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Ideea acestui forum nu este de a starni polemici intre cei ce cred si cei ce nu cred in astre, in Dumnezeu, in terapii naturiste, in miracole sau in ghicitul in palma. Pragul acestui forum poate fi pasit de oricine, fara nici o exceptie, dar cei care nu sunt de acord cu ideile sau marturisirile celor care posteaza aici, sunt rugati sa se abtina in a face comentarii malitioase, sau contradictorii. Aici ne dorim sa avem coltisorul lipsit de orice stres, iar scopul real ar fi acela de a-i ajuta pe cei din jurul nostru sa se simta bine, ba chiar sa gaseasca solutii catre iesirea din situatii disperate - de ce nu?

> Metafizică Universală
mesaj 2 Apr 2009, 04:19 PM
Mesaj #1


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.459
Inscris: 6 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.211

Metafizica pură, fiind prin esenţa ei în afară şi dincolo de toate formele şi contingenţele nu este nici orientală nici occidentală ci UNIVERSALĂ. Metafizica adevărată se regăseşte pretutindeni şi întodeauna din simplul motiv că adevărul este unul. Dacă se vrea a şti ce este cu adevărat ce este metafizica, Orientul e cel căruia trebuie să i ne adresăm deoarece Occidentul s-a rupt de adevărata metafizică. Echivalentul metafizcii hinduse de exemplu, se regăseşte în China, în daoism şi de asemenea în anumite şcoli ezoterice (acest ezoterism islamic nu are nimic în comun cu filozofia exterioară a arabilor, care în cea mai mare parte este de inspiraţie greacă) ale Islamului.

Vreau să atrag atenţia aici că nu se poate da o definiţie a metafizicii văzută în acest mod (universal) ci doar se poate caracteriza. Astfel Metafizica desemnează CEEA CE ESTE ,,DINCOLO DE FIZICÔ. Aici prin cuvântul ,,fizic㔠trebuie înţeles ansamblul tuturor ştiinţelor naturii, considerat într-un mod cu totul general şi NU doar una dintre aceste ştiinţe.
Metafizica astfel înţeleasă ESTE esenţial CUNOAŞTEREA UNIVERSALULUI sau altfel spus a PRINCIPIILOR DE ORDIN UNIVERSAL.
O definiţie riguroasă a ,,metafizicii”astfel înţeleasă este imposibil de dat datorită tocmai acestei universalităţi care este aşa cum am mai spus prima dintre caracteristicile sale şi din care derivă toate celelalte. Deci nu poate fi definit decât ceea ce este LIMITAT, iar METAFIZICA ESTE dimpotrivă, în însăşi esenţa sa, ABSOLUT NELIMITATĂ.
DISTINCŢIA fundamentală dintre metafizică astfel înţeleasă şi ştiinţe (în sensul propriu al acestui cuvânt) care sunt particularizate şi specializate ESTE CEA DINTRE UNIVERSAL ŞI INDIVIDUAL, această distincţie nu înseamnă opoziţie pentru că între universal şi individual NU EXISTĂ NICI O MĂSURĂ COMUNĂ şi nici o relaţie de simetrie sau de coordonare posibilă.
Nu poate exista opoziţie sau conflict de nici un fel între metafizică şi ştiinţe, deoarece domeniile lor sunt profund SEPARATE şi la fel stau lucrurile între metafizică şi religie.
Domeniul metafizicii cuprinde totul, ceea ce este necesar pentru ca metafizica să fie într-adevăr UNIVERSALĂ în mod esenţial iar domeniile proprii diferitelor ştiinţe nu rămân din acest motiv mai puţin de cel al metafizicii (înţeleasă în sensul discutat mai sus).
Domeniul oricărei ştiinţe ţine întotdeauna de experienţă, într-una din diversele sale modalităţi, pe când cel al metafizicii este în mod esenţial constituit din CEEA CE SCAPĂ ORICĂREI EXPERIENŢE POSIBILE, metafizica fiind DINCOLO DE EXPERIENŢĂ.
Rezultă de aici că orice ştiinţă poate să se întindă INDEFINIT (a nu se înţelege infinit, indefinitul nefiind decât o extensie a finitului) fără a ajunge vreodată să aibă nici cel mai mic punct de contact cu acela al metafizicii.
De observat deci că OBIECTUL METAFIZICII ESTE ÎNTODEAUNA ACELAŞI, acesta neputând fi în nici un grad ceva schimbător şi supus timpurilor şi locurilor, contingentul, accidentalul, variabilul care aparţin domeniului individualului.
Rezultă din observaţiile de mai sus că ceea ce se schimbă în legătură cu metafizica sunt DOAR MODURILE DE EXPUNERE ale sale, moduri care se pot schimba în funcţie de timp şi loc, formele exterioare în care ea poate fi îmbrăcată, care sunt susceptibile de adaptări care ţin de stadiul de cunoaştere/ignoranţă a oamenilor faţă de metafizica veritabilă, metafizică ce rămâne perfect identică cu ea însăşi, deoarece OBIECTUL SĂU E în mod esenţial UNUL (,,fără dualitate”), obiect care este mereu ,,DINCOLO DE NATURÔ şi deci SCHIMBARE.
ÎN METAFIZICĂ NU ESTE POSIBILĂ ABSOLUT NICI O DESCOPERIRE deoarece este vorba despre un mod de a cunoaşte CE NU ARE NEVOIE DE NICI UN MIJLOC SPECIAL ŞI EXTERIOR DE INVESTIGAŢIE, tot ceea ce este susceptibil să fie cunoscut a putut fi cunoscut de către oameni din toate epocile, acest lucru (cu referire la faptul că au existat întotdeauna oameni care au cunoscut ce e susceptibil a fi cunoscut) reieşind dintr-o examinare profundă a doctrinelor metafizice tradiţionale.
ÎN RAPORT CU METAFIZICA IDEILE DE EVOLUŢIA ŞI PROGRES NU AU NICI O APLICAŢIE POSIBILĂ, de aceea ideile de evoluţie şi progres sunt complet străine orientalilor care nu au fost despărţiţi niciodată de metafizica veritabilă aşa cum s-a întâmplat şi se întâmplă Occidentului.
Punctul de vedere metafizic SE OPUNE RADICAL PUNCTULUI DE VEDERE ISTORIC, dar această opoziţie trebuie văzută nu doar ca o chestiune de METODĂ ci şi ca una de PRINCIPIU. Doctrina metafizicii universale fiind de ordin universal, asupra acestei doctrine nu se pot exercita influenţele individuale (contingenţe). Circumstanţele de timp şi loc NU POT INFLUENŢA DECÂT EXPRESIA EXTERIOARĂ şi nicidecum ESENŢA ÎNSĂŞI a doctrinei metafizicii universale.
Metafizica nu participă în nici un fel la relativitatea ştiinţei, ea trebuie să implice certitudinea absolută drept caracter intrinsec (prin obiectul său dar şi prin metoda sa).
Metafizica exclude, în mod necesar orice concepţie cu un caracter ipotetic, astfel ADEVĂRURILE METAFIZICE, ÎN ELE ÎNSELE, NU POT FI ÎN NICI UN FEL CONTESTABILE. Concepţiile metafizicii, prin natura lor universală, NU SUNT NICIODATĂ CU TOTUL EXPRIMABILE, NICI CHIAR IMAGINABILE, neputând fi atinse în esenţa lor DECÂT DE INTELIGENŢA PURĂ ŞI ,,INFORMALÔ.
Cunoaşterea de ordin universal trebuie să fie dincolo de toate distincţiile ce condiţionează cunoaşterea lucrurilor individuale, cea între subiect şi obiect fiind tipul general şi fundamental.
OBIECTUL METAFIZICII nu este comparabil cu obiectul special a indiferent oricărui alt gen de cunoaştere, neputând fi nici măcar numit obiect decât într-un sens pur analogic, deoarece este obligatoriu, pentru a putea vorbi despre el, să i se atribuie o denumire oarecare.
MIJLOCUL CUNOAŞTERII METAFIZICE nu poate fi decât una cu însăşi cunoaşterea, în care subiectul şi obiectul sunt în mod esenţial unificate, acest mijloc de cunoaştere nu poate fi nimic de felul exerciţiului unei facultăţi discursive precum raţiunea umană individuală.
ORDINUL DE CUNOAŞTERE al metafizicii este cel SUPRA-INDIVIDUAL şi deci SUPRA-RAŢIONAL adică DEASUPRA RAŢIUNII, care nu poate interveni aici decât într-un mod cu totul secundar, pentru formularea şi expresia exterioară a acestui adevăr ce depăşeşte domeniul să şi importanţa sa.
Trebuie precizat aici faptul că ordinul cunoaşterii supra-raţionale este cel al CONŞTIINŢEI ÎNSEŞI (cunoaşterea pură) în care ,,a cunoaşte” înseamnă ,, a fi”, în care nu intervine raţiunea deoarece această cunoaştere supra-raţională NU ESTE SEPARATĂ DE NIVELUL CONŞTIINŢEI ÎNSEŞI, cel al cunoaşterii pure.
Adevărurile metafizice nu pot fi înţelese decât printr-o FACULTATE CE NU MAI ESTE DE ORDIN INDIVIDUAL, INTUITIVĂ, intuiţie care nu se referă la semnificaţia obişnuită a cuvântului aceea de facultate pur senzitivă şi vitală (care este de fapt infra-raţională şi nu supra-raţională). Adevărurile metafizice pot fi înţelese printr-o INTUIŢIE INTELECTUALĂ (căreia filozofia i-a negat şi ignorat existenţa) adică INTELECTUL PUR (vezi Aristotel, scolasticii) acesta posedând ÎN MOD IMEDIAT CUNOAŞTEREA PRINCIPIILOR, operarea Intelectului Pur fiind imediată, în sensul că acesta nu este realmente distinct de ,,obiectul” său.

O observaţie foarte importantă trebuie făcută:

Punctul de vedere al ştinţei este de ordin individual pentru că generalul NU SE OPUNE deloc individualului ci doar particularului, el fiind de fapt INDIVIDUALUL EXTINS, dar individualul poate fi extins, chiar INDEFINIT (a nu se înţelege infinit) fără a-şi pierde pentru asta natura sa şi fără să iasă din condiţiile sale restrictive şi limitative. Rezultă din cele spuse că ŞTIINŢA AR PUTEA SĂ SE EXTINDĂ INDEFINIT FĂRĂ SĂ ÎNTÂLNEASCĂ NICIODATĂ METAFIZICA, faţă de care va rămâne întodeauna PROFUND SEPARATĂ, pentru că NUMAI METAFIZICA ESTE CUNOAŞTEREA UNIVERSALULUI.

O altă observaţie foarte importantă:
- INFINITUL reprezentat întodeauna ca un spaţiu NU POATE FI DECÂT INDEFINIT, indefinitul fiind nul în raport cu INFINITUL ,,înţeles” în adevăratul său ,,sens”.
- ETERNITATEA care rezidă în mod esenţial în ,,non-timp”a fost şi este confundată cu perpetuitatea, care este o extensie indefinită (indefinitul nefiind în realitate decât o extensie a finitului) a timpului.
- O altă confuzie obişnuită este cea între RAŢIONAL ŞI INTELECTUAL. Pretinsa intelectualitate occidentală NU ESTE în realitate, mai ales la moderni, DECÂT EXERCIŢIUL FACULTĂŢILOR CU TOTUL INDIVIDUALE ŞI FORMALE: RAŢIUNEA ŞI IMAGINAŢIA iar de aici se poate înţelege lesne ce o separă de INTELECTUALITATEA ORIENTALĂ, pentru care nu este cunoaştere adevărată şi valabilă decât cea care îşi are rădăcina sa profundă ÎN UNIVERSAL ŞI INFORMAL.

De precizat că aceste confuzii nu au apărut în gândirea orientală (aici orientală nu se referă doar la India ci şi la lumea musulmană, China, Indo-China).
Punctul de vedere metafizic (cel prezentat în rândurile de mai sus) ESTE SINGURUL CU ADEVĂRAT UNIVERSAL, DECI NELIMITAT, oricare alt punct de vedere fiind în consecinţă mai mult sau mai puţin specializat şi obligat la anumite limitări.

În continuare voi arăta alte carcateristici ale metafizcii pure precum şi raporturile dintre acesteia cu teologia (care este o aplicaţie a sa), ştiinţa, filozofia, logica şi matematica. Trebuie spus încă de pe acum că după teologie, logica şi matematica au cele mai multe raporturi cu metafizica universală, ceea ce nu se poate spune despre ştiinţă, filozofie.

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mesaj 10 Apr 2009, 04:10 PM
Mesaj #2


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.459
Inscris: 6 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.211

Understanding and Believing - Frithjof Schuon

It is generally recognized that man is capable of believing without understanding; one is much less aware of the inverse possibility, that of understanding without believing, and it even appears as a contradiction, since faith does not seem to be incumbent except on those who do not understand. Yet hypocrisy is not only the dissimulation of one who pretends to be better than he is; it also lies in disproportion between certainty and behavior, and in this respect most men are more or less hypocritical since they claim to admit truths which they put no more than feebly into practice. On the plane of simple belief, to believe without acting in consequence of what one believes corresponds, on the intellectual plane, to an understanding without faith and without life; for real belief means identifying oneself with the truth that one accepts, whatever may be the level of this adherence. Piety is to religious belief what operative faith is to doctrinal understanding or, we may add, what sainthood is to truth.
If we take as starting point the idea that spirituality has essentially two factors, namely discernment between the Real and the illusory and permanent concentration on the Real, the conditio sine qua non, being the observance of traditional rules and the practice of the virtues that go with them, we shall see that there is a relationship between discernment and understanding on the one hand and between concentration and faith on the other; faith, whatever its degree, always means an as it were existential participation in Being or in Reality; it is to take a basic hadith "to worship God as if thou sawest Him, and if thou seest Him not, yet He seeth thee". In other terms, faith is the participation of the will in the intelligence; just as on the physical plane man adapts his action to the physical facts which determine its nature, so also, on the spiritual plane, he should act in accordance with his convictions, by inward activity even more than outward activity, for "before acting one must first be", and our being is nothing other than our inward activity. The soul must be to the intelligence what beauty is to truth, and this is what we might call the "moral qualification" that should accompany the "intellectual qualification".
There is a relationship between faith and the symbol; there is also one between faith and miracle. In the symbolic image as in the miraculous fact, it is the language of being, not of reasoning, which speaks to a manifestation of being on the part of Heaven, man must respond with his own being, and he does so through faith or through love, which are the two faces of one and the same reality without therefore ceasing to be a creature endowed with thought. In plain terms, one might wonder what is the basis or what is the justification of an elementary faith which is disdainful, or almost so, of any attempt at comprehension; the answer has just been given namely that such faith is based on the illuminating power which belongs in principle to the symbols, the phenomena and the arguments of the Revelation[1]; the "obscure merit" of this faith consists in not closing oneself to a grace for which our nature is made. There is room for differences, on the human side, as regards the modes or degrees of receptivity and also the intellectual needs; these needs do not in any sense mean that the thinking man lacks faith; they merely show that his receptivity is sensible to the most subtle and most implicit aspects of the Divine Message; now what is implicit is not the inexpressible but the esoteric, and this has the right to be expressed.[2] Attention has already been drawn to the relationship between faith and miracle; perfect faith consists in being aware of the metaphysically miraculous character of natural phenomena and in seeing in them, by way of consequence, the trace of God.
The demerit, therefore, of unbelief or lack of faith does not lie in a natural lack of special aptitudes nor is it due to the unintelligibility of the Message for then there would be no demerit but in the passionate stiffening of the will and in the worldly tendencies which bring about this stiffening. The merit of faith is fidelity to the super-naturally natural receptivity of primordial man; it means remaining as God made us and remaining at His disposition with regard to a message from Heaven which might be contrary to earthly experience, while being incontestable in view of subjective as well as objective criteria.[3]
It is related that Ibn Taimiyyah[4] once said, while coming down from the pulpit after a sermon: "God comes down from Heaven to earth as I am coming down now"[5]; there is no reason to doubt that he meant this to be taken literally, with a literalism not to be bowed before any interpretation, but his attitude has none the less a symbolic value which is independent of his personal opinions; the refusal to analyze a symbol by discursive and separative thought in order to assimilate it directly and as it were existentially does in fact correspond to a perspective which is possible and therefore valid in the appropriate circumstances. "Simple faith of" may be seen to coincide here with an attitude which is its opposite while being at the same time analogous, namely the assimilation of the faith through the symbol and by means of the whole soul, the soul as such.
Faith as a quality of the soul is the stabilizing complement of the discerning and as it were explosive intelligence; without this complement, intellectual activity lets itself be carried away by its own movement and is like a devouring fire; it loses its balance and ends either by eating itself up in a restlessness without issue or else simply by wearing itself out to the point of sclerosis. Faith implies all the static and gentle qualities such as patience, gratitude, confidence, generosity; it offers the mercurial intelligence a fixative element and thus realizes, together with discernment, an equilibrium which is like an anticipation of sainthood. It is to this polarity in the highest degree that the complementary terms "blessing" (or "prayer", salah) and "peace" (or "greeting", salam) are applied in Islam.
An intellectual qualification is not fully valid in view of the contents which correspond to its scope except if it be accompanied by an equivalent moral qualification; here lies the explanation of all the fideist attitudes which seem bent on limiting the impetus of the intelligence. The upholders of tradition pure and simple (naql) in the first centuries of Islam were deeply conscious of this, and Ash'ari[6] himself felt it (although in a somewhat opposite way since he ventured on to the plain of theological reasoning) when he attributed to God an unintelligibility which, all told, could only signify the precariousness of man's intellectual means in the face of the dimension of absoluteness.
One can meditate or speculate indefinitely on transcendent truths and their applications that is moreover what the author of this article does, but he has valid reasons for doing it, nor does he do it for himself one can spend a whole lifetime speculating on the supra-sensorial and the transcendent, but all that matters is the "leap into the void" which is the fixation of spirit and soul in an unthinkable dimension of the Real; this leap, which cuts short and completes the in itself endless chain of formulations,[7] depends on a direct understanding and on a grace, not on having reached a certain phase in the unfolding of the doctrine, for this unfolding, we repeat, has logically no end. This "leap into the void" we can call "faith" ; it is from the negation of this reality that all theurgy is regarded as the culmination of philosophy.
(more..)', 271)";>philosophy of the type "art for art's sake" springs, all thought that believes it can attain to an absolute contact with Reality by means of analyses, syntheses, arrangements, filtrations and polishings thought that is mundane by the very fact of this ignorance and by the concomitant fact of its "vicious circle which not merely allows no escape from illusion but also reinforces illusion by the lure of a progressive and in fact non-existent knowledge.[8]
In view of the harm that the prejudices and tendencies of ordinary piety can on occasion do to metaphysical speculations, we might be tempted to conclude that piety should be abandoned on the threshold of pure knowledge, but this would be a false and eminently pernicious conclusion; in reality piety or faith must never be absent from the soul, but it is only too clear that it must be on a level with the truths that it accompanies, which means that such an extension is perfectly in its nature, as is proved by the Vedantic hymns, to take just one particularly conclusive example.
The Hindus have been reproached for being inveterate idolators and for finding in the least phenomenon a pretext for idolatry; there is, it seems, an annual festival at which the artisan gathers his tools together in order to worship them. In fact, the Hindu refuses to become rooted in outwardness: he readily looks to the divine substratum of things, whence his acute sense of the sacred and his devotional mentality; this is the last thing that modern man wants, monstrously "adult" as he has become in conformity with the worst illusion that has ever darkened the human outlook. The reflection of the sun is not the sun but it is none the less "something of the sun", and in this respect it is not wrong to speak elliptically of a kind of identity, the light being always the one light and the cause being really present in the effect; he who does not respect the effect makes himself incapable of respecting fully the cause, apart from the fact that the cause withholds itself from whoever despises its reflections; whoever understands the cause perceives it also in its earthly traces. The sense of the sacred: this phrase expresses felicitously a dimension which should never be absent, either in metaphysical thought or in everyday life; it is this which gives birth to the liturgies, and without it there is no faith. The sense of the sacred, with its concomitances of dignity, incorruptibility, patience and generosity, is the key to integral faith and to the supernatural virtues which are inherent in it.

* * *

When one admits the distinction made by the alchemies between a "dry path" and a "moistpath", the former corresponding to "knowledge" and the latter to "love", one should know also that the two poles "fire" and "water" which these paths represent respectively are both reflected in each path, so that "knowledge" has necessarily an aspect of "moisture", and "love" an aspect of "dryness". Within the framework of a path of love, this aspect of "dryness" or of "fire" is doctrinal orthodoxy, for it is well known that no spirituality is possible without the implacable and immutable bulwark of a Divine expression of the saving Truth; analogously and inversely, the aspect of "moisture" or of "water" which, being feminine, is derived from the Divine Substance (Prakriti, the Shakti), is indispensable to the path of "knowledge" for the evident and already mentioned reasons of equilibrium, stability and effectiveness.
When one compares the quality of "knowledge" with fire, one is aware that this comparison cannot perfectly and exhaustively account for the metaphysical reaches of the intelligence and for its activity of realization : fire in itself, besides its qualities of luminosity and ascension, has in fact an aspect of agitation and destructiveness, and it is this aspect the very one that the fideist opponents of kalam had in mind which proves that "knowledge-fire" is not self-sufficient and that it has in consequence an imperative need of a "knowledge-water", which is none other than faith with all its fixative and peace-giving virtues[9] Even the most penetrating intelligence, if it relies too much on its own strength, runs the risk of being abandoned by Heaven ; forgetting that the Subject, the Knower, is God, it closes itself to the Divine Influx. Profane thought is not only thought which is ignorant of metaphysical and mystical truths,[10] but also that which, while knowing these truths well enough in theory, has none the less a disproportionate approach to them, an approach that is unaccompanied by sufficient adaptation of the soul ; not that such thought is profane by definition as in the case of ignorant thought, but it is so secondarily or morally and lies in grave danger of error, for man is not merely a mirror, he is a cosmos which is both complex and fragile. The connection often affirmed by tradition between Knowledge and Peace, shows in its own way that in pure intellectuality the mathematical element is not everything, and also that fire alone in itself could not be the symbol of intellectuality.[11]
The combination between the principles "fire" and "water" is nothing other than "wine", which is both "liquid fire" and "igneous water"[12]; liberating drunkenness proceeds precisely from this alchemical and as it were miraculous combination of opposite elements. It is thus wine, and not fire, which is the most perfect image of liberating idea that one may ‘know God’ ( gnosis theou) is very rare in the classical Hellenic literature, which rather praises episteme and hieratic vision, epopteia, but is common in Hermetism, Gnosticism and early Christianity; following the Platonic tradition (especially Plotinus and Porphyry), Augustine introduced a distinction between knowledge and wisdom, scientia and sapientia, claiming that the fallen soul knows only scientia, but before the Fall she knew sapientia ( De Trinitate XII).
(more..)', 271)";>gnosis envisaged not only in its total amplitude but also in the equilibrium of its virtual modes, for the equilibrium between discernment and contemplation can be conceived at every level. Another image of this equilibrium or of this concordance is oil; it is through oil that fire is stabilized into becoming the calm and contemplative flame of the lamps in sanctuaries. Like wine, oil is an igneous liquid, which "shineth even though the fire have not touched it", according to the famous Verse of Light (āyat an-Nur).
From a certain elementary point of view, there is a connection between the emotional path of "warriors" and water, which is passive and "feminine", just as there is a connection between the intellectual path of "priests" and fire, which is active and "masculine" ; but it is only too clear, we repeat, that water has sacerdotal aspect of peace, and that fire has a warlike aspect of devouring activity, and that each path has necessarily a "dry" pole and a "moist" pole. All these considerations converge on the problem of the relationships between speculative intelligence and faith: faith is a pure and calm "water", intelligence is an active and discriminating "fire". To say that water is pure amounts to saying that it has a virtual quality of luminosity, that it is thus predisposed to be a vehicle for fire and to be transmuted into wine, as at the marriage of Cana; when considered with regard to its possibilities, water is a virtual wine since it has already, through its purity, a luminosity, and in this sense it is comparable to oil; like wine, oil is igneous by its very nature, but at the same time it does not correspond exactly to wine except when combined with the flame that it fosters, whereas wine has no need of any complement to manifest its nature.

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