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> Dincolo de Ratiune

Ideea acestui forum nu este de a starni polemici intre cei ce cred si cei ce nu cred in astre, in Dumnezeu, in terapii naturiste, in miracole sau in ghicitul in palma. Pragul acestui forum poate fi pasit de oricine, fara nici o exceptie, dar cei care nu sunt de acord cu ideile sau marturisirile celor care posteaza aici, sunt rugati sa se abtina in a face comentarii malitioase, sau contradictorii. Aici ne dorim sa avem coltisorul lipsit de orice stres, iar scopul real ar fi acela de a-i ajuta pe cei din jurul nostru sa se simta bine, ba chiar sa gaseasca solutii catre iesirea din situatii disperate - de ce nu?

> Animale Fantastice, yeti, sirene, etc.
Inceputul Vietii
mesaj 8 May 2004, 09:06 PM
Mesaj #1


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 108
Inscris: 29 April 04
Din: Romania
Forumist Nr.: 3.301

Iata alte cateva mistere. Cred ca e destul de pune pus la "Dincolo de ratiune".

-) Alma, oamenii parosi de desert, pomeniti si de mongoli
-) Agogve, omuletii padurilor din Kenia, Uganda, Mozambic
-) Mau, omuletii zapezilor din muntii Keniei
-) Yeti, omul zapezilor
-) Nandi-Bear (cinisetul, ursul bado-kidogo) din Africa
-) Nunda, o pisica cat un cal, Cenusie, langa lacul Tanganika
-) Mokele-Mbembe, un sauropod in viata?
-) El-Chupacabra
-) Sarpele de mare, sepiile uriase
-) Sirenele... (Ilkai sau Ri, oamenii marilor)
-) Unicornii (inorogii) [sa fim seriosi, un unicorn si un rinocer nu seamana oricat te-ai stradui], pasarile rock, harpiile, himerele, grifonii?...

E ciudat ca majoritatea se gasesc In Africa, dar padurile nu sunt chiar atat de usor de observat...

Ce sa spun, eu cred ca macar unul din cele de mai sus EXISTA si asteapta sa fie descoperite.
Sunteti de acord? Scrieti aici.
Nu sunteti de acord? Scrieti aici.

Nu ne trebuie dispute, doar pareri. Nici unul din noi nu poate dovedi 100% ca are dreptate. Chiar si un site respectat poate fi o mare tzeapa (sau sunt eu paranoia?).

Acest topic a fost editat de Inceputul Vietii: 8 May 2004, 09:10 PM



Sunt un OM viu.
Nimic din ce-i omenesc nu-mi este strain.
Abia am timp sa ma mir ca exist,
dar ma bucur totdeauna ca sunt. -N.Stanescu

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mesaj 12 May 2004, 12:47 AM
Mesaj #2


Grup: Musterii
Mesaje: 54
Inscris: 11 May 04
Din: Arad
Forumist Nr.: 3.460

Vad ca esti destul de documentat, dar l-ai uitat pe cel mai celebru Nessie. biggrin.gif

De la sublim la ridicol nu este decât un pas. (Napoleon)
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mesaj 12 May 2004, 11:56 AM
Mesaj #3


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 890
Inscris: 5 May 04
Din: Bucuresti
Forumist Nr.: 3.372

Inceputule... nu prea ai succes din cate vad eu... Subiectul pe care l-ai lansat este intr-adevar unul extrem de interesant... Din pacate deocamdata doar pentru mine si pentru pustiul dinaintea mea (the kid).
Ok... poate ne-am uitat prea mult la televizor, poate am citit prea multe carti SF, dar un lucru e sigur. Se intampla in lume lucruru pe care nu noi, le facem. Si cand zic noi, ma refer la tine, la mine, la the kid, la saldora (cu care intru mai mereu in conflict), la Ovidiu Bufnila, la ghitza la ilie la ion la noi, astia, oamenii, cum se spune... Exista tot mai multe marturii despre chiar banalii de acum extraterestri, omuleti verzi, mici si parosi, sau popoare ale caror mitologii sustin ca viata vine de undeva de sus, de la oameni inalti cu pielea solzoasa, ca mai apoi sa vedem in picturi mai vechi diavolul la Ispita din Rai infatisat ca o reptila cu chip uman. Nu vom uita nici sirenele, si fara indoiala ca nu vom uita nici mitologiile africane,dupa cum ai spus.Pacat ca nu vin mai multi vizitatori.Era un subiect bun... sad.gif cry.gif
Dar e bine ca ai avut curajul. thumb_yello.gif

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Promo Contextual
mesaj 12 May 2004, 11:56 AM
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mesaj 12 May 2004, 12:00 PM
Mesaj #4


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 890
Inscris: 5 May 04
Din: Bucuresti
Forumist Nr.: 3.372

Si stii ceva...in cinstea ta propun un toast.Orice toast.
user posted image
Sper sa mearga imagine ca de obicei astea inserate nu merg.

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mesaj 12 May 2004, 12:05 PM
Mesaj #5


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 890
Inscris: 5 May 04
Din: Bucuresti
Forumist Nr.: 3.372

Si stii mai ce?Propun o sirena.Uite-o. ohmy.gif
user posted image

Mai bagati mai oameni buni poze care sfideaza realitatea (care sa aiba totusi legatura cu tema) ca sa-l incurajam. clapping.gif

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mesaj 12 May 2004, 01:38 PM
Mesaj #6


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 1.182
Inscris: 9 May 04
Forumist Nr.: 3.435

Cele mai fantastice animale sunt ... cele pe cale de disparitie.

Spunea cineva ca nu sunt cu nimic mai prejos balenele decat
dinozaurii, ba dimpotriva. Sunt la fel de marete, dar mai gratioase
si mai inteligente. Insa nu au avut parte de reclama celor dintai.

Oare trebuie sa dispara de tot pentru a atrage atentia ?!

Un subiect de gandire, din partea unui animal fantastic.':thumb:'



A mai venit si-un inorog straveziu foarte speriat, foarte livid. Locuia intr-un viitor aramiu cu vedere la vid.
Nichita Stanescu
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mesaj 12 May 2004, 09:47 PM
Mesaj #7


Grup: Musterii
Mesaje: 54
Inscris: 11 May 04
Din: Arad
Forumist Nr.: 3.460

Cred totusi ca la ora actuala cea mai plauzibila existenta ar fi Yeti. Despre restul nu stiu ce sa zic. Ar mai fi Nessie (monstrul din Loch Ness), desi lacul ala mi se pare un habitat cam mic pt el. Se stie ca animalele s-au adaptat in functie de mediu tot timpul.De ex. pe teritoriul tarii noastre in perioada dinozaurilor era o mare, iar in zona Hategului era o insula pe care traiau niste dinozauri destul de mici. Erau mici din cauza ca traiau pe insula (in general anim. de pe insule sunt destul de mici vezi Australia). Daca unii dintre acesti monstrii chiar ar trai, cu ce se hranesc, cum traiesc, de ce nu s-au adaptat la conditiile de mediu actual ca si restul animalelor?
Stim ca din perioada aia au mai ramas: crocodilii, rechinii, testoasa, varanul (Dragonul de Komodo) si ceva specii de pesti ce traiesc la o adancime f. mare.
Inorogi, balauri si alte genuri eu cred ca sunt pure fantezii smile.gif.

De la sublim la ridicol nu este decât un pas. (Napoleon)
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Inceputul Vietii
mesaj 13 May 2004, 08:52 AM
Mesaj #8


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 108
Inscris: 29 April 04
Din: Romania
Forumist Nr.: 3.301

[off topic]
Treaba cu balenele e perfect adevarata si SINCER imi pare rau, cum imi pare rau de tigri, de ursii panda... eeeeh, si de celelalte. Dar eu, uite, sunt in Romania, alea sunt acolo, prin oceane, iar eu am bani doar de Internet, cu ce as putea oare sa le ajut?... Dar, daca ceea ce zic eu: "Hai, belenelor, supravietuiti!!!", merge, am sa zic de cate ori e nevoie.
[/off topic]
Iar despre Nessy, well, nu l-am pus pentru ca hmmm, nu stiu. Dar, intr-adevar, ar fi trebuit adaugat.
Va multumesc tuturor. SI celor care au scris, si celor care nu au scris, si celor care vor scrie.



Sunt un OM viu.
Nimic din ce-i omenesc nu-mi este strain.
Abia am timp sa ma mir ca exist,
dar ma bucur totdeauna ca sunt. -N.Stanescu

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mesaj 13 May 2004, 12:26 PM
Mesaj #9


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 890
Inscris: 5 May 04
Din: Bucuresti
Forumist Nr.: 3.372

Inorogul sau unicornul...un animal fantastic reprezentat in multe ipostaze...Am gasit chestia asta pe net...Mi se pare marfa:

Cantecul inorogului albastru

Mai intai,ce este un inorog?
"Inorogul este un cal",ar raspunde cel intrebat.
Dar inorogul,sau unicornul,este un cal cu un corn in frunte.
Cu cornul lui de fildes si de nestemate,de piatra si de argint,inorogul aprinde stelele.
Seara,cand soarele se stinge si luna se inalta,cornul inorogului ajunge pana la cer.
Lumina palida face aripile inorogului sa sclipeasca argintiu.
Stelele il asteapta gata de bal; inorogul isi desface aripile albe ca ale ingerilor,isi face vant si paraseste pamantul.
Atinge cu cornul lui de fides stelele mici.
Atinge cu cornul lui de argint stelele albastre.
Atinge cu cornul lui de piatra stelele moarte.
Atinge cu cornul lui de nestemate Calea Lactee,care nu e decat calea pe care paseste inorogul in drumul lui spre stele.
Cu coada lui matasoasa stinge soarele.
Rasuflarea lui cu miros de stele aprinde luna.
Acesta este inorogul alb.
Insa inorogul albastru...oh,inorogul albastru are cu totul alta menire.
Iinorogul albastru e purtatorul viselor.
El apare dupa ce inorogul alb a adormit in culcusul lui.
Inorogul albastru tropaie.Copitele lui scapara.Coama i se infoaie.
Ciuleste urechile. E plin de neastampar.
Coada ii biciueste coapsele.
Asteapta ca fiecare copil sa`i pregateasca traista albastra cu fan aromat albastru si cana albastra care face ca apa neinceputa de izvor sa para albastruie sub cerul albastru de seara.
Asteapta ca aripile lui albastre sa se coloreze cu parfumul albastru al padurii fermecate albastre.
Dupa ce zanele ireal de albastre ii infoaie coama cu vise calme,albastre, inorogul isi inmoaie botul albastru in apa albastra,soptitoare a izvorului fermecat si bea indelung.
Apoi isi desface aripile albastre,bate aerul de cateva ori si se pierde,inghitit de cerul albastru inchis.
Din aripile albastre se imprastie spre case visele albastre.
Nimeni nu`l vede,nimeni nu`l aude,caci inorogul albastru se confunda cu aerul albastru si aburul rasuflarii lui seamana cu visele.
Cand lumea se trezeste,dimineata,in traistele albastre nu mai este nici un fir de fan aromat albastru,iar din apa albastra din canile de lut albastre nu a mai ramas nici un strop.

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mesaj 13 May 2004, 12:37 PM
Mesaj #10


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 890
Inscris: 5 May 04
Din: Bucuresti
Forumist Nr.: 3.372

Despre multe animale s-au gasit explicatii de tot felul, care mie unuia mi se par ridicole. De exemplu:
Pentru sirenele vazute de atatea ori de marinarii din trecut, "specialistii" au gasit o asemanare "izbitoare" cu mamiferele marine numite dugongi(pentru ca bustul lor seamana cu bustul uman,mai ales in timpul unei furtuni.). Eu unul nu m-am prins.
Cum pelea mea(scuzati-mi expresia) pot fi atrasi din punct de vedere erotic chiar si niste amarati de marinari parliti de un dugong? Pai voi ati vazut cum arata un dugong? Cum poti sa simti orice fel de atractie erotica pentru fata barboasa si cu ochi bovini si plina de alge si unsuroasa a unui mamifer cum este dugongul?
Sau pentru inorog.Initial, se spune ca inorogul era un animal vazut si "imaginat" tot de marinari in timpul furtunilor.Accept ideea de a fi avut halucinatii colective, dar nu si ideea de a fi confundat inorogul cu un narval. Mi se pare, cel putin mie, ridicol. Ce mai aveti de zis?
user posted image

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mesaj 13 May 2004, 09:12 PM
Mesaj #11


Grup: Musterii
Mesaje: 54
Inscris: 11 May 04
Din: Arad
Forumist Nr.: 3.460

Multe explicatii ale oamenilor de stiinta starnesc zambete si sunt de-a dreptul ridicole. NU intodeauna stiinta poate explica totul. Sunt si cazuri in care se sfideaza regula.

De la sublim la ridicol nu este decât un pas. (Napoleon)
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mesaj 14 May 2004, 09:50 AM
Mesaj #12


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 1.182
Inscris: 9 May 04
Forumist Nr.: 3.435

<<Treaba cu balenele e perfect adevarata si SINCER imi pare rau, cum imi pare rau de tigri, de ursii panda... eeeeh, si de celelalte. Dar eu, uite, sunt in Romania, alea sunt acolo, prin oceane, iar eu am bani doar de Internet, cu ce as putea oare sa le ajut?... Dar, daca ceea ce zic eu: "Hai, belenelor, supravietuiti!!!", merge, am sa zic de cate ori e nevoie.>>

Gandul omului e si el ceva fantastic. Are putere mare, caci fapta este rodul gandului. Daca fiecare de pe acest glob ar iubi balenele si ar gandi "Hai balenelor, supravietuiti!" (la fel si pentru celelalte animale pe cale de disparitie) situatia s-ar indrepta in mod sigur.

Dar ca sa nu fiu total off-topic voi posta si eu ceva despre inorog. Deocamdata o frantura de poezie, dar
daca ma invatati cum se ataseaza poze am si o imagine foarte frumoasa.

Si ca sa nu uit, in lista initiala cu animale fantastice, l-ati uitat pe "fratele" meu - Pegas.



A mai venit si-un inorog straveziu
foarte speriat, foarte livid.
Locuia într-un viitor aramiu
Cu vedere la vid.
Vino si tu, vino si tu!
însa nimfa spuse nu.

INVITATIE CATRE O NIMFA ... Nichita Stanescu


A mai venit si-un inorog straveziu foarte speriat, foarte livid. Locuia intr-un viitor aramiu cu vedere la vid.
Nichita Stanescu
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Inceputul Vietii
mesaj 18 May 2004, 12:38 PM
Mesaj #13


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 108
Inscris: 29 April 04
Din: Romania
Forumist Nr.: 3.301

Whoa, Nichita Stanescu... stiam poezia, cum de nu am scris-o eu primul? :p
Treaba cu gandurile... extrem de interesanta.



Sunt un OM viu.
Nimic din ce-i omenesc nu-mi este strain.
Abia am timp sa ma mir ca exist,
dar ma bucur totdeauna ca sunt. -N.Stanescu

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mesaj 18 May 2004, 11:53 PM
Mesaj #14


Grup: Musterii
Mesaje: 54
Inscris: 11 May 04
Din: Arad
Forumist Nr.: 3.460

Se pare ca s-a cam asternut praful pe acest topic. Nimeni nu mai misca in front ?! sad.gif

De la sublim la ridicol nu este decât un pas. (Napoleon)
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Inceputul Vietii
mesaj 19 May 2004, 12:23 PM
Mesaj #15


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 108
Inscris: 29 April 04
Din: Romania
Forumist Nr.: 3.301

Se prea poate.

Totusi subiectul este daca CREDETI ca exista sau NU CREDETI ca exista...
Eu am pornit de la afirmatia ca cel putin unul din aceste animale au trait "in zilele noastre", adica eu stiu, cu maxim cateva secole in urma. (nu am pus de exemplu pasarea Moa, care e recunoscuta, ci am pus animale care nu sunt recunoscute din ceea ce stiu eu)

Iar altele s-ar putea totusi sa nu mai fie...



Sunt un OM viu.
Nimic din ce-i omenesc nu-mi este strain.
Abia am timp sa ma mir ca exist,
dar ma bucur totdeauna ca sunt. -N.Stanescu

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mesaj 19 May 2004, 10:21 PM
Mesaj #16


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 515
Inscris: 7 April 04
Din: Cluj Napoca
Forumist Nr.: 2.968

dar de varcolacul autohton ce ziceti? cel ce inghite luna in timpul eclipselor? biggrin.gif

Mi alma es una caverna colmada por la marea alta,
y mi idea de sońarte una caravana de histriones...
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mesaj 20 May 2004, 11:47 PM
Mesaj #17


Grup: Musterii
Mesaje: 54
Inscris: 11 May 04
Din: Arad
Forumist Nr.: 3.460

Varcolacul nu este atat de autohton. Este recunoscut si prin alte meleaguri. Nu inghite luna ci se metamorfozeaza in lup cand este luna plina. NU nu cred in el.

De la sublim la ridicol nu este decât un pas. (Napoleon)
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Inceputul Vietii
mesaj 21 May 2004, 04:49 PM
Mesaj #18


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 108
Inscris: 29 April 04
Din: Romania
Forumist Nr.: 3.301

Nici nu ai avea cum sa crezi IN el.

Totusi, daca varcolacul este de fapt Werewolf, licantrop, etc... se prea poate sa fie urme de adevar in afirmatia "varcolaci exista".

Oricum nu se poate sa spui niciodata Asta e adevarat, Asta e fals; Alb, sau Negru. Nuante de cenusiu sunt nenumarate...



Sunt un OM viu.
Nimic din ce-i omenesc nu-mi este strain.
Abia am timp sa ma mir ca exist,
dar ma bucur totdeauna ca sunt. -N.Stanescu

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mesaj 21 May 2004, 05:27 PM
Mesaj #19


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 1.145
Inscris: 21 November 03
Forumist Nr.: 1.263

ohmy.gif Oh, my God, she's a werewolf!
user posted image

When we are forgotten, we cease to exist.
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mesaj 22 May 2004, 02:44 AM
Mesaj #20


Grup: Musterii
Mesaje: 54
Inscris: 11 May 04
Din: Arad
Forumist Nr.: 3.460

Sunt convins ca a-ti vazut cu totii Underworld. smile.gif

De la sublim la ridicol nu este decât un pas. (Napoleon)
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mesaj 23 May 2004, 10:23 AM
Mesaj #21


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 890
Inscris: 5 May 04
Din: Bucuresti
Forumist Nr.: 3.372

Nu fii asa convins... Dar varcolacii se numara printre preferatii mei...Sunt rai, de nestapanit, dar pot avea o urma de bunatate in ei, acel suflet uman adica.
De varcolaci(licantropi) se paote scapa prin mai multe mijloace:
-se impusca cu un glont de argint
-se ademeneste cu o coaja de malai sau cu mamaliga.Asta ar trebui sa-l vindece
-mai era ceva cu saritura peste o masa, sau un pat sau un cearceaf, nu mai stiu sigur.
-cred ca functioneaza si deja celebrul tzarush
-cred ca merge si cu nitica apa sfintita...
Mai ziceti si voi.

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mesaj 24 May 2004, 09:47 AM
Mesaj #22


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 1.182
Inscris: 9 May 04
Forumist Nr.: 3.435

Nu fii asa convins... Dar varcolacii se numara printre preferatii mei...Sunt rai, de nestapanit, dar pot avea o urma de bunatate in ei, acel suflet uman adica.
De varcolaci(licantropi) se paote scapa prin mai multe mijloace:
-se impusca cu un glont de argint
-se ademeneste cu o coaja de malai sau cu mamaliga.Asta ar trebui sa-l vindece
-mai era ceva cu saritura peste o masa, sau un pat sau un cearceaf, nu mai stiu sigur.
-cred ca functioneaza si deja celebrul tzarush
-cred ca merge si cu nitica apa sfintita...
Mai ziceti si voi.

Salbe din catei de usturoi ?


A mai venit si-un inorog straveziu foarte speriat, foarte livid. Locuia intr-un viitor aramiu cu vedere la vid.
Nichita Stanescu
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mesaj 25 May 2004, 12:31 PM
Mesaj #23


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 890
Inscris: 5 May 04
Din: Bucuresti
Forumist Nr.: 3.372

oh yeah...I missed that one...
Mai spuneti ceva de yeti...Adica nu ceva de genul: "Yeti inca unul !!!"

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mesaj 27 May 2004, 07:37 AM
Mesaj #24


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 1.182
Inscris: 9 May 04
Forumist Nr.: 3.435

Mai spuneti ceva de yeti...Adica nu ceva de genul: "Yeti inca unul !!!"

Urma pasilor lui yeti a ajuns si in Australia. Cititi mai jos:


O alta faptura hominida a fost semnlata chiar si în Australia în Martie 1977 în apropierea Parcului national Springbrook. Faptura este cunoscuta si de aborigeni (legendele acestora o pomenesc de peste 1000 de ani) si câteodata este numita Yahoo. În Europa existenta unei astfel de creaturi în Australia a fost cunoscuta abia în anul 1881. Un ziar european scria în anul 1903 ca aborigienii ar fi ucis o astfel de creatura care pare sa fie un om de culare închisa si cu corpul acoperit în totalitae cu par de culoare gri. Semnalarile s-au înmultit prin anii 70 ai secolului 20. Un exemplu vine chiar din anul 1997 când o femeie din desertul Tanimi care a fost trezita de catre niste mugete ciudate.Trezindu-se a vazut în curte o faptura ominida cu corpul acoperit cu par de culoare neagra. Politia a fost înstiintata în aceeasi zi si acestia au gasit la fata locului foarte multe urme gigantice. Teoria emisa a fost ca Yowie ar fi cautat apa.

Cercetatorii australieni afirma ca Yowie este o ruda a lui Yeti, daca nu una si aceeasi faptura. Cum aceasta faptura ar fi ajuns aici peste ape este o teorie controversata, caci dupa cum se stie între Australia si continentul asiatic nu a existat (dupa cunostiintele actuale) o legatura în forma unei fâsii de pamânt.


A mai venit si-un inorog straveziu foarte speriat, foarte livid. Locuia intr-un viitor aramiu cu vedere la vid.
Nichita Stanescu
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mesaj 28 May 2004, 11:49 AM
Mesaj #25


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Spuneti-mi despre vampiri: de pe unde ati citit, de pe unde ati vazut, de pe unde ati auzit...Spuneti-mi ce reguli trebuie sa respecte un vampir?
De exemplu, in "Dracula", Bram Stoker spunea ca vampirul nu intra in casa daca nu este invitat. Nu avea voie. Mai erau lucruri in legatura cu luna plina, cu apele, cu argintul, tarusii, usturoiul, crucea, shi chestii de genu asta.

Acest topic a fost editat de OMU'BUN: 29 May 2004, 11:44 PM

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mesaj 1 Jun 2004, 11:42 AM
Mesaj #26


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Nu stiu daca pot fi incadrati la animale fantastice, insa preferatii mei sunt demonii incubus si succubus.
Incubus sunt demoni care intretin relatii sexuale cu femei in timpul somnului. Succubus sunt celelalte fete ale acelorasi demoni, cu care pot intretine relatii cu barbatii. Te viziteaza noapte, cat timp esti lipsit de aparare, dar oricum sunt irezistibili din punct de vedere sexual. Sau aproape. Singura metoda de a-i distruge este sa ii rezisti unuia, atunci cand incearca sa te ademeneasca.

Asculta adevarul din adancul inimii tale. Daca tu nu il poti auzi, nimeni nu ti-l va putea spune.
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mesaj 1 Jun 2004, 11:47 AM
Mesaj #27


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nice... nu am auzit de ei pana acu... posteaza o fotografie cu un exemplar daca ai

' Murim câte putin în fiecare zi, trebuie sa ne obisnuim cu asta. '

Emile Zola
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mesaj 2 Jun 2004, 09:15 PM
Mesaj #28


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NU am auzit de acesti demoni pana acum. Mai posteaza amanunte despre ei, daca ai.

De la sublim la ridicol nu este decât un pas. (Napoleon)
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mesaj 4 Jun 2004, 11:46 AM
Mesaj #29


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Stiu si eu ceva despre ei.Sunt absolut sigur ca nu sunt animale fantastice, dar oarecum se potrivesc la topic. Incubii si succubii sunt spirite de cele mai multe ori malefice sau doar rautacioase, cara e ataca noaptea.NU sunt vizibile.
Se poate si mai clar(dar pe engleza):
A lewd female demon or goblin which takes on the illusory appearance of a female human being and seeks sexual intercourse with men, usually while they are asleep.
The princess of all the succubi (plural) is Nahemah. Its male counterpart is called Incubus. A semi-human offspring is called Cambion.

Legend has it that the magician Merlin was the result of the union of an incubus and a nun.

Simptomele care pot aparea sunt:
-senzatia de sufocare, senzatia ca cineva s-a asezat peste pieptul tau
-senzatia de vascozitate
-paralizie temporara, totala sau partiala
-senzatia ca esti urmarit si ca nu esti singur in camera
-senzatia ce iti este violata intimitatea psihica si trupeasca

Usually this designates the medieval Christian concept of a lascivious she-demon, which has been called a variety of names, the most common is Daughter ofLilith. Supposedly such demons (plural Succubae) copulated with men in their dreams and sucked out the essence of their souls, or seamen. It was thought the succubus caused the man to have a nocturnal emission while dreaming of an erotic encounter with a woman, and from the emission the succubus formed a new spirit.

cam atat.mai exista informatii, dar nu mai am timp.Poate al'data.

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mesaj 4 Jun 2004, 11:51 AM
Mesaj #30


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Hai sa mai zicem si de trolli. Cred ca s-a auzit de ei, incepand cu MUD-urile si RPG-urile, pana la daja faimosul Lord of the Rings. Stiu ca pe Inceputul Vietii chestiile astea il fascineaza:
"Originally, trolls were elemental giants. In Norse mythology, trolls were known as dim-witted gigantic man eating creatures who lived in caverns in the mountain and hollow hills. They were ugly and quite evil. Fighting along side the giants in the battle of Ragnorok. These Trolls would be turned to stone if they were hit by the sun. They guarded treasure and were good at metal-working.
They were commonly described as sitting beneath bridges waiting to seize and eat those who did not give them an offering when crossing. This association with bridges suggests the Valkyaries who guarded the Bifrost, the Bridge of Heaven; they also were "trulls" or "trolls." It was said the Angels of Death gathered at the divine Sabbat called the trolla-thing.
The Trolls eventually evolved into dwarf-like beings who lived in subterranean caverns and were not as strong or bloodthirsty as their predecessors. They are still a threat however as they still like to steal women and children, and are now more intelligent than their ancestors.

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mesaj 5 Jun 2004, 08:59 AM
Mesaj #31


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Poate lumea a auzit despre piticii sau spiridusii rai numiti Banshees.Am cate ceva despre ei:
The banshee in Irish Gaelic, is called 'bean sidhe', which means 'supernatural woman'. She is envisioned with a sunken nose, scraggy hair and huge hollow eye sockets. Her eyes are fiery red from continuous weeping. She wears a tattered white sheet flapping around her.
The banshee is believed to be a supernatural being. Such an entity is frequently called the "woman of the fairies” whose wailing screaming or lamentation in the night is thought to presage either the death of a family member or the person who heard the spirit.
Sometimes it is thought the banshee takes the form of an old woman who walks under the windows of the house of the person who is soon to die. In Ireland it is believed that banshees warn just families of pure Irish descent. They are very closely related to the bean-nighe and cointeach.

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mesaj 5 Jun 2004, 09:01 AM
Mesaj #32


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Am mai gasit ceva despre incubus:

The pagan incubus was a special priest embodying a prophetic spirit who would come in dreams or visions to those who "incubated" overnight in an earth-womb Pit of a temple. The favorite incubus appeared in the temples of Imhotep. There is suspicion that falsification occurred when the sleeper was a person of political importance; the correct prophecies and advice were conveyed so to benefit the temple.
This custom of incubation was carried into Christianity. It became known as "watching" or "keeping the vigil." It was recommended in times of troublesome decision making that one should "watch and pray" in a church overnight in order to court a vision of guidance. Eventually the incubus was diabolized; and no longer regarded as a guiding angel. The cause for his fall from grace was tales of ancient tradition midnight sexual relationships between incubating women and priests, or incubating men and priestesses. This caused the incubi to be known as spirits of lust. The concept that sexual activity could possess a spiritual nature was completely negated.
Soon it was thought incubi produced children through the demonic version of the Virgin Birth. This originated in a round of name-calling. One early priest Father Ludovico Sinistrari thought the incubus when having intercourse with a woman begot the fetus from his own seed. He added the Holy Mother Church could correct him since this was his personal opinion.
In medieval European folklore, the incubus is a male demon (or evil spirit) who visits women in their sleep to lie with them in ghostly sexual intercourse. The woman who falls victim to an incubus will not awaken, although may experience it in a dream. Should she get pregnant the child will grow inside her as any normal child, except that it will possess supernatural capabilities. Usually the child grows into a person of evil intent or a powerful wizard. Legend has it that the magician Merlin was the result of the union of an incubus and a nun. A succubus is the female variety, and she concentrates herself on men. According to one legend, the incubus and the succubus were fallen angels. The word incubus is Latin for "nightmare".
Perhaps only possibly reason for this castigation is the Church's attitude toward sex itself. The Christian view that all sexual activity outside of marriage is sinful is directly opposed to the view held by their pagan ancestors. The Greeks and Romans had laws regarding sex and marriage, that is true, but sex was viewed as natural, not sinful. The Greeks accepted the idea that their gods had sex with mortal women. This was viewed as natural because the gods were viewed as having natural tendencies as men. But, where all sex outside of marriage is seen as evil, such persons described as being begotten from immoral relationships can be said to be evil too. Often this suited the purposes of churchmen.

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mesaj 13 Jun 2004, 10:18 AM
Mesaj #33


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The leprechaun is a type of fairie. They are typically solitary creatures who shun human contact. Shoemakers by trade, they are usually dressed in green, and wear a leather apron, black shoes with silver buckles, and a hat, which could be either red or green.

Most sources describe them as smaller than humans, male in gender, grotesque looking, tricksters. Legends about leprechans usually say they have a hidden treasure trove of gold, typically hidden underground.

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mesaj 13 Jun 2004, 07:43 PM
Mesaj #34


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off topic:
povestea cu leprechaun o gasiti teribil de bine ilustrata intr`un episod din johnny bravo... rofl.gif

leprechaunii fac parte intr`adevar din categoria "fairies", si din cate stiu eu sunt foarte greu de prins (vezi licuricii in mitologia romaneasca). daca ai norocul sa intalnesti unui, legenda spune ca trebuie sa`l prinzi de gat, el ramanand astfel fara aparare. atunci este nevoit sa te duca la oala lui cu aur, in general localizata la capatul curcubeului wink.gif

Mi alma es una caverna colmada por la marea alta,
y mi idea de sońarte una caravana de histriones...
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mesaj 15 Jun 2004, 11:49 AM
Mesaj #35


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Multumim Cinnamon_Girl pt completari...Chiar aveam impresia ca "vorbesc" singur.
Toata lumea a auzit desigur de unicorni sau inorogi...De la J.K.Rowling in literatura si pana la Julie Bell in pictura, unicornii se bucura de o aura de legenda de invidiat.

A Unicorn is a one-horned animal resembling a horse but bigger in size and having a single horn growing from the middle of its head. The first known mention of Unicorns is by the Ctesias in about 400B.C. The medieval church considered the unicorn to be symbolic of many virtues. Chastity and fierceness were naturally alluded to this animal. Because the church believed the unicorn would inherit the earth, meekness was also ascribed to it. Even though it was known to be a powerful animal, it was believed to be gentle during mating time, symbolizing virginity and demonstrating the power of love. The myth of the Unicorn in a profile, may derive from the appearance of a Syrian gazelle. It appears that the Unicorn has only one horn but the other one is hidden.

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mesaj 17 Jun 2004, 06:49 PM
Mesaj #36


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In continuare despre unicorn.Iata ce am mai aflat.
Around the 16th and 17th century, the unicorns horn was sold in apothecary shops as medicine. The unicorn's horn is believed to contain many magical powers. It is believed that dipping the horn into water purifies it. Food or drinks containing poison can easily be detected by the horn as well. It was also believed that drinking from the horn would ward off stomach trouble and epilepsy. According to myth, the Unicorn became extinct when it was thrown from the Ark and drowned.

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Inceputul Vietii
mesaj 18 Jun 2004, 10:37 AM
Mesaj #37


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Bai Predatore, esti uimitor!
Tine-o tot asa!
Pe bune, citesc tot ce spui, esti tare!



Sunt un OM viu.
Nimic din ce-i omenesc nu-mi este strain.
Abia am timp sa ma mir ca exist,
dar ma bucur totdeauna ca sunt. -N.Stanescu

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mesaj 21 Jun 2004, 04:40 AM
Mesaj #38


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Ma bucur ca suntem macar si 3 oameni pe topicul asta...eu, tu, Inceputule, si Cinnamon_Girl... Dar sa continuam cu Unicornul...Am mai aflat cate ceva despre el:

The modern symbolic significance of the unicorn is reported by Robert Graves to be the single exalted horn reaching to the zenith, the highest point attained by the sun. This zenith is represented in Egyptian architecture by the obelisk. Like the obelisk, the unicorn's horn symbolizes the dominion over the four corners or quarters of the world and the sun's zenith.

Acest topic a fost editat de Predatoru: 21 Jun 2004, 04:42 AM

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mesaj 21 Jun 2004, 04:45 AM
Mesaj #39


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Acum...sa trecem la Gnomi...E ceva interesant in cazul lor...Pentru ca :
-dwarfii sunt numiti gnomi in traducerea facuta de o editura romaneasca a cartilor lui Tolkien (nu fac reclama), desi in engleza exista termeni diferiti pentru gnomi(gnomes) si dwarfi(pitici=dwarves).
Haide sa aflam adevarul despre gnomi:
The word gnome comes from the Greek word "gnosis" meaning knowledge. This was applied to them because it was said that they knew the exact location of precious metals. It is said that they are considered by many to be the best gem cutters and jewelers in existence.

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mesaj 21 Jun 2004, 04:46 AM
Mesaj #40


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am mai gasit cate ceva...
Gnomes consist of a number of different types. The most common is the Forest Gnome who rarely comes into contact with man. The Garden Gnome lives in old gardens and enjoys telling melancoly tales. Dune Gnomes are slightly larger than their woodland breathren and choose remarkably drab clothing. House Gnomes have the most knowledge of man, often speaking his language.

They are usually depicted as grotesque dwarves wearing tight-fitting brown clothes and monastic hoods. Their feet are somewhat pigeon toed which gives them an extra edge on speed and agility through the wood and grass. They live underground and guard the earth's treasures.

Hard-working and usually depicted as being old, they can dissolve into the trunks of trees or rocks to hide from humans. Sometimes they are confused with goblins, but gnomes are usually good-natured, hard-working and reliable whereas goblins are malevolent.

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mesaj 21 Jun 2004, 04:48 AM
Mesaj #41


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Their enemies are mainly Trolls, and other beings who would try to destroy them or their homes. Otherwise, they are mostly peaceful beings. They do tend to be sad however, because they rule in cold places. Typically, they live for hundreds of years. These vegetarians are one of the four groups of elementals.

They work at night in the woods and sometimes in human dwellings, it is not sheer coincidence that the word gnome itself is derived from Kuba-Walda, which means " home administrator" or "home spirit" in the ancient Germanic language.

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mesaj 21 Jun 2004, 04:50 AM
Mesaj #42


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In rural areas these home administrators often live in the rafters of barns, where, if they are treated well, they keep an eye on the livestock as well as crops. Another variant of their name translates as "to put in order" or "do odd jobs" - with or without an apron .

Exista mai multe tipuri de gnomi se pare:

House Gnome

The house gnome is a special sort. He resembles an ordinary gnome but he has the most knowledge of mankind. Owing to the fact that he often inhabits historic old houses, he has seen both rich and poor, and heard a great deal. He speaks and understands man’s language; gnome kings are chosen from his family. These gnomes (Farm and House) are good-natured, always ready for a lark or to tease; they are never malevolent, with a few exceptions, of course. If a gnome is really wicked—which happens only once in a thousand –it is due to bad genes that result from crossbreeding in faraway places.

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mesaj 21 Jun 2004, 04:51 AM
Mesaj #43


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Garden Gnome

The garden gnome belongs to the general type. He lives in old gardens, even those hemmed in between the new houses of modern "model" cities. His nature is on the somber side, and he rather enjoys telling melancholy tales. If he begins to feel too closed in , he simply goes to the woods. But, as he is quite learned, he sometimes feels out of place there.

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mesaj 21 Jun 2004, 04:52 AM
Mesaj #44


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Woodland Gnome

The woodland, or forest, gnome is probably the most common. But this is difficult to verify, as he is not fond of showing himself to man and has many escape routes. His physical appearance resembles that of the ordinary gnome.

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mesaj 21 Jun 2004, 04:54 AM
Mesaj #45


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Ce se stie depre gnomi:

Males indulge in pipe-smoking

Males think of marriage about age 200 years

Gnome women deck themselves out with blossoms or berry-bearing twigs for the celebrations

Greetings, farewells and goodnights are expressed by rubbing noses.

Gnomes are 7 times as strong as a man.

Urine can be contained for a whole day

Brain capacity larger than man’s.

Hair grays very early, baldness unknown.

Life-span is around 400 years.

Not tone deaf.

Fingertips as sensitive as those of a blind person.

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mesaj 21 Jun 2004, 04:55 AM
Mesaj #46


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Mai stim ca:

Fingerprints are mainly of a circular pattern.

Heart attacks unknown.

Capable of smelling 19 times better than man.

Sense of direction (as good as a homing pigeon)

ESP...(nonverbal communication over great distances)

Weather forecasting

Visit their birthday tree yearly...often live under it

Birth of gnomes is always twins

Pregnancy lasts 12 months

Girl children are raised by their mothers and neighbor women in homely arts.

Boys at age 13 are taught the manly ways and taught his fathers trade

Boys at age 75 years are introduced to the members of the Regional Council, a few he may already know.

Gnomes love to dance and fine occasion to celebrate.

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mesaj 21 Jun 2004, 04:59 AM
Mesaj #47


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A nu se confonda un gnom cu un goblin !!!! E o greseala cumplita !
Wandering spirits, found in French folklore, who attach themselves to households both to help and to plague the residents. Goblins usually live in grottoes, but frequently are attracted to homes having beautiful children and lots of wine. Their behavior when moving in is performing household chores at night and disciplining the children by giving them gifts when they are good and punishing them when they are naughty. These goblins can be unpredictable though, they can display a mischievous nature, instead of doing chores during the night they sometimes keep everyone awake by banging pots and pans, knocking on walls and doors and snatching bedclothes off of people. Goblins who become worrisome can be gotten rid of by spilling flaxseed on the floor. They grow tired of cleaning it up each night.

These spirits are known be different names in various countries. They are brownies in England and Scotland, kobalds in Germany, and domoviks in Russia. They are associated with Samhain and supposedly roam the night when the veil is the thinnest between the worlds of the living and the dead.

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mesaj 9 Jul 2004, 09:33 AM
Mesaj #48


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OFF TOPIC: Intrebare, eventual pentru vreun dregator sau moderator, ceva:
Daca nu are nimeni nimic de completat, mai are rost sa mai postez ceva ?Deranjeaza pe cineva ca postez pe engleza? Nimeni nu mi-a atras atentia in aceasta privinta.

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mesaj 17 Jul 2004, 11:02 AM
Mesaj #49


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Ma rog...sa continuam, atata vreme cat nimeni nu ne baga in seama.

A mermaid is a legendary creature that has the head and torso of a human being and tail of an aquatic creature, usually a fish or dolphin. Mermaids are not exclusively female rather the word is inclusive of mermen, who are after all less commonly sighted.
Mermaids, here the term is specifically female, have beautiful singing voices and like the siren sometimes use it to lure ships to their doom.
Contrary to popular opinion sirens and mermaids are not the same... a siren is half bird not half fish). Mermaids will also use their beauty and voice to entice individual human males to come to them. Sometimes this seems to be malicious and the hapless man is drowned but sometimes the mermaid is seeking a mate from among mankind as opposed to her own .
Sometimes a human male managed to force a mermaid to join him on land and become his wife. Such liasons were most likely doomed since an enchantment was required to give the mermaid human legs and the breaking of some taboo or promise would allow the mermaid to resume her natural form and escape.
Mermaids sometimes had other compacts with humankind and the breaking of these compacts had dire consequences. For example a mermaid cared for Padstow (in Cornwall) harbour but when an impetuous youth shot at her she vanished not only relinquishing her duties but cursng the harbour. This according to folklore is the origin of the death bar, a sand bank that makes entering Padstow by sea risky. (nb: there is at least one other folkloric explanation but that has nothing to do with mermaids)

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mesaj 24 Jun 2008, 04:09 PM
Mesaj #50


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Mesaje: 8
Inscris: 24 June 08
Forumist Nr.: 11.731

QUOTE(Predatoru @ 23 May 2004, 10:23 AM) *
Nu fii asa convins... Dar varcolacii se numara printre preferatii mei...Sunt rai, de nestapanit, dar pot avea o urma de bunatate in ei, acel suflet uman adica.
De varcolaci(licantropi) se paote scapa prin mai multe mijloace:
-se impusca cu un glont de argint
-se ademeneste cu o coaja de malai sau cu mamaliga.Asta ar trebui sa-l vindece
-mai era ceva cu saritura peste o masa, sau un pat sau un cearceaf, nu mai stiu sigur.
-cred ca functioneaza si deja celebrul tzarush
-cred ca merge si cu nitica apa sfintita...
Mai ziceti si voi.

,,Oh common,,ce-s q commenturile aste seriohs ma fac sa rad singurul kr .....m-a facut sa rad....:Dseriosh! apa sfintita???incearca numai pe un werewolf sa arunci apa sfintita sa vedem ce se intampla....itzi spun eu in 2sau 3 secunde maxim eshti fqt arshjice,,,,,nu o sa faci altceava decat sa il enevezi shji 2,,,,tarsus?oh common 2! crezi k apuci sa ii infigi un tarus in inima ?da ce e Bloodsucker?:Dadik vampir k sa doarme?hey numai ursu hiberneaza shji nichji la ala nu o sa fii in stare sa ii infigi nichji mkr un ac un muschji.:Doh common filmele pe care le vdetzi voi sunt doar filme:Dvorbesc seriosh nu se qmpara q realitate.......sinecer poate mai exista acei werewolfi ,lycai aceia mai batrani....kr nu se mai transforma decat la luna plina...sau care ink mai sunt sensibili la gloantzele de argint....uhhh sunt prea vechi sa va pun in tema...aqm nu mai e ashja ushjor sa mai omori un werewolf.......crede-ma:Dstiu!:Dshji se pare l ink nu ai intalnit sau nu ai experimentat mai bine zis pe propria piele sau blana dupa qm e cazul:D.....a fi un masterwerewolf.....adik acel alfa werewolf liderul packului!:D nu ma credeti?o sa va demostrez la idul asta:D werewolfmasterofdarkness singurul kr sa zicem k s-ar apropia de adevar....ar fi qm zicea un baiat mai sus....underwold shji ma refer in mod special la michael hybridul....dar shji asta au nimerit-o scenaristii asta nu inseamna k au vazut sau k au fost ,sau k sunt un werewolf unul din ey k sa vb sa zicem din experientzaL:D
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mesaj 24 Jun 2008, 04:10 PM
Mesaj #51


Grup: Musterii
Mesaje: 8
Inscris: 24 June 08
Forumist Nr.: 11.731

QUOTE(Predatoru @ 17 Jul 2004, 11:02 AM) *
Ma rog...sa continuam, atata vreme cat nimeni nu ne baga in seama.

A mermaid is a legendary creature that has the head and torso of a human being and tail of an aquatic creature, usually a fish or dolphin. Mermaids are not exclusively female rather the word is inclusive of mermen, who are after all less commonly sighted.
Mermaids, here the term is specifically female, have beautiful singing voices and like the siren sometimes use it to lure ships to their doom.
Contrary to popular opinion sirens and mermaids are not the same... a siren is half bird not half fish). Mermaids will also use their beauty and voice to entice individual human males to come to them. Sometimes this seems to be malicious and the hapless man is drowned but sometimes the mermaid is seeking a mate from among mankind as opposed to her own .
Sometimes a human male managed to force a mermaid to join him on land and become his wife. Such liasons were most likely doomed since an enchantment was required to give the mermaid human legs and the breaking of some taboo or promise would allow the mermaid to resume her natural form and escape.
Mermaids sometimes had other compacts with humankind and the breaking of these compacts had dire consequences. For example a mermaid cared for Padstow (in Cornwall) harbour but when an impetuous youth shot at her she vanished not only relinquishing her duties but cursng the harbour. This according to folklore is the origin of the death bar, a sand bank that makes entering Padstow by sea risky. (nb: there is at least one other folkloric explanation but that has nothing to do with mermaids)

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mesaj 24 Jun 2008, 04:23 PM
Mesaj #52


Grup: Musterii
Mesaje: 8
Inscris: 24 June 08
Forumist Nr.: 11.731

QUOTE(Predatoru @ 17 Jul 2004, 11:02 AM) *
Ma rog...sa continuam, atata vreme cat nimeni nu ne baga in seama.

A mermaid is a legendary creature that has the head and torso of a human being and tail of an aquatic creature, usually a fish or dolphin. Mermaids are not exclusively female rather the word is inclusive of mermen, who are after all less commonly sighted.
Mermaids, here the term is specifically female, have beautiful singing voices and like the siren sometimes use it to lure ships to their doom.
Contrary to popular opinion sirens and mermaids are not the same... a siren is half bird not half fish). Mermaids will also use their beauty and voice to entice individual human males to come to them. Sometimes this seems to be malicious and the hapless man is drowned but sometimes the mermaid is seeking a mate from among mankind as opposed to her own .
Sometimes a human male managed to force a mermaid to join him on land and become his wife. Such liasons were most likely doomed since an enchantment was required to give the mermaid human legs and the breaking of some taboo or promise would allow the mermaid to resume her natural form and escape.
Mermaids sometimes had other compacts with humankind and the breaking of these compacts had dire consequences. For example a mermaid cared for Padstow (in Cornwall) harbour but when an impetuous youth shot at her she vanished not only relinquishing her duties but cursng the harbour. This according to folklore is the origin of the death bar, a sand bank that makes entering Padstow by sea risky. (nb: there is at least one other folkloric explanation but that has nothing to do with mermaids)

imi place molt qm ai descris conceptul de sirena....::Dchiar imi place te-ai inspirat de undeva...nu conteaza conteza k imi place.....sunt mici neadevaruri....dar in fond sunt minuscule shji nu ataca conceptul in sine....insa daca ma lasi sa completez....printr-o intrebare......sirenele au fost dintotdeauna sirene sau se transfrorma intocmai ca lycanii datorita unui fenomen?shji aqm sa compltez,.....tot luna joaca rolul important in shapeshift aichji:D adik ma refer la luna plina:D insa aici depinde de cadru....biggrin.gif mediul trebuie sa fie adecvat....luna plina.....shji o pestera...blestemata adik nu conteaza evenimentele sau faptele kr au dus k acel loc sa fie blestemat....biggrin.gif si mai ales nu conteza de cine..:Dsau cat de vechi e blestemul....transformarea poate avea loc shji prin simpla trecere printr-un cimitir chiar daca nu se v-a vedea.....imediat ci numai in contact cu apa....oriqm ashja qm ca sa devii werewolf trebuie sa fii muscat ,zgariat,etc de unul ashja shji aichji trebuie sa fii doar atins de unul sau una:D o mik legenda indiana spune k un om s-ar fi indragostit de o sirena...si anume k nimeni nu il credea ptr k el o vedea numai in mare ....iar cand sosea cu cineva pe malul apei si o chem aceasta nu se arata din ce mi\otiv nu mai stiu puneti ce vreti.....toate se potrivesc,....in fine.....a vrut sa se debaraseze de lume dat find faptul k acea sirena era totul devenise totul ptr el....deci o alta faza la shapeshift ar fi ca in cazul lui......un sarut de la un mermaid ashja qm va place voua sa spuneti....biggrin.gif shji o propozitie de genul:Vreau sa fiu cu tine intotdeauna>>>>stiu k suna rasuflat dar asa am citit shji auzitL:Din font conteza k mie mi-a placut legena astfel incat sa spun despre ea aici!:D

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mesaj 25 Nov 2008, 07:57 PM
Mesaj #53


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 16.102
Inscris: 7 May 04
Din: Noris Rock City
Forumist Nr.: 3.415

O poveste recenta (23.11.08) despre o familie de Sasquatch smile.gif

Cea mai buna inventie e dormitul, de c�nd au fost obositii.
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mesaj 4 Apr 2009, 08:17 PM
Mesaj #54


Grup: Musterii
Mesaje: 5
Inscris: 9 June 08
Forumist Nr.: 11.677

QUOTE(Inceputul Vietii @ 8 May 2004, 10:06 PM) *
... sepiile uriase ...

De sepii uriase n-am auzit dar stiu ca s-au descoperit cadavre de calmari uriasi aduse la mal de ape.
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