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> Programarea Neuro Lingvistica ( N L P ), Ce este, ce vrea, ce poate ?
mesaj 3 Feb 2006, 01:54 PM
Mesaj #1


Grup: Moderator
Mesaje: 2.894
Inscris: 7 December 03
Forumist Nr.: 1.410

Va propun sa discutam despre Programarea-Neuro Lingvistica (NLP), una dintre abordarile relativ recente in domeniile dezvoltarii personale si psiho-terapiei (dar si in marketing, comunicare, etc.).

Pana acum subiectul a fost discutat mai degraba in mod critic, dar fara a se preciza ce este, ce vrea si ce poate NLP.

Asta ar trebui sa discutam aici. Voi reveni cu detalii privind teoria NLP (principii, etc.), practica NLP, istoria NLP, legaturile dintre NLP si alte cai de dezvoltare personala, cu alte psiho-terapii, etc.

Toata lumea este invitata sa spuna ce stie si ce crede despre NLP, dar si ce ar vrea sa stie despre NLP.


Acest topic a fost editat de calfa: 3 Feb 2006, 09:02 PM

... incertitude in certitude ... independence in dependence ... insight in sight ...
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Ovidiu Bufnila
mesaj 3 Feb 2006, 06:29 PM
Mesaj #2


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.430
Inscris: 30 July 03
Forumist Nr.: 523

[Editat de calfa: Ovidiu, nu era nevoie sa citezi (tot) mesajul anterior. Mai ales ca era singurul. laugh.gif ]

Ma simt ca o Mare Meduza gata sa puna laboiul umed pe acest topiiiiic haios. OK, Bufnila se angajeaza solemn sa darame din temelii NLP-ul. Sa vad cum naiba fac sa va conving ca e bun de daramat. Ooo, iar pun eu la cale vreo ghidusie de imagine. OK, ce ziceti daca DOPAMINA isi bate joc de NLPeu?

Sa va vaz tigrii mei dragi.

Acest topic a fost editat de calfa: 3 Feb 2006, 09:04 PM
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mesaj 3 Feb 2006, 07:38 PM
Mesaj #3


Grup: Moderator
Mesaje: 2.894
Inscris: 7 December 03
Forumist Nr.: 1.410

Intrebarea ta are legatura cu "starile de constiinta" ? Dar cu "psihologia abisala" ? smile.gif

... incertitude in certitude ... independence in dependence ... insight in sight ...
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Promo Contextual
mesaj 3 Feb 2006, 07:38 PM
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Ovidiu Bufnila
mesaj 4 Feb 2006, 12:49 PM
Mesaj #4


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.430
Inscris: 30 July 03
Forumist Nr.: 523

QUOTE (calfa @ 3 Feb 2006, 08:38 PM)
Intrebarea ta are legatura cu "starile de constiinta" ? Dar cu "psihologia abisala" ? smile.gif

Psihologia abisalaaaaa? Maslow si Rodgers umanizand psihologia s-au opus domeniilor psihanalizei si, mai deprte, behaviorilooooor! OK. gandeau ei oare ca si ABISUL este la indemana omului? dar care om? dar care fiinta? Dar care ABIS? Si la ce se refera ABISUL? Sau ce este? Un fund de mare, un ADANC al trairii interioare? Si daca nu e ABIS? Daca nu e un adanc gen "groapa" ci, mai frumos, mai magic, un ADANC Navigator. Nu ne aruncam orbeste in noi insine. Navigam sau ar trebui sa navigam. Madalinaaa lui Prosut ca si becul lui Pavlov ca si sirenele si soneriile nelepistilor sunt parti, Obiecte Fictionale ale unui Mare Proces. Repet pana cand o sa ma banati total pe acest fascinant Han ca geometria noastra tridimensionala ne zavoreste.

MAREA GRESEALA a NLP-ului si a tuturor psihologiilor, psihanilizelor, behaviriiismelor si -ismelor in general e ca_considera ca suntem SUCCESIVI, adica unul-dupa-altul. E FALS. Intr-un frumos PROCES care suntem avem de-a face cu IPOSTAZE Miraculoase nu cu succesiuni. Nelipistii, care imi sunt perfect simpatici, spun ca bufnila e unul dupa altul dar de fapt eu sunt o ipostaza. Nu gandesc actiunile mele succesiv, ma scol, mananc, vreau sa ma duc la cinema, etc.
Abisalul Sigaud e si el simpatic dar i-as pune pe sfecla o masca de scufundator si l-as trimite sa contemple/contempleze Frumoasele Meduze Valuritoare.

Oooo, avem de lucru aici, nu gluma.

Acest topic a fost editat de Ovidiu Bufnila: 4 Feb 2006, 12:50 PM
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mesaj 1 Mar 2006, 04:36 PM
Mesaj #5


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.330
Inscris: 16 September 05
Forumist Nr.: 6.952

Programarea neuro-lingvistica

Richard Bandler, John La Valle, Invata sa convingi!,
Editura Amaltea, BucureSti, 2005

I'm a superbutterfly, and superbutterflies don't cry!
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black ice
mesaj 1 Mar 2006, 04:49 PM
Mesaj #6

blue-eyed dreamer

Grup: Moderator
Mesaje: 1.367
Inscris: 14 April 03
Din: Cluj / Bucuresti
Forumist Nr.: 192

Am citit articolul īnsă pe mine nu m-a convis că a citit cartea redactorul respectiv biggrin.gif
Mi-am făcut o idee despre ce vrea să fie PNL (care e scopul ei) dar tot nu am aflat ce este si cum funcţionează...

"Mai bine o noapte eternă decāt o zi fadă, mai bine obscuritatea decāt o lumină ştearsă" (E. Cioran)
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mesaj 1 Mar 2006, 05:52 PM
Mesaj #7


Grup: Moderator
Mesaje: 2.894
Inscris: 7 December 03
Forumist Nr.: 1.410

Aici ni se spune ca ...

NLP este o sinteza unica dintre psihologie, hipnoza, lingvistica si cibernetica. In esenta ofera tehnici si metode specifice pentru cresterea eficientei personale.

[...] unul din principiile NLP se refera la faptul ca oamenii nu sunt "defecti", deci nu este nevoie sa-i "reparam". In schimb, oamenii au toate resursele de care au nevoie pentru a se schimba, pentru a-si modifica orice comportament. NLP este despre cum anume putem asista o persoana – sau ne putem auto-asista – in descoperirea resurselor care sunt deja in noi si pe care le vom folosi in atingerea rezultatelor dorite.

[...] Avand in noi toate resursele de care avem nevoie pentru a ne schimba comportamentul, tot ce ne ramane de facut este sa gasim persoana (sau persoanele) care au facut deja ce dorim noi sa realizam. Cu alte cuvinte sa identificam modele de excelenta si sa le folosim strategiile intocmai in propria viata pentru a obtine aceleasi rezultate.

[...] Exista o serie de incercari de a defini termenul "NLP". Cea mai folosita definitie este "Studiul structurii experientei subiective si a tot ceea ce poate fi derivat din ea."

[...] Totul a inceput ca un studiu al relatiei dintre neurologie, lingvistica si patternuri (modele) de comportament (denumite "programe").

"NLP este abilitatea de a-ti controla propriile stari mentale prin controlul propriului creier." Richard Bandler, co-creator al NLP

... incertitude in certitude ... independence in dependence ... insight in sight ...
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black ice
mesaj 1 Mar 2006, 08:58 PM
Mesaj #8

blue-eyed dreamer

Grup: Moderator
Mesaje: 1.367
Inscris: 14 April 03
Din: Cluj / Bucuresti
Forumist Nr.: 192

Am priceput īn mare cam ce este si ce vrea - asta din punct de vedere teoretic. Practic, pot doar să-mi imaginez cum s-ar face.

Acum că sunt cāt de cāt īn temă, mă alătur şi eu īntrebării "dar cu dopamina cum rămāne?". Sunt cam sceptic datorită numeroşilor factori - pe lāngă cei de natura psihologică - ce intervin īn īntreaga ecuaţie.

Aceasta este practic esenta de la care s-a plecat in dezvoltarea NLP – modelarea excelentei – adica studierea oamenilor de mare succes in diferite domenii, "elicitarea" (definirea si extragerea) strategiilor de succes ale acestora si implementarea acestor strategii in propria viata pentru obtinerea succesului.

Cred că e cam optimistă formularea. Īn afară de cāteva direcţii de bază nu cred că se poate obţine un pattern (universal) valabil pentru mai mulţi oameni.

"Mai bine o noapte eternă decāt o zi fadă, mai bine obscuritatea decāt o lumină ştearsă" (E. Cioran)
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mesaj 2 Mar 2006, 03:03 PM
Mesaj #9


Grup: Membri
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Inscris: 9 June 04
Forumist Nr.: 3.787

Ma bag si eu in discutie pentru ca mi se pare interesanta. Din cate am inteles eu NLP este tot o forma de manipulare a psihicului uman. Poate o ruda a autosugestiei de care tot vorbeam eu. Sau poate autosugestie se bazeaza.

Ma intrebam. Daca repeti in gand niste pasi de dans (spre exemplu), cu scopul se a invata dansul respectiv, se numeste NLP?

Sau daca gandesti, crez si iti spui in permaneta, "eu pot sa o fac", este NLP?

Dar daca spui mereu "nu pot", "nu stiu", nu este oare tot NLP?

Inteb si eu pe cei care sunt mai cititi ca mine ca sa inteleg si eu mai bine la ce se refera acest NLP.

viata e simpla si misto!
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mesaj 2 Mar 2006, 10:30 PM
Mesaj #10

Soul feeder

Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 3.735
Inscris: 7 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.214

Calfa, ce bine ca ai deschis subiectul asta. Cand e vorba de NLP sunt mare fan wink.gif.

L-ai mentionat deja pe Richard Bandler... cea mai buna carte a lui "Frogs into Princes" se gaseste online. Celalalt fondator al NLP-ului, John Grinder, da o definitie cu mai puternice aspecte practice: "Studiul excelentei umane si modul in care aceasta poate fi reprodusa". Dintre toate beneficiile NLP-ului, am experimentat tehnicile de invatare si chiar le-am aprofundat intr-o perioada nu prea indepartata.
Te las pe tine sa expui glosarul cu termeni NLP, intre timp ma voi bucura de acest subiect.


TărĆ¢mul Poveştilor.

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Let your weird light shine bright, so the other weirdos know where to find you.
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Ovidiu Bufnila
mesaj 3 Mar 2006, 08:34 AM
Mesaj #11


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.430
Inscris: 30 July 03
Forumist Nr.: 523

Bateti-ma cu pietre, dragio tigri, dar NLP-ul are gresite incadrari de sens. NLP zice ca este o Minte si este un Creier. Surghiuniti-ma, banati-ma, bubuiti-ma dar incrcati sa descoperiti alte adevaruri despre NLP! Este o sinmgura MINTE. Eu sunt Mintea, tu esti Mintea. Hai sa gasim alte cai de dezvoltare a NLP-ului, sa-l imbunatatim, sa-l reformam, sa-i redefinim trendurileeee! Oare am putea sa facem un pic de Istorie Mare in directia asta? sau vom ramane dedulciti in miturile noastre? Poate ca putem depasi incercarile patriotarde, poate ca nu va mai fi frica sa devenim cuceritori! Putem fi navigatori in Marea Sensurilor?

NLP-ul accepta oare si instructiuni metaforice?

NLP-ul este sau nu ste manipulatoriu?
Eu zic ca nu e.

Pupici de la Meduza ICAN
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mesaj 12 Jul 2006, 07:43 PM
Mesaj #12

Soul feeder

Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 3.735
Inscris: 7 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.214

NLP-ul permite individului accesul la tipul de experiente pe care si-l doreste. Ca tehnica autoindusa, nu este manipulatoriu, este doar didactica: fie si numai fiindca auto-manipularea nu exista.
Insa NLP-ul este manipulatoriu, prin excelenta. Sa nu ne pierdem in clasificarile stampilate manipularii - esenta manipularii este data de scop.

Einstein mentiona niste "experimente ale gandului", cu referire la puterea mai putin evidenta a mintii umane. Ca multe alte lucruri, vointa se invata. Se estimeaza ca fiind 80% corecta expresia "daca vrei, poti" - va mai amintiti reclama la Torsion? laugh.gif

Toate lucrurile pe care am invatat sa le facem sunt produsul deprinderilor noastre mentale.

Cea mai puternica invatatura a NLP-ului este eliminarea negatiei. Convingi pe aproape oricine de aproape orice daca, referindu-te la lucrul acela, elimini negatia.

TărĆ¢mul Poveştilor.

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Let your weird light shine bright, so the other weirdos know where to find you.
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mesaj 16 Nov 2006, 06:43 PM
Mesaj #13

Soul feeder

Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 3.735
Inscris: 7 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.214

Pentru a marca la ce nu trebuie să se gāndească, omul trebuie să se gāndească la acel lucru. Spunem "nu te duce acolo", copilul s-a şi dus fiindcă acţiunile sale sunt instictive īntr-o mai mare măsură; adultul care are īncredere īn vorbitor şi nu se simte ameninţat de interdicţie īntreabă vădit contrariat "dar de ce?" fiindcă imaginaţia l-a dus deja acolo şi totul a fost O.K.
Prin urmare, pentru a īmpiedica să se producă o stare trebuie să descriem contrariul ei prin afirmaţii, negarea acţiunii reuşeşte doar să o precipite, adesea.

Vizualizarea este o tehnică la īndemāna oricui şi prezintă marele avantaj de a recodifica informaţia deja stocată. Pornind de la presupunerea "Oamenii funcţionează perfect", oricine poate controla oricānd ce şi cum simte.

Acest topic a fost editat de Fantasee: 16 Nov 2006, 06:45 PM

TărĆ¢mul Poveştilor.

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Let your weird light shine bright, so the other weirdos know where to find you.
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mesaj 16 Nov 2006, 07:56 PM
Mesaj #14


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 6.255
Inscris: 3 October 03
Forumist Nr.: 899

NLP se incadreaza (cu succes) la pseudostiinte.

Azi avem.

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mesaj 16 Nov 2006, 08:13 PM
Mesaj #15

Soul feeder

Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 3.735
Inscris: 7 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.214

Aşa se pare, Axel. smile.gif Eppur si muove.

Premiza de bază a NLP este faptul că utilizăm cuvintele şi frazele pentru a ne crea o reprezentare internă, subconştientă, a realităţii.

TărĆ¢mul Poveştilor.

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Let your weird light shine bright, so the other weirdos know where to find you.
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mesaj 16 Nov 2006, 09:33 PM
Mesaj #16


Grup: Moderator
Mesaje: 2.894
Inscris: 7 December 03
Forumist Nr.: 1.410

Exact, Fantasee ! Pe cine intereseaza daca e stiinta "adevarata" sau "pseudo-stiinta" atata timp cat ... functioneaza ? smile.gif

Ah, cred ca banuiesc pe cine intereseaza atat de mult distinctia stiinta "adevarata"-"pseudo-stiinta", incat sa intervina oriunde gaseste un subiect potrivit pentru a ne aminti aceasta distinctie. Pe cei care au ca modele neuro-lingvistice ... "dictionarele".

Pentru cine are drept modele oamenii, cred ca subiectul acesta poate fi binevenit ! thumb_yello.gif

Multumesc pentru "povestea" despre "asteptare", Fantasee ! smile.gif

Ca sa ma revansez, ma voi autocita (hmm, un obicei care imi lipsea, dar pe care realizez ca l-am dispretuit pe nedrept) ...

QUOTE (calfa@Din Cand In Cand)
Model e ceva merita, sau nu, urmat. Imi plac modelele de urmat. Noi oamenii invatam nu doar direct, prin experienta, ci, din ce in ce mai mult poate, din experienta altora. La fel si cu modelele. Ti le poti crea singur, dar poti si imprumuta. O parte din frumusetea vietii este sa creezi modele. O alta sa urmezi.


p.s. Cand am scris randurile de mai sus in jurnal, nici nu stiam cu ce anume se mananca teoria asta numita Programare Neuro Lingvistica !! Insa ... o practicam deja cu destul succes de destul timp. wink.gif

Acest topic a fost editat de calfa: 16 Nov 2006, 09:38 PM

... incertitude in certitude ... independence in dependence ... insight in sight ...
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mesaj 17 Nov 2006, 08:59 AM
Mesaj #17

Soul feeder

Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 3.735
Inscris: 7 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.214

Calfa hug.gif interesantă abordare a ideii de model.

Este adevărat că NLP-ul este mai la īndemāna optimiştilor şi a celor īnclinaţi spre analiză. Indiferent cāt de īnfiorătoare este situaţia de viaţă īn care se poate afla un om, acesta poate alege oricānd să se optimizeze ca entitate, īn detrimentul practicilor autodistructive pe care le adoptă de obicei marea masă a populaţiei.

Operānd cu elemente de biologie, informaţie şi lingvistică, NLP-ul a elaborat nişte principii. Acestea sunt considerate ca fiind adevărate, fără a fi fost demonstrate, ci numai pentru că ţinānd cont de ele oportunităţile sunt mai mari, iar libertatea de alegere este mai vastă. Iată presupunerile NLP, nedetaliate:

Harta nu este terenul.

Experienţa are o structură.

Dacă cineva poate face un lucru, oricine poate să īnveţe să īl facă.

Mintea şi corpul reprezintă părţi ale aceluiaşi sistem.

Oamenii deţin deja toate resursele de care au nevoie.

Nu putem să nu comunicăm.

Sensul comunicării stă īn răspunsul pe care īl primeşti.

Īn spatele oricărui comportament există o intenţie pozitivă.

Oamenii iau īntotdeauna cea mai bună cea mai bună decizie disponibilă.

Dacă ceea ce faci nu funcţionează, fă altceva. Orice altceva.

Acest topic a fost editat de Fantasee: 17 Nov 2006, 09:02 AM

TărĆ¢mul Poveştilor.

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Let your weird light shine bright, so the other weirdos know where to find you.
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mesaj 18 Nov 2006, 06:23 PM
Mesaj #18


Grup: Moderator
Mesaje: 2.894
Inscris: 7 December 03
Forumist Nr.: 1.410

In afara de modele si modelare (a excelentei, etc.) si de principiile NLP (dintre cele favorite: "Harta nu este terenul", "Dacă cineva poate face un lucru, oricine poate să īnveţe să īl facă.", "Nu putem să nu comunicăm.") mi se mai par interesante nivelurile neurologice folosite in teoria NLP, pe care le-a enuntat Gregory Bateson, unul dintre cei care i-au influentat pe creatorii NLP.

Voi reveni poate asupra lor ...

In ceea ce priveste obiectiile lui Ovidiu la NLP, am o ipoteza. Stiu ca si in cazul auto-controlului Ovidiu are o retinere. El considera ca auto-controlul te poate face "artificial", ceea ce e logic.

Poate ca asta il deranjeaza si la NLP, inducerea unei "artificialitati". smile.gif

... incertitude in certitude ... independence in dependence ... insight in sight ...
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mesaj 18 Nov 2006, 09:35 PM
Mesaj #19

Soul feeder

Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 3.735
Inscris: 7 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.214

Se poate să ai dreptate īn privinţa lui Ovidiu. Păcat că nu īl avem partener de discuţie.

Cāt despre autocontrol, sunt pentru, dacă nu se transformă īn tortură. smile.gif

TărĆ¢mul Poveştilor.

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Let your weird light shine bright, so the other weirdos know where to find you.
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mesaj 19 Nov 2006, 12:55 AM
Mesaj #20


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 6.255
Inscris: 3 October 03
Forumist Nr.: 899

Inainte sa o ridicam in slavi, hai sa vedem ce-i rau la ea:

Controversies and criticisms
NLP has been criticized by clinical psychologists, management scholars, linguists, and psychotherapists, concerning ineffectiveness, pseudoscientific explanation of linguistics and neurology, ethically questionable practices, cult-like characteristics, promotion by exaggerated claims, and promises of extraordinary therapeutic results. Several reviews have characterized NLP as a "cult" [53], and mass-marketed psychobabble[54][12]. Sanghera, a columnist for Financial Times (London, 2005) writes, "critics say NLP is simply a half-baked conflation of pop psychology and pseudoscience that uses jargon to disguise the fact that it is based on a set of banal, if not incorrect, presuppositions"[55].

Claims to science
Singer (1996) states that "NLP often associates itself with science in order to raise its own prestige" [9]. Winkin (1990) considers such promotion to be "intellectually fraudulent" and compares NLP's association with Science to astrology's association to astronomy [15]. Singer (1996:172) [56] states that "none of the NLP developers have done any research to "prove" their models correct though NLP promoters and advertisers continue to call the originators scientists and use such terms as science, technology and hi-tech psychology in describing NLP". CAP, a UK-based advertising body has issued an advisory in relation to "Stop smoking claims by hypnotherapists" that "references to NLP should avoid implying that it is a new science" [57].

Psycholinguist Willem Levelt states that (translated into English by Drenth) "NLP is not informed about linguistics literature, it is based on vague insights that were out of date long ago, their linguistics concepts are not properly construed or are mere fabrications, and conclusions are based upon the wrong premises. NLP theory and practice has nothing to do with neuroscientific insights or linguistics, nor with informatics or theories of programming" [54][58]. Corballis [59] states that "NLP is a thoroughly fake title, designed to give the impression of scientific respectability. NLP has little to do with neurology, linguistics, or even the respectable subdiscipline of neurolinguistics".

NLP has been classed as a pseudoscientific self help development [58] [12][11][54], in the same mold as EST (Landmark Forum) and Dianetics(Scientology). Self-help critic Salerno [60] associates NLP with pseudoscience, and has criticized its promotion as self-help. Psychologists such as Singer [9] and management experts such as Von Bergen (1997) have criticized its use within management and human resources developments. Extraordinary and unsupported claims have been made by some NLP promoters, including claims of the heightening of perception to allow a novice martial artist to beat an expert [61], and that it is possible to develop photographic memory through the use of NLP [3]. According to Sala [62] [verification needed], NLP's pseudoscientific associations include claims to rapid cures and treatment of traumas, the use of popular new age myths such as unlimited potential, left/right brain simplicities, and past life regression.

In reference to NLP, Lilienfeld [11] states "the characteristics of pseudoscience are more specifically shown thus", for example:

"The use of obscurantist language" (eg meta programs, parapragmatics, representational systems, submodalities etc)
"The absence of connectivity" [58]
"Over-reliance on testimonial and anecdotal evidence" [63]
"An overuse of ad hoc hypotheses and reversed burden of proof designed to immunize claims from falsification" [9]
"Emphasis on confirmation rather than refutation (eg reliance on asking how rather than why)"
"Absence of boundary conditions"
"Reversed burden of proof (away from those making claim (NLP promoters), and towards those testing the claim (Scientists))".
"The mantra of holism and eclecticism designed to immunize from verifiable efficacy" [11](Claiming that NLP is unmeasurable due to too many factors or to simplistically “do what works”)[64].
"Evasion of peer review" (If claims were true, why were they not properly documented and presented to the scientific community?)[64]
Pseudoscientific arguments tend to contain several or all of these factors, as can be seen in this example [13] that shows ad hoc hypotheses and holistic argument as an attempt to explain away the negative findings, and an emphasis on confirmation and reversed burden of proof etc. Modern neuroscience indicates that NLP's notions of neurology are erroneous and pseudoscientific in regards to: left/right brain hemispheric differences [62][20][54], the association of eye movements or body gestures to brain hemispheres. The idea that people have visual, auditory and kinesthetic learning styles which has little substantative evidence (Hines 1987). Robert Carroll [45] states that it is impossible to determine a "correct" NLP model. NLP is also based on some of Freud's most flawed and pseudoscientific thinking that has been rejected by the mainstream psychology community for decades[64].

Scientific analysis
Sharpley, Druckman, and the National Research Council have criticised NLP in research reviews which conclude it has failed to show its claimed efficacy in controlled studies [9][10][11]. Beyerstein [65], Lilienfeld [11], and Eisner [64] express concern over the verification of certain aspects of NLP. On the questions of “does NLP work?” and “is NLP effective?” Margaret Singer (1996) cited the NRC research committee who stated that there was no evidence of its claimed effectiveness. [56].

Von Bergen et al [66] state that "in relation to current understanding of neurology and perception, NLP is in error", and Druckman et al (1988) say that "instead of being grounded in contemporary, scientifically derived neurological theory, NLP is based on outdated metaphors of brain functioning and is laced with numerous factual errors". The 1988 US National Committee (a board of 14 prepared scientific experts) report found that "Individually, and as a group, these studies fail to provide an empirical base of support for NLP assumptions...or NLP effectiveness. The committee cannot recommend the employment of such an unvalidated technique"[67]. In addition, Edgar Johnson, technical director of the Army Research Institute heading the NLP focused Project Jedi stated that "Lots of data shows that NLP doesn't work"[68]. Heap (1989) says "NLP has failed to yield convincing evidence for the NLP model, and failed to provide evidence for its effectiveness" [69].

Heap [69] says "the conjecture that a person has a preferred representational system (PRS), which is observed in the choice of words, has been found to be false according to rigorous research reviews" [69][70]. "The assertion that a person has a PRS which can be determined by the direction of eye movements found even less support" [69][70]. A single critique by Einspruch and Forman (1985) said that Sharpley's[71] review of NLP contained methodological errors. Sharpley refuted this and provided further experimental evidence to demonstrate that NLP is ineffective and in error in both method and model[4]. Von Bergen et al [66] state that "NLP does not stand up to scientific scrutiny". Thus, objective empirical studies [69][72][73] and review papers [67][70] have consistently shown NLP to be ineffective and reviews or meta-analysis have given NLP a conclusively negative assessment, and the reiterated statement is that there is no neuro-scientific basis for any of NLP's claims, or any scientific support for its claimed efficacy [4][54][11][56][64].

Efran and Lukens [74] state that the "original interest in NLP turned to disillusionment after the research and now it is rarely even mentioned in psychotherapy". Eisner (2000) states that "NLP proponents have provided not one iota of scientific support for their claims" [64] Devilly [75] states that "controlled studies shed such a poor light on NLP and those promoting the intervention made such extreme and changeable claims that researchers found it unwise to test the theory any further". "NLP is no longer as prevalent as it was in the 1970s or 1980s, but is still practiced in small pockets: The science has come and gone, yet the belief still remains and some people still enroll". Beyerstein states that "bogus therapies can be explained by the placebo effect, social pressure, superficial symptomatic rather than core treatment , and overestimating some apparent successes while ignoring, downplaying, or explaining away failures."[76] In Brianscams, Beyerstein states that when the New Age brain manipulators such as NLP are challenged, "critics typically encounter anecdotes and user testimonials where there ought to be rigorous pre-and post treatment comparisons" [65].

NLP is considered a "dubious therapy" by Dryden (2001) [14] and The Handbook of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies [77]. In Crazy Therapies (1996), Singer [56] states that "the process involves pretending that a model works, trying it, then if you don’t get results, discard it and try something else". [56] [67]). Beyerstein (1990p31) [78] considers NLP to be a fringe or alternative therapy. Devilly, a professor of psychology considers NLP to be an "alphabet" or "power therapy" similar to Thought Field Therapy or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, Emotional Freedom Technique and Traumatic Incident Reduction. According to Eisner, the various claims NLP proponents make have no clinical support and are grossly missleading.

Questionable applications
Currently, there is criticism from psychotherapists about the promotion of NLP within psychotherapy associations [11][64]. NLP certification for therapists in most countries still does not require any professional qualifications [64].

Human resources: Human resource experts such as Von Bergen et al (1997) consider NLP to be inappropriate for management and human resource training [14]. NLP has been found to be most ineffective concerning influence/persuasion and modeling of skills [67]. Hardiman and Summers claim NLP is dubious and not to be taken seriously in a business context [79][80]. Within management training there have been complaints concerning pressured adoption of fundamental beliefs tantamount to a forced religious conversion.[81] [Quote from source requested on talk page to verify interpretation of source] Since the divorce of Tony Robbins, despite his commercial promotion of "Perfect Marriage" counseling, many of his followers became disenchanted [60].
Education: Beyerstein [65] states that a method should be supported using controlled studies before it is applied in education.
Cosmetic effect claims: NLP is applied to breast enhancement and penis enlargement. For example, the NLP practitioner, Goodman [82] sells NLP audio recordings of the NLP swish pattern for enlarging penis size. Eisner [64] asks why, if these miraculous effects are true, have they not been properly documented, nor presented to the scientific community? [64]
Occult and New Age practices: Winkin [15] states that with its promotion with Tai Chi, Meditation, and Dianetics (Scientology), NLP is in the margins of contemporary obscurantism. NLP practitioners sometimes attempt to model spiritual experiences, which inherently, are lacking in scientific support. NLP's new age background often leads to it being sold in combination with shamanic methods of magic (such as by Richard Bandler or Huna mysticism (notably by Tad James) [citation needed].

Cult manipulation and ethical concerns
NLP is sometimes referred to by journalists and researchers as a kind of cult or psychocult.[69][81] [83][84][85][86][64][4] A German educational authority banned the use of NLP in their area and stated that it has a close similarity to Scientology.[84][citation needed] NLP has also been described as a commercial cult, and has been criticised within the business sector for being coercive[81].

Critics say NLP is adopted as a pretext for applying ritual, authority control, dissociation, reduced rationalization, and social pressure to obtain compliance from the cult's victim or to induce dependence.[85] According to Devilly[75] it is common for pseudoscientific developments to set up a granfalloon in order to promote in-group rituals and jargon, and to attack critics. Ethical concerns of NLP’s encouragement towards manipulation have been raised due to NLP book titles such as "The Unfair Advantage: Sell with NLP" and “NLP the New Art and Science of Getting What You Want”. Therapy and coaching fields require an ethical code of conduct (eg: Psychotherapy and Counseling Federation of Australia Ethical Guidelines).

In addition, Beyerstein [65] states that "ethical standards bodies and other professional associations state that unless a technique, process, drug, or surgical procedure can meet requirements of clinical tests, it is ethically questionable to offer it to the public, especially if money is to change hands". NLP is also criticised for unethically encouraging the belief in non existent maladies and insecurities by otherwise normal individuals[60]. Drenth 2003 explains that NLP is driven by economic motives and "manipulation of credulity" of clients, and explains that "often pseudoscientific practices are motivated by loathsome pursuit of gain". Drenth clarifies this with reference to the well known "financial exploitation of the victims of scientology, Avatar and similar movements".


De exemplu, mie mi se par foarte interesante remarcile la NLP - psychocult si cele legate de NLP - pseudostiinta

Azi avem.

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mesaj 19 Nov 2006, 02:48 PM
Mesaj #21


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Am deschis subiectul tocmai pentru ca ... "Pana acum subiectul a fost discutat mai degraba in mod critic, dar fara a se preciza ce este, ce vrea si ce poate NLP. Asta ar trebui sa discutam aici."

Mai intai a intervenit Ovidiu: "Bufnila se angajeaza solemn sa darame din temelii NLP-ul. Sa vad cum naiba fac sa va conving ca e bun de daramat.". Bun, el are, foarte probabil, argumente palpabile, dar nu are cum sa ni le prezinte (nu mai poate scrie pe alt subforum decat Arhipelagul). Totusi, ceva a apucat sa spuna Ovidiu ... "MAREA GRESEALA a NLP-ului ... e ca_considera ca suntem SUCCESIVI, adica unul-dupa-altul. E FALS. Intr-un frumos PROCES care suntem avem de-a face cu IPOSTAZE Miraculoase nu cu succesiuni. Nelipistii, care imi sunt perfect simpatici, spun ca bufnila e unul dupa altul dar de fapt eu sunt o ipostaza. Nu gandesc actiunile mele succesiv, ma scol, mananc, vreau sa ma duc la cinema, etc." Si a mai spus: "NLP zice ca este o Minte si este un Creier. Surghiuniti-ma, banati-ma, bubuiti-ma dar incrcati sa descoperiti alte adevaruri despre NLP! Este o sinmgura MINTE. Eu sunt Mintea, tu esti Mintea.".

Si are mari sanse sa aiba dreptate in ambele cazuri. smile.gif Dar asta nu inseamna ca tot ce gasesti in NLP e rau, e de aruncat, si chiar Ovidiu a spus asta, fie aici fie pe alte forumuri ...

Ovidiu a incercat chiar el NLP, si are argumente mai mult contra. tikky ne-a dat un link fara comentarii. black ice a spus ca isi exprima scepticismul. actionmedia a avut doar intrebari. Fantasee e singura care si-a exprimat entuziasmul. Pe de alta parte cativa dintre noi am spicuit ceva informatie de la surse, de la NLP-isti.

In conditiile astea, unde vezi tu axel ca pe acest topic ... "ridicam in slavi" NLP-ul ? hmm.gif Poate in imaginatia ta ? Daca tot ai imaginatie, de ce nu incerci sa o folosesti in alte scopuri decat criticile ?? Ma intreb si eu ...

Repet inca o data ... chiar daca e de criticat, asta nu inseamna ca tot ce gasesti in NLP e rau, e de aruncat, e de dispretuit. Persoanele care au criticat NLP, dar au inteles ce inseamna el, cum e cazul lui Ovidiu Bufnila, cred ca sunt de acord cu afirmatia mea. wink.gif Iar pentru a intelege ce inseamna NLP, printre altele trebuie sa intelegi ca e un SET de tehnici, teorii, etc. O parte mai bune, o alta, poate, gresite. Fireste, e facil sa le tratezi ... la pachet ... si doar in alb si negru, fara nuante. smile.gif

Acest topic a fost editat de calfa: 25 Nov 2006, 04:27 PM

... incertitude in certitude ... independence in dependence ... insight in sight ...
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mesaj 19 Nov 2006, 03:54 PM
Mesaj #22


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E adevarat ca NLP a fost incadrata in grupul stiintelor de frontiere sau al stiintelor periferice ... fringe sciences , dar totusi este predata intr-un numar mare de universitati smile.gif

Si ca tot veni vorba ... astazi (se pare ca) se incheie una dintre cele mai importante conferinte in domeniu . smile.gif

NLP research project launched

One of the world's first official, funded university research projects into NLP has launched with a bang at the University of Surrey.

A powerful group of about 40 NLPers - including such names as Charles Faulkner, Judith Lowe, James Lawley, Cricket Kemp, Peter McNab and Wendy Sullivan - spent a day at the University in Guildford discussing the whole issue of NLP and research.


... sau conferinta tinuta in anul 2000 in Grecia , unde s-au reunit specialisti si profesori de la mai multe universitati europene ... si nu numai.

E usor sa lipesti etichete, mai ales cind nu stii ce se afla in borcan .

Acest topic a fost editat de exergy33: 19 Nov 2006, 04:12 PM


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mesaj 19 Nov 2006, 04:03 PM
Mesaj #23


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Multumesc pentru completari, exergy33 ! smile.gif

De acum un an, cand am vorbit prima oara despre NLP se vede treaba ca tu ... ti-ai facut temele. Cine stie, poate ma si "iei" la teorie. biggrin.gif

Asadar, vorbim despre "grupa stiintelor de frontiere". smile.gif Poate de aici unele ... neclaritati.

Acest topic a fost editat de calfa: 19 Nov 2006, 04:04 PM

... incertitude in certitude ... independence in dependence ... insight in sight ...
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mesaj 19 Nov 2006, 04:08 PM
Mesaj #24


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E adevarat ca NLP a fost incadrata in grupa stiintelor de frontiere sau al stiintelor periferice ... fringe sciences , dar totusi este predata intr-un numar mare de universitati smile.gif

Pseudostiinta nu e egal cu fringe science...

Si in plus, toti oamenii din link-urile alea sunt deja NLP-isti, asa sunt si numiti din start, inainte sa se precizeze daca sunt profesori, doctori etc., asa ca ma indoiesc de obiectivitatea oricarui rezultat al cercetarii lor...

asta nu inseamna ca tot ce gasesti in NLP e rau, e de aruncat, si chiar Ovidiu a spus asta, fie aici fie pe alte forumuri ...

Daca jumatate din teoria relativitatii e gresita, teoria mai e buna la ceva?

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mesaj 19 Nov 2006, 04:14 PM
Mesaj #25


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QUOTE (Blakut @ 19 Nov 2006, 05:00 PM)
Daca jumatate din teoria relativitatii e gresita, teoria mai e buna la ceva?

Hai sa mai repet o data, poate afirmatiile mele ajung sa fie citite de participantii la discutii: "printre altele trebuie sa intelegi ca e un SET de tehnici, teorii, etc. O parte mai bune, o alta, poate, gresite. Fireste, e facil sa le tratezi ... la pachet ... si doar in alb si negru, fara nuante." smile.gif

p.s. Adica "problemele" pot fi, de exemplu, in felul cum e construit ansamblul (sau in anumite fundamente, cum banuiesc ca vrea Ovidiu sa ne semnaleze). Dar tot asa, poate ca stadiul actual al stiintelor mainstream si al tehnologiilor (suport pentru a valida sau invalida teoriile respective) nu permite inca integrarea unora dintre teoriile respective. Oricum, pe partea asta, timpul isi va face ca intotdeauna treaba. wink.gif

Pe de alta parte, practicile si succesul lor, macar partial, raman. smile.gif

p.s.2. Cati "fani" ai "etichetei" ... "pseudo-stiinta" ... la Hanu Ancutei (am gasit-o pe atatea subiecte si subforumuri ...). Si, chiar asa, in "borcane" or sti ce e ? hmm.gif

Acest topic a fost editat de calfa: 19 Nov 2006, 04:27 PM

... incertitude in certitude ... independence in dependence ... insight in sight ...
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mesaj 19 Nov 2006, 04:16 PM
Mesaj #26


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... sa nu uitam ca nici teoria relativitatii nu a avut o soarta mai buna smile.gif
In momentul cind ea se preda in America ... in universitatile europene era fie luata in deridere , fie trecuta sub tacere .


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mesaj 19 Nov 2006, 04:32 PM
Mesaj #27


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Ei, exergy, aici tu pui degetul pe o posibila rana. Istoria stiintelor, care impreuna cu filozofia si psihologia lor, ar merita studiate pentru a intelege mai bine fenomenele evolutiei stiintelor.

Si mai ajuta si cunoasterea unor aspecte din interiorul proceselor de cercetare stiintifica, de formare a carierelor stiintifice, etc.

Ca sa nu mai spun ca in ultimele decenii e important sa analizezi si de unde vin finantarile ...

Cel putin pentru stiinta din Statele Unite, merita sa va uitati de fiecare data la orice articol stiintific sa vedeti cine l-a finantat. Si sa va "notati mental" de cate ori e vreo "derivata" a ... Pentagonului.

Si unde sunt cercetari finantate ... militar, de ce am presupune ca ni se spune tot ? De ce s-ar spune ... tot ? Ma intreb si eu. smile.gif

[Later edit] Uitasem sa amintesc cat conteaza (din ce in ce mai mult) "intinderea" pe dimensiunile interdisciplinaritatilor a participantilor la procesele stiintifice si de cercetare. Din ce in ce mai putini reusesc sa tina pasul cu cunoasterea stiintifica in ansamblu ... pentru ca suprafetele care trebuie acoperite cresc. Dar las' ca ne vor ajuta calculatoarele, nu ? Sau poate ...

Asta asa, ca sa precizez macar cateva din ingredientele necesare atunci cand te apuci sa "judeci", la un fel de "tribunal ad hoc al stiintelor". biggrin.gif

Acest topic a fost editat de calfa: 19 Nov 2006, 04:40 PM

... incertitude in certitude ... independence in dependence ... insight in sight ...
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mesaj 19 Nov 2006, 05:02 PM
Mesaj #28


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De acum un an, cand am vorbit prima oara despre NLP se vede treaba ca tu ... ti-ai facut temele. Cine stie, poate ma si "iei" la teorie. 

... de felul meu sint o eleva cam sillytoare smile.gif
Am citit cite ceva si am incercat sa pun informatiile cap la coada.
Am fost sceptica , si continui sa fiu sceptica , in ce priveste NLP-ul in ansamblu . Am observat ca de multe ori la filonul lui de baza s-au alipit unele lucruri care pot fi puse sub semnul intrebarii .

Aveam un articol prin arhiva ... sper sa il gasesc ... in care se vorbea despre programarea neuro-lingvistica si capacitatea unei persoane de a face afaceri, de a negocia , de a incheia contracte comerciale favorabile , de a convinge partenerii de afaceri sa incheie un contract asa cum il doreste ea .
Asta se poate invata . Iar studentii in domeniile de profil din mai multe universitati , americane , japoneze , elvetiene ... fac cursuri si dau examene tocmai pe subiectul in cauza .
Cineva , la nivelul unei facultati sau al unui minister de invatamint superior , a considerat necesara invatarea unor astfel de tehnici .
Si dupa cum bine ai spus , finantarea vine tocmai de unde te astepti mai putin . smile.gif

Acest topic a fost editat de exergy33: 20 Nov 2006, 06:28 AM


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mesaj 19 Nov 2006, 08:23 PM
Mesaj #29


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Mesaje: 2.894
Inscris: 7 December 03
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QUOTE (calfa @ 19 Nov 2006, 05:06 PM)
QUOTE (Blakut @ 19 Nov 2006, 05:00 PM)
Daca jumatate din teoria relativitatii e gresita, teoria mai e buna la ceva?

Hai sa mai repet o data, poate afirmatiile mele ajung sa fie citite de participantii la discutii: "printre altele trebuie sa intelegi ca e un SET de tehnici, teorii, etc. O parte mai bune, o alta, poate, gresite. Fireste, e facil sa le tratezi ... la pachet ... si doar in alb si negru, fara nuante." smile.gif

p.s. Adica "problemele" pot fi, de exemplu, in felul cum e construit ansamblul (sau in anumite fundamente, cum banuiesc ca vrea Ovidiu sa ne semnaleze). Dar tot asa, poate ca stadiul actual al stiintelor mainstream si al tehnologiilor (suport pentru a valida sau invalida teoriile respective) nu permite inca integrarea unora dintre teoriile respective. Oricum, pe partea asta, timpul isi va face ca intotdeauna treaba. wink.gif

Poate ar fi trebuit sa explic, pentru cei care nu cunosc procesul prin care se impune o disciplina noua, o teorie noua, un ansamblu particular de teorii si practici (cam asta e NLP), faptul ca procesul este unul dinamic, diferit de procesele "incetinite" ale unor discipline vechi (unele de mii de ani, altele de sute de ani) cum sunt disciplinele vechi din stiintele "exacte".

Dar chiar si in "stiintele exacte" nimeni nu cere de la domeniile care acum sunt explorate, cele de granita, sa fie complet "libere de criticism". Din contra, in domeniile noi este fireasca controversa !!

Ce repede se uita istoria. biggrin.gif

p.s. Prin asta nu incerc sa apar NLP-ul, ci doar sa va propun sa incheiem aici discutia asta abstracta despre pseudo-stiinte, stiinte de granita, etc., si sa ne concentram pe ce stim in rest despre NLP, bune si rele, si ce am vrea sa stim despre NLP. smile.gif

Asadar, sunteti invitatii mei sa spuneti ce experiente aveti legate de NLP, ce detalii vi se par in neregula, ce anume suna bine si ce suna rau din teoria NLP, etc. ? thumb_yello.gif

Acest topic a fost editat de calfa: 19 Nov 2006, 08:38 PM

... incertitude in certitude ... independence in dependence ... insight in sight ...
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mesaj 20 Nov 2006, 07:00 AM
Mesaj #30


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Course Content: Week 1: The Roots of NLP: Presuppositions & Outcomes (ground rules & rules we live by, the roots of NLP, setting well-formed outcomes (POWER model), roles: explorer, guide & observer); Week 2: Observing, Interpreting & Responding to Non-verbal Communication (modalities - visual, auditory, kinaesthetic, rapport - matching, pacing & leading in different modalities); Week 3: A Model of Change & a Model of Experience (the outcomes, feedback & flexibility model, levels of experience model & its application, chunking); Week 4: Associations & their Effects (anchoring - positive & negative, guided visualisation, resource anchoring); Week 5: Experiencing Different Perspectives (changing perceptual position, association & dissociation); Week 6: Revisiting Outcomes (beliefs & the possibility of belief change, beliefs & outcomes: possibility, ability & worthiness); Week 7 Mapping Time in Space (mental rehearsal, using timelines); Week 8: Verbal & Non-verbal Cues & Filters (sensory acuity & submodalities, perceptual filters); Week 9: The Meta Model (deletion, distortion & generalisation in verbal communication, precise & imprecise language & when to challenge); Week 10 : Putting it All Together (the Milton Model, artfully vague language & when to use it, the use of metaphor, reviewing outcomes & future pacing). http://www.bath.ac.uk/lifelong-learning/pa...CN10528_B11.htm

Education (syllabus)
Santa Barbara City College Continuing Education in Psychology and Communication lists an NLP course as one of its options. [24]
Suffolk University, Boston's Spanish campus lists NLP on the syllabus for their Intensive Reading Skills course, reference ENG90 [25]
The "Attorney Communication & Persuasion Techniques" course under "ADVANCED TRIAL ADVOCACY", part of the Litigation Skills program, at the University of Houston Law Center, states "The theoretical orientation of the content material is taken mostly from the science of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). NLP is a practical system... [and] is the leading edge of communication skills training throughout industry, among professions, and within education." [26]
Fayetteville State University Department of Social Work's Master of Social Work program course "SWRK 540: Social Work Intervention with Individuals and Families" includes NLP on the syllabus [27] (DOC)
California State University lists an NLP course reference EXSP 8944 under its continuing education for Business and Management. [28]
Millersville University of Pennsylvania course WSSD 582 (Sports Psychology) states "Focuses on the latest psychological skills training techniques for both coaches and athletes. Information from the annual conference on sport psychology for coaches will be presented. The latest techniques in neuro-linguistic programming and its implications for coaches and athletes will be utilized. Students will be introduced to and learn the latest mental training techniques of Olympic and professional athletes." [29]
The Australian College of Applied Psychology runs 3 modules on NLP, leading up to "INLPTA Practitioners Certificate (International Neuro-Linguistic Programming Trainers Association). INLPTA is a unified accreditation body based on a consistency of quality in accreditation standards, professional conduct and ethical application of NLP technology." [30]
University of Surrey which runs a 3 year postgrad MSc in "Change Agent Skills & Strategies" for HR and change professionals in organisations and communities which includes: "Module 2: Individual Change and Development Methods of personal development and change, with emphasis on the understanding and experience of core processes and assumptions, types and levels of change, and issues of working with personal change in an organisational context. Specialist input is given on modalities such as: Transactional Analysis; Gestalt; Neuro-linguistic programming; Psychosynthesis and Co-counselling (others may be available)" [31] (PDF)
BirkBeck (University of London) Diploma in Applied Psychology, module 19 is listed as NLP [32]
American River College California's Management school course MGMT 332 (Team Development) "This course focuses on the extension of the basic business knowledge of teams, with a focus on practical application of the knowledge and tools of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)..." [33] (PDF)
South East Essex College, Southend UK, runs a 3 week NLP course. [34]
The University of Bradford runs Introductory & Intermediate Counselling Courses covering "Introduction to Counselling, Further Aspects of Counselling, Bereavement Counselling, Transcultural Counselling, Co-Counselling, plus related courses including Dramatherapy, Transactional Analysis, and NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming)" [35]
Fort Hays State University, Department of Sociology and Social Work (2002-5) includes NLP in its presentations to social work majors enrolled in social work practicum. This course is run by the Director of Justice Studies at the university, by his resume a highly qualified law enforcement trainer. [36]
Govenors State University, Illinois, course COUN548 (Alternate Approaches to Traditional Psychotherapy) covers "body therapy, communication therapy, Gestalt therapy, neurolinguistic programming, and psychodrama." [37]
Towson University, Maryland , course PSYC 642 (organizational behavior) lists NLP as one of the three subjects taught under Communication Effectiveness Models [38]
St Petersburg College, Florida, lists NLP under its "HUS 1920 Professional techniques for human services personnel" course syllabus. [39]
The University of New England (Australia)'s School of Education, whose senior lecturer (who is multiple-published and also a State Registered Psychologist), states on the department website that their approach: "uses techniques from Neuro-Linguistic Programming and principles developed by Colin Rose in Accelerated Learning in his approach to tertiary teaching. These methods have proved both popular and successful." [40]



Pacat ca aceasta discutie s-a marginalizat pe ideea daca NLP este stiinta sau stiinta de frontiera , sau mai rau ..pseudostiinta smile.gif
Ma asteptam ca sa se dezbata posibilitatea aplicarii ei in viata de zi cu zi , atit a individului cit si a societatii.

Stiu ca o pseudostiinta nu este acelasi lucru cu o stiinta de frontiera . smile.gif
Trebuia sa fi scris mai explicit acea fraza. smile.gif


Acest topic a fost editat de calfa: 28 Nov 2006, 10:52 AM


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mesaj 20 Nov 2006, 09:00 AM
Mesaj #31

Filosof boem

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[Editat de calfa: Mesaj care incalca mai multe puncte din Regulamentul Hanului Ancutei.]

Acest topic a fost editat de calfa: 25 Nov 2006, 04:40 PM

A nation cannot prosper for long when it favors only the prosperous - Obama
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mesaj 20 Nov 2006, 09:42 AM
Mesaj #32


Grup: Membri
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Inscris: 3 October 03
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[Editat de calfa: Mesaj care incalca mai multe puncte din Regulamentul Hanului Ancutei.]

Acest topic a fost editat de calfa: 25 Nov 2006, 04:41 PM

Azi avem.

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Cucu Mucu
mesaj 20 Nov 2006, 10:30 AM
Mesaj #33

From Cooca Macaii

Grup: Moderator
Mesaje: 7.228
Inscris: 3 March 04
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Sa inteleg ca persoanele care nu stiu vorbi nu isi pot reprezenta subconstient reallitatea? Mai degraba as spune ca utilizam senzatiile pentru a ne crea reprezentarea realitatii. For igzeampal: cuvantul "frig" pt un roman inseamna senzatia de frig, uneori. Dar pentru un japonez nu inseamna decat niste sunete alandala. Pe cand o defilare in pantaloni scurti pe o temperatura de -10 C poti fi sigur ca va reprezenta aceeasi realitate pentru orice om normal, indiferent de tara sau de cuvantul care o denumeste. Mmmpareree mea!

Acest topic a fost editat de calfa: 28 Nov 2006, 10:53 AM

Sometimes, the majority only means that all the fools are on the same side.

If you could reason with religious people there would be no religious people!
Don't pray in my school, and I won't think in your church!
Ziarul de Rimnic
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mesaj 20 Nov 2006, 11:11 AM
Mesaj #34


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.771
Inscris: 17 March 05
Din: Alba
Forumist Nr.: 5.950


Axel, ca sa nu mor eu prost, te rog sa imi enumeri citeva STIINTE psihologice care urmaresc si realizeaza dezvoltarea personala, dincolo de orice discutii. Am si scris stiinte cu majuscule, ca sa fiu bine inteles.
Ceea ce nu inteleg eu este de ce tin unii ca tine sa ne aduca neaparat "cu picioarele pe pamint" in domenii pe care ei insisi nu le cunosc. Nu mai pot oamenii vorbi despre anumite demersuri specifice de dezvoltare personala fara a fi luati in bascalie de pretinsi cunoscatori a tuturor lucruriror si bine infipti in realitate.
O sa fac intr-o zi, cind o sa am timp, un pic de "psihanaliza" gen Bachelard a acestei nevoi de a limita unde limitele sunt neclare.

Pina cind psihologia si dezvoltarea personala vor deveni stiinte dincolo de orice dubiu, lasati oamenii sa vorbeasca. Schimbul de experienta e cel mai important lucru pe care trebuie sa il facem noi oamenii. Doar astfel putem invata unii de la altii.

Revenind ontopic, nu m-am convins inca cit de bine cunosc NPL cei care o neglijeaza. Chiar si faptul ca te face constient despre unele subtilitati ale functionarii personalitatii ar trebui sa fie suficient ca sa invatam ceva din PNL thumb_yello.gif .

Acest topic a fost editat de calfa: 28 Nov 2006, 10:53 AM

Iubim pe altii atit cit suntem capabili sa suferim neplaceri de la ei fara sa ne suparam. Carti utile
Pledoarie pentru o noua educatie - www.neweducation.ro. Argumente pentru schimbare, repere pentru dezvoltarea personala, bazele pentru parinti si profesori! Educatie video gratuita pt. parinti online!
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mesaj 20 Nov 2006, 11:43 AM
Mesaj #35


Grup: Moderator
Mesaje: 2.894
Inscris: 7 December 03
Forumist Nr.: 1.410

Ia sa vedem ce spune tot Wikipedia in articolul ... List of studies on Neuro-linguistic programming (lista studiilor privind NLP):

List of studies

It is important to recognize, that research -- both scientific and within NLP -- is susceptible to a variety of experimental errors. Readers should be aware of this if relying upon any given report, and confirm for themselves whether those concerned have taken adequate measures to control for known sources of error.

Generally supportive (adica studii care arata ca NLP are rezultate bune)

Allergy cure Swack (1992) trialled the NLP "10 minute allergy cure" on a small group of 10 individuals, both in isolation and with full NLP followup in the case of failure. The initial results were 70% (7) success with 30% (3) relapse over time; of the 3 however, 2 fully recovered when other NLP techniques such as Timeline and V/K dissociation were also allowed to be used.[1]

Allegies (athsma) Lund and Lund (1994) tested NLP on asthmatics, finding that whereas a control gropup deteriorated predictably, the NLP group gained a significant reversal of their deterioration, as measured by lung capacity. Unstable lung function measurements fell to under 10% in the NLP group, and sleep disorders and use of inhalers and acute medication both fell to zero in the NLP group. (reported at Danish Society of Allergology Conference 1994, and European Respiratory Society Conference 1994)[2]

Anchoring and state change Brandis (1986) found that success at self-anchoring, when utilized, was "strongly related" to changes in the individuals' parental anger responses[3]

Anxiety and one-session anchoring Reckert (1994) studied one-session anchoring as a way to treat test anxiety, with "positive results"[4]

Anxiety and control Konefal (1992) found that "[r]esults confirm the effectiveness of neurolinguistic programming in lowering trait anxiety and increasing the sense of internal control"[5]

Child development and home environment Miranda Paula & Palma (1999) examined in clinical trials whether NLP could help children and parents in shanty towns. They used an NLP intervention program over 15 sessions (approx 10 helped with NLP, 27 control), measuring children’s psychomotor development, home environment and maternal mental health before and after. They concluded "There was a trend that indicated positive effects on the home environment" (reported in Sao Paulo Medical Journal)[6]

Information gathering in the profoundly deaf Davis (1984) found that "[NLP]'s structure, terminology, and sound theoretical principles resulted in gathering valuable process information" when counselling prelingually deaf adults[7]

Lessons from 9/11 Acosta & Levenson (2002) reviewing the "lessons from ground zero" for emergency mental health and trauma response in the wake of 9/11, stated that "The suggested interventions are based on the theory and clinical practice of Emergency Medical Hypnosis, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and Ericksonian Psychotherapy."[8]

Meta-model violations and dysfunctional families Macroy (1978) found that more dysfunctional families "substantially" correlated with meta-model violations, and concluded that "challenging metamodel patterns is an important way to enhance the ability to achieve satisfaction socially"[9]

Meta-programs and exam results Brown& Graff (2004) found "[s]ignificant correlations between meta programme patterns and the students’ assessment performance" and that specific NLP meta-programs identified tended to also correlate with good or poor performance in specific subjects.[10]

Milton model elicits ideomotor responses under general anaesthesia Cheek (1981) demonstrated that NLP Milton Model language use is capable of reaching and influencing the unconscious mind, by inducing 3000 patients to respond with formal yes/no hand signals to questions, whilst fully anaesthetized.[11]

Milton model and rapport Forster Jansen Margenrot Unterberger (1993) investigated the conditions which are decisive for rapport and concluded that the NLP Milton Model was "very helpful"[12]

Mirroring and empathy Sandhu Reeves Portes (1993) found that NLP mirroring, when done effectively, had "significant effect" on client measurement of empathy in a cross-cultural counselling scenario[13]

Modeling in education Trevor Day (2005, PhD project) states "Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is becoming increasingly influential in classroom practice (e.g. Ginnis, 2002)" and reports "early success using NLP modelling with sixth form students" (presented at British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference at the University of Glamorgan)[14]

NLP as a general client tool Weerth (1992) tested 29 people who were trained in general non-specific use of submodalities, finding that numerous direct effects were reported, spontaneous long term "emotion relevant" use was occurring, and that "successful uses of the trained methods could be assessed in around 66% of the participants" in everyday life. A six-month followup confirmed durability of changes.[15]

NLP-trained observers and eye movement existence and detection Buckner (1987) found that "coefficients of agreement (Cohen's K) between participants' self-reports and trained observers' records indicate support for the visual (K=.81, p<.001) and auditory (K=.65, p<.001) portions of the model", and that "interrater agreement (K=.82) supports the NLP claim that specific eye movement patterns exist and that trained observers can reliably identify them"[16]

NLP-trained observers and memory retention Janvier & Ghaoui (2004) noted that "The trained observer can consciously note these [body languages] and use the information gained to interact using Neuro-linguistic programming language" citing Craft, 2001; Janvier & Ghaoui, 2003b; Sadowski & Stanney, 1999; and Slater et al., 1994, and "[significant indication] that using [NLP] in Human-Computer Interaction does indeed improve memory retention by some 15% (p=.0001)"[17]

Predicate matching and empathy Asbell (1983) found that predicate matching was perceived as the "most helpful" of 4 strategies and gave higher ratings for counsellor empathy.[18]

Predicate matching and eye movements Baddeley (1991) found positive correlation between predicates and certain predicted eye movements[19]

Response prediction in virtual realities Steed, Slater and Usoh (undated) found that when working with virtual reality systems (eg architects walk-through), a traditional model of presence purely in terms of exogenous factors was unsuccessful, but "[a] tentative model based on the endogenous factors of the subject using Neuro-Linguistic Programming did however provide a good prediction of a person's reported sense of presence"[20]

Serious chronic conditions Unterberger Ulbrich (1998) found that when NLP was used to treat serious chronic conditions in clinical trials, comprising 12 hours over 3 weeks, they "prove to be quite successful procedures" and "significant results show up", noting that "the participators in the training judge the success of their rehabilitation measures throughout more positively than the members of the control's group".[21]

Severe DSM conditions Genser-Medlitsch & Schütz (1997) tested the effects of NLP master practitioners working on 55 clients with severe DSM conditions (schizo-affective, psychosis, psychosomatic, depression, dependency, etc), many on psychiatric drugs. The control group of 60 had milder symptoms. After treatment of the NLP group, 2% felt no different, 98% felt better or much better, none felt worse (control group: 48% no different, 36% better, 15% worse). After therapy, the clients who received NLP scored higher in their perception of themselves as in control of their lives (with a difference at 10% significance level), reduced their use of drugs, used more successful coping methods, and reduced symptoms such as anxiety, aggression, paranoid thinking, social insecurity, compulsive behaviours, and depression. Positive changes in 25 of 33 symptom areas (76%) occurred as a result of NLP, positive changes in 3 areas occurred in both NLP and control groups. The researchers concluded "It could be established that, in principle, NLP is effective in accordance with the therapeutic objective." (Genser-Medlitsch & Schütz, 1997, Does Neuro-Linguistic psychotherapy have effect?)[22]

Social work Frank (1997, Germany) investigated NLP in social work, finding "enormous changes" and that "very many of the people indicated that they could increase their adaptability, feel technically more competent and make a more intensive self reflection", summarizing that it had "fallen out very positively"[23]

Spelling strategies Loiselle (1985, University of Moncton, New Brunswick) tested various spelling strategies and found: control=no change, "visualize"=10% better, "visualize up/right" (ie NLP Visual) = 20-25% better, "visualize down/left" (ie NLP Kinesthetic)=15% worse.[24]

Spelling strategies Almost identical results were obtained by Malloy (1989) - the NLP spelling strategy produced a 25% improvement in spelling ability (and 100% retention) compared to no change in a control group but that spellers told to visualize in what NLP claims is a Kinesthetic manner (down/left) were scored around 10% worse.[25]
Swish and nailbiting Wilhelm (1991, Germany) tested the "swish" pattern for nail-biting, finding "significant variations of the nailbiting" and that results were stable up until followup[26]

Trance depth and sensory system matching Yappo (1981) found that when subjects were put in trance using a variety of inductions in different sensory systems, and EMG (electromyograph) and self-assessment were used to measure effects of predicate matching, both measures showed that deeper trance was induced when the preferred sensory system was used[27]
V/K (phobia) Einspruch (1988) found "marked improvement" over an 8 week period in a test of 31 patients who undertook NLP phobia treatment[28]

V/K (rape trauma) Koziey and McLeod (1987) found that the NLP V/K technique produced a "positive reduction in anxiety in teenage rape [trauma]"[29]

V/K (DSM criteria trauma) Muss (1991) examined the impact of NLP V/K technique on 19 insurer-referred police officers who met DSM-III post-traumatic stress disorder criteria, following up at 3-24 months. Most stated it had greatly helped, in long term followup 100% of those reached confirmed freedom from recurrance.[30]

V/K (trauma) Dietrich (2000, "traumatology") reviewed NLP V/K dissociation trials, and concluded that NLP was "promising" and that "intrusive symptoms, avoidance behaviors, and interpersonal and occupational functioning improved for many of the participants in the studies reviewed"[31]

Generally dismissive (adica studii care arata ca NLP are rezultate proaste sau nu are rezultate)

Mixed or indeterminate findings

Predicate matching Heap (1988) found that findings were "on the whole" negative, but also that "a number of positive outcomes" were reported. He interprets this to mean that there was an effect but it was perhaps more general than expected, noting that this would agree with expectations of NLP writers and also other findings that "with increasing familiarity, client and counsellor tend to converge in their usage of certain linguistic structure".[32]

Weight loss Bott (1995) found that NLP gave "partially positive effects" for treating psychogenic weight loss. Unclear if there was a control group.[33]

Management learning Dowlen (1996) performed own research and also reviewed the existing research, to examine whether NLP was "help or hype" in management training. He concluded that:
"NLP techniques using language patterns and questioning techniques appear to be of use... existing research evidence is limited and inconclusive... NLP is enthusiastically supported by those who practise it, and that is both its strength and potential weakness."[34]

Meta-studies and similar commentaries on research

Sharpley (1984) performed a metastudy of 15 studies seeking to test for a 'preferred representation system.' He concluded strongly that there was "little supportive evidence and a large amount of data opposing the validity of the concept." The concept of a PRS was (whether earlier or later than this) dropped within NLP.

Einspruch & Forman (1985), responding to Sharpley, criticized all 39 studies to that date (including all 15 of Sharpleys') for serious errors, and concluded that as a result it was "not possible at this time to determine the validity of either NLP concepts or whether NLP-based therapeutic procedures are effective": [35]

"There is a growing body of empirical literature on Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). A review of this literature by Sharpley (1984) failed to consider a number of methodological errors. In the present article the authors identify six categories of design and methodological errors contained in [empirical studies] through April 1984. These categories include (a) lack of understanding of the concepts of pattern recognition and inadequate control of context; (b) unfamiliarity with NLP as an approach to therapy; © lack of familiarity with the NLP "Meta-Model" of linguistic communication; (d) failure to consider the role of stimulus-response associations; (e) inadequate interviewer training and definitions of rapport; and, (f) logical mistakes. ... Suggestions are offered for improving the quality of research on NLP."

Some of these criticisms were later challenged or rebutted by Sharpley, but the majority of them are, in general, accepted.
Sharpley published a follow-up review (1987):[36]
"There are conclusive data from the research on NLP, and the conclusion is that the principles and procedures suggested by NLP have failed to be supported by those data. Perhaps NLP principles are not amenable to research evaluation. This does not necessarily reduce NLP to worthlessness for counseling practice. Rather, it puts NLP in the same category as psychoanalysis, that is, with principles not easily demonstrated in laboratory settings but, nevertheless, strongly supported by clinicians in the field." [37]

Heap says of his own research into matching predicates (1988) that:
"Einsprech and Forman are probably correct in insisting that the effectiveness of NLP therapy undertaken in authentic clinical contexts of trained practitioners has not yet been properly investigated." [6]

Druckman (1988) reports that anecdotal evidence on NLP is broadly credible and positive, but that most attempted studies are heavily flawed, such as (a) equating subjective empathy with clinical effectiveness, (b) studying NLP as a theory, rather than as an influencing technique pitted against existing influencing techniques, © Attempting to replicate findings of NLP using subjects, observers, or experimental designers who lack NLP training, and (d) lack of studies on NLP as a trainer modeling system. He concludes that as a result of the study flaws, and despite the anecdotal support:[38]
"Ignoring where the burden of proof lies, the fact remains that the experimental evidence fails to provide support for NLP... Overall, there is little or no empirical evidence to date to support either NLP assumptions or NLP effectiveness."

Platt (2001) observed that whilst studies evaluating specific NLP points such as predicates, representation systems and eye movements tended to give positive results only around 15-35% of the time, when he examined studies of the effects of NLP applied in its complete context, in this case phobia cures, "56% found positive evidence to support NLP's effectiveness."

Findings within neuroscience and cognitive science
NLP and neurotransmitter/neurological activity Baxter (1994) found that NLP reframing used to treat obsessive compulsive disorder in place of Prozac resulted in the same raised serotonin levels and reduced caudate nucleus activity as control subjects who took medication (as measured by Positron Emission Tomography scans of the brain)[39]

Submodalities and sensory perception Visual submodalities have been shown to affect kinesthetic states, for example room color has an effect on temperature perception (Berry, Journal of Applied Psychology 45/4) and packaging color changes the effectiveness of the placebo effect (Buckalew and Ross, 1981)[40]

Sper ca in felul asta cei care doreau sa afle ca exista studii, si ca destule dintre ele prezinta NPL ca avand succese, sa fie impacati. smile.gif

Va rog ca de acum sa ne concentram mai mult pe elemente concrete ! smile.gif Bune sau rele nu conteaza. Important este sa NU existe o atitudine rauvoitoare fata de subiect, initiatorii si suporterii lui, subforumul Psihologie, etc.

mariusc2, tu spui ...
Sa inteleg ca persoanele care nu stiu vorbi nu isi pot reprezenta subconstient reallitatea? Mai degraba as spune ca utilizam senzatiile pentru a ne crea reprezentarea realitatii. For igzeampal: cuvantul "frig" pt un roman inseamna senzatia de frig, uneori. Dar pentru un japonez nu inseamna decat niste sunete alandala. Pe cand o defilare in pantaloni scurti pe o temperatura de -10 C poti fi sigur ca va reprezenta aceeasi realitate pentru orice om normal, indiferent de tara sau de cuvantul care o denumeste. Mmmpareree mea!

Ca raspuns la afirmatia lui Fantasee ...
Premiza de bază a NLP este faptul că utilizăm cuvintele şi frazele pentru a ne crea o reprezentare internă, subconştientă, a realităţii.

A spus Fantasee ca ... "persoanele care nu stiu vorbi nu isi pot reprezenta subconstient reallitatea?" smile.gif

De fapt, oricine isi reprezinta realitatea cumva, DAR persoanele care pot vorbi o fac SI prin cuvinte.

Spui tu ... "Mai degraba as spune ca utilizam senzatiile pentru a ne crea reprezentarea realitatii. ". Cred ca ai dreptate cand spui "utilizam senzatiile pentru a ne crea reprezentarea realitatii. " dar eu as completa ca asta fac si animalele, dar ca pe langa a utiliza senzatiile, noi OAMENII, "utilizăm cuvintele şi frazele pentru a ne crea o reprezentare internă, subconştientă, a realităţii. smile.gif

Asadar, aveti fiecare partea proprie de dreptate, cu observatia ca Fantasee nu a fost poate destul de precisa, pentru a evita astfel de interpretari, iar tu ai adus completarea necesara ! thumb_yello.gif

Acest topic a fost editat de calfa: 25 Nov 2006, 04:46 PM

... incertitude in certitude ... independence in dependence ... insight in sight ...
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