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Versiune completa:Votam Pentru Gica !
HanuAncutei.com - ARTA de a conversa > Odaia Divertismentului > Sport > Fotbal
Haideti sa-l votam pe Gica !
L-am votat ieri, ajunsese la 47%, Stoichkov la 50%.
Restul... sarmanii biggrin.gif
L-am votat si eu pe Hagi!
Doar n-or fi mai multi bulgari ca noi ca oricum Hagi a fost mai bun orice ar fi. Eu l-am votat de vreo 20 de ori sper sa fi mers de fiecare data.
pare ca orice am face bulgarii sunt mai harnici
Eu as zice si sa lasam in pace bietul sondaj ... fie vorba intre noi, sondajul e jenant, in momentul in care Hagi + Stoicikov aduna 97% din voturi iar romario are si el acolo un 1%, there is a (slight) problem.

Sa-i lasam pe bulgari sa se faca singuri de ris si sa-l promoveze pe Stoicikov drept Number One cu 99% din voturi; acum sint penibili si bulgarii si romanii ... si competitia lor smechereasca cu iz balcanic. cry.gif

Dar de fapt, fiecare sa faca ce vrea ... Eurosportul e o tzara libera thumb_yello.gif
Eu nu inteleg cu merge votul ala! mad.gif Ieri am votat de cateva ori impreuna cu toata lista mea de prieteni si numarul de voturi nu s-a sinchisit sa se schimbe... blink.gif
Probabil e vorba de o actualizare o dată pe zi, şi nu una in real time, Jazz.
Nu se mai voteaza...hackerii si-au spus cuvantul...mai multe amanunte AICI
Oricum, stau cu ochii pe ei, cum dau drumul, cum votez iar !
Cu alte cuvinte, Diana-Maria e un program care voteaza automat. rofl.gif
Şi Hagi şi Stoicikov au fost deosebit de valoroşi. E o chestie prea subiectivă, zic eu, să afirmi care e deasupra celuilalt. Iar sondajul cu pricina īmi aduce aminte de vremuri demult apuse, cīnd Dudu Georgescu cīştiga titlul de golgeter al Europei beneficiind de un campionat care, la un moment dat, nu mai exista decīt pentru a-i facilita obţinerea acelui trofeu...
Poti sa fii sigur ! rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif
Din presa lumii:

Novinite.com: Eurosport anuleaza un sondaj din cauza Romaniei

Eurosport a anulat un vot online pentru cel mai bun jucator al anilor 90 din cauza concurentei neloiale dovedita de Romania in fata Bulgariei.
s-a reluat zilele trecute sondajul care acum expira pe 20/03/2005
http://www.eurosport.com/football/ Dreapta-jos
Raspunsul unui vizitator al site-ului:

Dear EuroSport.co.uk ,

I am very disappointed that you took down the poll for "player of the 90's", due to very heavy voting from Romania and Bulgaria.
Frankly, I do not understand what did we do wrong.
I understand that you were upset because top players such as Romario and Batistuta received very few votes compared to Hagi and Stoicicov. Is there a chance that this happened because nobody gave a damn about Romario and Batistuta? Maybe Brazil and Argentina do not have very good Internet connection, or maybe they are too busy actually playing football instead of voting it? As Romanians, we do give a damn about Hagi, as the current generation of players is quite retarded, as you
could see for yourself in the Mutu case. However, he did screw a couple of your women, so you might as well give him credit for that. Returning to Hagi, I remember that the Romanian team, having Hagi as captain, did kick your royal British asses (or "arses", as you call them) a couple of times, so you should have been proud to be beaten by the "player of the
90's". And yes, we did kick the asses of Batistuta's team in the 1994 World Cup Tournament.
Maybe you were upset because some Romanians voted for several times from the same computer. However, this could have been prevented easily if your voting script was properly programmed. You see, every computer has a unique Internet address, which is called IP (read as "I Pee"). I understand that you are very poor and that you must use your reporters to do your Web Programming, but next time you should consider hiring some Romanian high school students. They will do it properly, and they are also cheap.
Honestly, you should not be mad at us for voting in such large numbers. After all, this means that you received a very large number of visits to your site from Romania, which is remarkable considering the fact that your site is so shitty. Keep posting polls like that, and your traffic may reach new, unimaginable heights.
It is a shame that the idea of Fair Play, which was your creation, is not found too often in your everyday life. I am sure that you will find a better way to select the "player of the 90's", which will prevent Romanians from voting. What about taxing a 1000-euro per vote, is this a good idea?
Please excuse my Romanian English, which may sound horrible to your ears. I can assure you that the feeling is mutual, and that I don't give a rat's ass on your Cambridge language tests. However, I am pretty sure that if I tell you to go fuck yourselves, you will understand.
Yours truly,
Naspa Rau (loosely translated as Awfully Bad)
Mi-a placut la nebunie raspunsul. smile.gif Super. A zis focul intregului nostru neam.
Excelenta si urarea. Si desi par subiectiv, ce alti jucatori in afara de Hagi si Stoichkov au tras mai mult echipa dupa ei? Dupa cum s-a vazut Hagi a rezolvat de multe ori un meci de unul singur. Nu e vorba numai de goluri ci si de pase, de jocul gandit. Oricum raman la convingerea ca Hagi a fost cel mai bun si dc eram in locul lui dupa meciul cu Olanda imi anuntam intrarea in echipa ca oricum juca mai bine decat marea majoritate a jucatorilor nostri.
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