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> Jugul Lui Cristos Si Yoga Crestina, Elevare Spirituala prin Yoga Crestina
mesaj 2 Nov 2004, 10:22 PM
Mesaj #1


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 1.197
Inscris: 1 November 04
Forumist Nr.: 4.799

Nu-ti fa o impresie despre o carte doar citind titlul acesteia!
Daca cineva pronunta cuvintele Yoga Crestina, cauta sa intelegi despre ce este vorba inainte sa ai o opinie despre acesta.
Uman vorbind, nu spiritual, Crestinii nu pot fi ignarati deoarece ai ignora astfel un sfert din Omenire.
Uman vorbind, nu spiritual, Hindusii nu pot fi ignorati deoare ai ignora astfel inca un sfert din Omenire.
Sint Hindusii cu totul nerealisti cind se inchina Zeitatilor lor multiple, inclusiv lui Cristos?
Sint Crestinii cu totul realisti cind CRED ca stiu cum sa se inchine lui Dumnezeu, dupa invatatura Fiului?
Ca si Crestin prin nastere, stii tu ce inseamna inchinarea IN DUH, cum o cere Isus "vine vremea, si acum A SI VENIT, ca adevaratul inchinator sa se inchine Tatalui in Duh si Adevar" ? Cum faci tu, ca si Crestin nascut, sa te inchini in Duh ?
Daca tu esti un Crestin prin nastere (desi aceasta este impotriva Evangheliei Crestine), poti tu sa-ti DOVEDESTI credinta ta asa cum Isus a cerut-o Omului: "... vor lua in mina serpi ... vor bea ceva de moarte, nu-i va vatama ..." ?
Tu, ca si CRESTIN NASCUT, poti face Semnele lui Isus: "cei care cred in Mine, vor face Semne si mai mari decit acestea" ?
Daca nu cunosti raspunsul la ceste intrebari, cauta-l, participa la aceste discutii si viziteaza paginile de la www.YogaCrestina.com unde sint discutate in detaliu.
Crezi ca Mintuirea Sufleteasca vine ca un cadou picat din cer doar pentru ca te-ai nascut in mediu Crestin, si tu nu ai nici o raspundere?
Tu care esti Ateu, si care ai avut glasul retezat aici, desi tocmai tu ai avea nevoie de acest Forum, crezi ca esti Ateu din Cunoastere, sau pur si simplu din Ne-Cunoastere? Tu care inchizi gura Ateului, pentru ca te crezi doar Crestin, nu cumva calci IMPOTRIVA Evangheliei care se discuta aici "mergeti si propovaduti la toata suflarea" ? Daca ai fi Crestin, nu ai intoarce spatele nimanui, cum nici Fiul nu a facut-o, i-a ierat pe cei care-L pironeau, tu nu-l ierti nici macar pe care vorbeste altfel decit tine.
Sper sa aveti Judecata de a gindi si nu gindirea de a Judeca.
Cauta ceea ce ai si vei gasi tot ceea ce nu ai!

Cauta ceea ce ai si vei gasi tot ceea ce nu ai!
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mesaj 7 Nov 2004, 10:17 PM
Mesaj #2


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.480
Inscris: 12 December 03
Forumist Nr.: 1.466

QUOTE (NoMemory @ 7 Nov 2004, 10:31 PM)

- inteligent era sa spui ce anume sint "minciuni".

- o alta lucrare a parintelui Dechanet, J.M. Yoga in 10 lectii

- despre "yoga crestina" - franceza

- despre "yoga crestina"

Saturday, November 7, 1998

Fascination with Asian religious traditions is growing among Catholics and others

By Frank Wilson

Knight Ridder Newspapers

Historian Arnold Toynbee observed once that when future historians come to write about our century, it won't be the wars and clashes of ideology that will be the focus of their attention, but rather what happened when Christianity and Buddhism began to interact with each other.

Sociologist Peter Berger agrees. Noting that Christianity has undergone three earlier periods of "contestation" with other cultures -- the Greco-Roman world, Islam and modernity -- he argues that it is "now on the edge of a fourth ... with the religious traditions of southern and eastern Asia."

Serious dialogue between Catholicism and Eastern faiths has been going on for quite some time. In the 1950s, J.-M. Dechanet, a Belgian Benedictine, published "Christian Yoga," in which he regarded the postures and breath control as "neither religion nor mysticism, but a discipline ... a 'technique ' that allows man ... to establish himself in silence." Hugo Lassalle (1898-1990), a German Jesuit, took up the practice of Zen in 1943, practicing it in temples throughout Japan. And Bede Griffiths (1906-1993), an English Benedictine, spent the last 38 years of his life at an ashram in India. The second volume of his autobiography was titled "The Marriage of East and West."

While it may not seem surprising that monks and scholars would engage in such pursuits, what is perhaps surprising is the extent to which this sort of ecumenism has taken hold at the grass-roots level. In the Philadelphia area, for instance, the Lourdes Wellness Center, a ministry of the Franciscan Sisters of Allegheny, N.Y., has been offering instruction in tai chi as "a preparation for prayer."

But not only Catholics are displaying this interest in things Eastern; members of other denominations and nonsectarian groups are pursuing them as well. Pendle Hill, the Quaker study center in Wallingford, Pa., held a two-day retreat earlier this month conducted by Ayya Sucinta of the Bhavana Society during which instruction was given in the Buddhist tradition of sitting and walking meditation.

And at Cornerstone Bookstore -- an initiative of Project H.O.M.E. in Philadelphia -- Lobsang Samten, the religious leader of the Philadelphia Tibetan Buddhist Center, has been teaching people how to construct mandalas -- symbolic diagrams used as instruments of meditation.

"The mandala maker doesn't have to be a Buddhist," Venerable Samten said. "I am teaching the four directions in the mandala -- north, south, east, and west -- stand for love, compassion, joy and equanimity. This teaches that everything is connected. We are connected to the trees, the mountains, the oceans in our daily life. The essence is to have this help us be better human beings in our actions and thoughts."

What has been the reaction to all this at the official level? The Catholic Church's characteristically cautious but by no means discouraging approach seems typical. "Some Aspects of Christian Meditation," a letter to bishops issued in 1989 by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, stated, for instance, that "genuine practices of meditation which come from ... the great non-Christian faiths (can) constitute a suitable means of helping the person who prays to come before God with an interior peace."

Pope John Paul II, in his encyclical"Redemptoris missio," noted that "a vast field lies open to dialogue, which can assume many forms and expressions," including "a sharing of ... respective spiritual experiences ... through which believers of different religions bear witness before each other in daily life to their own human and spiritual values."

Nevertheless, though the pope and the Dalai Lama have met several times and seemed to get along famously, both have been wary in regard to cross-pollination between their faiths. The Dalai Lama has compared mixing Buddhism with Christianity to "trying to put a yak's head on a cow's body," and the pope is quoted in "Crossing the Threshold of Hope" as saying that Buddhism "is in large measure an 'atheistic' system."

Speaking by phone from S.J. House in Tokyo, the Rev. William Johnston, a Jesuit priest who published "Christian Zen" in 1971, said, "the pope regretted that statement and after that the Vatican arranged for a dialogue in Taiwan between Christianity and Buddhism. The pope has said very nice things about Buddhism also, and the Asian bishops speak beautiful things about Buddhism."

An Irishman who has lived in Japan for 47 years -- "I tell my students that Ireland is my mother and Japan is my wife" -- Johnston said, "The basic thing for a Christian is the commitment to Jesus Christ and to the Gospel. ... When I do Zen, that basic commitment is always there. The Buddhists have their commitment to the Buddha and to dharma."

"I myself am committed to dialogue," Johnston said, but "my basic commitment is to Christianity, to Christ and the Gospel. ... Christ is always a person, the risen person, the glorified Jesus of Nazareth. ... The Buddha-nature is a way of speaking of the unity of being, (but) the personal dimension is not there."

The Japanese word "zen "is a translation of the Chinese word "ch'an," which is itself a translation of the Sanskrit word "dhyana." All mean simply "meditation." But, as Johnston points out in "Christian Zen," it is "not the discursive meditation wherein one reasons and thinks and makes resolutions. ... It is meditation without an object. ... One pays no attention to the thoughts and images that pass across the surface of the mind.... It is not preoccupied with past or future, right or left, up or down. One is simply present ... in the eternal now, face to face with reality."

Johnston emphasized that Christians who practice Zen need to be aware of their own spiritual tradition. "We get people coming to Japan -- even priests and sisters sometimes -- and they want to do Zen and they've never had any Christian experience in their lives and ... that's not good."

Seijaku Stephen, the abbott of the Jizo-An Monastery in Cinnaminson, where he instructs a number of Catholics in Zen, agreed. In Buddhism, he said, "there is no dogma ... in reference to God. It is a mistaken idea ... that to practice Zen means that now you must worship the Buddha. ... The Buddha in Zen does not represent a spiritual character to be worshipped. Christians who come here are often reminded that this is not about a belief system, not about conversion ... there's nothing to convert to. I was asked by one of the Catholics who comes here, 'Can I still believe in Jesus?,' and I said, 'I would hope so.' What is different (is that) when you go to Mass, (you) go with a Zen mind."

For Gloria Lihotz, one of Seijaku Stephen's students, this makes perfect sense. "Zen is something that you bring into your life," Lihotz said, "so that you try to live in the present moment -- which is not an easy thing to do -- so it would only be natural to bring it into church. I find myself many times just sitting there half closing my eyes, especially at the moments of the Mass (that call for) meditation."

Johnston pointed out that Buddhists exhibit great respect for Jesus. "They see Jesus as a great mystic. ... The recent scriptural movement with its emphasis on Jesus the man (has led us to) think that Jesus was just like the man in the street. (The Buddhists) may not recognize (Jesus') divinity, but they see him as a Bodhisattva and a model for people who would seek enlightenment.

"There's great wisdom in Buddhism, so the thing is marriage, to put them together. That's the big challenge that's going to confront us in the 21st century. The future of Christianity is in Asia ... not only geographically, but in Asian spirituality, and we will come more and more to the contemplative dimension. I think the Gospel has a very big future in Asia."


© 1998, The Philadelphia Inquirer.

Visit Philadelphia Online, the Inquirer's World Wide Web site, at http://www.phillynews.com/

Distributed by Knight Ridder/Tribune Information Services.

"De fiecare dată cānd Legea decade, cānd dezordinea se face simţită,
Eu mă supun la o noua naştere pentru a-l apara pe virtuos, pentru a-l distruge pe răufacător.

Pentru a restabili Legea, din cānd īn cānd trebuie să renasc. "
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edinide   QUOTE (NoMemory @ 8 Nov 2004, 04:54 PM) crestinism...   8 Nov 2004, 09:18 PM
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edinide   QUOTE (NoMemory @ 8 Nov 2004, 04:54 PM) crestinism...   15 Nov 2004, 08:39 PM
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edinide   QUOTE Fa-mi acele minuni toate care apar in Evangh...   19 Nov 2004, 12:40 AM

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