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Versiune completa:Versuri De Tinut Minte
HanuAncutei.com - ARTA de a conversa > Odaia Dezbaterilor: Stiinta si Cultura > Muzica
Pagini: 1, 2, 3, 4
All that I conjure conflict what your bible want...
Always forever be, anti religiously,
killing your god is my answer to everything

Deicide, "From Darkness Come"
nu crede tot ce spun imbecilii de la deicide, benton a zis ca se sinucide la 33 de ani si nu s-a tinut de cuvant... rofl.gif
Asta e o abureala, Benton n-a zis niciodata asa ceva (desi, intamplator, a avut un accident de motor destul de neplacut pe la varsta aia).
"I fought against the bottle,
But I had to do it drunk -
Took my diamond to the pawnshop
But that don't make it junk!"

Leonard Cohen - That don't make it junk

"All the subtle flavors of my like have become bitter seeds and poisoned leaves without you."

Faithless - We come one
Hey amigos . . .
Adelante amigos . . .
Vamos vamos mi amor
Me gusta mucho tu sabor
No no no no tu corazón
Mucho mucho tu limón
Dame de tu fruta
Vamos mi amor . . .
Te quiero puta!
Te quiero puta!
Ay que rico

rammstein - te quierro, puta rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif
QUOTE (Sam Brown - Stop)
All that I have is all that you've given me
did you never worry that I'd come to depend on you
I gave you all the love I had in me
now I find you've lied and I can't believe it's true
Their pain makes me strong
I breathe from their fear
I am the one man call wrong
I laugh at their tears
I live where angels cry
I make them suffer my sin
Screams released in agony
As I undress them from skin

Grave, Souless

fragi, fragi suflete vagi
QUOTE (genicon @ 30 Nov 2005, 10:56 AM)
Belphegor... si eu sunt fan Parazitii, insa asta nu inseamna neaparat ca toate versurile lor sunt "versuri de tinut minte". Poate ca majoritatea nici nu doresc si nici nu ar putea sa isi incarce memoria cu atat de multe versuri.
De aceea acest subiect se refera strict la versurile "de tinut minte" (intr-un numar cat mai redus tongue.gif), nu la piese intregi.

Acest mesaj este valabil pentru toti cei care posteaza aici.

...adica si pt mine smile.gif
Singurul Belphegor "a copiat" pe româneste. O fi o manie de-a lui spoton.gif

Poate s-ar fi numit mai bine topicul "Words to remember" si macar am fi stiut despre ce este vorba.

Sa copieze engleza - reuseste oricine.

I'm going straight to hell
to burn in flames with the devil
f*ck the Church and that Christian shit
my tombstone's carved with a seix six 6
i don't care about the lies that you preach
alive to live, not to believe
in a god that i cannot see

Six Feet Under, "Deathklaat", de pe "13"
(The Night)

Nights in white satin,
Never reaching the end,
Letters I`ve written,
Never meaning to send.
Beauty I`d always missed
With these eyes before,
Just what the truth is
I can`t say anymore.
`Cause I love you,
Yes, I love you,
Oh, how, I love you.......

~Nights In white satin~ M.B.
Morbid thoughts of gruesome killings
Death and hatred for all women

Mortician, "Three On A Meathook", de pe "Hacked Up For Barbecue" (1997)

Dirty Dancing - un film de exceptie cu o coloana sonora de exceptie - un acord intre muzica si film, si acest acord se numeste frumusete...

You broke my heart
'Cause I couldn't dance
You didn't even want me around
And now I'm back, to let you know
I can really shake 'em down

Do you love me? (I can really move)
Do you love me? (I'm in the groove)
Ah do you love? (Do you love me)
Now that I can dance

(Do you love me)

Boy: Now I've had the time of my life
No I never felt like this before
Yes I swear it's the truth
and I owe it all to you

Girl: 'Cause I've had the time of my life
and I owe it all to you

(The time of my life)

As mai adauga - Hey baby si You don`t own me...

QUOTE (Narcisa Suciu - Campuri Aurii)
Si daca-n toate astea nu m-oi regasi..
Si daca nu e asta drumul meu de-a fi,
La voi ma voi intoarce sigur intr-o zi
O, voi, campuri aurii..

Intotdeauna mi-au indus o stare de calm aceste versuri...
Frumos e Bucurestiul
Frumos e si Ploiestiul
Frumoasa e Constanta
Dar mai frumoasa-i Viata...

Auuuuu au auuu
Nelu Ploiesteanu - Inel, inel de aur biggrin.gif
No es un mandamiento ser la diva del momento
Para que trabajar por un cuerpo escultural,
A caso deseas sentir en ti todos los ojos,
Y desencadenar silbidos al pasar...
Mira la escencia, no las apariencias
El cuerpo es sólo un estuche y los ojos la ventana,
De nuestra alma aprisionada
Mira la esencia, no las apariencias
Que todo entra por los ojos dicen lo superficiales,
Lo que hay adentro es lo que vale
Siento en el aire, un aroma espiritual mensajeros alados
Intentando aterrizar, si abres el estuche lo que debes encontrar
Es una joya que te deslumbrará (hay pero)
Mira la esencia, no las apariencias
90-60-90, suman docientos cuarenta,
Cifras que no hay que tener en cuenta
Mira la esencia, no las apariencias
No te dejes medir, no te dejes confundir alúsate hazte valer
alúsate hazte valer

Versuri bune ca sfat pentru barbati, dar mai degraba de tinut minte de catre femei... Nu cred totusi ca se aplica si pentru forumistii de la han, nu-i asa?
Sa mori pentru patrie... astea-s povesti
Tre' sa gasesti ceva pentru care merita sa traiesti.
Prostii mor pentru ideile celor destepti
Si nu exista oameni suta la suta corecti.

Parazitii - "Fii pregatit"
Coane, vezi ca ai sarit un cuvant in versul 3 tongue.gif
Bine ca esti tu destept. tongue.gif
Na, am modificat, ca vad ca tie ti-era lene sa editezi. biggrin.gif

Genicon edit: Pai da, coane, ca mie nu imi place sa editez mesajele userilor tongue.gif Mai ales din cauza colorii rosii tongue.gif
Sover mwah1.gif textul este superb si mi-a starnit curiozitatea. Ce linie melodica are?
"Nu hotaraste nimeni pentru mine ce e etic sau moral,
Daca mor te ia la p**a corpul meu astral.
Sunt inofensiv, dar gândul meu e criminal,
Atât de natural denaturez cuvintele în timp real."

Parazitii - "Mi se rupe"
Trist... sad.gif sad.gif sad.gif

LA ADIO - Vasile Seicaru

Nici nu pot nimic sa-ti spun
Pe curand sau ramas bun,
Aparu numai NU,
La adio, TU.

Se afla litere si farduri
Si niste munti sunt intre noi,
Dosare-nchise, triste garduri
Si nici n-o sa mai vii-napoi.

In pragul iernii absolute
Saruta-mi fruntea alba, hai;
Si-apoi scufunda-te si du-te
In orizontul altui grai.

De ce sa-ti spun 'La revedere'
N-as mai avea nici un motiv...
'Adio' drepturile-si cere
Ca te-am pierdut definitiv.

Si de la mine pin' la tine
Cuvantul insusi va-ngheta,
Nici sa te strig nu stiu prea bine
Iubita mea, pierduta mea...


Eu ti-as mai spune amanunte,
Destinul de-as putea sa-l schimb,
Iubita mea de peste munte,
Iubita mea de peste timp.

Nici nu pot nimic sa-ti spun
Pe curand sau ramas bun,
Aparu numai NU,
La adio, TU.

Condoleante Familiei Seicaru
condoleante??? pentru ce??
black ice
A murit nevasta lui...
Da... sad.gif

Multumesc, black ice... noroc cu postarea ta, altfel n-as fi remarcat c-am asezat "un zambaret", acolo unde TRISTETEA isi cere dreptul.
QUOTE (Fantasee @ 7 Jan 2006, 06:22 PM)
Sover mwah1.gif textul este superb si mi-a starnit curiozitatea. Ce linie melodica are?

Ritmul e si mai frumos.

E destul de populara melodia. Ai sanse sa o gasesti: Aterciopelados - "El Estuche"
Silent Night - Lisa - Damien Rice - O

Silent night, broken night
All is fallen when you take your flight
I found some hate for you
Just for show
You found some love for me
Thinking I'd go
Don't keep me from crying to sleep
Sleep in heavenly peace

Silent night, moonlit night
Nothing's changed
Nothing is right
I should be stronger than weeping alone
You should be weaker than sending me home
I can't stop you fighting to sleep
Sleep in heavely peace

...asa suna tristetea noptilor de iarna

Scrsoare de bun ramas

"Iubito, cata lume intre noi,
Numaratori de ploi din doi in doi
Si dintr-un ochi de dor necunoscut,
Cate zapezi pe buze ne-au crescut...

Asculta-ma si lasa-ma sa strig,
Mi-e frica de-ntamplare si mie frig
Si nu mai vreau sa stiu pan-la sfarsit
Cine-a iubit frumos, cine-a gresit,

Cine-a facut spre noapte primul pas,
Cine-a plecat din joc, cine-a ramas,
Cine si-a smuls peretii rand pe rand,
Cine s-a-ntors mereu cu ziua-n gand,
Cine a pierdut si cine a castigat
De toate inlantuit sau dezlegat,
Cine a crezut mai mult in celalalt,
Sub cerul prea strain si prea inalt.

Iubito, cata lume intre noi,
Numaratori de ploi din doi in doi
Si dintr-un ochi de dor necunoscut,
Cate zapezi pe buze ne-au crescut...

Cand am sa uit cum suna glasul tau,
Decat tacerea, ce-mi va fi mai rau
Si cum sa pot sub stele innopta
Cand nu mai simt ce-nseamna umbra ta?

Numaratori de ploi din doi in doi
Iubito, cata lume intre noi."

Mi se par absolut superbe versurile...

The Only Reason Men Talk To You Is Because They Want To Get Laid, You Stupid Fucking Cunt

you think you have a lot of male friends- you don't
you think guys care when they ask for your opinion- they don't
you think your best friends boyfriend doesn't want to f**k you- he does
you thought the bartender was beating nice to you when he gave you a free drink- he wasn't

your neighbor helped you move- he just wants to f**k you
you boss bought you lunch- he just wants to f**k you
a guy bought you a drink- he just wants to f**k you
he asked you to go out for coffee- he just wants to f**k you

you think you're one of the guys
you think you're all good friends
you're eventually going to get raped
you stupid fucking cunt


Anal Cunt, album "It Just Gets Worse"--1999
boohoo... tongue.gif
Incearca niste Impaled Northern Moonforest cu melodia:
Gazing At The Blasphemous Moon While Perched Atop A Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Forsaken Crest Of The Northern Mountain

Preferata mea e "Lustfully Worshipping The Inverted Moongoat While Skiing Down The Inverted Necromountain Of Necrodeathmortum" laugh.gif

Man, this Seth Putnam guy kicks some total ass!!! laugh.gif
Mi-a venit in minte Copilul si durerea, al celor de la Vama veche.
Mi se pare insuportabila piesa aceasta, mesajul e atat de dureros ca nu il pot asculta fara sa ma cutremur pana in adancul sufletului.
Ma simt neajutorata si cad intr-o stare cenusie, din care ies foarte greu...

Copilul si durerea

Copilul si Durerea stau imbratisati
Dar ochii lui respira inca si inca sunt curati
Nici boala nu mai stie dac-a terminat cu el:
-Putea sa fie inger...dar am scos si sufletul din el,
Dar uite ca deodata Morfina intra-n el:
-Prieten drag, Morfina mea, hai, du-ma spre castel...

Vantul alearga cu mine spre castel
"Caramida noua, da Doamne sa ploua!"
Soarele-mi deschide poarta catre el
"Caramida rea, da Doamne sa stea!"
Uite-o pe printesa, vine sa ma ia
-Mami, am sa ma joc cu ea,
Tati, am sa-i iau o stea
Vai, dar ce se-ntampla, Vantul a plecat,
Soarele s-a-ntunecat
Boala iar m-a-mbratisat
Doamne Dumnezeule, da-i printesa inapoi
Da-i cat poti de multe vise si un inger fa din el.
O fata imbracata-n alb se-ndreapta catre pat
Ii ia o mana-n mana ei, il mangaie pe cap.
Deodata o adiere-i racoreste mana -ncetisor
Si-un arici l-a intepat si-n el se scurge usor:
-Morfina mea, prieten drag, hai,du-ma spre castel...

Vreau sa raman aici, printesa mea
Ca sa ne putem juca si sa pot sa-ti dau o stea
Sa ne ascundem prin marele castel
Soarele si Vantul sa-ncalece pamantul
Iar tu sa porti pe frunte steaua mea
Sa ne urcam pe un calut, sa zburam cu el in sus
Printesa, viata ma trage inapoi
Tine-ma, te rog aici
Tine-ma, te rog aici
Fii pregatit sa gresesti, pregatit sa urasti,
Tre' sa privesti cu detasare, mental sa fii tare.
Fii pregatit sa insulti, pregatit sa minti,
Adevarul e subiectiv caci e scuipat printre dinti

Parazitii - "Fii pregatit"
Nickelback - If everyone cared

"If everyone cared and nobody cried
If everyone loved and nobody lied
If everyone shared and swallowed their pride
We'd see the day when nobody died"

so true... thumb_yello.gif
QUOTE (Limp Bizkit - Behind blue eyes)
No one knows what it's like
To be the bad man
To be the sad man
Behind blue eyes
And no one knows
What it's like to be hated
To be fated to telling only lies

But my dreams they aren't as empty
As my conscience seems to be
I have hours, only lonely
My love is vengeance
That's never free

No one knows what its like
To feel these feelings
Like i do, and i blame you!
No one bites back as hard
On their anger
None of my pain and woe
Can show through

No one knows what its like
To be mistreated, to be defeated
Behind blue eyes
No one knows how to say
That they're sorry and don't worry
I'm not telling lies

No one knows what its like
To be the bad man, to be the sad man
Behind blue eyes.
QUOTE (sover @ 13 Jan 2006, 11:08 AM)
Ritmul e si mai frumos.

E destul de populara melodia. Ai sanse sa o gasesti: Aterciopelados - "El Estuche"

Iti multumesc - nu am gasit-o inca, dar mai sap. wink.gif

Iata textul care imi place mie cap-coada. Scuze...este cam lung, dar nu ma pot controla rofl.gif

Alanis Morissette - "You Owe Me Nothing"

I'll give you careless amounts of out right
Acceptance if you want it. I'll give you
Encouragement to choose the path that you want if you need it.

You can speak of anger and doubts,
Your fears and freak-outs and I'll hold it.
You can share your so-called
Shamefilled accounts of times in your life and I won't judge it.

And there are no strings attached,
You owe me nothing for giving the love that I give.
You owe me nothing for caring the way that I have.
I give you thanks for receiving, it's my privilege,
And you owe me nothing in return.

You can ask for space for yourself
And only yourself and I'll grant it.
You can ask for freedom as well
Or time to travel and you'll have it.

You can ask to live by yourself
Or love someone else and I'll support it.
You can ask for anything you want
Anything at all and I'll understand it.

I bet you're wondering when
The next payback shoe will eventually drop.
I bet you're wondering when my conditional police will force you to cough up.
I bet you're wondering how far you have now danced your way back into dead.

This is the only kind of love
As I understand it that there really is.
You can express your deepest of truths
Even if it means I'll lose you and I'll hear it.

You can fall into the abyss
On the way to your bliss
And I'll empathize with.
You can say that you'll have to skip town
To chase your passion and I'll hear it.
You can even hit rock bottom, have a mid-life crisis and I'll hold it.
QUOTE (Staind - Outside)
I’m on the outside
I’m looking in
I can see through you
See your true colors
Cause inside you’re ugly
You’re Ugly like me
I can see through you
See to the real you
3 Doors Down - "When I`m gone"

"So hold me when I'm here
Right me when I'm wrong
Hold me when I'm scared
And love me when I'm gone
Everything I am
And everything you need
I'll also be the one
You wanted me to be
I'll never let you down
Even if I could
I'd give up everything
If only for your good
So hold me when I'm here"
Artist: Mama Cass Lyrics
Song: Dream a Little Dream of Me Lyrics

Stars shining bright above you
Night breezes seem to whisper "I love you"
Birds singing in the sycamore tree
Dream a little dream of me
Say "Night-ie night" and kiss me
Just hold me tight and tell me you'll miss me
While I'm alone and blue as can be
Dream a little dream of me
Stars fading but I linger on, dear
Still craving your kiss
I'm longing to linger till dawn, dear
Just saying this
Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you
Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you
But in your dreams whatever they be
Dream a little dream of me

E una dintre melodiile mele preferate smile.gif Stiu ca topicul se refera la versuri si nu la intreaga melodie, dar nu m-am putut indura sa "tai" vreo ceva...
Multa vreme am fost ferm convinsa, in prostia mea, ca versurile apartin celor de la CTC... blink.gif tongue.gif

QUOTE (Veritasaga - Scrisoare De Departe)
Ar fi bine daca n-am crede in nimic...
Dar de fapt avem prea multe credinte,
Nu-ti face griji pe care s-o alegi
Caci nu faci decat sa te legi la ochi si sa mergi inainte
Dozeaza-ti esenta in cuvinte, cedeaza-ti orgoliul
Si nu-i purta trecutului doliu,
Dar nu uita nici de ochi pentru dinte,
Caci in lumea ta zambetele sunt flinte
Provocarilor nu le-ntoarce spatele
Nu-ti face griji daca ai ganduri rele, important sunt faptele,
Nu-ti mai omori emotiile, maine vei avea altele,
Renunta sa mai pui inimii lacate
Cu pacatele impaca-te, si daca
Nu stii de ce esti in stare, incearca-te..
And if I wake from Dreams
Shall I fall in Pastures
Will I Wake the Darkness
Shall we Torch the Earth?
And if I wake from Dreams
Shall we find the Emptiness
And break the Silence
That will stop our Hearts?
And if I wake from Dreams
Shall we cry Together
For their Howling echoes
And restart the Night?

And why did you say
That things shall fall
And fall and fall and fall
And fall apart?
And why did you say
That things shall fall
And fall and fall and fall
And fall apart?

And shall I wake from Dreams
For the Glory of Nothing
For the cracking of the Sun
For the crawling down of Lies?
And if We fall from Dreams
Shall we push them into Darkness
And stare into the Howling
And clamber into Night?

And if I fall from Dreams
All my Prayers are Silenced
To Love is to lose
And to lose is to Die...

death in june - fall apart

Did I disappoint you or let you down?
Should I be feeling guilty or let the judges frown?
'Cause I saw the end before we'd begun,
Yes I saw you were blinded and I knew I had won.
So I took what's mine by eternal right.
Took your soul out into the night.
It may be over but it won't stop there,
I am here for you if you'd only care.
You touched my heart you touched my soul.
You changed my life and all my goals.
And love is blind and that I knew when,
My heart was blinded by you.
I've kissed your lips and held your head.
Shared your dreams and shared your bed.
I know you well, I know your smell.
I've been addicted to you....
Titus Herbert
Heavenwood - Since the first smile... rolleyes.gif

The days are passing by
Lost time so cruel
My heart is fall apart
Every time I see you
Hard words I cannot speak
No tongue to spell it
I gazed in your smile
Since the first you did
The time is running out
I've waited so long
As the walls are falling down
(to make) her smile again
That certain way you stood
Apart from all the rest
Won't you come and show to me
Your precious smile again
The days are passing by
Time so cruel
My heart is fall apart
Every time I worship you
You are the air to me
But (without you) I can't breath
Sometimes I wonder Why
(oh why) I'm still loving you...

Snog - Gods and Government

We loathe the darkness that we're breathin'
We fear the hole that we live in
There's sadness sadder than can be spoken
There's emptiness emptier than worth knowing
We cry with a pain that won't show it's face
A great sorrow that will never leave this place
Pray, but don't except salvation
The end holds nothing but deflation

In fear we invent Gods and governments
To hide we invent Gods and governments
Behind lies a truth that's ugly and shallow
Our lives are a journey confined and narrow
We're born alone and we die alone
There are heroes among us, but they're all unsung
The landscape gives us the best indication
That the light at the end of the tunnel, is a gateway to nothing
Elvis Costello - "She"

"She may be the beauty or the beast,
Maybe the famine or the feast,
May turn each day into a Heaven or a Hell ...
She may be the mirror of my dreams,
A smile reflected in a stream,
She may not be what she may seem
Inside her shell..."
Tori Amos - Winter

He says
When you gonna make up your mind
When you gonna love you as much as I do
When you gonna make up your mind
Cause things are gonna change so fast
All the white horses have gone ahead
I tell you that I'll always want you near
You say that things change
My dear

Smoking kills
Sex sells
I've got one hand in my pocket but the other one looks cool as hell
I know I'm gonna die so my revenge is living well
Oh Lord, make me pure
- but not yet

Robbie Williams - Make me pure

Textul complet aici
Vin si eu, suflet de poet neinteles....

"Tara mea cu dealuri multe
Si cu ape....si cu flori,
Ai in tine-o populatie
De mai multi locuitori".

Mai stiu versuri de genul asta, dar nu vreau sa va emotionez asa, din prima ! rofl.gif
Titus Herbert
welcome.gif angeldust biggrin.gif
Gracias Titsule mwah1.gif

"There is no reason, there is no logic to feelings
'Cause when love is the dealer I'm addicted
So fascinated, I can't stop this constant craving
You're contagious
It's the strangest thing that I can feel so much
For someone, somehow"

Anouk - Everything
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