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Versiune completa:Haiku si Tanka
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Te scriu cu drag acu
Cel de-al 100-lea haiku
plin de... contraste
Jocul cu soarta.
Zarul masluit al
al unui zeu crud.

Pamantul reavan
Visuri despre ce-a fost
Si despre ce va fi...
Raze de soare
Zboara, predestinate,
In necunoscut.
Varf de iarba
Taie delicat palma.
Rana e deschisa.
Ce sa mai fac azi?
Sa suflu tare? Deloc?
Zefirul intreaba...
In bratele ei
Daruire spre sine
Vantul sufocant
Frunze abia nascute
Noapte-i senzuala,
Ritmul cald de jazz,
Soapta dorintei.
Pustiul ploii
instalat in noapte
cucereste ritmuri.
Sfasai ceata zidului,
Usa se destainuie.
Legea impusa:
Natura descompune
Chipuri cioplite.
Parca am uitat
Spal pacatele in ploaia
Ce cade mereu
ginduri aluneca
pe acoperisul ud ...
singuratate ...
Ce ziceti de haikurile originale? Ma refer aici la cele japoneze pur sange?

Btw stiati ca in literatura romana il avem pe Stefan Doncea care a scris un volum de haikuuri? Vol a aparut mai demult subsemnata a facut o recenzie...l-a citit cineva?
Ce ziceti de haikurile originale? Ma refer aici la cele japoneze pur sange?

Pai, avand in vedere ca ei le-au inventat... unsure.gif Pacat ca nu le putem citi in original...
A fost o traire de o clipa de asta iarna, cand a inceput sa sa incalzeasca, atunci cand iarna a cazut in genunchi.
Am uitat pe unde am notat-o.
Si, cand am frunzatrit o agenda sa vad ce arunc din ea, am gasit momentul...

Verbul de cristal
Cu tample de gheata
Azi s-a incalzit !

Tree trapped in the ice
Soul trapped in the winter now,
Both are frozenning...
Ati incercat vreodata www.poetry.com ?
Este a IV-a fila din data de 22 august 2oo5.

His breathing stopped short.
Her radiance captured him.
Love sparked at first sight.

Sindhia Swaminathan

peaceful calm view
a different tale is told
beneath the water

timem taleifeh

Flows life water into dust
Sic tamen gloria mundi
Here I am, I past !

Mariana Tanase

This looks like a good fishing spot
Under the tree surrounded by Nature
The reflections of the day

Eufemia Tatham

Oh the beauty is
A slow rivers flowing beauty
On hot summer day

carol louise taylor

tranquil forest scene
trees reflect in clear water
real soul holiday...

Yelena Teleshova

The trees reflection
standing on the river's edge
enjoyed the quiet peace

Heidi Tenney

No leaves on the tree
A gentle breeze singing soft
Harvest time is near

Hanna Thompson

Green pond reflection
Becomes tiny zigzag art
Thanks to the ripples

just . . . Tokopah

Unable to see
What lives below the surface
It is imagined

me, Tokopah

The trees are standing
still and silent watch so that
the mystr'y remains

Lynne Kay Tomasini

The reflection of life,
Elsewhere will embark;
Upon the happeniness of tomorrow.

Tim Trapp

i love the wourld cause of you.
i love your kind heart.
i love the world cause of you

Tangee Trice

Lit by summer sunshine,
the pond's still greenish water
makes a picture of perfect peace.

Tamara Tsybizova

These storm clouds linger
In the TEMPEST of my mind
The downpour awaits.

Alex Tumolva

Reflections of light
Upon the calm still waters
Nature's peace awaits

angie turner

Calm, cool amber glass
A million miles from nowhere
Water's silent dance

Rachel Turner

Some hot afternoon
We sure need to take a break
Beside a cool Lake !!

Betty Turnipseed

Sit, Reflect, upon
Old times greatest glory. The
Chivalry of then

Dianna Ulmo

Welcome to nature's
early spring-find it's greenry
displayed trees/grass.

rita ulrikson

Echoing hellos
Travel the rivers expanse
Shall we build a bridge?

Connie v

Listen carefuly
'cause the garden of nature
sings something softly

Elsa Varela

see the shadow of
thirsty trees in
the pond of water

narayanaswamy venkatraman

beautiful quiet
where we used to go for walks
and dream together

Karen von Deneen

On the glassy shore
We think of our tomorrows
And forget today

Leandra Walker

Glassy waters hold
Secrets beneath reflection
Drought strips them away

Marjorie Wallace

Riparian trees
mirrored by the still water:
real is illusion.

Daniel Walsh

Part of the food chain
the cottonwood by the creek
is food for beavers

robert wambold

Banks of the river
with a knawed upon tree trunk
Green serenity

jean ward

reflectios of images flow.
life is the merrior inmind.
nature listens with grace.

polly warrick

Reflected tall trees
Magic lies beneath the view
Brother tree is fed

Marc Waters-Savant

quiet reflection
nature mirrors the dreamtime
a tender moment

joyce watkins

What happens with time?
Sweet serenity.
It won't waste away.

Hillary Watson

Peace pervades the woods
Lulling ev'ryone who comes
Calming fray'ed nerves.

Sunny Way

Life does exist here
Though we cannot see it clear
Thriving life is near.

S.j Web



cool, wet reflection
nature's still life poetry
calm, gently flowing

J White

Rippled reflections
blur the sharp contrast between
the forest and trees.

Melanie White

Lonely river runs wild
While tall green trees sorrounds
Only reflections on clear water falls

Ranie Wickramasinghe

sinister fairies
lead children by hand to plunge
into your dark depths

Alexander Williams

On a day like this
Nature's permanent mirror's
A pond of colours.

Carl Williams

Still waters will steal your heart,but
a heart that is still will perish from
the start

corey williams

watery reflection
moves in gracious green
still waters return

Margaret Wilson

Green waters calm days
Swaps gather natures creatures
Alligators coming

Michele Witter

banks of warm sunshine
gentle wind begins to stir
birch tree reflections

Beverley Wittig

Why do you have to
rush like torrents or rapids?
Slow down and enjoy!

Yam-tin Martin Wong

Shimmering waters
Reflect the cold, snowy bank
Frozen in beauty

Robert Wright


Praise Yahweh

The crystal clear lake
Reflects the innermost soul
Nature's looking glass

Mei Li Yeo

woods of hopes and dreams
mother nature's love and care
oh the land I love

alexandria yon

woods of hopes and dreams
mother nature's love and care
oh the land I love

alexandria yon

come take me away
renew ourselves together
leave the world behind

Dee Young

Rain on my window
Touches the depths of my soul
Reflects on my face

Tamikia Young

Its seems old jungle or forest, nuture
Tress careless of thirst breathing much
heat in then out summer once in life,

amin younis

Its seems old jungle or forest, nuture
Tress careless of thirst breathing much
heat in then outIn summer once in lfe,

jack amin younis

swollen water surrounded
by tall trees
reflecting their beauty

Betty Zimmerman
Legenda HAIKU

FEARLESS SPIRIT (a tale from the South Pacific)
adapted by Amy Friedman and illustrated by Jillian Gilliland

Once upon a time a young man named Hiku lived atop a volcano on an island in the Pacific. Hiku was curious, always asking questions and learning new things. One day he decided to explore the rest of the island, and so he journeyed down from the peak.

He walked for days and came to a village. The people welcomed the stranger from the peak and celebrated his visit. At the celebration, Hiku met the chief's daughter. Her name was Kawelu.

Kawelu and Hiku fell in love that very night.

For many days they laughed and talked and sang together, and they promised to love each other forever. One day Hiku said: "I must go to visit my family on the volcano. I want to tell them of my love for you and to tell them about the village."

"Don't leave," Kawelu pleaded, but Hiku promised he would return as soon as he could, and that day he began his climb back home.

As soon as Hiku was gone, Kawelu became sick with grief. She did not believe Hiku would keep his promise, and life seemed to her not worth living. She grew feverish, and before long she could not leave her bed. Her family and friends stood at her bedside and tried all they could to heal her. Nothing they did could cure this fever. Kawelu grew weaker and weaker.

Hiku did keep his promise. Weeks later he returned to Kawelu's village. Sadly, by this time she was so ill, she did not recognize her love. Like the chief and all the others, Hiku stayed at Kawelu's bedside. He held her hands. He sang to her and told her stories, reminding her of their happy days together and of the joy they would have in the future.

But Kawelu did not respond to Hiku's words. Soon afterward her spirit departed, making its way to the underworld.

Stricken with grief, Hiku knew he must find a way to be with her again, and so he went at once to speak with his mother. She knew all about the land of the dead, and he wished to know all he could about the place where his beloved's spirit had gone.

She walked him to the peak of the volcano, and they looked out at the wide, blue ocean. "There, my son," his mother said, and she pointed to the place where the sky met the water at the horizon. "There you see the great drop. Those who have died live below that spot. They must never return to this world, and we must not visit them."

Then his mother told him the secrets she knew about the underworld. All the islanders knew about this land. They knew it was a world without sorrow and their loved ones lived in peace and joy. But they also knew that the spirits who guarded the gates would not allow anyone living to enter.

"I must go to Kawelu and bring her back to the island," Hiku told his mother and neighbors and friends.

"That is a fool's quest," his mother said. "I know you are a curious young man who loves adventure, and that you love Kawelu with all your heart, but I beg you not to try to break through the gates of the spirits of the underworld."

Everyone feared Hiku's plan, but Hiku felt no fear. He was determined, and at last his friends, moved by his passion, agreed to help him in his quest.

Together the young men gathered the longest, thickest vines they could find. These they twined into a rope as strong as a thousand men. Next Hiku split a coconut and hollowed out each half. These he placed in a pouch, and then he spread the coconut oil all over his body. When he was finished, he smelled like those spirits who inhabited the underworld, as his mother had told him.

"We are ready now," Hiku said to his friends, and they paddled their canoe toward the great drop. When they reached the edge, Hiku's companions steadied the canoe, and Hiku climbed down his rope, toward the land of the dead.

When he saw the spirits who guarded the gates, he began to sway above them. When they smelled the coconut oil, they opened the gates, and the moment the gates were opened, Hiku slipped through. Suddenly the spirits recognized that he was a living creature and they tried to send him away. But they were too late.

Kawelu had seen her beloved. She ran toward him, and their hands touched. Hiku gripped her tightly and called to his companions, "Pull!"

Pull they did, but when Kawelu saw the shadow of the canoe, when she saw the heads of the young men, she tried to get away. She felt afraid once more. Still, Hiku held her tight.

"I cannot return to the land of the living," she cried, but still he held her. "Do not be afraid," he said. But Kawelu was afraid, and so she transformed herself into a butterfly and slipped from his grip.

Hiku was ready. He reached for his coconut shells and clapped the two halves around the butterfly, trapping Kawelu. And in this way, Hiku carried Kawelu's spirit back to the land of the living.

When they returned to her village, Hiku took the shell to the place where Kawelu's body lay. With his tiny knife, he made a small cut in her body and placed the butterfly spirit inside. A moment later Kawelu woke.

The two embraced, and they lived the rest of their lives together in joy and without fear. When it was time to move to the underworld, they journeyed together, and there they stayed together, spirits without sorrow or fear.



Boare de suflet,
cocorii clipei-doamne
zboara departe...

De ce

De ce esti trista azi?
- Mi-am ranit sufletul intr-un ciob
de Indoiala.

calare sint iar
pe norii care, voit,
nu stau deasupra ta ...
Sirmele intinse intre stilpi-
Portative fara note.

Singur admir
unei flori
Pe lac lebedele ,
balerine timide dupa cortina
de stuf.

Rate inoata
La adapostul apei
Sub aerul gri.
Vinul inchis in
ciorchinele de strugure -
versuri nescrise in inima poetului.
poezie precisa;
exista? Haiku...
Haiku: cuvinte.
Imaginea vietii,
Un drum spre perfect.

Un bobocel roz
Rasare tandru...
Surasul mamei....

Cunosc o scriitoare care scos o carte in stilul Haiku , cartea se numeste Scari de foc si este scrisa de Victoria Fatu Nalatiu
Mal de apa, lemn,
Crestere inghetata
de frunza in zbor.
cioburi de cadran
timp redat
clipei salvate.

edit: am constata ulterior ca e un haiku mutant rofl.gif ai beg ior forghivnes, onorat aughitoriu unsure.gif

Cerul teluric
Absoarbe noaptea neagra
Dintr-o clipita
QUOTE (exergy33 @ 12 Oct 2005, 02:58 PM)
De ce

De ce esti trista azi?
- Mi-am ranit sufletul intr-un ciob
de Indoiala.



Putem inlocui ciobul de indoiala cu un spin de ...cactus ! rofl.gif
Oricum multumesc pentru flori .
Matsuo Basho

vechi helesteu...
o broasca sare in el
sunetul apei

Ban ya Natsuishi

Stele licarind -
in casa unei fantani
o lira celtica
QUOTE (denise @ 24 May 2004, 02:34 PM)
In topicul acesta se vor posta creatii proprii. Daca vor fi si citari de haiku ale unor autori mai mult sau mai putin cunoscuti, cu atat mai bine, dar mesajul va trebui sa cuprinda cel putin un haiku creatie proprie.

M-am gandit ca trebuia reamintit wink.gif

Lacatul indoielii
a inchis poarta dintre noi
si acum toate sint
ca si cum nu s-ar fi intimplat

Lacatul indoielii
a inchis poarta dintre noi
Acum toate sunt
ca si cum
nu s-ar fi intimplat

Nu te superi sper, draga mea energy33.
Dar in aceasta forma este o tanka perfecta.
Multumesc contraste smile.gif

N-ai venit niciodata
Sa-mi pictezi albastru
Pe trup
Plecarea mangaierilor

(... doar o tentativa) wink.gif
Pentru sufletul care
se crede uitat
ce ne ramane de facut
decat sa lasam
inimile sa cante?

O zbatere de inima
indoiala ca un pumnal
lacrima zagazuita de
gratiile pleoapei.

Anotimpul in care
Samanta, floare
apoi fruct
Iata implinirea
unui destin.
Eu vad

Dincolo de cuvinte
Eu vad
Eu vad

Dincolo de aparente
Eu vad

Un ochi inchis
Cu o pleoapa de nor
Eu vad

Cred ca sunt groaznic, dar nu stiu inca regulile... tongue.gif
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