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Nu Exista Copii "prosti" Sau Copii "destepti" |
2 Sep 2009, 09:15 AM
Domnitor Grup: Membri Mesaje: 1.196 Inscris: 31 January 04 Din: ae Forumist Nr.: 2.045 |
QUOTE Frankfurt, Illinois "I had a rich personal inquiry going on in many things.School was for me a tedious interruption of my otherwise interesting life." Yelm, Washington "My passion is that my daughter be allowed to grow up being completely who she is. Right now she is a happy, enthusiastic, self-taught child of eight and a half. She taught herself to read at four, reads everything.School to me has always felt sick at the core of its concept." Madison, Wisconsin "I’m desperate what to do. Three bright and lively children but everyday I see a closing down of enthusiasm as they grind their way through a predetermined school program."Reno, Nevada "My wife and I came to the end of the rope with public education four years ago. I was tired of seeing my once happy child constantly in tears." Santa Barbara, California "I just took my eight-year-old daughter from school.Bit by bit she was becoming silent, even fearful. From her anxiety to reach the school bus on time to the times she was visibly shaken from criticism of her homework. Day by day she was changing for the worse. But the absolute end was the destructive effect the culture of school childrens values had on her behavior. Now she laughs again. I have my laughing girl back." Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania "School started to destroy my family by dividing us from one another instead of joining us. It created separatism among the kids,among the classes, among ages, among parents and children. After I took my second grader from school she began to blossom. She loves her time now, the time is the gift." Huntersville, North Carolina "I defined myself as a child by my accomplishments at school just as I had been taught to. I was a National Merit Scholar and a Presidential Scholar but I couldn’t even make it through two years of college because my own authoritarian schooling had left me completely unprepared to make my own decisions." St. Louis, Missouri "Mr. Gatto, you are describing my daughter when you name the pathological symptoms our children display as a result of their schooling. And you are describing me—which pains me almost unbearably to recognize and admit." Haverhill, Massachusetts "I have no certificates of great accomplishment, no titles, no diploma except a high school one, no degree except when I have a fever. Yet I do have experience gained while raising three daughters. I’d like to paint a picture for you. I had to take my daughter out of kindergarten after five weeks. This happy, self-regulating child I was raising showed great signs of stress in that short of a time. I remembered the rebellion of my two angry teenagers, suddenly made the connection, and took her from school. And so the last girl I raised as a free child. There have been no signs of anger or rebellion since then. That was seventeen years ago QUOTE Solve this problem and school will heal itself: children know that schooling is not fair, not honest,not driven by integrity. They know they are devalued in classes and grades, that the institution is indifferent to them as individuals. The rhetoric of caring contradicts what school procedure and content say, that many children have no tolerable future and most have a sharply proscribed one.The problem is structural. School has been built to serve a society of associations: corporations,institutions, and agencies. Kids know this instinctively. How should they feel about it? How should we ? QUOTE As soon as you break free of the orbit of received wisdom you have little trouble figuring out why, in the nature of things, government schools and those private schools which imitate the government model have to make most children dumb, allowing only a few to escape the trap. The problem stems from the structure of our economy and social organization. When you start with such pyramid-shaped givens and then ask yourself what kind of schooling they would require to maintain themselves, any mystery dissipates—these things are inhuman conspiracies all right, but not conspiracies of people against people, although circumstances make them appear so. School is a conflict pitting the needs of social machinery against the needs of the human spirit. It is a war of mechanism against flesh and blood, self-maintaining social mechanisms that only require human architects to get launched. I’ll bring this down to earth. Try to see that an intricately subordinated industrial/commercial system has only limited use for hundreds of millions of self-reliant, resourceful readers and critical thinkers. In an egalitarian, entrepreneurially based economy of confederated families like the one the Amish have or the Mondragon folk in the Basque region of Spain, any number of self-reliant people can be accommodated usefully, but not in a concentrated command-type economy like our own. Where on earth would they fit? In a great fanfare of moral fervor some years back, the Ford Motor Company opened the world’s most productive auto engine plant in Chihuahua, Mexico. It insisted on hiring employees with 50 percent more school training than the Mexican norm of six years, but as time passed Ford removed its requirements and began to hire school dropouts,training them quite well in four to twelve weeks. The hype that education is essential to robot-like work was quietly abandoned. "Rezolva aceasta problema si scoala se va vindeca singura: copii stiu ca scoala nu este dreapta, cinstita, nu pune valoare pe integritate. Stiu ca sunt redusi prin ore si note, ca institutia e indiferenta fata de ei ca indivizi. Retorica "imi pasa" contrazice procedura si continutul scolii care spune ca multi copii au un viitor sumbru si cei mai multi au unul deja prescris. Problema e una structurala. Scoara a fost construita sa serveasca o societate de corporatii, institutii si agentii. Copii stiu asta instictiv. Cum ar trebui sa vada treaba asta ? Dar noi ?" Nici nu stiu ce sa spun aici. Cititi daca sunteti interesati. De ce nu e scoala "dreapta" ? Pentru ca le spune clar :"Va conformati la model sau muriti (sau aveti un viitor sumbru). Si chiar daca va conformati, oricum 80% din voi o sa fiti sclavii altora. Uitati toate prostiile cu cooperare, prietenie, altruism. Nu ajutati pe nimeni, maine va poate lua slujba." Ce valori mai poate scoala sa ii invete pe copii ? Cum mai indrazneste sa spuna ca ii invata ceva ? Ne bucuram ca toti copii sunt "educati" spre deosebire de evul mediu. De fapt toti copii sunt prostiti, facuti sa creada ca sunt prosti. Nu exista "prosti". QUOTE Mass dumbness is vital to modem society. The dumb person is wonderfully flexible clay for psychological shaping by market research, government policymakers; public-opinion leaders, and any other interest group. The more pre-thought thoughts a person has memorized, the easier it is to predict what choices he or she will make. What dumb people cannot do is think for themselves or ever be alone for very long without feeling crazy. That is the whole point of national forced schooling; we aren't supposed to be able to think for ourselves because independent thinking gets in the way of "professional" think-ing, which is believed to follow rules of scientific precision. Modern scientific stupidity masquerades as intellectual knowledge - which it is not. Real knowledge has to be earned by hard and painful thinking; it can't be generated in group discussions or group therapies but only in lonely sessions with yourself. Real knowledge is earned only by ceaseless questioning of yourself and others, and by the labor of independent verification; you can't buy it from a government agent, a social worker, a psychologist, a licensed specialist, or a schoolteacher. There isn't a public school in this country set up to allow the discovery of real knowledge - not even the best ones - although here and there individual teachers, like guerrilla fighters, sabotage the system and work toward this ideal. But since schools are set up to classify people rather than to see them as unique, even the best schoolteachers are strictly limited in the amount of questioning they can tolerate. QUOTE The new dumbness is particularly deadly to middle and upper-middle-class people, who have already been made shallow by the multiple requirements to conform. Too many people, uneasily convinced that they must know something because of a degree, diploma, or license, remain so convinced until a brutal divorce, alienation from their children, loss of employment, or periodic fits of meaninglessness manage to tip the precarious mental balance of their incomplete humanity, their stillborn adult lives. Listen to William Harris again, the dark genius of American schooling, the man who gave you scientifically age-graded classrooms: The great purposes of school can be realized better in dark, airless, ugly places than in beautiful halls. It is to master the physical self, to transcend the beauty of nature. School should develop the power to withdraw from the external world. Harris thought, a hundred years ago, that self-alienation was the key to a successful society. Filling the young mind with the thoughts of others and surrounding it with ugliness - that was the passport to self-alienation. Who can say that he was wrong? Si ce e mai important. Unde se duc 12 ani din viata copiilor. La capatul carora oricum cei mai multi (rezistenti la indoctrinare - nu exista copii lenesi, doar copii plictisiti de moarte) sunt buni doar sa mature strada. Poate stiu sa citeasca si sa numere ! Vedeti aici, 13 luni : I want to give you a yardstick, a gold standard, by which to measure good schooling. The Shelter Institute in Bath, Maine will teach you how to build a three thousand square-foot, multi-level Cape Cod home in three weeks' time, whatever your age. If you stay another week, it will show you how to make your own posts and beams; you'll actually cut them out and set them up. You'll learn wiring, plumbing, insulation, the works. Twenty thousand people have learned how to build a house there for about the cost of one month's tuition in public school. (Call Patsy Hennon at 207/442-7938, and she'll get you started on building your own home.) For just about the same money you can walk down the street in Bath to the Apprentice Shop at the Maine Maritime Museum [now in Rockport - ed.] and sign on for a one-year course (no vacations, forty hours a week) in traditional wooden boat building. The whole tuition is eight hundred dollars, but there's a catch: they won't accept you as a student until you volunteer for two weeks, so they can get to know you and you can judge what it is you're getting into. Now you've invested thirteen months and fifteen hundred dollars and you have a house and a boat. What else would you like to know? How to grow food, make clothes, repair a car, build furni-ture, sing? Mai era o poveste cu niste copii de 11-12 ani, care in vreo 3 luni de invatatura special pentru un anumit lucru- fara alte materii, deja invatasera toata matematica de liceu. Fara 40 de minute romana, 40 de minute sport, 40 de minute cealalta, si obtii o varza in 12 ani. Obtii nimic. Modelarea copilului sa asculte - pentru viata de sclav, sclavi de care are nevoie societatea + sa scrie si sa citeasca. Desigur si plictisirea lui de moarte. Vedeti primele citate de la inceputul postului. Daca odata ii placea sa citeasca, poti fi sigur ca a pierdut imediat gustul cand a fost fortat sa citeasca ce nu il interesa. Eu stiu ca asa eram : citeam o gramada, uram insa "limba romana" si orice prostie de "citire" ne era data la scoala. Ca rezultat aveam note mici. Sistemul m-a judecat. Sunt inutil. Bun sa matur strada poate. Acest topic a fost editat de jet li: 2 Sep 2009, 10:20 AM -------------------- |
2 Sep 2009, 12:28 PM
Haiduc Grup: Musterii Mesaje: 53 Inscris: 17 August 09 Din: RFG, HH Forumist Nr.: 14.625 |
Cat timp unii aleg sa devina vanzatori la Mac, altii soferi de tir, altii chirurgi si altii astronomi, care e problema? Urmand aceeasi scoala unii au tintit mai sus si altii mai jos, dupa posibilitatile intelectuale si financiare.
-------------------- "Gandalf, my old friend, this will be a night to remember. "
2 Sep 2009, 12:29 PM
Domnitor Grup: Membri Mesaje: 1.196 Inscris: 31 January 04 Din: ae Forumist Nr.: 2.045 |
Aleg ?
Vezi mai sus, in 3 luni firma aia te invata sa construiesti o casa. 3 luni. Ce fac copii 12 ani ? Ce stiu dupa aia ? Chiar si aia de 10 ? Ai auzit de ala de a inconjurat lumea la 16 ani, pe o barca cu vele ? Crezi ca e unic ? Da fiecarui copil o barca cu vele - de cand e mic. Sa se dea cu ea pe lac la inceput. La 16 ani toti o sa inconjoare lumea. Nimic. Sunt plictisiti total. Nu li se da mana libera cu nimic. Nu li se incredinteaza nimic. Numai astfel isi formeaza increderea in sine. Copiilor le place sa imite adultii. Dar nu sunt lasati. Sunt bagati in scoala unde sunt masurati dupa niste lucruri inutile si plictisitoare. Normal ca dupa aia "aleg" sa ia note proaste. ------ "To most of the roles society offers, I say, "You are made for more than that." We inhabit, in the words of Ivan Illich, "a world into which nobody fits who has not been crushed and molded by sixteen years of formal education." The very idea of having to be at a job "on time" was appalling to early industrial laborers, who also refused the numbing repetitiveness of industrial work until the specter of starvation compelled them. What truly self-respecting person would spend a life marketing soda pop or chewing gum unless they were somehow broken by repeated threats to survival? " --------- "Not only does school prepare us to submit to the trivialized, demeaning, dull, and unfulfilling jobs that dominate our economy to the present time, not only does it prepare us to be modern producers, it equally prepares us to be modern consumers. Consider Gatto's description: Schools train individuals to respond as a mass. Boys and girls are drilled in being bored, frightened, envious, emotionally needy, generally incomplete. A successful mass production economy requires such a clientele. A small business, small farm economy like that of the Amish requires individual competence, thoughtfulness, compassion, and universal participation; our own requires a managed mass of leveled, spiritless, anxious, familyless, friendless, godless, and obedient people who believe the difference between "Cheers" and "Seinfeld" is worth arguing about." ------------ "They know that there is a way the world is supposed to be, and a magnificent role for themselves in that more beautiful world. Broken to the lesser lives we offer them, they react with hostility, rage, cynicism, depression, escapism, or self-destruction—all the defining qualities of modern adolescence. Then we blame them for not bringing these qualities under control, and when they finally have given up their idealism we call them mature. Having given up their idealism, they can get on with the business of survival: practicality and security, comfort and safety, which is what we are left with in the absence of purpose. So we suggest they major in something practical, stay out of trouble, don't take risks, build a résumé. We think we are practical and wise in the ways of the world. Really we are just broken and afraid. We are afraid on their behalf, and, less nobly, we are afraid of what their idealism shows us: the plunder and betrayal of our own youthful possibilities." Acest topic a fost editat de jet li: 2 Sep 2009, 12:35 PM -------------------- |
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