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> Pt. Iliutza, ca-i fara puncte ca sa avansezi
mesaj 24 Aug 2004, 07:09 PM
Mesaj #1


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.126
Inscris: 10 August 04
Din: nu spui; s-a schimbat
Forumist Nr.: 4.232

Asta suna acuma pt. mine:
We'll again pull two cards -- the first suggests something we should
focus on for the week. The second suggests things we might consider in
order to fully benefit from the attributes of the first card.

This week's cards are:

The Fool (Reversed)

Queen of Pentacles

I used to save copies of these readings, but I've had all kinds of mail
server problems and quit doing it. Anyway, it seems like we saw a
reversed Fool not that long ago.

The Fools implies innocence and a new beginning. Think of the time's
you've started a new project (new job, new house, new town, new friends,
etc) and of the enjoyable feeling of "unbounded potential" you may have
felt. Quite often when you start something new, you don't know enough
about it to even know what to worry about! Since you're not aware of
the potential problems, you don't (can't) worry about them. Sooner or
later you'll meet up with these obstacles (and everything has them!),
but for now, you've got an innocent feeling of comfort.

Here we have a reversed Fool -- this could suggest that you're quite
uncomfortable about a new project; it could also suggest being hesitant
to commit to a new direction (they're both pretty much the same thing).

Let's examine our second card -- the Queen of Pentacles -- for tips on
how we might upright our nervous Fool.

The Queen of Pentacles is very comfortable in her position. She's
comfortable because she tends to look out at others rather than in towards
herself. She's very concerned about the welfare of those aroudn her --
she wants everyone to get along and will work to resolve problems.
She's trustworthy and helpful, warm and giving. Because of this, everyone
tends to like this Queen!

Let's think about what might be causing our Fool to be nervous -- could
it be because of concern about new personal interactions we might run
into on this new course? How will we handle confrontation, how will we
deal with new people?

The Queen suggests a course to follow -- try to work with the other
person to resolve their issues; demonstrate that you care about how they
feel. (This Queen is a great Customer Support person.) As you show
your concern for the well-being of others, you gain their trust, respect,
and good wishes -- probably will get a smile from them before you're
done, too!

Bottom line, when you're steering into new waters and new encounters,
try to employ the positive attributes of this Queen. If you concern
yourself with what you can do for others, you'll likely find their
goodwill will pull you forward over any obstacles you run into!

And that's about it for this week. I hope your week will treat you
right -- and look forward to talking to you again next week! Take care
'til then!
Ha............. spoton.gif rofl.gif
Da´daca tie iti spune ceva melodia "Don-t Forgett to Remember Me - de Bee Gees, atunci te apuca plansu. Asa-i ca-s ficior fain ? rofl.gif roflmao.gif roflmao.gif

- "Help us, or else..!"
- "Or else what?"
- "Exactly!"

Nu e nimic mai trist decât tristeţea unui om vesel. (Armando Palacio Valdes)
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mesaj 24 Aug 2004, 08:09 PM
Mesaj #2


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 318
Inscris: 3 July 04
Forumist Nr.: 3.997

43.gif ... foarte fain ... 43.gif

user posted image
!!retupmoc eht ni deppart m'I !pleH

When The Power of Love overcomes The Love of Power the World will know Peace.....
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+Quote Post
mesaj 24 Aug 2004, 11:44 PM
Mesaj #3


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.126
Inscris: 10 August 04
Din: nu spui; s-a schimbat
Forumist Nr.: 4.232

E ceasa tarzie; da`asta-i ptr. tine si suna cam asa
"To live for today and to love for tomorrow, is the wisdom of a fool; you see love is that beutifull thing that world needs plenty of....
= Baaaa is versuri de la un cantec; da-ti suna tie, dupa ce ne-am conversat. Si sa mai stii ceva; cand a murit, mama mea, a avut 47 de ani si a fost de o frumusete iesita din comun; plus: a stiut cu un an inainte de a muride boala cara a terminat-o, in faza finala a luat morfina din ora in ora si a fost lucida pana in ultuma clipa; si sa mai stii ceva - vorbea - curent - 7 limbi straine, exclude romana. Si sa mai stii ca a murit de ziua mea de nastere...Astea nu-s bancuri; ti le spune un oras intreg....
Asaca tu sa nu-ti imaginezi niciodata ca vei fi síngura.... Alaturi de tine suntem cu totzii- de áici de pe forum... Da mai e o chestie pe care numai tu potzi s-o decizi - sa nu te dai ieftin. Ti-am vazut poza - cu cipilica aia de Craciun; Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaa tu esti faina de tot, si daca mai esti si vesela ca un cantec, nu-i cazu` sa-tzi faci probleme; EI trebe sa vina in genunchi, sa-ti ceara atentia -NU altceva....Si daca tu decizi in stanga sau in dreapta - asta-i musai sa fie dreptul TAU; Pa, tu draga, ca-i ceasa tarzie...

- "Help us, or else..!"
- "Or else what?"
- "Exactly!"

Nu e nimic mai trist decât tristeţea unui om vesel. (Armando Palacio Valdes)
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Promo Contextual
mesaj 24 Aug 2004, 11:44 PM
Mesaj #


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mesaj 25 Aug 2004, 06:54 AM
Mesaj #4

Provocat la Conversatie

Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 1.117
Inscris: 11 March 04
Din: China
Forumist Nr.: 2.548

Iubirea ma face intotdeauna sa visez.

Fost-am dus de-acasa
Fara cal fara nevasta
Fost-am dus in 4 zari
Dupa bani si flori

Pt. Iliutza

Pese : Iubirea ma napadeste si impresoara
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+Quote Post
mesaj 25 Aug 2004, 09:16 PM
Mesaj #5


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 318
Inscris: 3 July 04
Forumist Nr.: 3.997

@Vornicum merci pare original tu... hh.gif
@cactus...vorbele tale m-au pus pe ganduri...daca tot suntem la capitolul tragedii in viatza...tatal meu a murit,nu de mult...cancer a avut ...el shtia de boala lui de catziva ani dar mergea pe principil, in caz ac noi aflam il ducem la medici, incepe calvarul tratamentelor, nu mai poate munci...cine are grija de noi? cine are grija de mama?asa ca s-a neglijat pe elca sa ne fie bine noua inca un an, doi...calvarul cand a inceput(adica cand am aflat noi ca are cancer) ne-a luat prin surprindere...medici au spus clar"mai maxim 2 luni de viatza"...acela a fost punctul de rascruce in viatza mea, a noastra a familiei...prea multe detalii cu ce s-a intamplat atunci in timpul tratamentului...nu ishi au locul aici...prea multa durere....bineinteles ca fiecare are tragedia lui...doamne ajuta-i sa nu o aiba...oricum pentru noi acele 6 luni de tratament ale tatalui meu au fost un calvar...tratament naturist deoarece nici un medic din romania nu a vrut sa se atinga de el spunand ca e caz pierdut shi ca maxim o luna mai traieshte...era shi el de o inteligentza rara...vorba aia scotea bani din piatra seaca...daca pentru mama ta limbile straine au fost atuu, la tatal meu matematicile...oricum ce vreau sa spun in legatura cu boala, este ca tatal meu a fost shi el lucid pana in ultima secunda a vietzii(nu a folosit morfina, doar tratamente naturista,care sunt sigura ca, contzineau calmante, dar nu destul de puternice...ma rog...avea shi vointza shi putere)...inainte sa ishi dea suflarea a intreabat-o pe mama mea "cine o sa aiba grija de voi??", iar mama a spus "Bunul Dumnezeu shi tu iubirea mea..."aceste cuvinte nu le pot uita nici o clipa....
shi oricum , multzumesc de vorbe cactus...

user posted image
!!retupmoc eht ni deppart m'I !pleH

When The Power of Love overcomes The Love of Power the World will know Peace.....
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+Quote Post
mesaj 26 Aug 2004, 07:12 AM
Mesaj #6

Provocat la Conversatie

Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 1.117
Inscris: 11 March 04
Din: China
Forumist Nr.: 2.548

mersi si eu.
Nu'nteleg de ce se numeste topicul Pt Iliutza. Poi nu-ti zice Liutza?
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+Quote Post
mesaj 26 Aug 2004, 03:00 PM
Mesaj #7


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 318
Inscris: 3 July 04
Forumist Nr.: 3.997

@Vornicum ... e forma de alint scumpete mwah1.gif

user posted image
!!retupmoc eht ni deppart m'I !pleH

When The Power of Love overcomes The Love of Power the World will know Peace.....
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