. We went all over the works, and they turned out some large and some small cannon.

We then went to a house which he had prepared, and there we dined. He gave us an excellent dinner. In the conservatory of this house we saw a tree, the leaves of which were two ells (seven feet) long, and half an ell (twenty one inches) wide.
The steam-hammers, in spite of their great distance from this room, made the earth shake here as though in an earth-quake. M. Krupp made us a present of a most magnificent breech-loading six-pounder cannon, with all its appliances.

Acest topic a fost editat de exergy33: 11 Aug 2011, 12:28 PM


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mesaj 11 Aug 2011, 12:37 PM
Mesaj #1149


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 4.959
Inscris: 9 August 05
Din: marginea viselor
Forumist Nr.: 6.763

Germania l-a cucerit pe Nasser din Shah smile.gif

We next reached Coblentz.
The train stopped ; the Governor of the place, with others, came to an audience. The guns of the town fired a salute. It is a large place. We crossed the Rhine by a bridge, the river here being narrow, with hills on either side. The bank of the river is all villages, towns, cultivations of vines, cherry-trees, and the like.
The cherries were ripe and the trees laden with fruit.
Each vine was bound to a stout stake. The whole hill-side and the plain is one continuous vineyard, the famous Rhein-wein being produced from these very vines. On either side of the river is there a railway, and continually do the [?]. There are also roads for carriages, waggons, and pedestrians, well made and kept. The whole region is a garden. All the mountains and plains are grapevines, fruit-trees, flower-gardens, and avenues ; with towns and cities at frequent intervals. One wonders, and is never tired with admiring. Every now and then a beautiful solitary pavilion, with large and small summer-houses, in the best taste and of the most graceful forms, are seen erected on the river's side, or up on a hill over-looking the stream, like a paradise. Some ruins of old castles were also noticed on the mountains and on the river bank. The going and coming of the trains, the buildings, the verdure and flowers, whether natural or artificial, put one beside one's self.
For several leagues our road was (through a country) similar to that witnessed on our first visit to the land of Gilan and the river Sefid-rud. Sometimes our trains passed over the tops of the roofs of houses in streets of villages.
In fine, it was indescribable. After a while the mountains and valleys terminated, and the river flowed on our right.
By degrees we left the river at a distance, and we turned in the direction of Wiesbaden, where at length we arrived.
After taking leave, we again joined the train and arrived at Heidelberg, the first place within the dominions of the Grand-Duke of Baden. Here the train stopped, and a few individuals of the Governor and some Professors of the Colleges of Baden were introduced.
One of the Professors made a speech in Persian. Then we proceeded to the city of Carlsruhe, the capital of the Grand-Duke of Baden. He himself, with the whole of the grandees of his State, Ministers, Commanders, and others, was at the station (to meet me). I alighted; military honours were observed, there being a band, and a company of the (Grand-) Duke's troops drawn up, which we inspected. The nature of the uniform, the musket, the cap, and everything else, of these troops of Baden, were similar to those of the Prussians ; only their caps bore a distinguishing mark for Baden.
In the French war the Baden contingent showed great firmness ; twenty thousand men having been furnished. Now, in time of peace, they are but ten to fifteen thousand (under arms).

Carlsruhe, the capital of Baden, is a beautiful city and prosperous. Its population is thirty-seven thousand. Its streets are long and straight. All the produce of this region is independent of irrigation.

plimbari si dineuri

I and the (Grand-) Duke mounted together in a carriage and drove off, being followed by the others. The weather is always cloudy. Women and men in great numbers stood on both sides of the horseway in the streets, very respectful and quiet. The (Grand-) Duke himself is a very handsome, noble, and courteous man.
He has a yellow beard, very long and thick; his face is fair and rosy ; his eyes are large, his body robust. We talked together for a while in French, until we arrived in a square fronting the ancient, ancestral palace of the (Grand-) Duke. The square was very pretty, with flower-gardens and fountains.
Some regular cavalry marched before us. We alighted in front of the palace ; the wife of the (Grand-) Duke came forward, to whom we gave our hand. The wife of the (Grand-) Duke's brother, who is a Russian lady princess of distinction, by name Marie, and niece or cousin of the Emperor of Russia, was also present. She wore magnificent jewels on the head. We shook hands with her also ; and then went upstairs.
It is a beautiful palace, full of ornaments and furniture, ... The (Grand-) Duke led us away to a private chamber that was specially assigned to us. We rested awhile and changed our costume, going thence to the dining-room, where all were assembled. The (Grand-) Duke was seated on our right, and his wife on our left. We had an excellent dinner ; after which we walked about a bit, and then went down to the lower garden of the palace, which contained some beautiful flowers. All were there with us ;

din nou peisajele montane ce-i amintesc shahului de nordul Iranului si orasele muntoase de pe tarmul Marii Caspice ...

As we passed by Darmstadt, everywhere to our left the mountains and forests were near at hand ; while to our right was a level country. But at first the mountains to our left were like hills and had not much forest. As we went further and got near to Baden (-Baden), the forests were denser and the hills somewhat higher. The whole, surface of the plains and mountains here was green with grass, and the climate very cool, like a summer mountain-station.
We arrived at the town of Baden-Baden after sunset. It is a town in a valley, having mountains all round, with meadows, woods, and green crops, exactly like the mountains of Kalardasht in Mazandaran.
The weather was cloudy and misty, very cold, and every now and then heavy rain fell; which is very similar to the climate of Ashraf and Safi-abad in Mazandaran. Wealthy people from Firangistan (Europe) have here built detached residences of great magnificence and beauty ; for, during the summer season, the greater portion of the pleasure-seekers congregate here. It has a climate like that of Paradise ; a river, like that of Shahristanak, that issues from a valley and flows through the town. In verity it is not a town with the contemplation of which one can tire.
For lovers, pleasure-hunters, ... it is a capital nook.
Pretty women and graceful ladies continually promenade about its avenues, lawns, and hills, on foot, on horseback, and in carriages. In truth, it is a fairy abode. It has a fine church for those of the Roman faith, and there are those who are Protestants.
The whole town is lighted with gas. There are mineral hot-baths and others. To the very tolls of the mountains there are winding, tortuous carriage-roads every-where, as well as avenues by which carriages travel in every direction.
Prince Menschikoff, who was in attendance upon us in Russia, has here a beautiful seat, a wife,
and all the appliances of life. He was here himself. He came, and we conversed. The wife of the Prince, too, was presented. In short, our quarters were in a very charming hotel.

... iar la Baden o surpriza legata de Romania. Capela familiei printului Sturdza smile.gif

Prince Gortchakof, the Russian Premier, had also arrived here yesterday for travel and pleasure.
He came to an audience, at which the Grand-Vazir was also present. We sat and had a long conversation. He left, and I went to a bath. It was a beautiful bath ; with a stove, had they made it warm. It had a small basin of marble. We went into the water ; came out ; dressed ; and went home.
After a short interval had elapsed the (Grand-) Duke arrived. Mounting an open carriage together, we went for a drive. The General likewise was with us. The weather was cloudy and very cold ; rain also fell occasionally.
I had come out of the bath in a state of perspiration, and had not put on an overcoat. As we drove about I was very cold. All went about, on hill and down dale, passing through charming sites, until we arrived at the summit of an eminence where there was a church.

Here we alighted and entered the church. It was an edifice erected by the former Prince of Roumania, i.e., of Wallachia and Moldavia, in memory of a young son of his who had died. The Prince and his wife now live in this town. They have had a beautiful marble statue of their son executed, whose tomb is in one corner of the church, and a marble group is over his tomb. Opposite to that is another tomb which they have prepared for themselves, that they may be buried there after their deaths. Statues in marble of the prince and of his wife are placed upon this tomb, that of the prince pointing with its hand to the tomb of the son.
The church is built in coloured marbles, and is a beautiful edifice. Its cupola appears to be gilt outside, like that of the tomb of the daughter of Michael, the brother of Nicholas, Emperor of Russia, that we had seen at Wiesbaden.

Acest topic a fost editat de exergy33: 12 Aug 2011, 06:51 AM


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mesaj 12 Aug 2011, 06:45 AM
Mesaj #1150


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 4.959
Inscris: 9 August 05
Din: marginea viselor
Forumist Nr.: 6.763

intermezzo belgian

We then went on, and shortly reached a small stream with a little bridge over it, which forms the frontier between Belgium and Germany. But what a difference has the All-Wise and Almighty Creator placed between the two nations and the two countries !
Man's mind is lost in amazement thereat. In one moment a total change came over the people, the language, the religion, the appearance of the land and water, mountains, and plains ; all were different, nothing here resembling what is in Germany.
The mountains are rather more lofty and more wooded, the air is colder, the tongue of all is French, the people more tranquil, the arrangement and uniform of the troops and citizens utterly different.
The whole population of Belgium speak French, but have a special dialect of their own; they are chiefly of the Romish faith. This nation has more liberty than is enjoyed in Germany. Their sovereign is King Leopold II and their capital is named Brussels. From Wiesbaden to Spa, by boat and by rail, we travelled in a little more than eight hours.

o procesiune religioasa
The weather is cloudy, and rain is falling. The sun is never seen in these parts. To-day is a festival of the Franks.
A body of damsels and women, after passing along the street that faces our hotel, went into the church. They had stuck up lamps in all the streets; also, bringing out many shrubs grown in vases, and strewing the streets with fresh-cut grass, they escorted the chief priest with many honours to the church.
About two hundred pretty maidens, all engagingly dressed in white, with white head-dresses, and carrying each a nosegay of flowers, followed by another company of younger girls to the number of two to three hundred, each holding in her hand a stick with a nosegay attached to it, and by a third company of charming little children, girls and boys, nicely dressed, and each carrying a stick with a taper bound to it, or a gold-embroidered velvet banner, carried the portrait of Her Holiness Miryam (the Virgin Mary), on whom be peace ; and sang with a sweet melody, repeating litanies.
Behind these was an ornamented wooden frame, with the figures of Jesus and Mary on it, upon both of whom be peace, and with the space below it unoccupied. Meanwhile, the priest walked out on foot, and four individuals took up this frame and supported it over the priest like an umbrella.

primirea oficiala
At length, after four hours, or perhaps three hours, after leaving Liege we arrived at Brussels, the capital of Belgium. At the station His Most Exalted Majesty King Leopold II., together with his brother, the Count of Flanders, the whole of the military officers, the civil functionaries, and others were present.
The mutual gratulations of etiquette were gone through. The King presented those of his suite ; we also presented those of ours.
Taking our seats in an open carriage, we drove off, I and the King conversing together. On both sides of our road a large concourse of people stood, and incessantly did I and the King salute them. In return they shouted ur-rahs, and ran along with us.
We came to a royal palace situated in the centre of the city. We went upstairs, where, on the first floor, the King, having shown us our apartments, retired to his own residence in the back apartments of this same palace. I sent the Order of my own Portrait to His Majesty, and shortly followed myself to return his visit. The King's wife came forward to meet me, and we sat down ; after a space I returned to my apartments.
The King is a man thirty-eight years of age, tall, somewhat thin, and with a long yellow beard. During the period when he was Heir-Apparent he travelled to India, to Constantinople, to Egypt, and to the Syrias.
He is the grandson of Louis Philippe, the former King of the French, whose daughter was the King's mother ; and he is cousin to the actual Sovereign of England, son of her maternal uncle. He has three daughters, but has no son ; and his brother, the Count of Flanders, is his Heir-Presumptive, who is somewhat younger in years than the King.
The wife of the King's brother is a lady-princess of Prussia, while the King's wife is an Austrian lady-princess, being a Hungarian by birth.

... despre libertate rolleyes.gif
The Kingdom of Belgium is very free, the ordering of all matters being in the hands of the Parliament, where the Deputies meet together and give judgment. The Parliament House is a sumptuous edifice, and is in the city. It was in active session (when we arrived), the members being assembled.
The editors of the public papers in this country are extremely free. Whatever they may write, they are in fear of no one.

atentia pe care Nasser Din Shah a acordat-o de fiecare data tablourilor, portelanurilor, pieselor de mobilier si corpurilor de iluminat vazute in palatele aristocratilor europeni

The greater part of our attendants are quartered in an hotel. This palace, in which I have my apartments, is a very handsome palace, ornamented with beautiful pictures and portraits ; though it is small, but well designed. It has many handsome and large chandeliers, its furniture is rich, and it is well supplied with tables, chairs, and the like, all good.
The street lamps are lighted with gas and are numerous.

Din pacate nu stiu cum arata palatul in care a fost gazduit shahul de catre regele Leopold II al Belgiei dar va pot arata cum arata salonul cu vitralii de la parterul Pavilionului Soarelui (Shams-ol-Emareh) de la Palatul Golestan din Teheran smile.gif

Pe cei ce doresc sa vada panorama ii invit sa dea un click aici.

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mesaj 12 Aug 2011, 05:15 PM
Mesaj #1151


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 4.959
Inscris: 9 August 05
Din: marginea viselor
Forumist Nr.: 6.763

Am ajuns cu cititul spre finalul travelogului smile.gif , deci stiu care au fost impresiile shahului despre Franta, Italia, Austria, Turcia si Georgia (le voi posta in continuare, dupa etapa britanica, asa cum dealtfel mi-am propus de la inceput).

Iata care a fost progamul englez :
ENGLAND ; 18 DAYS. Visits of ceremony, 144 ; receptions, 145 ; banquet at Marlborough House ; ball at Stafford House, 146 ; visit to the Queen, 147 ; Order of the Garter, 148 ; drive to Virginia Water and back, 149 ; evening party at Guildhall, 151 ; Woolwich, 155 ; theatre, 157 ; Zoological Gardens, 158 ; Naval Review at Portsmouth, ICO ; concert at Albert Hall, 1G4 ; review at Windsor, 1G7 ; ball at Foreign Oflace, 170 ; Tower, 171 ; trip down the river ; the Docks, 172 ; Greenwich Hos- pital ; Lord Nelson, 173 ; Naval College ; Observatory ; return ; tides, 174 ; state ball, 175 ; to Liverpool, 176 ; emigrants, 177 ; * Trentham Hall, 179 ; works at Crew, 182 ; Manchester, 183 ; Chiswick, 185 ; Richmond, 187 ; Lord Russell ; Whigs and Tories, 188 ; receptions ; Lord Stratford de Redcliffe, 189 ; fire brigade, 190 ; boxing, 191 ; Crystal Palace, 191 ; gymnasts, 193 ; beggars ; perambulators, 195 ; Tower ; St. Paul's, 196 ; Bank, 197 ; Parliament, 198 ; Westminster Abbey, 200 ; visit of adieu to Windsor, 201 ; Prince Consort's tomb, 203 ; Mme. Tussaud's, 204 ; Crystal Palace, 206 ; balloons, 209 ; Albert Hall ; donkey picture, 210 ; St. Thomas's, 211 ; Duke of Argyll's ; bagpipes ; sword-dance ; telegraph, 212 ; Albert memorial ; Drury-Lane, 213 ; leave London, 214 ; reach Portsmouth ; embark in the " Rapide" ; reach Cherbourg, 216.

Daca Germania l-a cucerit pe Nasser al Din Shah, Anglia i-a inlantuit inima ... wub.gif

socul produs de primirea calduroasa facuta de londonezi

From the rapidity of our motion fire came out of the wheels, and one carriage caught fire.
It wanted but little for all to be burnt. They stopped the train, got down, and extinguished the fire. All was right, and again we went on until we reached the beginning of the city of London.
Again it is impossible to describe the prosperity, the populousness, the extent of the city, the numbers of lines of railway over which incessantly the trains come and go in every direction, the smoke of the manufactories, and the like.
We travelled over the exteriors of the roofs of the houses ; and thus we reached the station and stopped.

There was an assemblage of spectators, and a crowd, beyond all limits ; there were the armour-wearing English household cavalry ; there was the Nawwab the Heir-Apparent of England, known as the Prince of Wales ; and the whole of the Ministry, of the notables, and of the nobles, were present.
We alighted. I, the Heir-Apparent, the Grand-Vazir, and Lord Morley, the Lord-in-Waiting upon us, took our seats in an open carriage, and drove off.
Both sides of the road, the roofs, the upper stories of the houses, were full of women,
men, and children, who exhibited much joy and pleasure by shouting hurrahs, by waving handkerchiefs, by clapping hands. It was a surprising turmoil. I saluted incessantly with head and hands. The crowd of spectators was never-ending.
The population of the city is said to be over eight crores (four millions) of souls. It has most lovely women. The nobleness, the greatness, the gravity and sedateness of the women and men shine out from their countenances.

devil.gif ... si o concluzie interesanta

One sees and comprehends that they are a great people, and that the Lord of the Universe has bestowed upon them power and might, sense and wisdom, and enlightenment. Thus it is that they have conquered a country like India, and hold important possessions in America and elsewhere in the world.
Their soldiers are very strong of frame and beautifully attired; their armour-wearing household cavalry are very strong and handsome young men, exquisitely dressed, like the cavalry in Russia.

Sar peste dineurile si intalnirile cu personalitati ca Printul de Wales, Ducele de Edinburgh, Ducele de Cambridge, Ducele de Sutherland .... si trec direct la intrevederea oficiala cu regina Victoria.

We have to go to Windsor Castle, the residence of Her Most Exalted Majesty Victoria, Sovereign of England, which is one hour's journey by rail. So we dressed, and then taking our seat in the carriage with the Grand-Vazir and Lord Morley, started.
Crowds beyond limit were standing at the ends and on both sides of our road. There were that
number of carriages that no one could count them. Passing along the drive in Hyde Park, and through the town, we reached the station, and took our seat in the train.
The carriages were most sumptuous, each side being a single sheet of plate glass. We traversed inhabited places, the open country, and green meadows ; and at length Windsor Castle rose to view at a distance, appearing like a fortress with four turrets.
Arriving near thereto, we alighted and got into a carriage. All our suite were of the party. At the foot of the steps of the Castle we alighted.
Her Most Exalted Majesty the Sovereign advanced to meet us at the foot of the staircase. We got down, took her hand, gave our arm, went up stairs, passed through pretty rooms and corridors hung with beautiful portraits, and entering a private apartment, took our seat. The Sovereign presented her children, relations, and officers. We, too, on our part, presented our princes, the Grand-Vazir, and the others.
The Lord Chamherlain, who is the Minister of the Court of the Sovereign, brought for us the
Insignia of the Order of the Garter set in diamonds; i.e., the Knee-tie, which is one of the most esteemed English Orders. The Sovereign rose, and with her own hand decorated us with the Order, and cast the ribbon upon us, presenting us at the same time with a long stocking-tie.
I received the Order with the utmost respect, and sat down. I too presented to the English Sovereign the " Order of the Sun," set in diamonds, with its ribbon, and also the Order of my own Portrait, which she received with all honour and put them on herself.

... povesteste despre felul in care se toasteaza thumb_yello.gif

When the dancing was over, we again gave our arm to the wife of the English Heir-Apparent, and went to supper a dinner after midnight. We passed through large halls and many staircases and corridors, all full of men and graceful women, and in the rooms and staircases of which they had arranged all sorts of flowers and shrubs grown in vases.
Thus we reached a large hall, where they set out the supper-table. About four hundred persons were seated around this table. An individual, one of the citizens, who was the Lord Mayor's deputy, stood behind me, and every now and then made proclamation with a loud voice to the persons of the company, that they were to prepare themselves for a toast ; with this signification :
" The Lord Mayor drinks wine to the health of the great ; all must stand up and drink." First of all the Lord Mayor drank to our health ; then the Heir-Apparent of England gave a toast, and again the Lord Mayor gave one.
Each time, that individual gave notice to the company beforehand.

Supper finished, we rose, returned to our home, and went to bed. Throughout our return drive, too, when it was midnight, there was the same dense crowd. This evening the Chief Usher and the Grand-Vazir rode with me in my carriage.

The Sovereign of England keeps a book, in which each person who goes to Windsor Castle to see her inscribes his name ; I, too, wrote mine to-day.

viziteaza cu mare interes fabricile de armament din Woolwich ...

The Duke of Cambridge, Prince Alfred, Prince Arthur, General Wood, Commander of the Artillery, and Military Governor of Woolwich, together with other commanders of artillery, infantry, all came forth to meet us, and formed a procession in front of us.
We, in our carriage, drove to see the factories. We traversed a considerable distance through streets and public places, where crowds were assembled on both sides of our path, shouting hurrahs, and whom I saluted in turn, until we reached the workshops. We alighted and entered these.

It is now the system no longer to cast cannons in moulds. They make, with implements they use, sheets of iron into pipes, of the size they wish the cannons to be.
These they convey to another shop, place them under steam-hammers, and squeeze them, and weld them, so that they become cannons. They told me this system is held in greater consideration.

One by one we visited the workshops. In one place they draw rifled cannons (as they draw wire), in another they cut, in another they bore, in another they hammer.
Quantities of useless cannon of old pattern were lying in front of the workshops ; and numbers of shot, with large supplies of material, were collected ; this place being the arsenal of all England.

After all these visits and venturing near to the furnaces of fire, which were pretty warm, we mounted our carriage and drove to the edifice, by the flank of which we had before passed.
There a breakfast was laid out. It is a hall where the officers of the land and naval forces, as
well as those of the artillery, eat breakfast. It was a nice place.

Cu surprindere totala am descoperit ca Nasser al-Din Shah le-a ascultat pe Adelina Patti si Emma Albani, legende ale muzicii de opera !

Having to go to the theatre in the evening, we dressed ; and having taken our seat in a carriage with the Sovereign's Master of the Horse, who is an intelligent man, and the Lord Chamberlain, we drove there. There were great crowds by the way, all of whom we saluted. We arrived at the theatre. The Heirs-Apparent of England and Russia, the wives of both, the princesses, the princes, and the magnates, were all present.
It is a very large and beautiful theatre, with six tiers of seats. They acted some beautiful scenes, the number (of actors) being also large.
They had sent expressly to Paris and had called from thence Patti, who is one of the renowned
songstresses of Farangistan (Europe). She sang most exquisitely.
She is an exceedingly graceful woman. She accepted a fabulous sum of money, and came to London.

There was another also, Albani by name, from Canada in America, who sang extremely well and performed some wonderful feats.


Acest topic a fost editat de exergy33: 13 Aug 2011, 07:05 AM


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mesaj 13 Aug 2011, 12:27 PM
Mesaj #1152


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 4.959
Inscris: 9 August 05
Din: marginea viselor
Forumist Nr.: 6.763

Daca veti citi in amanunt programele de calatorie veti vedea ca si in Germania shahul a vizitat mai multe gradini zoologice si botanice. Cei ce i-au comentat ulterior jurnalul, de-a lungul unui secol si mai bine, au fost oarecum surprinsi de placerea nedisimulata a suveranului persan de a admira plante rare si de a se afla in preajma pasarilor exotice si a animalelor de tot felul.

Well ; the wild beasts here are separated from one another in special cages. There were here several interesting animals, which had not been seen (by us) elsewhere.
First, the hippopotamus, i.e., the marine horse, which is a curious thing. There were three of them ; one pair, male and female, with one young cub born in this very place, and already of considerable age. This was standing out of the water, the full-grown ones being in the water. People threw; food into its mouth, which it opened like a gateway. It had very rugged teeth, and was of an enormous size.
From what I could make out, this is the marine rhinoceros. Secondly, there was a monkey of great size and very repulsive in appearance ; it was exactly like a human being, and more especially had it the hands and feet of a man.
Its keeper made it dance ; he stamped with his foot, it stood up ; he spoke (to it), it understood English ; it then walked forwards towards us, but it continually evinced the desire that they should hold it by the hand and lead it. They then sent it into the cage of the monkeys, where it leapt and sprang about in a wonderful manner, and played like a rope-dancer.
Thirdly, the sea-lion and the sea-fox, which were in a basin of water, around which was a railing.
An individual spoke to them in French ; they showed great intelligence. The lion was of a considerable size, its body being covered with a fine down, and its feet resembHng the fins of a fish and the wings of a bat, but it ran along with them at a good pace. At the side and in the middle of the basin there was a bench, on which a chair had been placed. It got up on the chair, and sat down.
The fox (seal) was like the lion, but smaller.
They dived beneath the water ; the keeper gave a sound ; immediately on which, they came out of the water and kissed their keeper, who had seated himself on the bench.
He said: "One kiss;" "Two kisses." As many as he asked for, kisses they gave him. It was a strange sight.
Fourthly, there were some very small monkeys, no bigger than the rat of Sultaniyya (perhaps the
marmot), very curious.
There were elephants, rhinoceroses, maned-lions, black panthers, tigers, and other beasts ; also birds, and parrots of all colours.
Besides these there were many other places to visit ; but I was tired and could not go about. The
crowds, too, were very great ; so we returned home.

vizita la o expozitie tehnica

We first were shown into a corridor more than six or seven ells wide (21 ft. to 24 ft. 6 in.), and covered over with glass. It was said to be of iron. On either side of this corridor were ranged various factory machines, i.e., small machines like models, but beautifully made, and very pretty, that were put in motion by steam power.
We noticed many industrial processes, sweetmeat-making, cigar and tobacco-making, the cutting of the flour threads, called macaroni by the Franks, lemonade-making, soda-water-making, where the bottles are filled and securely corked in an instant, tunbridge-ware-making, silk-winding, cloth-weaving, newspaper-printing, and many various branches of art and industry that we cannot enumerate. They were performed with ease by these machines. It was in great detail.

The management of this exhibition is in the hands of the magnates of England, of the Foreign Secretary Lord Granville, and others. They walked on before us, the Heirs-Apparent of England and Russia being present, with others.

... printre altele shahul face cunostinta si cu folclorul scotian
This evening there is to be a ball in the upper rooms of this very palace of ours. In the evening, therefore, we went upstairs. Everybody was there. We took the hand of the wife of the Heir-Apparent, walked off, and sat down.
Everybody danced the ordinary ball dance ; after which a man of Scotland came attired in the Scotch garb and played the bagpipes, which make a noise like the trumpet of Iran. Prince Alfred, Prince Arthur, and others, danced a Scotch dance.
Well; after this dance the company broke up, and we went to another room to supper. They had placed food and fruit on the table ; of which all ate. The Indian prince was also there. We then descended and went to bed.

To-morrow we have to go to the cities of Liverpool and Manchester ; also to the castle of Trentham, which is the property of the Duke of Sutherland.

... la Manchester vede ce inseamna poluarea

The city of Manchester, by reason of its exceeding number of manufactories, has its houses, doors and walls, black as coal. So much so, that the complexions, visages, and dresses of the people are all black.
The whole of the ladies of that place at most times wear black clothing, because, no sooner do they put on white or coloured dresses, than put they are suddenly black.

... se intalneste cu Lordul Radcliffe
Well ; next came Lord Redcliffe (the Right Honourable Lord Viscomt Stratford de Redcliffe, K.G., K.C.B.), so well known, and had an audience. He sat down, and we conversed much.
This personage is one of the great diplomatists of Europe. He was for more than twenty years the English (Ambassador Extraordinary and) Minister Plenipotentiary at Constantinople, where he exercised great influence.
In the Sebastopol war he upheld the policy of England and opposed the Russians. In the days of the first Napoleon even, when Qardan Khan (General Gardanne), the French Envoy, left Persia, and the late Khaqan, Fath-Ali Shah, of pious memory, received the English, he had entered the service, though not in Persia.
According to one's recollections of those times, he must be nearly eighty-five years old ; and still he conversed with the utmost wisdom and knowledge.
He suffers from gout. Were he not so afflicted, I am of opinion that he still is in possession of the judgment, intellect, and stamina for the English Government to confide important missions to him.

... cersetorii, porumbeii si landourile din Europa (Farang sau Farangestan, cum se exprimau in acele vremuri persanii)

The heggars of Firangistan, instead of asking for alms, play musical instruments, as guitars or violins, and never heg. If some one gives them money, they take it ; if not, they go on playing.

In the garden at the back of our palace a great number of cock and hen pheasants were seen in the trees.
There are multitudes of pigeons in Firangistan ; and, as in Persia, pigeon-fliers send them up. Especially in Belgium did we see many of them.

They place sucklings and little children in small carriages (perambulators), and during the day-time wheel them about by hand in the avenues and on the lawns, in a very pretty manner ; and the children go to sleep in the carriages.

voi incheia cu curiozitatile vazute la Banca Centrala din Londra ... rolleyes.gif

There were three curious things seen in that place. Firstly, in each machine that prints the bank-notes, there were three (dials like those of) compasses, each with hands like those of a watch.
For every number that was printed, these compasses, by the revolution of their hands, took and kept an account. At each movement given to the machine, one note came forth printed ; and a hand moved from subdivision to subdivision (of the dial). The reason of this is that no one may be able to fake any from the number of bank-notes (printed).

Secondly, there were engines for trying and testing the weights of coins ; so that large quantities of gold coins flowed down a place similar to a spout, on each side of which was a repository like a till, and every coin that was light of weight was made to fall, by machinery, into one of those tills, while those of full and perfect weight fell into the other.

Thirdly, there were machines that cut in two, like shears, the coins that were light of weight, throwing them out of circulation, so that they have to be reminted.

Cred ca in etapa cruciala ce a reprezentat-o vizita din Anglia, Nasser Din Shah a inteles perfect, in cazul in care pana atunci ar mai fi avut indoieli smile.gif , ca pentru a fi considerat un suveran important nu e suficient sa construiasca cladiri luxoase ... ca Palatul Golestan.

Imaginile sunt luate tot din Pavilionul Soarelui ...

foto 21 ......................................... foto22

foto23 ............................................................. foto24

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mesaj 14 Aug 2011, 12:03 PM
Mesaj #1153


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 4.959
Inscris: 9 August 05
Din: marginea viselor
Forumist Nr.: 6.763

Programul de calatorie de 19 zile prin Franta si Elvetia a fost destul de incarcat ... de evenimente si de semnificatii.


Cherbourg, 218 ; Caen, 219 ; reach Paris, 220 ; Jardin d' Acclimatisation, 225 ; Bois de Boulogne, 226 ; Diplomatists, 227 ;
Versailles, 228 ; group of Apollo, 229 ; Canrobert ; Palikao ; Due d'Aumale ; Prince de Joinville, 231 ; banquet, 232; the Invalides, 233 ;
M. Cremieux ; M. de Rothschild, 236 ; M. Lesseps ; M. Nadar ; M. Tardieu, 237 ; M. Larrey ; M. Cloquet ; M. Boure, 238 ; review, 239 ;
races, 240 ; illumination and fireworks, 243 ; circus, 244 ; Louvre 246 : Panorama, 247 ; Notre Dame, 248 ; Ecole des Mines, 249 : Luxembourg, 250 ; Pantheon ; St. Sulpice ; Madeleine ; Palais Royal, 252
Mint, 253 ; river-baths, 254 ; Gobelins, 255 ; Louvre again, 256 Tuileries, 257 ; Sevres porcelain, 258 ; the Assemblee Nationale, 259 Jardin des Plantes, 2G] ; party at the Elysee, 266 ; party at the Foreign Office, 267 ; Vincennes, 268 ; Sisters of Charity's school,
269 ; Circus, 270 ; cafes chantants, 271 ; Jardin Mabille, 272 ;

leave Paris, 273 ; Dijon, 274.
Switzerland. Geneva, 277 ; Lake of Geneva, 279 ; Vevay ; King of Holland, 281 ; excursion into Savoy; 283 ; banquet ; presents ;
museum, 285 ; M. Favre, 286 ; Swiss system, 287 ;

leave Geneva, 288 : France again. Aix-les-Bains ; Chambery ; Modane ; Mont Cenis tunnel, 289 ; Turin, 291 ; Royal Family; 293 ; Superga ; Synagogue, 294.

Primele impresii ...

The majority of the women and men in France are small made and attenuated of limb ; they are not like the inhabitants of Russia, Germany, and England, but more resemble the people of the East.

East = Orient[(ul) Mijlociu]

Well; our train started. To-day we traversed the province of Normandy, a beautiful country, abounding with produce. Extensive meadows, trees, flowers, grass, in abundance were there. Beautiful oxen, mares, sheep, are kept in great numbers, by reason of the plentiful pasturages which they possess.
We saw quantities of shrubs and of tamarisk-trees, which cause it to resemble Persia. To-day I saw the greater part of the flowers and trees of Persia in these parts, such as the willow, the ''tabrizi", the tamarisk, and others.
The surface of the soil hereabouts is all up-hill and down-dale, with many peaks.
The apples of the province are famous for their good quality ; and we saw large numbers of apple-

Mult aclamatul Paris, si Franta in general, l-au deziluzionat partial pe Nasser Din Shah, dar pe de alta parte i-au daruit momente de introspectie, melancolie, incantare si filozofie.

Voi incepe cu deziluziile rolleyes.gif

To-day we noticed a singular frame of mind in the French. First of all, they still keep up the state of mourning that followed the German war, and they are all, young or old, sorrowful and melancholy.
The dresses of the women, ladies, and men, are all dresses used for mourning ; with little ornamentation, and very plain. Now and then some of the people shouted: "Vive le Marechal," " Vive le Schah de Perse ; " from another one I heard, as I strolled about by night, a loud voice saying : " May his reign and rule be firm and enduring."
From the whole of these (circumstances) it becomes evident that there are at present in France numerous parties who desire a monarchy ; but they are in three sections, one desiring the son of Napoleon, another the dynasty of Louis-Philippe, and the third Henry the Fifth, who is of the Bourbon family ; and although this and the family of Louis-Philippe are really one race, they have distinctions.
The wishers for a republic, on the other hand, have great power ; but they are not all of one mind. Some are for a Red Republic, which is a fundamental commonweal.
Others are for a moderate republic, in which monarchical institutions shall be found, without a monarch's existing.
Others again wish otherwise. Among all these diversities of opinion it is now a very difficult matter to govern, and the consequences of these incidents will surely eventuate in many difficulties, unless that all combine on one plan and estabhsh either a pure monarchy or a pure republic.

Well ; the troops drawn up to-day in line were nearly twenty thousand in number. This edifice which is allotted to as as our residence, was formerly the Council-House, i.e., the House for the meeting of the Deputies of the nation.
Since the expulsion of the third Napoleon from the sovereignty, and the establishment of a republic in France, the Deputies and the Government have all gone to Versailles, and have left the city of Paris entirely void of the governmental administrations.
The city of Paris is now in reality the property of the peasantry and common people, who do whatever they like, as the Government has no adequate means of repression.
The palace of the Tuileries, which was the finest building in the world, is now a mass of ruins, as the men of the Commune set fire to it. Nothing remains of the palace but its walls. We were sadly grieved for tliis ; but, thanks be to God, the palace of the Louvre, which adjoins that of the Tuileries, has been saved and is not destroyed.

In the alleys and streets, every twenty steps they have built a column, not very tall, which has a hole inside. It's for people's urination. People stand up in front of each other, without any shame, [dick] in hand, peeing. The stink of urine is in all the alleys.
In sum, the city of Paris is without splendor, without chiefs, without nobles, and without a king; it's obvious what a place without a king looks like.

smile.gif ...

Acest topic a fost editat de exergy33: 15 Aug 2011, 06:10 AM


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+Quote Post
mesaj 14 Aug 2011, 06:08 PM
Mesaj #1154


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 4.959
Inscris: 9 August 05
Din: marginea viselor
Forumist Nr.: 6.763

Ma voi abtine sa dau citate din jurnal ce descriu intalnirile oficiale si voi decupa doar acele pasaje ce redau felul in care si-a petrecut Nasser al-Din Shah timpul liber.
Din cele patru sute saizeci si ceva de pagini de jurnal scrise de dansul, tronsonul francez e pe departe bucata care-mi place cel mai mult. In special felul in care descrie curiozitatile.

... cat de mult l-au captivat pe shah gradinile zoologice si cele botanice wub.gif

Monday, (7th July)
After breakfast we mounted our carriage and set out for a drive about town. We passed along a street named Parc-Monceau a very beautiful street, by a very pretty flower-garden, and arrived at the Arc de Triomphe, going from thence towards the Bois de Boulogne, where we first visited the Jardin d'Acclimatisation.
Here we alighted and entered the garden.
There were some flowers ; and there was a place built up of rocks, like a natural mountain.
Passing by these, we came to the park for wild animals, and for birds. They had prepared nettings of wire around rooms, and within these they had set up trees and introduced water for the use of the animals and birds.
We here saw various kinds of birds and of parrots from the New World, Africa, India, and Australia. There were also monkeys and other things.
There is an animal called the kangaroo, that is found in Australia, very similar to the jerboa. It is a singular thing ; it jumps swiftly, but cannot walk. Its fore-legs are short, its hind-legs long. It. must jump always. It is of the size of a large jackal.
The female has a pouch on the lower part of her belly, where she puts her young after they are born, and so jumps and runs about. They are very swift runners.

There were some very curious pheasants, with beautiful plumage, of all colours, that we saw also. There were likewise two elephants on which litters were arranged, and so women and children rode about on them.
There was also a droshka in which a man was seated, harnessed to an ostrich, which drew it about easily, having the strength of a small horse.

... e dificil de scris la Paris sorry.gif

It is extremely difficult to write up our diary in Paris day by day and in detail. Our strolls about the beautiful promenades by night as well as by day leave no chance for us to carry on the diary. However, all that is needful shall be entered in a succinct manner.

... o analiza intre cursele de cai pariziene si cele din Persia thumb_yello.gif
Another day we went again to Longchamps to witness the horse-racing. The Marshal came himself to our residence, where we mounted a carriage and started.

The rest (of our people) went also. We followed the same route to the Bois de Boulogne that we had taken-on the day of the review. From thence, however, we went behind the cascade, but only to arrive at the same stand where we were seated to witness the march past.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs, M. Buffet, the wife of the Marshal, the commanders and others, the Ottoman Ambassador, and the Austrian Ambassador, were there.
Women and men in multitudes were assembled around the race-course. Four heats were run. They had given to each race the name of a Persian province; such as Ispahan, Shiraz, &c. In the first heat they ran half round the course, which is one horse-distance.
One jockey, whose dress was green, in accordance with the Persian ribbon, won the race. In the next two heats they ran round the entire course; but, as the distance is not great, most of the horses came in together. The horse that gets ahead, say, by one head and neck, of the others, is counted to have been first in.
The Persian rule for horse-racing is better, and affords a better spectacle.
The Persian race-course is half a league round; six rounds, that is, three leagues, and sometimes seven rounds, are run in one heat. Whichever horse gets the start has given proof of his power.
Here, where at the utmost once round is the length of a race, which is but half a league, the powers of a horse are not fully brought out in evidence.

In the last race the horses had to jump at full gallop over several batriers of wood about an ell in height (42 inches), and garnished at top with wild brambles and furze. This was much better as a spectacle.

panorama il incanta si-i da prilejul unor reflectii ...
One day we went to an establishment called the Panorama, i.e., a scene all round. This is a very wonderful piece of science and art, the inventor of which is a man from the New World.
It was not far from our residence.
The Grand-Vazir and the others were all present. We came to a place where a circular edifice rose to view ; having a small door. We entered, and first we reached a panorama representing a street, one of the streets of Paris, at the time when the Prussians were besieging the city. Shot and shell were falling like hail from the sky.
The time was the winter season. People were coming out of their houses, holding their wives and children by the hand, and fleeing away. The more one examined this scene with attention, the more real and substantial did it appear, so that one could not tell it was a painted picture and not an actual occurence, an incident of the struggle.
One man had fallen down, his head broken, and the blood flowing. It was impossible to discern the pigment from real blood; and so of the other features of the scene depicted.

From thence we had to ascend by some stairs to a place where was a circular enclosure, from which one could look in every direction.
The city of Paris, its forts and environs, the guns and their projectiles, the turmoil of battle and siege, the flight and bursting of shot and shells in the air, all appeared before one.
It was as though at that moment one were in the city of Paris, and all the incidents and confusion of the war with the Prussians were before his eyes.
In short, unless one see it with his own eyes, he cannot miderstand how it is that a fictitious picture and a non-existent circumstance cannot be distinguished from a real event and a current fact.

... remarca principalele biserici

There is in Paris a very large and lofty church, which I had noticed from the top of the Arc de Triomphe, and which is named the Pantheon. Louis XV. built it. First of all it was a church ; then a cemetery for men of eminence ; and now again, latterly, it is a church and place of worship.
There were numerous scaffoldings all around it to carry out repairs, as the Communists, in the days of anarchy, had done much damage to it.

Another church also is in Paris, ranking next after that of Notre Dame, and named St. Sulpice, which is very handsome ; and again the Madeleine, built by the first Napoleon, and also extremely grand. Many other churches were likewise seen, of which it is not here necessary to give any account.

Nasser Din Shah face un veritabil tur de forta cu 'reportajul' despre lumea animalelor si cea a plantelor. Inclin sa cred ca ar fi fost un bun profesor de stiinte naturale smile.gif smile.gif

I one day went to see the Zoological and Botanical Gardens (the Jardin des Plantes), which was a long distance from our residence. The Director of the establishment, named M. Blanchard, of whose days seventy five years had passed away, came to meet us, with his assistant and others.
A large company was present, from the quarters in the outskirts of Paris, generally peasants and artizans, who had come with their wives to see the sight.

These gardens are of great extent. In the botanical section, most beautiful flowers were planted out in great taste.
Every flower and plant in this part is numbered and ticketed, and all plants and medicinal herbs that are employed in the curative art are here raised and propagated.
Professors of botany and zoology are constantly at work there investigating and teaching the qualities and properties of each vegetable product.

We first visited the hothouses, where they raise, grow, and multiply tropical plants, and thence proceeded to view the animals.
Here they keep, shut in cages, all kinds of animals, whether birds, or carnivorous or herbivorous beasts. Birds great and small, of all colours, and beautiful, beasts of prey and others, of every sort were seen.
The establishment is of greater extent than the zoological gardens of other countries ; but every animal that I saw here, I had seen elsewhere, with the exception of a few I had not yet observed:

One of these was a large and strongly built bird, called the Cassowary, that is brought from Australia. It is a very singular creature, about the size of an ostrich, which it also somewhat resembles ; but it is of a different species.
Another was a quadruped, called the Tapir, from South America, very much resembling the rhinoceros, but smaller, being an animal half way between a rhinoceros, a pig, and a calf.
There were some savage, ferocious tigers, and some curious leopards ; also a species of brute between a tiger and a leopard, called the Jaguar; but more approaching the leopard. It is a very ferocious, bloodthirsty creature.
The leopards had given birth to two young cubs, very graceful.
There were some African maned-lions, together with lions of other kinds, and one elephant.
In one large cage there were about fifty monkeys; and there were also various kinds of antelopes.

A source of the greatest interest was a collection of dead animals, kept in the museum of the establishment, which I had not seen in any of the countries hitherto visited.
We here saw animals of every class, fishes from all seas, and other creatures, such as snakes, crabs, crocodiles, tortoises, and all kinds of birds, which afforded much pleasure and gratification.
For instance, the fishes, small or large, up to the crocodile, are arranged in such fashion that one cannot say whether they are alive or dead.

Every bird, again, small or large, that is on earth, from the little humming-birds of the New World, up to the ostrich, all are there. The humming-bird, fly-bird, bee-bird is a bird of the most beautifully-coloured plumage, and small, no larger than large bees (wasps, or hornets) ;but all its parts are those of a bird. There is no bird in the world prettier than these, and they are found nowhere else, but in the New World only.

The whole of these dead birds have been procured in pairs, male and female, with their eggs, and with the very nests they had constructed for themselves; and are arranged in glass cases.
They are placed in the postures they assume when they sit on their eggs in their nests, and in such a manner that they cannot be distinguished from live birds. Beginning with the eggs of the humming-birds, than which no others are smaller, being less in size than a pistachio-nut, up to the egg of the rukh and the ostrich, the largest of all eggs, have they collected in one room.
But I there saw four bird's-eggs, each of which was of the size of a large melon, and they informed me that the kind of bird to which they belonged is no longer in existence in the world. These four eggs have been found and ultimately brought from Africa and the New World after great research and much travel in every region of the earth.
They lifted these eggs ; they were very heavy. According to analogy, the chick that would come out of one of those eggs would be of the size of a very large domestic cock. The birds called Simurg and Rukh, that we read of in books, must have been the produce of eggs such as these. At present, they would not sell one of those eggs for a thousand tumans (400 sterlings).

Strange and marvellous fishes were seen, which, in respect of immensity of bulk and singularity of form, admit of no description.
Monkeys, too, of curious or uncount forms, were there of various classes ; one kind being of the bulk of a horse, another no larger than a rat.
According to their varying sizes, these were also arranged in like manner, as though alive. Among them was one species called the Gorilla, that is found in Africa, bigger and taller than a tiger, with its bulk and size, its strength and muscular limbs, its claws, feet, and teeth. Its stature was twice that of a man, or even more. There were a pair of them, male and female ; the latter being the smaller.

Another of the monkey tribe, a native of the islands of Borneo, Sumatra, and Timor, is the Orang-outang, smaller than the gorilla, but still well worthy of remark.
It is very large and fierce.

They had placed a tortoise upon a table, which was of the size of a donkey, extremely large. That, too, was a curious thing, that required to be seen in order to be imagined.

There were some enormous snakes, which, in reality are the dragons of which one hears. They had arranged an artificial tree, and around it had coiled the folds of one of those large snakes, in a manner to he mistaken for a live reptile.
It was wonderful to look at. Not that they have increased or diminished the size of these creatures with a dew to deceive people by artifice ; but, whether large or small, every thing in that museum is a real animal, such as the Lord of the universe created it ; and the Franks have really, with great trouble and at a fabulous expense, brought them together from the uttermost parts of the earth, for the advancement of knowledge, the increase of observation, and the display to the people of God's power in His wondrous works of creation ; the same unceasing care being bestowed upon their safe-keeping.

Truly have they incurred great trouble therein. Were a man actually to sit for five months in the contemplation of these dead animals, bones, and birds, he might then come to understand something about them ; but what can I learn in a quarter of an hour?

... ce mica-i lumea mare cool.gif ... iar un suveran persan si musulman e plin de admiratie fata de modul in care functioneaza o scoala crestina pentru orfani.

In a street near to a public building we observed a large concourse of people standing and waiting for us.
It became evident that General Pajol had given notice to the Sisters of Charity. We alighted and entered theirschool.
One of the priests spoke Persian well. He had been for some time a teacher of the local Romanist children in the school at Khusraw-abad, near Urumiyya in Azarbayjan.
A considerable number of women who have renounced the world and who dress in black, with white bonnets of a curious shape, like the ears of elephants, were there, and give themselves up, in a meritorious way, to the instruction of their pupils.
Their scholars are in six classes ; the school, too, has six stories, each being appropriated to one class of the pupils.
Beginning with children of three and four years old, up to girls and boys of twenty study there, there being a thousand of them maintamed. The most part have been brought there as orphans ;they (the sisters) act as servants and give them instruction in every science, in mathematics, geography, languages, sewing, flower-making ...
The girls make very pretty flowers, and gave us a beautiful bouquet of them as a souvenir.
About two hundred children of four years old were ranged very nicely and orderly on the stages of the gallery in the class-room, who had been taught by an aged religious woman, their preceptress, a song or hymn in French verse commemorative of our arrival, which they had learnt by heart, and which they now sang in a strain of perfect melody.
Grown up girls, too, on the upper stages sang songs and poetry very sweetty.
The manners, the way in which the children and pupils were there attended to, gave me great pleasure.

Acest topic a fost editat de exergy33: 14 Aug 2011, 07:43 PM


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mesaj 15 Aug 2011, 02:01 PM
Mesaj #1155


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 4.959
Inscris: 9 August 05
Din: marginea viselor
Forumist Nr.: 6.763

Am promis ca in ceea ce priveste tronsonul francez al sejurului nu voi vorbi despre intalnirile dintre Nasser Din Shah si personalitatile politice.

Din pacate nu ma pot tine de cuvant sorry.gif ... voi face o exceptie, absolut necesara, caci, dupa cum reiese din jurnal, shahul Persiei a dat pentru prima oara aceasta sugestie magnatului Rothschild, nu lui Sir Moses Montefiori. Deci cartile de istorie au propagat o informatie eronata.
Iata despre ce sugestie e vorba.

M. Cremieux, one of the French national deputies, and a Jew, who was always in opposition to Napoleon III, and is a marvellous orator, came to an audience. He is an old man, and very short. He still speaks in the Assembly, and is in opposition to the Government.
The celebrated Rothschild, a Jew also, who is exceedingly rich, came to an audience, and we conversed with him. He greatly advocated the cause of the Jews, mentioned the Jews of Persia, and claimed tranquillity for them.

I said to him : " I have heard that you, brothers, possess a thousand crores of money. I consider the best thing to do would be that you should pay fifty crores to some large or small State, and buy a territory in which you could collect all the Jews of the whole world, you becoming their chiefs, and leading them on their way in peace, so that you should no longer be thus scattered and dispersed."
We laughed heartily, and he made no reply.
I gave him an assurance that I do protect every alien nationality that is in Persia.

Nu pot incheia periplul francez fara a mentiona vizita de onoare facuta de shah la Domul Invalizilor si tributul adus lui Napoleon Bonaparte.
Pentru a intelege ce a reprezentat Napoleon pentru Nasser Din Shah trebuie sa dau niste repere din biografia shahului.
Cred ca ati observat ca din Rusia si pana in Franta, pe tot parcursul zilelor, Napoleon a reprezentat un tovaras de calatorie invizibil. E pomenit deseori in jurnal cu apelativul " the first Napoleon".

Mohammad Shah, tatal lui Nasser al-Din Shah, a fost intaiul shah persan ce a angajat pentru copiii lui o guvernanta frantuzoaica. Primii lui doi copii, o fata si baiatul Naaser, au fost educati de aceasta femeie venita din Franta.
Mai tarziu, pentru baiatul ce urma sa devina shah, a fost angajat un profesor particular din Franta.
Tatal lui Nasser Din Shah i-a cerut acestui profesor sa scrie o biografie a lui Napoleon in limba franceza si sa o ilustreze cu imagini adecvate, insa sa o scrie in asa maniera incat sa fie accesibila copiilor de zece ani.
Dupa aceea a dat ordin ca biografia sa fie tradusa in persana, si, sub forma unei carti pentru copii, biligva si ilustrata, sa fie tiparita la Teheran.
Acea cartulie de 90 de pagini a avut un suces nebun, generatii de copii facand cunostinta intr-un mod facil cu Napoleon si cu istoria Frantei.
Impactul cartii a fost atat de puternic incat pana si taranii de la sate ajunsesera sa povesteasca despre faptele de arme ale lui Napoleon.
Chiar si azi, daca mergi prin sate si catune cuibarite in inima muntilor si stai de vorba cu batrani ce n-au fost o zi din viata lor la scoala, ramai uimit cu ce tragere de inima iti vorbesc despre Alexandru Macedon (Iskandar-e Makedonie) si Napoleon ... nume pe care uneori il stalcesc sub forma "Nepeleon".
Prajiturile Napoleon sunt foarte bine vandute. E vorba despre cremsnit smile.gif ... pana sa vin in Iran nu stiam ca acestea au fost prajiturile preferate ale imparatului.

One day we went to the Invalides, where are seen the tomb of the first Napoleon, those of his commanders and brothers, together with others of older commanders of the days of Louis XIV, &c. At our quarters, which were formerly the Palace of the National Assembly, there is a vast area fronting the Invalides, with avenues full of trees.

We arrived there. The aged veteran soldiers, wounded, some without arms or legs, and some blind, were drawn up in line, and did us military honour, we returning their salute.
In the court of the Invalides are some large old cannon, mortars, and the like. The Governor of the Invalides, a very aged personage, and palsied, was present, whose name was Martinprai. He came to meet us with his aides-de-camp and other officers.
He was formerly a Governor in Algeria, and Chief of the Staff in the Crimean and Itahan campaigns.

We entered the chapel, where was a handsome altar of stone, with gilt-work, which Louis-Philippe, the former King of the French, had set up.
It is a grand structure. On the other side of the altar, under a dome, is the tomb of the first Napoleon, whose body was brought from the island of St. Helena by Louis-Philippe, and buried here.
The stone that covers the tomb, of a pea-green colour, was brought from the island of Corsica ; while the stone above that, a most beautiful Siberian stone, with a ruddy tint, was sent by the Eussian Emperor Nicholas.
The general structure of this chapel of the Invalides is of the time of Louis XIV ; but the altar and some other of its arrangements were constructed by Louis-Philippe.
It was the latter who excavated the interior of the dome, in which the sarcophagus of the tomb is placed. Around it, above, is a walk to which people come to visit the tomb. The palace of the Invalides is a very noble pile, the dome of which was gilt by Napoleon.

We saw there a few veterans who had been in the battles of Waterloo, Friedland, or lena, who were still hale and hearty, and who gave descriptions of those battles.
The following are their names : Captain Duchemin, Chassy, Branche.

On the other side of the tomb was a place where, in a glass case, they had placed the hat worn in his battles by the first Napoleon. We lifted the hat and examined it long. "We held in our hands the hat of a very great monarch and commander.
It was evident from the hat itself that Napoleon had always worn this very hat which was a plain hat.
The sword of Napoleon that was by his side on the field of Austerlitz, was also there.
We took and examined it. The sword was small and straight ; its hilt was of gold, but the sword was rusted, and could not be drawn from the scabbard.
With the utmost veneration did we replace both articles, and came away.

Pentru calatoria din Elvetia am ales doar doua pasaje din jurnal.

shahul face o comparatie intre Mont Blanc si varful Damawand din apropierea Teheranului ...

Above and below it contains numerous apartments, and resembles a kingly palace. The greater part of the larger buildings seen in Europe, and especially in this city, are hotels.
The Rhone flows by the front of the hotel ; its water is very light of digestion and very sweet. Owing to its clearness it assumes an azure colour. In the middle of the river opposite to the hotel there is a small island with trees, and around it a railing. It communicates with the shores by several bridges ; but there are two long wooden bridges on stout piers that are very important, and that lead to the hotel.

The city is on both sides of the river, and it possesses many very great buildings, excellent colleges, and spacious streets beautifully paved with stone.
The whole of its buildings are of five and six stories ; but, in spite of this height, the city is handsome and captivating.
It has a hospitable population, and the manufactories of watches and musical boxes of this city are well known. All musical instruments in boxes, all singing nightingales and crowing cocks, that act by mechanism, are made here and exported to other countries.

The whole of our suite is lodged in this same hotel.
The method of government in the Swiss Confederation is a thing unique in its species, and their customs are different. They have no house or place specially appointed for government ; and for this reason our quarters were at an hotel. Other sovereigns and people of importance that come to this city can have no other quarters than at an hotel.

The Alps mountains and Mont Blanc are seen from the outlook of the hotel. They are much covered with snow; but the Persian mountain of Damawand is considerably more lofty than these, and more picturesque.

complicatele legi din cantoanele elvetiene si specificul administrativ smile.gif

The State of the Swiss Confederation is a republic, and they have very strange customs of administration.
It has altogether a population of five crores (2 millions), and is subdivided into twenty-two cantons.
Each canton has a President, a Government, and an exchequer apart.
There is a Supreme Council of seven members, which has its President, and he is superior to the others ; but one by one these can give no orders concerning public affairs of importance or otherwise. The twenty-two (Cantonal Presidents) report to this (Council of) seven, and these, acting in concert, and each appending his signature, issue the necessary decrees.
In reality, they have no President-General or Absolute Ruler in any one of the cantons or towns ; but, whenever the whole agree together as to any matter, it is put in force ; otherwise, not.
This is a state of affairs the exposition and elucidation of which is extremely difficult, and our Diary is not sufficiently voluminous to embrace a commentary on the laws of the government and details of the regulations of the Swiss State.
More than we have given is unnecessary also.
They have no standing army at alt. When-ever a war breaks out, they arm and drill the peasantry,
and lead them to battle. In time of war they can assemble an army of a hundred thousand men. The seven regents of the State reside in the City of Berne.

Acest topic a fost editat de exergy33: 15 Aug 2011, 02:04 PM


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mesaj 16 Aug 2011, 01:05 PM
Mesaj #1156


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 4.959
Inscris: 9 August 05
Din: marginea viselor
Forumist Nr.: 6.763

Am ajuns la penultima etapa a calatoriei lui Nasser al-Din Shah prin Europa.
Italia, Austria ... si din nou Italia, au fost strabatute in 19 zile.

Anexez programul amanuntit smile.gif

Italy. Turin Palace, 295 ; dinner-party ; royal presents, 296 ; theatre,
297 ; wild beasts, 298 ; illumination, 299 ; the Countess di Mirafiori, 300 ;
leave Turin, 301 ; reach Milan, 303 ; the Duomo, 304 ;
banquet ; illuminations, 306 ; leave Milan, 307 ; Lake of Garda ;
Peschiera ; Verona, 308 ; Valley of the Adige ; Ala, 309.

Austria. Franzansvest, 310 ; Innsbruck, 311 ; Rosenheim ; Trauenstein ;
Saltzburg, 312 ; Schonbrunn of Saltzburg, 314 ; Lintz, 317 ;
Emperor at Penzing, 318 ; Laxenburg, 319 ; Knight's Castle, 321 ;
dinner at Schonbrunn of Vienna, 323 ; Exhibition, 325 ; shooting
party, 331 ; screw-pump, 334 ; opera, 335 ; review, 337 ; the Empress :
evening party, 339 ; leave-taking, 341 ; King of Hanover, 342 ;
Saltzburg, 343 ; Innsbruck, 346 ; Schelleberg ; Gossensasse, 347.

Italy again. Ala ; Verona, 348 ; Bologna, 349 ; leaning towers, 350
theatre, 352 ; library and museum, 353 ; leave Bologna ; Rimini
Ancona, 355 ; Brindisi, 356 ; embark for Constantinople, 357 ; Corfu
phosphorescence of the sea, 358 ; Cephalonia ; Zante ; Navarino
Cape Matapan, 359 ; Cape Malea ; Cerigo ; Cape Sunium ; Zea, 360
Negropont ; Andros ; Psara ; Scio, 361.

... o colectie de armuri ... si umbra lui Napoleon intr-un palat din Torino

After breakfast the Sovereign came and we went together to the armoury that is in the palace. There were large numbers of weapons, ancient and modern, such as Persian swords on which
were inscribed verses of Persian poetry in letters of gold; of which we saw several, and also Persian coats of mail and helmets.
There were also some dead horses, made to stand up as though alive, and men, clothed in ancient
Frankish armour, made to ride upon them.
There were some arms of the ancestors and forefathers of this very Sovereign, such as swords and the like.
A sword that the first Napoleon, on the occasion of his adieu at Fontamebleau, gave to an Italian general who was in his service, was there and was examined.
There was a sword, long and pointed, like a spear.
We went up and down for a long time, saw the whole of the arms, and then returned to our own apartments.

... cum vede shahul partea 'agricola' a Italiei smile.gif

The right hand side of the city is all hills. They have built here and there on the hills and in the valleys, which are clothed with forest, very pretty summer-residences. After the train had proceeded a certain distance, the hills on the right hand side receded to a distance, and all became a level open plain, teeming with man and his works.
A large proportion of the crops was Indian corn, and this was newly ripe. A diiference in
the Indian corn of these parts from that of Persia is, in the first place, that the stems of it here are very tall, and secondly, that while the (ears of the) middle of the stems
are the same as in Persia, being edible, the tops of the stems are of another sort, bearing ears like wheat, and pendulous, which they also make into flour and eat ; two kinds of Indian corn (flour) being thus produced on one stem.
The wheat and barley were harvested. Many mulberry trees for silkworms were noticed in the neighbourhood of Milan. The silk of Italy is renowned for its good quality ; but for several years past, it has not succeeded well. The whole plain was full of trees and crops.

farmecul unui oras: Milano

We arrived at Milan while it yet wanted two horn's and a half to sunset. It has a magnificent and very large terminus, constructed by the Austrian Government at the tune when they possessed this city. We had seen but few stations with such beautiful and extensive accommodations.

We alighted from the train ; the Heir-Apparent of Italy, who had come here yesterday, who is also hunself the special Governor of the place, where he always resides, was awaiting us, with the magistrates, military officers, and civilians. After mutual salutations with the Heir-Apparent, we mounted a carriage.
Immense crowds were in the streets and at the windows. The atmosphere was intensely hot ; hotter than at Tehran. We passed through beautiful streets. It is a very handsome city, and possesses very lovely women.
We drove a long way, and at length reached the square of the Government Palace, and of the famous church (the Duomo), renowned in all the earth, which they have there erected. Such a church and such an edifice is in no other spot in the world.
Well ; we reached the palace. It is a very imposing structure, and full of effects, such as tables, chairs, bed-steads, looking-glasses, and the like. The whole of the rooms, halls, and doors, are ornamented with gildings and paintings ; in each of them beautiful stuffs and oil
paintings of merit are hung against the walls, numerous chandeliers being suspended from the ceilings.

... iarasi umbra lui Napoleon

This palace was built in days of old. When the first Napoleon conquered Italy and this city, he thoroughly restored and redecorated the palace, and it remained long in his possession ; for Prince Eugene for eight years ruled in this city as viceroy of Napoleon.
After that, the country and the palace fell into the hands of Austria, and for years she reigned over them. Prince Maximilian, brother of the present Emperor of Austria, who afterwards became Emperor of Mexico in the New "World, where they put him to death, was viceroy- for the Emperor of Austria over this city and province.
Since the defeat of the Austrians, they have formed a part of the kingdom of Italy.

From the summit, the ranges of the Alps and of Mount St. Bernard were visible; over which the first Napoleon led the French forces into Italy.
The railway trains, emitting their smoke, and either entering the city from every quarter, or departing therefrom, were very interesting as seen from that elevation. Two triumphal arches erected outside the city hy Napoleon on his first conquest of Italy, and a canal, a very large stream, that he caused to be constructed to convey water to the city of Pavia, were also in sight.

... inchei cu Bologna

Monday (11th August)
A halt was made in the city of Bologna. We breakfasted at the hotel.
In the afternoon we took a seat in a carriage with Dr. Tholozan and the Governor of Bologna, named Count Bardessone, and set out for a drive. We came to two towers, erected six hundred years ago, very large in diameter, being like square obelisks. They have steps within them, so as to be ascended, though this is attended with great danger ; for it is possible for one to be suffocated inside them from lack of air.
The one is a hundred and three ells in height (360 feet), and is somewhat out of the perpendicular. The other, not far distant, was expressly constructed by its builder to lean over in like manner, and had at first a great elevation. But, as its deviation from the plumb-line was very great, fears were entertained as to its safety, and it was partly demolished ; so that now the half only is standing.

Dr.Tholozan a fost medicul personal al shahului, dar in acelasi timp si un pretuit prieten, insotindu-l pe tot parcursul voiajului.


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mesaj 17 Aug 2011, 06:21 AM
Mesaj #1157


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 4.959
Inscris: 9 August 05
Din: marginea viselor
Forumist Nr.: 6.763

... intrarea in Austria si intalnirea cu o mai veche si respectabila cunostinta smile.gif

At the entrance, in the jaws of this valley, the Austrian Government has constructed two strong forts, so that it is impossible for the troops of an enemy to penetrate through this pass.
They have placed many a cannon on the summit of the forts and batteries, and always are there ofiicers of trust and garrisons in these two forts.
The name of the fortress is Franzansvest. Here it was made known that it is a great distance to Saltzburg, our destination, so that, if we travel continuously, we shall reach there to-morrow afternoon.

At sunset we arrived at a station where the train was stopped for an hour, and where a dinner was prepared in a room for our attendants. I, too, alighted, and inspected the troops that were drawn out. The generals and officers in the place were presented.
M. Gersich, a professor of the science of artillery, who was formerly a professor in the College of Science at Tehran, and of whom Muhammad-Hasan Khan, son of the Commander-in-Chief, with Muhammad-Sadiq Khan Qajar, are two of the best pupils, was there received. His beard had become somewhat grizzled, but his frame was in first-rate condition.

parerile lui Nasser Din Shah despre femeile din Lintz si peisajele vazute

This place possessed some most beautiful women. Austria, in point of beauty and engagingness, is the queen of all lands.
Well ; when our party had breakfasted, we returned to our train and again proceeded. The appearance of the country was still the same with that above described ; perhaps more beautiful even.
We then arrived at a small town called Hammelbach, and shortly after passing it, we saw the mighty river Danube on our left hand.
Our road lay for a short distance along its bank, and then swerved to a distance. Next we reached the town of St. Polten, where, on the summit of a hill in the middle of the town, we noticed a palace, a church, and a college, of very imposing structure, and belonging to the priests.
That must be a very charming place, with a beautiful view. As we approached more and more towards
the city of Vienna, the more did we see beautiful towns, populous places, sumptuous summer-residences in the valleys and at the foot of the hills covered with forests, together with most charming sites.
The houses were of a most pleasing aspect, and lovely streams of water occurred on our road.

intalnirea cu imparatul Franz Josef

At about sunset we arrived at the station of Penzing, where the train stopped, His Most Exalted Majesty the Emperor of Austria being on the platform awaiting us, with the Nawwab the Heir-Apparent and the Princes, who had come out two (probably ten) leagues from town to meet us. Alighting, I gave my hand. The Emperor's name is Francis-Joseph, who is of the House of Habsburg,
and his father is still alive, bearing the name of Francis- Charles and being of the age of sixty-five.
Of the persons who were with the Emperor were the Comit de-Bellegarde and Baron Schlechta, the Persian interpreter, who spoke extremely well ; besides many other officers, and officials, high and low, with others also.

After salutation we entered the railway carriage, where I was with the Emperor, the Grand-Vazir, Mirza Malkam Khan, Baron Schlechta, Count Dubeski the Austrian Envoy to Tehran, and Count Grenneville in attendance-upon us.

o alta veche cunostinta smile.gif

Rose in the morning and breakfasted. The weather was sultry to such a degree that it was impossible to go out of doors.
Dr. Polack, who was formerly Professor of Medicine at Tehran, and for several years was also our own Chief Physician, was received in audience. I was extremely gratified at seeing the Doctor. He is a nice man, has grown somewhat aged, has taken a wife, had been for a time in Egypt, and is now in Vienna.

... despre Dunare si apa potabila
The river Danube skirts one side of the town, and a canal therefrom, dug by hand, enters the city ; but this is very much smaller than the river Seine in Paris.
Very small steamers ply thereon. The water of this river is not fit to drink. In bygone days the inhabitants of Vienna had no (good) water to drink, and through the filthy state of the Danube that flows by the city, they were much exposed to sicknesses from using it ; but now the Emperor, at the expense of the inhabitants of the city, has dug a large canal for the snowy waters of the mountain streams and springs, which he is leading into the town.
Great expense has been incurred, and the work is not yet complete. It was said that it would be finished in another year. The population of the city of Vienna is six hundred thousand souls.

... arhitectura orientala pe meleaguri austriece
There was one very beautiful building, and a grandiose mosque with a tall minaret from Egypt ; also, a mansion and a coffee-shop from the Ottoman State, and one very beautiful house built by the Persian Government. With the exception of these, I did not examine those of any other country.
We went to the Persian mansion, to which were several steps to bemounted. Its builder was a certain architect of the name of Ismail, together with one carpenter. Although it was but three months that they had been commissioned to build this house, they had executed their task with great taste, and had so quickly constructed the edifice as to elicit wonder and applause. The carpenter and the builder were both present, the latter in these three months' space having learnt the German language well, which was a subject of still greater astonishment.

... pentru final am ales un somptuos spectacol vienez.
Nu se poate spune ca shahul n-ar fi avut talent de povestitor

It was the Grand Opera-House of Vienna, and perhaps better than those of all other places. We alighted at the door of the theatre, and the Emperor was awaiting us at the foot of the staircase. Giving our hand, we went up together. The Emperor presented several of the Lady-Princesses, as follows : The Archduchess Elisabeth, wife of Charles Ferdinand ; Marie-Eeniere, Princess de Joinville, wife of the son of Louis-Phihppe and daughter of the Sovereign of Brasil ; Princess Coburg, daughter of Louis-Philippe and wife of the Prince of Coburg.
We went into the box, and took our seat in the middle, these Lady-Princesses being to our right and left, the Grand-Vazir behind us.
The princes of Austria and Germany were all present.
In justice, it is a very noble theatre. The present Emperor has displayed in this theatre much architectural talent. It has five tiers of seats, and a lofty, spacious, handsome ceiling, together with most beautiful branches for gaslights, chandeliers, and other adornments. The audience was numerous.

The curtain rose. So beautiful a play did they perform, with dancing and music, that the like had been witnessed in no place before.
The costumes of the players were at every moment of a different shape and colour, all of rich stuffs and delicate tints. This evening there was a ballet. Each time the scene changed and the dance varied, they brought out apparatus for conjuring, with demons, genii, and fairies, in a way that set one beside himself.
The daughters of the Fary of the Night were in a green and most charming forest, the moon was declining to its setting, so that its sheen was, reflected in the water of a stream, the moon, the ripples of the water, and the forest, being all exactly like real.

A stout tree had been blown down and had fallen across the stream in guise of a bridge, and on this the fairies danced. Suddenly demons made their appearance, and the fairies vanished ; the demons danced, and genii came forth.
Then the demons disappeared and the fairies were seen again. Now suddenly this green forest and spring view was converted into a north-polar region with mountains of ice ; snow fell ; the waters of the sea brought forward pieces of ice like mountains, and again washed them away.
White polar bears, crocodiles, walruses (sea-elephants) came and went away again upon the ice.
A prince was held prisoner in this wintery scene, and was about to die, when suddenly the daughters of the pole and the fairies of the regions of frost came forth with dresses and hair white and covered with snow.
They brought forth fire from the earth, warmed the prince, and all danced together in pretty costumes, and keeping time to the music, in every air played, in a manner truty wonderful.
The prince, with his Vazir, had been made a captive in the house of a sorcerer. So many magical effects did they represent that it is not possible to describe them.

Ultimately, there was a scene that represented the bottom of the ocean. Fishes, various shells, coral flowers, seaweeds, marine flowers, the undulation of the water at the bottom of the sea, nyrmphs of ocean , each a saucy, coquettish childy flying beneath those weeds and flowers, were shown.
At one time, from within the shells and flowers, one sea nymph would come forth, most lovely ; at another, the angels of the clouds would come down and dance; sometimes they would sink into the earth, and at other times would mount into the air in a balloon or on the back of a griffin, and again come down.
The correct description cannot be written.
Although I had not dined, I did not desire it to finish.

Acest topic a fost editat de exergy33: 17 Aug 2011, 06:28 AM


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mesaj 17 Aug 2011, 02:00 PM
Mesaj #1158


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 4.959
Inscris: 9 August 05
Din: marginea viselor
Forumist Nr.: 6.763

Am ajuns la finalul jurnalul lui Nasser al-Din Shah prin Farang (Europa).
Urmeaza Turcia, Georgia si ... din nou acasa, in acelasi port din care a plecat. Anzali.

Inainte de a da programul detaliat al acestei ultime etape si cateva pasaje preferate, vreau sa spun ca m-am bucurat mult ca i-am gasit jurnalul pe net, ca l-am putut descarca spre a-l citi, si nu in ultimul rand ma bucur ca i-am gazduit cateva pagini in spatiul virtual de la Hanul Ancutei. wub.gif
Citind jurnalul scris de acest shah al epocii qajare am inteles de ce nici dansul, si nici urmasii lui, nu au reusit sa modernizeze Iranul.
Castigul meu se rezuma in primul rand la faptul ca, desi dupa lecturarea tuturor paginilor nu am reusit sa-i vad pe qajari intr-o lumina favorabila, s-a produs totusi in mintea mea o schimbare majora de optica in ceea ce priveste relatia est-vest, monarhia persana si monarhiile europene, apogeul si decadenta ...

Neaparat trebuie sa spun ca acest jurnal a fost publicat de Nasser Din Shah sub forma de foileton, in acel ziar de care pomenisem la inceputul prezentarii, primul ziar de tip european tiparit in Persia.
A fost pentru prima oara cand un sah a vizitat Europa. Si ce vizita! ... una maraton de 139 de zile.
A fost prima oara cand un shah si-a scris impresiile de calatorie si le-a publicat undeva.
Ziarul cu pricina a fost citit de sute de mii de iranieni, milioane chiar, cei stiutori de carte citindu-l pentru cei nestiutori, citindu-l in cele mai diverse locuri : ceainarii, bai, petreceri de familie, bazar, petreceri la iarba verde, etc
Prin ochii shahului un intreg popor a putut vedea Europa, cultura, arta, eticheta, istoria si prezentul ei. Prezentul acelor clipe, bineinteles.

Acum, la finalul lecturii, pot afirma ca jurnalul in cauza a fost unul din lucrurile importante pe care le-a daruit shahul oamenilor de rand.
Succesul a fost imens. La putin timp notele de calatorie au fost traduse in franceza si engleza si au fost publicate sub forma de carte. Ceea ce ati citit pana acum reprezinta spicuiri din traducerea in limba engleza.

"The diary of H.M. the Shah of Persia, during his tour through Europe in A.D. 1873. By J.W. Redhouse. A verbatim translation"

Apoi a fost tradus si publicat in volum in alte doua limbi, olandeza si germana.
Deci se poate vorbi de un best-seller al respectivei epoci.

Aici se incheie sectiunea "jurnal in jurnal" si urmeaza ca dupa o pauza sa reiau povestitul propriile impresii de vacanta rolleyes.gif

Tenedos ; Lemnos ; Dardanelles, 363 ; Gallipoli ; Sea of Marmara,
366 ; Istambul sighted ; steamers and Persians, 367 ; Princes' Islands ;
walls, 368 ; Seven Towers ; Seraglio Point, 370 ; Bosphorus ; Beyler-Beyi ;
the Sultan, 371 ; Palace of Beyler-Beyi, 372 ; Golden Horn, 37G ;
receptions, 377 ; Gyuk-Su, 378 ; breakfast at Chiragan palace,
380 ; Chamlija (erroneously called Mount Boulgourlou on the maps), 381 ;
Prince Yusuf ; Aya-Sofiya, 382 ; Persian Mission ; state banquet
at Beshik-Tash palace, 384 ; receptions ; trip to Princes' Islands, 38G ;
Sultana-Mother's vineyard, 387 ; steamers, 388 ; conflagration ; palace
of Chiragan, 389 ; gardens ; wild beasts, 390 ; bath, 391 ; conjurer,
392 ; visits of adieu, 395 ; leave for Poti, 396 ; accident to Eshref
Pasha, 397 ; Sinope ; porpoises, 398 ; birds from the land ; Trebizond;
coming storm, 399.


Storm , 401 ; transhipment, 402 ; land at Poti ; Grand-Duke Michael,
403 ; Open-Heads, 404 ; railway ; Kutais, 405 ; Tiflis ; palace, 406 ;
Grand-Duchess ; theatre, 409 ; storm at Poti, 410 ; Bahman Mirza,
411 ; banquet, 412 ; Tiflis to Baku, 413 ; Ganja, 414 ; Nizami's tomb,
416 ; Kur ferry, 417 ; New Shamaka, 420 ; Shamakhi, 421 ;
Baku, 423 ; embark, 424 ; storm for three days, 425 ; land at
Enzeli, 427.

Istambul ... Constantinopole, Tzarigrad, Stambul

We arrived at the beginning of the habitations of the city of Istambul. On the left hand is the land of Europe ; on the right, the land of Asia. We proceeded in the vicinity of the land ofEurope. Certain steam ships, in which the foreign ambassadors were embarked to come and meet us, were observed.
The first of the habitations were some houses. Next, there commences an ancient stone wall, with towers. This is a fortress dating from the days of the Caesars. As this kind of fortifications are no longer of any use, they do not repair it ; but, since it is all of stone and very strong, the most art of it still remains standing. This wall surrounds the old city of Istambul, the whole of which is on the summits of hills, on their slopes, or in their valleys.
The habitations of the city extend the whole length of the Bosphorus ; but these have not much width ; and the great hulk and busy part of the inhabited quarters, the city and stronghold of Istambul, is within this fortress, and from hence to the old palace (at Seraglio Point), to the palace of Beshik-Tash, to the Sultan's waterside residence of Chiragan, within which are the great mosques, like those of Saint Sophia and other imperial cathedrals, the Government Offices (the Downing Street of Constantinople, the Porte - "Sublime Porte," as it is called in Europe), in which the Ministers and Councillors of State have their places of business, the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Mines and Commerce, barracks of great extent, hospitals, bazaars, caravanserais, and the like ; all are there. Beyond these, too, every part of the Bosphorus, the summits of the hills and of the mountains, are all inhabited and covered with fine houses,
mosques, and the like, as far as Buyuk-Dera (Buyouk-dereh) and Tarapiya (Therapia), which are the summer-stations of the foreign Representatives.
These, however, are detached and isolated from each other. On the right hand, again, which is the Asiatic shore, and is also called Iskyudar (Scutari), there are magnificent buildings and beautiful mosques; especially, the barracks of Selimiyya. Most splendidly built.
This side also, like other, is all hill and vale, with woods of cypress, pine, oak. Every one, too, who has a mansion and garden, plants orchards of fruit-trees, kitchen-gardens, and flower-gardens, bringing water to those gardens and trees with the greatest taste.

... in imprejurimi

In the afternoon we went out of the upper garden-gate (the hack or land gate) of this palace, mounted our horse, and went for a ride, as I wished to go to the top of a high hill (Chamlija), more lofty than any of the rest, and from thence enjoy a view of the city, the Bosphorus, and their environs.

We pushed on through streets, hy inhabited places, and handsome isolated houses ; and observed a beautiful house and garden belonging to the Khidiv of Egypt ; so arriving at the summit, I rode the horse of the Yaminu-'d-Dawla. I alighted on the summit of the hill, where the air was very cool. The condition of the hill, of the plants, and of the atmosphere, was very similar to that of the hills and atmosphere of Kajur- Kala, a village of Mazandaran. A tomb, with a room for a single keeper, were there, on the top of the hill, extremely small.
The keeper was there himself also.
He said that there a Pir (saintly Elder) and Dervish (voluntarily poor man) had been buried. I entered. The tomb was long. The view was most magnificent. Behind the hills to the east there is a vast plain that goes through Anatolia as far as Tehran ; perhaps, it may extend as far as China.
Mountains were visible ; but of habitations, not many were observed. Towards the west, the Sea of Marmara, five inhabited islands, together with ships that were either stopping, coming, or going, were visible. On the north side, were Biyuk-Dera and the Bosphorus. In short, it was a beautiful place

Marea Neagra smile.gif

This sea, which has received the name. of Black Sea, really merits it ; the name and the named fit each other.
In one's eyes it is much blacker than other seas. Yesterday, from some not distant shore, a few small and pretty birds flew off to the ship, and there perched, remaining hungry and without food. The shore has become distant, and they cannot fly to it.

lucruri interesante despre locuitorii Gruziei/Georgiei/Iveriei (Gorgesstan in limba persana)

We disembarked and gave our hand to the Prince.
We then went and inspected a battalion of infantry that was drawn up between the landing-place and the railway terminus. There was a multitude collected of various tribes and nationalities : Circassians, Lesghians, Armenians, Georgians, Dagistani Muslims, Open-Heads (Mingrelians ; who go bare-headed like the Blue-Coat boys of London), Franks, and others.
Tiflis region is part of the country of the Open-Heads (Mingrelia), i.e., of the Bare-Heads, and in reality they are so. The whole of the inhabitants of the Open-Head country go bare-headed. Never do the women, men, or children adopt the practice of wearing hats or caps on their heads.
The chief-town of the Open-Heads is Kutais, situated between Tiflis and Poti.

despre Tbilisi cateva cuvinte

The town of Tiflis is in a valley and is surrounded by mountains, with some of its houses on the flanks and summit of a hill.
The river Kur (the ancient Cyrus) flows through the town, but its water was not veryabundant at that season. A bridge has been built across it.
To the north of the stream is the new town and the Frank quarters, wherein also are the palaces of the Viceroy and of the Governor. On the south side is the old town of Tiflis, and, on the summit of a hill, the ruins of the ancient fortress of the Sovereigns of Georgia.
Fifty years ago, Tiflis town was very wretched and filthy ; now, by degrees, private houses and public buildings, schools and colleges, broad streets leaved with stone, are being constructed. The peak of Mount Qaf (Caucasus), which the Franks name Kazbek, is visible. This is a very lofty mountain, covered with snow.
The Russians have made a road for carriages, so that now they cross the mountains to the other side in coaches, the town of Vladi-Kaukas being there, and the land route to Moscow and Hajji-Tarkhan.
Immediately around Tiflis the mountains are bare, but further away from the town they are wooded. The air of the place is not healthy, being very hot and variable in the summer and autumn. When rain falls in the neighbourhood, or in the town, it becomes exceedingly chill, and then returns to a sultry heat again.
Its climate is therefore a source of fevers and agues.
The population of the town is fifty thousand ; for the most part foreigners and strangers, a mixture of all nationalities Persians, Georgians, Russians, Dagistanis, Circassians, Germans, Armenians. It has excellent fruits ; such as water-melons, grapes, pears, cucumbers.

... shahul a trebuit sa stea trei zile in larg, la doi kilometri de port, pentru ca marea din zona Anzali era ravasita de furtuna smile.gif
Redau in intregime ultima pagina de jurnal.

Well ; we reached the anchorage, and the man-of-war with great difficulty fired a few guns. The tower of Enzeli and the people on the beach were all visible ; but, as large ships cannot go closer in, and enter into Enzeli itself, it was a matter of necessity for lighters and our own small steam-yacht to come out and carry us in.

With this storm, that was not practicable ; and we therefore despondingly left the deck of the steamer, where we could no longer stand upright, went into our cabin, took off our state clothes, and resigning ourselves to God's decree, sat down.
The others, who had put on all their orders, in like manner threw off their finery in the midst of heavings and vomitings, casting themselves down in the first corner, from whence they had no power-to move.

It was now two hours to sunset, and heavy rain began to pour. The waves rose so that one could not bear to look at them, and the ship rolled to that degree that the yard-arms touched the water each way.
The sea broke over the vessel, and she heeled over so fearfully that we thought she would capsize and shoot us all overboard. At each roll, the chairs, tables, and other furniture of the cabin were upset with frightful clatter ; and the hull of the ship, with straining, groaned again.
Little did it want for her to go to pieces. Thus- with fierce rain from above, and a raging sea below, the ship became full of water; and it was impossible to walk about, by reason of her violent movements, and also because the blanks were so wet that one's feet slipped, and could not retain their hold.

Such is the end of our tour in Europe !
To be so near home for our tower of Enzeli to be within sight, at a distance to be measured by feet, and for one to be in this condition !

Should this go on for three days, we shall surely drag our anchor, and then there is no port except at Langaran !
All these servants and others who have come to Enzeli, what will they do?
Such were our thoughts ; and so nmch bitterness did they engender that I cannot describe it. I also felt indisposed ; I perspired from agitation and the heat ; the wind struck to my chest, and I coughed.

Neither was there a chance of sleeping, by night or by day, by reason of the storm.
The rain was unceasing.

Saturday {6th September).
In the morning the storm and motion of the ship were as before, or even worse. The other ship with the princes on board had also come in after us and anchored. So things went on the whole day clouds, rain, storm.
I slept about two hours. Suddenly a cry was raised that a boat had come alongside. I rose and saw her with twelve men who had undertaken to come out and obtain tidings of us.
The sea also was a little less agitated, and we were somewhat calmed.
The Mu'tamad wrote an answer to the missive that had been addressed to him. In another hour it
being now dawn of the 7th September, a second boat came alongside, into which Mahdi-quli Khan and Mirza 'Abdu-'l-'lah cast themselves and went away.

Morning broke, and other lighters came. Some more of our people got away in them. The weather was inclining to become fair and the water of the lagoon had begun to flow into the sea.

At length our steam-yacht came in sight, paddling out of the lagoon. She came near ; but it was still difficult to get from one vessel to the other, as they kept her somewhat at a distance. They then brought our barge alongside, and somehow or other I got into her, pulled to the yacht, and there I was hauled on board by hand.
Once on deck, I felt safe ; and immediately offering up my thanks to the Creator, whose name be glorified, arrived at Enzeli.
Those who had come from Tehran were admitted to an audience ; after which we went to our tower, mounted to our apartments, and there again poured out our heart in thanks to God.

At night there was a general illumination, and we slept in peace.
Praise be unto God Most High !

smile.gif final

Acest topic a fost editat de exergy33: 17 Aug 2011, 02:59 PM


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mesaj 23 Sep 2011, 09:55 PM
Mesaj #1159


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 4.959
Inscris: 9 August 05
Din: marginea viselor
Forumist Nr.: 6.763

M-am dus si m-am tot dus ... smile.gif


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mesaj 24 Sep 2011, 11:22 AM
Mesaj #1160


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 17.291
Inscris: 9 December 06
Din: Din acest univers.
Forumist Nr.: 9.062


"Problema cu lumea este că proștii și fanaticii sunt întotdeauna așa de siguri pe ei, în timp ce oamenii înțelepți sunt atât de plini de îndoieli." (Bertrand Russell)

"A fi tolerant nu inseamnă a tolera intoleranţa altora" (Jules Romains)

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