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Meeeeep! Marele Mogul nu a fost cel mai mare diamant. Lucrand la un slefuitor de diamante (moi) stiu ca pana la Marele Mogul mai sunt alte patru diamante. Ele sunt cum urmeaza: Cullinan - 3106 k, Excelsior - 995,20 k, Star of Sierra Leone - 968,90 k, Incomparable - 890 k, Marele Mogul - 797,5 k. Desi e disparut de unde titi voi ca e cel mai mare? Muahhhhahahaha devil.gif
"Meeeeep! Marele Mogul nu a fost cel mai mare diamant."

Totusi trebuia un raspuns la intrebarea pusa. De Cullinan am auzit si de fratiorul sau mai mic ( de vreo 10 ori ). De Excelsior si Incomparable cu siguranta nu. Star of Sierra Leone pare cunocut de undeva biggrin.gif Cred ca l-am vazut ... biggrin.gif

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let's roll
De unde provine expresia "Fata nevazuta a lunii" ? (Explicati pe scurt fenomenul)
Durata de rotatie a lunii este egala cu durata de revolutie. In felul asta, luna expune intotdeauna aceeasi "fata" Pamantului. Ramane, deci, o "fata" nevazuta (de pe Pamant).
Daca se poate am sa repet ce a spus Olaf dar cu alte cuvinte.
Perioada de revolutie in jurul Pamantului este de 27 de zile 7 ore 43 minute si 11,47 secunde. Acest interval de timp se numeste perioada siderala si este egal cu perioada de rotatie axiala(in sens invers acelor de ceasornic ca si Pamantul)fapt pentru care Luna arata mereu aceeasi fata Pamantului.
Corect asa, dar Olaf a raspuns corect primul. Olaf, urmatoarea intrebare este ...
Scuze de intarziere...
Intrebare: cati biti are o unitate naturala de informatie?
Nu tongue.gif
Dacă e naturală, atunci are e biţi rolleyes.gif
Un bit in sistem binar corespunde la 0.693 nats (ln(2)), sau la 0.301 hartleys (log10(2)) acestea doua fiind considerate unitati naturale de informatie

Ar fi culmea ca ăsta să fie răspunsul corect! drool.gif
Da, erwin a raspuns corect... Din cate stiam eu, ceea ce se numeste "unitate naturala" este calculata cu ajutorul logaritmului natural. Deci un "nat" (nu stiam ca asa se numeste) ar avea aproximativ 1,442 biti (log2(e)).
Daa? blink.gif Sīnteţi mari, mari de tot, domnilor! smile.gif
atunci sa pun urmatoarea intrebare:

ce inseamna "protruzie"?
proeminenta anterioara foarte pronuntata a unei formatii anatomice
nu stiu daca e corect proeminenta...protruzia defineste mai exact o pozitionare anterioara anormala (patologica) a unei formatiuni anatomice
ex.protruzie maxilara/mandibulara,protruzia globilor oculari
DEX online ii da lui LOTTE dreptate. Nici Michelle nu e departe de adevar caci acest cuvant in asociere cu formatiunea anatomica respectiva formeaza o expresie cu sensul precizat de ea.

ex suplimentare:
protruzie discala=discopatie, hernie de disc

Consider ca Michelle are o definitie mai buna decat a DEX-ului online (ar putea adauga acolo ca sa fie definitia completa) spoton.gif

Michelle pune urmatoarea intrebare!
Reputat actor si regizor englez inaintat la gradul de cavaler de catre regina Elizabeta a II ,castigator al premiului Oscar pentru intreaga sa contributie in arta cinematografiei.
Sir Laurence Olivier
Sean Connery?
Sir Roger Moore smile.gif
nici. Ca ajutor Oscarul l-a primit in 1972
Michael Caine
sir Laurence Olivier
sir Alfred Hitchcock?
Rowan Atkinson rofl.gif
nici unul
au trecut mai mult de 24 ore deci o sa dau eu raspunsul...era Charlie Chaplin
nici. Ca ajutor Oscarul l-a primit in 1972

hmmmmm, ne-ai incuiat aici, uite ce am gasit eu: Oscar Awards and History 1972 cred ca ne-ai dezinformat!

In primul rand ca site-ul dat de tine nu da relatii despre toate Oscarurile castigata in anul acela.Informatia o am de pe History Channel si cred ca e corecta!

April 10, 1972

As part of his first visit to the United States in 20 years, British film
pioneer Charlie Chaplin accepts an honorary Academy Award for his "incalculable"
contribution to the art of filmmaking. Chaplin, once America's most successful
movie star and director, had left the country under a storm of controversy in
1952.Born in London, England, in 1889, Chaplin was the son of music-hall
performers, and he appeared onstage from a young age. His father later died, and
his mother was put in a mental institution, leading to a rough childhood that
ended when Chaplin joined his half-brother's vaudeville troupe at the age of 17.
Mack Sennett, the innovator of U.S. slapstick movie comedy, discovered Chaplin
during a U.S. appearance by the vaudeville troupe. In 1913, he was signed to
appear in movies produced by Sennett's Keystone Company.In his second picture,
Kid Auto Races at Venice (1914), Chaplin originated the character that would
make him famous--the "Little Tramp." The tramp wore a derby hat, neatly kept
moustache, baggy trousers, and cane, and affected a bowlegged walk in his
oversize shoes. He was an underdog hero, beloved by moviegoers, and Chaplin
would play him in more than 70 films. In the era of silent film, slapstick was
king, and Chaplin was a master of physical comedy. He became one of the most
recognized U.S. personalities and commanded increasingly high salaries. He soon
took to directing his own movies and, with Mary Pickford, Douglas Fairbanks, and
D.W. Griffith, founded United Artists in 1919 so he could have greater control
over his projects.Chaplin directed, starred in, wrote, produced, and composed
the music for his feature-length comedies, including The Kid (1921), The Gold
Rush (1925), City Lights (1931), Modern Times (1936), and The Great Dictator
(1940). These films addressed social and political issues of the day, which,
seen through the eyes of the Little Tramp, appeared a little sharper. After the
advent of sound in the late 1920s, Chaplin appeared less often in movies, but
his fame continued to grow as his films won new audiences and became recognized
as motion picture classics.Away from the camera, Chaplin's personal life often
drew sensational headlines. He was married four times, three times to his
leading ladies, and in 1943 was accused by another woman of fathering her child.
That year, in another controversial move, he Oona O'Neill, the 18-year-old
daughter of playwright Eugene O'Neill. Chaplin was 54. Chaplin's political views
were also criticized, as was his failure to apply for U.S. citizenship. Pressed
for back taxes and accused of supporting subversive causes by McCarthy-era
America, Chaplin left the United States in 1952. Informed that he would not
necessarily be welcomed back, he retorted, "I wouldn't go back there if Jesus
Christ were president," and surrendered his re-entry permit in Switzerland. He
lived with his family at Corsier-sur-Vevey, Switzerland, and made several more
films.In April 1972, he did return to the United States for a visit and accepted
an honorary Oscar. He had previously won an honorary Academy Award, in 1929 for
The Circus (1928). In 1975, Queen Elizabeth II knighted him. He died on December
25, 1977.

edit.si chiar precizasem ca era vorba de Oscarul pentru intreaga activitate jamie.gif
Cred ca tot eu trebuie sa pun urmatoarea intrebare.

Renumit pictor italian,nascut la Venetia ,ale carui panze sunt specializate in panorame,multe reprezentand chiar Venetia cu Canal Grande,operele sale fiind in numeroase colectii regale sau ale unor muzee celebre.
Michelle , fac si eu o incercare , ... nu se stie daca reusita. unsure.gif

In Venetia s-au nascut mai multi pictori.
Ii dau la o parte pe Tintoretto si Bellini , pentru ca ei au pictat in special tablouri pe teme religioase.
Dintre cei ce au pictat peisaje , inclusiv canalele venetiene , se numara Canalletto , Domenico Venetiano si Carpaccio .
Eu l-as alege pe Canalletto , pentru ca imi place cum face trecerea de la o culoare la alta . smile.gif
Da...si cuvantul panorame(vedute) il caracterizeaza si identifica!
smile.gif Considerat a fi cel mai vechi oras al lumii.
Eu ma refeream la Canaletto ;distinctia dintre el si alti pictori care au zugravit in panzele lor Venetia fiind faptul ca el este considerat a fi un maestru al panoramelor(vedutele) wink.gif
exergy, pune urmatoarea intrebare! thumb_yello.gif
smile.gif Considerat a fi cel mai vechi oras al lumii.
Nu , edittha smile.gif
Londra?Īn 43 d.Hr. romanii au fondat oraşul Londinium, iar numele acestuia se pare că a dat şi numele nativ al oraşului, London,
Trebuie sa cauti mult mai inainte , in istorie.
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