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> Localizare Cu Ajutorul Tel Mobil
mesaj 27 Feb 2004, 01:22 AM
Mesaj #1


Grup: Validating
Mesaje: 299
Inscris: 5 March 03
Din: Bucuresti
Forumist Nr.: 20

Ma intereseaza dak se poate localiza o persoana cu ajutorul telefonului mobil ( fara sa stie pers respectoiva desigur). Dak putetzi sa imi datzi niste linkuri or smt, ar fi super bine.

Fii stapan pe pasiunile tale, ca sa nu ajunga ele stapane pe tine.
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+Quote Post
mesaj 27 Feb 2004, 02:08 AM
Mesaj #2


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 1.292
Inscris: 20 November 03
Din: Delft, NL
Forumist Nr.: 1.248

Iti dau eu un link:
Fratele mai mare e cu ochiul luciferic pe tine

Citeste tot topicul, nu te lasa la jumate... ca sa vezi toate parerile.

Dupa cate cunosc eu despre acest popor stralucit in aceasta tara stralucita care este Romania... Desi prin alte locuri s-ar putea sa functioneze - nu sunt informat (cel putin la nivel de prototip) sisteme avansate de localizare cu ajutorul GSM, la noi tare ma tem ca nu exista asa ceva.

Telefonia celulara este insa "celulara" cu un motiv. In fiecare moment in care se afla in aria de acoperire, un abonat GSM se afla in aria uneia sau mai multor celule, fiecare deservita de catre un releu. Reteaua cunoaste in orice moment celula in care se afla fiecare abonat. Si, desigur, ariile deservite de toate celulele. Asadar se poate sti cu o oarecare precizie, cam scazuta ce-i drept, prin ce locuri isi poarta pasii abonatii.

Tie insa, ca persoana, ma indoiesc ca ti se vor da astfel de informatii. Eventual daca ai cunostinte pe la SRI biggrin.gif


I spend my time thinking of Angel... praying she ain't thinking of me...

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mesaj 27 Feb 2004, 08:54 AM
Mesaj #3


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 805
Inscris: 5 September 03
Din: Bucureşti
Forumist Nr.: 711

Sau la STS... Ideea fiind ca asemenea "servicii" (de localizare) sunt absolut posibile, dar din fericire inca nu sunt la indemana oricui... biggrin.gif

Atat de multe carti si atat de putin timp... Vizitati "Pagina Cronicarului".
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Promo Contextual
mesaj 27 Feb 2004, 08:54 AM
Mesaj #


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Quote Post
mesaj 2 Mar 2004, 09:32 AM
Mesaj #4

piticanie oPsedata

Grup: Membri
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Inscris: 7 January 04
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Poti fi localizat atunci cind folosesti telefonul mobil, cu o eroare de citeva strazi. In orice moment folosesti un aparat de emisie receptie, poti fi localizat (e vorba de goniometrie)
Daca intrebarea ta se refera la o eventuala localizare facuta de providerul de gsm... si asta se poate, atit ca firmele in cauza vor nega, si se vor feri sa ofere asemenea servicii.

Viitorul tau depinde de visele tale. In consecinta nu pierde timpul, du-te si te culca.
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+Quote Post
The Dude
mesaj 16 Apr 2008, 02:46 PM
Mesaj #5


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 9.057
Inscris: 24 August 06
Din: Bucuresti
Forumist Nr.: 8.595

Nope, poti fi localizat cu o eroare de cativa metrii (3 pana la 9), oriunde te afli in zona de acoperire cu semnal.

Telefoanele mobile, in special cele din generatiile mai recente pot fi complex monitorizate cu o instalatie independenta de retea, care se poate procura la un pret modic de numai 600 de euro (plus softul inca vreo 200).

Pot fi utilizate si ca aparatura de ascultare chiar daca sunt oprite din functiune, iar unele din clasa Nokia pot furniza si imagini prin intermediul camerei fara ca posesorul sa stie asta.

Nu am libertatea sa spun mai multe, desi "secretul" a arhicunoscut in mediile de afaceri marea majoritate a patronilor spionandu-si in mod curent salariatii.

Singurul mod in care poti evalua cat de folosit de altii e telefonul tau: este modul surprinzator in care ti-se epuizeaza o baterie noua, cand nu vorbesti, in numai cateva ore, o bateria care altfel se termina in cateva zile.

Este eficient sa iti protejezi intimitatea prin oprirea telefonului si scoaterea bateriei din el.

Un alt mod de protectie consta in achizitionarea unei instalatii de bruiaj ce nu costa mai mult de 300-400 de euro.

Va puteti interesa mai mult despre cele doua instalatii la Magazinul Muzica etaj.
Despre ascultare interceptie si filaj...nu stiu unde, dar de indata ce o sa intrati intr-o afacere banoasa o sa primiti toate semnalele ca ....cineva in sfarsit va asculta cu interes:thumb:

Acest topic a fost editat de The Dude: 16 Apr 2008, 03:05 PM

"Te iubesc, Richard Parker. Vei fi mereu cu mine. Fie ca Dumnezeu să te aibă in grijă !"
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The Dude
mesaj 16 Apr 2008, 03:14 PM
Mesaj #6


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 9.057
Inscris: 24 August 06
Din: Bucuresti
Forumist Nr.: 8.595

Uite aici o varianta soft....cele de care am vorbit mai sus sunt mult mai simple si au rezultate infinit mai bune.

For the past week I've been tracking my girlfriend through her mobile phone. I can see exactly where she is, at any time of day or night, within 150 yards, as long as her phone is on. It has been very interesting to find out about her day. Now I'm going to tell you how I did it.

First, though, I ought to point out, that my girlfriend is a journalist, that I had her permission ("in principle ...") and that this was all in the name of science, bagging a Pulitzer and paying the school fees. You have nothing to worry about, or at least not from me.

But back to business. First I had to get hold of her phone. It wasn't difficult. We live together and she has no reason not to trust me, so she often leaves it lying around. And, after all, I only needed it for five minutes.

I unplugged her phone and took it upstairs to register it on a website I had been told about. It looks as if the service is mainly for tracking stock and staff movements: the Guardian, rather sensibly, doesn't want me to tell you any more than that. I ticked the website's terms and conditions without reading them, put in my debit card details, and bought 25 GSM Credits for £5 plus vat.

Almost immediately, my girlfriend's phone vibrated with a new text message. "Ben Goldacre has requested to add you to their Buddy List! To accept, simply reply to this message with 'LOCATE'". I sent the requested reply. The phone vibrated again. A second text arrived: "WARNING: [this service] allows other people to know where you are. For your own safety make sure that you know who is locating you." I deleted both these text messages.

On the website, I see the familiar number in my list of "GSM devices" and I click "locate". A map appears of the area in which we live, with a person-shaped blob in the middle, roughly 100 yards from our home. The phone doesn't go off at all. There is no trace of what I'm doing on her phone. I can't quite believe my eyes: I knew that the police could do this, and telecommunications companies, but not any old random person with five minutes access to someone else's phone. I can't find anything in her mobile that could possibly let her know that I'm checking her location. As devious systems go, it's foolproof. I set up the website to track her at regular intervals, take a snapshot of her whereabouts automatically, every half hour, and plot her path on the map, so that I can view it at my leisure. It felt, I have to say, exceedingly wrong.

By the time my better half got home, I was so childishly over-excited that I managed to keep all of this secret for precisely 30 seconds. And to my disappointment, she wasn't even slightly freaked out. I don't know if that says good or bad things about our relationship and I wouldn't want you to come away thinking it's all a bit "Mr & Mrs Smith" around here. Having said that, we came up with at least five new uses for this technology between us in a few minutes, all far more sinister than anything I had managed to concoct on my own.

And that, for me, was the clincher. Your mobile phone company could make money from selling information about your location to the companies that offer this service. If you have any reason to suspect that your phone might have been out of your sight, even for five minutes, and there is anyone who might want to track you: call your phone company and ask it to find out if there is a trace on your phone. Anybody could be watching you. It could be me

"Te iubesc, Richard Parker. Vei fi mereu cu mine. Fie ca Dumnezeu să te aibă in grijă !"
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+Quote Post
mesaj 8 Aug 2008, 02:53 AM
Mesaj #7


QUOTE(KodiaK @ 27 Feb 2004, 02:22 AM) *
Ma intereseaza dak se poate localiza o persoana cu ajutorul telefonului mobil ( fara sa stie pers respectoiva desigur). Dak putetzi sa imi datzi niste linkuri or smt, ar fi super bine.

Daca vei utiliza acest link, vei putea afla cu certitudine unde se afla sotul/sotia ta, doar introducand numarul de telefon. thumb_yello.gif
Fii increzator cand apesi click! thumb_yello.gif

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+Quote Post
mesaj 26 Aug 2008, 08:56 PM
Mesaj #8


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 864
Inscris: 29 November 07
Din: Bucuresti
Forumist Nr.: 10.914

Frumos, Justitiarul. rofl.gif
Propun inchiderea acestui topic, pentru ca are un miros pronuntat de ilegalitate. rolleyes.gif

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+Quote Post
mesaj 29 Aug 2008, 07:38 PM
Mesaj #9

Eternul Visator

Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 1.405
Inscris: 5 November 03
Din: arad
Forumist Nr.: 1.137

Mmmmda, si cum in tara asta doar taxele-s legale........

unu si cu unu fac 2
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+Quote Post
mesaj 29 Aug 2008, 11:49 PM
Mesaj #10


QUOTE(Energie @ 26 Aug 2008, 09:56 PM) *
Frumos, Justitiarul. rofl.gif
Propun inchiderea acestui topic, pentru ca are un miros pronuntat de ilegalitate. rolleyes.gif

Ce anume e ilegal? blink.gif
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+Quote Post
mesaj 30 Aug 2008, 03:14 PM
Mesaj #11


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 864
Inscris: 29 November 07
Din: Bucuresti
Forumist Nr.: 10.914

Localizarea telefonului mobil in scopuri personale. Doar politia, procuratura si serviciile de informatii au acest drept si numai in situatii bine determinate.

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+Quote Post
mesaj 30 Aug 2008, 03:37 PM
Mesaj #12


Grup: Membri
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Inscris: 30 January 04
Din: EU
Forumist Nr.: 2.042

QUOTE(Energie @ 26 Aug 2008, 10:56 PM) *
Frumos, Justitiarul. rofl.gif
Propun inchiderea acestui topic, pentru ca are un miros pronuntat de ilegalitate. rolleyes.gif

Cred ca faci misto, nu ? unsure.gif

Un prost gaseste intodeauna unul mai prost , care sa-l admire

Nicolas Boileau

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+Quote Post
mesaj 30 Aug 2008, 05:25 PM
Mesaj #13


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 864
Inscris: 29 November 07
Din: Bucuresti
Forumist Nr.: 10.914

De ce? unsure.gif

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+Quote Post
mesaj 30 Aug 2008, 07:59 PM
Mesaj #14


QUOTE(Energie @ 30 Aug 2008, 04:14 PM) *
Localizarea telefonului mobil in scopuri personale. Doar politia, procuratura si serviciile de informatii au acest drept si numai in situatii bine determinate.

Si cine crezi ca ar putea sa localizeze o persoana prin intermediul link-ului aceluia? Tu ai dat macar click sa vezi ce se intampla?
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+Quote Post
mesaj 30 Aug 2008, 09:48 PM
Mesaj #15


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 864
Inscris: 29 November 07
Din: Bucuresti
Forumist Nr.: 10.914

Nu ma refeream la link, ma refeream la topic.
Da, linkul stiu ca e o gluma, dar topicul in sine pune o problema din sfera ilegala.

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+Quote Post
mesaj 30 Aug 2008, 10:34 PM
Mesaj #16


Si sa inteleg ca asta este motivul pentru care nu vei dormi tu la noapte?
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+Quote Post
mesaj 30 Aug 2008, 11:26 PM
Mesaj #17


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 864
Inscris: 29 November 07
Din: Bucuresti
Forumist Nr.: 10.914

Sa intelegi ca nu cred ca trebuie incurajate initiativele ilegale. Tu le incurajezi?

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+Quote Post
mesaj 31 Aug 2008, 03:29 PM
Mesaj #18


Atata timp cat initiativele ilegale nu ma afecteaza, ma intereseaza foarte putin spre deloc.
Pe tine cu ce te afecteaza?
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+Quote Post
mesaj 2 Sep 2008, 02:37 PM
Mesaj #19


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 864
Inscris: 29 November 07
Din: Bucuresti
Forumist Nr.: 10.914

Nu este vorba de a ma afecta cu ceva, e vorba despre principii.

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+Quote Post
Cucu Mucu
mesaj 3 Sep 2008, 12:46 PM
Mesaj #20

From Cooca Macaii

Grup: Moderator
Mesaje: 7.228
Inscris: 3 March 04
Din: Pe luna
Forumist Nr.: 2.443

QUOTE(Energie @ 31 Aug 2008, 12:26 AM) *
Tu le incurajezi?

Eu da...o parte.

Sometimes, the majority only means that all the fools are on the same side.

If you could reason with religious people there would be no religious people!
Don't pray in my school, and I won't think in your church!
Ziarul de Rimnic
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+Quote Post
mesaj 5 Sep 2008, 08:42 AM
Mesaj #21


Grup: Moderator
Mesaje: 2.799
Inscris: 9 September 06
Din: Bucuresti
Forumist Nr.: 8.652

Justitiarul, daca pretinzi corectitudine din partea celor din juri, tu trebuie sa fii primul corect si sa repecti legea. Cine te mai crede cand vii cu linkuri de-a dreptul frauduloase.

An Appeal From James’ Family

An Appeal From James’ Family
Unidentified gunmen kidnapped journalist James Foley in northwest Syria on Thanksgiving Day, November 22 2012.

Jim is the oldest of five children. He has reported independently and objectively from the Middle East for the past five years. Prior to his work as a journalist, Jim helped empower disadvantaged individuals as a teacher and mentor assisting them in improving their lives.

The family appeals for the release of Jim unharmed.
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+Quote Post
mesaj 12 Oct 2008, 06:43 PM
Mesaj #22

piticanie oPsedata

Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 7.280
Inscris: 7 January 04
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bai sa vezi ce localizare am tras azi la cinema! cu telefonul mobil
stiam ca un amic e la film, dar nu il puteam repera in sala, asa ca l-am sunat, si imediat l-am reperat

Viitorul tau depinde de visele tale. In consecinta nu pierde timpul, du-te si te culca.
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