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> Venus - O Lume Nouă Pentru Umanitate - Etapele Teraformării
mesaj 27 Nov 2017, 09:22 PM
Mesaj #1


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 602
Inscris: 8 January 08
Forumist Nr.: 11.104

Teraformarea planetei Venus

Teraformarea planetei Venus se poate realiza.

In timp ce se formează scutul supra-atmosferic din micro-bule helionice umplute cu hidrogen, temperatura atmosferei va scadea gradual.

In prima faza calculand cat oxigen va ramane in atmosfera finala se va aduce hidrogen in atmosfera venusiană s-au se va folosi apa atmosferică pentru a reduce dioxidul de carbon si a elibera oxigenul complementar, dar mai degrabă am utiliza foraje subvenusiene in apele termale si freatice spre bazele submarine venusiene sau subterane unde vom avea reactoare nucleare ce vor scinda apa in oxigen si hidrogen, iar efectul ar fi dublu, practic oxigenul se va acumula in atmosfera, iar hidrogenul va reactiona cu CO2 rezultand carbon si apa.

Niste bombe atomice ecologice transatmosferice ar scinda direct CO2 venusian in cantitati uriase de carbon si oxigen, probabil ar fi cea mai rapida si la indemana solutie. In final Venus va fi o planeta albastră cu oceane intinse dar putin adanci cca. 1 metru adancime.

Asadar avem nevoie in primul rand de rachete nucleare transhidrogen D-T-H cu initiere ecologică curată si ieftina.

Ar fi necesara convertirea a mai putin de 10% din atmosfera de CO2, mai exact cca. 2 % din total, adică echivalentul cantitatii de oxigen din atmosfera terestra la presiunea de 1 atmosferă (in timp ce CO2 in atmosfera terestra are o concentratie extrem de mica mai degraba simbolica cca. 0,04%,).
Azotul venusian este 3,5%, ceea ce ar echivala cu 300 % in atmosfera terestră, adică azot 100% la 1 atmosferă, dar ar fi azot 100% la 3 atmosfere de azot echivalent in atmosfera terestră.

In realitate probabil azotul venusian se gaseste cam in aceasi cantitate ca in atmosfera Pamantului, deci cu el nu am avea prea multa bataie de cap.
In final temperatura va fi putin mai mare decat pe Pamant ceea ce va face ca la polii planetei sa fie temperaturi constante de 27-35C si ziua continua tot timpul si tot aici va ploua, ceea ce va face ca dioxidul de carbon sa se fixeze in marile putin adanci proaspat formate.

De asemenea niste bombe atomice ecologice vor fi detonate in zonele bogate in calciu pentru eliberarea de pulbere calcica pentru formarea carbonatului de calciu in contact cu atmosfera venusiana inca fierbinte pe la 100-200 C.
Azotul venusian pare a se gasi in aceeasi concentratie ca si pe Pamant, doar oxigenul va trebui eliberat din CO2.

Asadar asteroizi si comete deturnate pe Venus care vor aduce calciu si metale ce vor reactiona cu CO2 reducand atmosfera la carbonati solizi si stabili, plus bombe nucleare ecologice care vor reactiva multi vulcani.

Asteroizii ce vor reusi sa atinga solul venusian si macar printr-o unda de soc vor putea ridica praf si sol venusian in atmosfera intregii planete, din nou rezultand carbonati.

Calcium oxide is usually made by the thermal decomposition of materials, such as limestone or seashells, that contain calcium carbonate (CaCO3; mineral calcite) in a lime kiln.
This is accomplished by heating the material to above 825 °C (1,517 °F),[6] a process called calcination or lime-burning, to liberate a molecule of carbon dioxide (CO2), leaving quicklime.
CaCO3(s) → CaO(s) + CO2(g)

The quicklime is not stable and, when cooled, will spontaneously react with CO2 from the air until, after enough time, it will be completely converted back to calcium carbonate unless slaked with water to set as lime plaster or lime mortar.

Asadar prin racirea atmosferei venusiene sub +178 C, suprafata de CaO, va reactiona imediat cu CO2 atmosferic generand calcar stabil.
In acest sens vom utiliza asteroizi si bombe nucleare ecologice, dar mai intai un scut criogenic planetar din microsfere helionice umplute cu hidrogen sau heliu.
Deci am putea scapa de CO2 venusian, mai dificil ar fi sa regeneram oxigenul venusian din CO2 prin producerea de hidrogen din apele freatice venusiene cat si prin https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_splitti...sition_of_water
At the very high temperature of 3000 °C more than half of the water molecules are decomposed, but at ambient temperatures only one molecule in 100 trillion dissociates by the effect of heat.
Some prototype Generation IV reactors, such as the High-temperature engineering test reactor, operate at 850 to 1000 degrees Celsius, considerably hotter than existing commercial nuclear power plants. General Atomics predicts that hydrogen produced in a High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor (HTGR) would cost $1.53/kg. In 2003, steam reforming of natural gas yielded hydrogen at $1.40/kg. At 2005 gas prices, hydrogen cost $2.70/kg.[citation needed] Hence, just within the United States, a savings of tens of billions of dollars per year is possible with a nuclear-powered supply. Much of this savings would translate into reduced oil and natural gas imports.
One side benefit of a nuclear reactor that produces both electricity and hydrogen is that it can shift production between the two. For instance, the plant might produce electricity during the day and hydrogen at night, matching its electrical generation profile to the daily variation in demand. If the hydrogen can be produced economically, this scheme would compete favorably with existing grid energy storage schemes. What is more, there is sufficient hydrogen demand in the United States that all daily peak generation could be handled by such plants.[16]

Another possible source of hydrogen could be extracting it from possible reservoirs in the core of the planet itself.
According to some researchers the Earth's core might hold large quantities of hydrogen.[20] Since the inner structure of Earth and Venus are generally believed to be somewhat similar, the same might be true for the core of Venus.
Iron aerosol in the atmosphere will also be required for the reaction to work, and iron can come from Mercury, asteroids, or the Moon. (Loss of hydrogen due to the solar wind is unlikely to be significant on the timescale of terraforming.)
Due to the relatively flat surface, this water would cover about 80% of the surface, compared to 70% for Earth, even though it would amount to only roughly 10% of the water found on Earth.[citation needed]
The remaining atmosphere, at around 3 bars (about three times that of Earth), would mainly be composed of nitrogen, some of which will dissolve into the new oceans of water, reducing atmospheric pressure further, in accordance with Henry's law.


Acest topic a fost editat de cyber-sapiens: 27 Nov 2017, 09:37 PM

Iti suna cunoscut?! (... si da ai dreptate nu este nici macar aromana nici dalmata sau vegliota, nici istroromana) : Sta-sira vaiu ô tiatru = Asta seara voiu la tiatru! ; Du-mani ti scrivu = De maine 'ti scriu !; Bin-vinutu = Bine venit!; Comu si senti? Comu ti chiami? Di unni veni = De unde veni ? Nni videmu = Ne vedem !!! / Salutamu; Lassami in paci! Aiutu! Focu!; Bon Natali e filici annu novu;
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