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> Rețele Overlay
mesaj 25 Dec 2022, 01:16 AM
Mesaj #1


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.494
Inscris: 6 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.211

Este vorba despre alte niveluri (layere) folosite pe infrastructura clearnet dar care au mari avantaje in ceeea ce privește dreptul la intimitate și anonimitate... sau pe scurt despre internetul invizibil...

Ce rețele overlay folosiți și pentru ce?

eu folosesc de ex. tor și i2p pt. noduri ascunse in retroshare, o platformă completă...

Dark și deep web nu sunt termeni foarte semnificativi. Dacă folosim termeni semnificativi, I2P este o rețea suprapusă peer-to-peer criptată, autentificată, adresabilă cu cheie, foarte distribuită, cu rutare tip ceapă, care prezintă API-uri altor aplicații pentru a le adapta la un mediu anonim și nu gestionează în mod normal traficul de ieșire. Un alt mod de a spune: este o rețea de servicii ascunse.

Din nou, Dark și Deep web sunt în cel mai bun caz termeni colocviali fără o definiție aplicabilă universal. Dark este doar un termen care sperie. Sunt rețele suprapuse. Acesta este numele general al categoriei. Se numește Internetul Invizibil. Un termen real: Web invizibil.

Deep este lipsit de sens pentru că este o țintă în mișcare, deoarece indexabilitatea este o țintă în mișcare, iar indexabilitatea este o modalitate inutilă de a defini utilitatea datelor și/sau a serviciilor. De fapt, „Deep Web” este ceea ce oamenii care nu știu cum funcționează Internetul numesc Internetul.

Acest topic a fost editat de shapeshifter: 25 Dec 2022, 02:02 AM

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mesaj 26 Dec 2022, 11:18 PM
Mesaj #2


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.494
Inscris: 6 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.211

Indexabilitatea este o țintă în mișcare: dacă site-ul web are javascript care preia conținut de la un punct final dinamic, pe partea de server, acesta nu este indexabil, cu excepția cazului în care crawler-ul știe să execute javascript-ul și să stocheze rezultatul. Pentru o vreme, mulți nu au făcut-o, apoi unul sau doi au făcut-o, acum practic este o cerință a oricărei căutări competitive pe web. Acest lucru se întâmplă tot timpul, lucrurile trecând de la neindexabile la indexabile. De asemenea, de obicei nu este o descriere foarte utilă a lucrurilor în sine.
Indexabilitatea nu este utilă ca modalitate de definire a categoriilor: vezi „Indexabilitatea este o țintă în mișcare”, dar întrebați-vă și „Cine este indexul?” "Ce este oficial?" „Cine a spus că este oficial?” "De ce ar trebui să-mi pese de ce cred ei?" „Nu serios, este doar o corporație, am voie să-mi formez păreri despre locul lor în lume și aleg să nu-l iau de la sine înțeles, de fapt, intervalul de încredere le oferă mai puțin de 15 ani cărora probabil le voi supraviețui așa că Întrebați-vă din nou, de ce naiba ar trebui să-mi pese ce crede acest indexator special că este Deep Web-ul când știu că este doar un termen pe care l-au folosit o dată într-o prezentare către departamentul de PR?"
Indexabilitatea nu este utilă ca modalitate de definire a categoriilor: De asemenea, încearcă să creeze o categorie fără sens, care este alcătuită din lucruri care au distincții semnificative. Parolele cu hash nu sunt indexabile. Datele cardurilor de credit stocate de site-urile de comerț electronic nu sunt indexabile. Ar fi ridicol să sugerăm că ar trebui să fie. Nu au aceeași categorie ca datele dinamice de pe site-urile web publice, care nu au aceeași categorie cu profilurile de rețele sociale, care nu au aceeași categorie cu lucrurile dintr-un LAN corporativ, care nu au aceeași categorie ca lucrurile care sunt blocate de un robots.txt. Nimănui nu îi pasă cu ce răspunde un server SSH atunci când te conectezi și, chiar dacă s-ar face, nu l-ar putea vedea într-un browser web în care motorul de căutare îți prezintă o interfață de utilizare care îți permite să dai clic pe un link corespunzător unei intrări din indexul lor. Mecanismul este diferit, consecințele sunt diferite, adversarii sunt diferiți, fiecare aspect al așa-numitului „Deep Web” este diferit pentru că „Deep Web-ul” este literalmente doar internetul.

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mesaj 14 Jan 2023, 04:08 PM
Mesaj #3


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.494
Inscris: 6 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.211

Proiectul Internet Invizibil (I2P)

I2P 2.1 Release - 9 ianuarie 2023:


Console: New status and banned peers tabs on /peers
i2ptunnel: Add torsocks support
i2ptunnel: Add SOCKS tunnel conversion to CONNECT outproxy
i2ptunnel: Add SOCKS outproxy port configuration
i2ptunnel: Update encryption type defaults
Router: Improved congestion detection and handling
Router: Use compressible padding for destinations and router infos (proposal 161)
SSU: Redesign symmetric NAT detection

Bug Fixes

Console: Fix configuration for Argentinian Spanish
Crypto: Fix LS2 encrypted leasesets, broken since 1.8.0
i2psnark: Avoid OOM starting large number of torrents
i2ptunnel: Numerous SOCKS tunnel fixes
NTCP: Fix rare termination NPE
Profiles: Fix profile load stopping after hitting corrupt file
Router: Clock skew handling fixes and improvements
SSU: Don't publish IPv4 address when configured for IPv6-only
SSU: Fix handling of banned peers
SSU2: Peer Test fixes and improvements
SSU2: Termination fixes and improvements
SSU2: Token and handshake fixes and improvements
SSU2: Fix rare packet handling NPE
SSU2: Fix rare termination IAE
SSU2: Fix retransmission of session confirmed
SSU2: Fix attempted connection to ourselves as an introducer
UPnP: Catch rare assertion error


Console: Add leaseset lookup to advanced search form
i2psnark: Add partial Dutch translation
i2ptunnel: Allow IRCv3 ACCOUNT and CHGHOST through filter
SSU2: Preliminary support for disabling SSU1
Sybil: Add IPv6 address tests
Translation updates


Acest topic a fost editat de shapeshifter: 14 Jan 2023, 08:59 PM

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Promo Contextual
mesaj 14 Jan 2023, 04:08 PM
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mesaj 30 Jan 2023, 01:18 AM
Mesaj #4


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.494
Inscris: 6 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.211

Sistem de operare i2p live cu unele instrumente utile, cum ar fi portofelul i2p Monero, i2p IRC, Sylpheed, client torenți. La logare introduceti ”user”, nu există root, doar în varianta EE. Enjoy!

Prestium is a privacy-focused live OS for the I2P network.

It's using I2P for everything, it creates separate tunnels for the following:
- Monero wallet,
- HexChat (3 tunnels; 2 tunnels for pre-configured IRC servers and 1 Socks proxy for other IRC servers),
- Sylpheed (2 tunnels; SMTP and POP),
- Web Browser,
- Wget,
- SAM for XD and XD-Cli.


Mai multe aici...

Acest topic a fost editat de shapeshifter: 30 Jan 2023, 01:26 AM

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mesaj 1 Mar 2023, 05:14 PM
Mesaj #5


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.494
Inscris: 6 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.211


The previous, outdated MacChanger has been replaced with native Network Manager config. It works great, there are a few cards that are known to not allow MAC spoofing, most of you won't be affected by this. And while at Network Manager, another config has been added to disable connectivity checks, although it's mostly just a nice touch, it was blocked by firewall anyways.
A few changes also happened to i2pd. Instead of creating a separate tunnel for wget, it now uses a "system" HTTP tunnel, which is used by applications utilizing the http_proxy, https_proxy, and ftp_proxy environment variables. One other application worth mentioning that uses this tunnel is Gajim, an XMPP client. Gajim doesn't have any other isolated tunnel, unlike HexChat.
Continuing, bandwidth share has been reduced a bit to 70% from previous 100%. Another thing, the set outproxy is now using exit.stormycloud.i2p's b32 address, although I've noticed StormyCloud has been having some issues for the past 2-3 weeks, and my attempts at reaching out have been useless, never got a response back, unfortunately. Talking about i2pd, I also stole i2pd's CSS stylesheet and edited it to use dark theme only, they are relying on system theme settings, which can't be used in private mode. You can find the theme in /var/lib/i2pd/webconsole/, or on Prestium's git server.
Prestium 1.3 comes with a few new applications, one such application is Feather wallet, replacing the official Monero wallet (+ extras), which made the resulting ISO smaller than the last 1.2.1 version, even after adding new applications, boot animation and other additional packages.
LibreWolf has been further hardened, for example, LibreWolf will now always start in private mode, cache memory has been disabled, and reverted default permissions for camera, VR, geo location, and desktop notifications, this is due to it being fingerprintable by permissions API. There is more that has changed for LibreWolf, everything is listed in the changelog below.



Additional USB sticks not mounting unless File Manager is opened first
MAC address spoofing
AppArmor not loading profiles on boot
Audio not working

AppArmor profile(s), i.e. i2pd
Gajim and htop to right-click menu
Lightdm & autologin
Plymouth (fancy loading)
Plymouth theme "connect", source: [adi1090x's themes collection](https://github.com/adi1090x/plymouth-themes)
Pavucontrol audio mixer
Volume icon (note: middle click opens pavucontrol)
Gajim XMPP client
Gajim plugins: OMEMO, PGP, and URL preview
Feather wallet 2.4.1
Native MAC address spoofing config for Network Manager
Disable connectivity checks
Support for Marvell chipsets
Boot flag to disable IPv6 completely
i2pd: separate HTTP "system" tunnel
http_proxy, https_proxy and ftp_proxy environment variables, configured to use the HTTP system tunnel

Wget now uses the system tunnel, instead of separate "wget" tunnel
Rename the OS to Prestium in /etc/os-release; used by Feather wallet
Bootloader: reduced timeout before booting to 3 seconds
i2pd: reduced bandwidth share to 70%
i2pd: instead of exit.stormycloud.i2p, use the b32 address of this outproxy
i2pd: force dark theme for webconsole
Openbox: autostart PCManFM daemon
Libfm: set default archiver to xarchiver
sysctl: net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter set to 1
sysctl: net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter set to 1
sysctl: net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies set to 1
sysctl: net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_source_route set to 0
Ferm: commented out IPv6 filters
LibreWolf: geo.enabled set to false
LibreWolf: network.http.referer.XOriginPolicy set to 2
LibreWolf: accessibility.force_disabled set to 1
LibreWolf: dom.security.https_first_pbm set to false
LibreWolf: dom.security.https_only_mode_ever_enabled_pbm set to false
LibreWolf: dom.security.sanitizer.enabled set to true
LibreWolf: browser.urlbar.suggest.bestmatch set to false
LibreWolf: browser.urlbar.suggest.bookmark set to false
LibreWolf: browser.urlbar.suggest.history set to false
LibreWolf: browser.urlbar.suggest.openpage set to false
LibreWolf: browser.urlbar.suggest.topsites set to false
LibreWolf: browser.urlbar.suggest.weather set to false
LibreWolf: browser.urlbar.suggest.remotetab set to false
LibreWolf: browser.sessionstore.resume_from_crash set to false
LibreWolf: browser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo set to 0
LibreWolf: browser.download.forbid_open_with set to true
LibreWolf: browser.download.folderList set to 2
LibreWolf: browser.chrome.site_icons set to false
LibreWolf: browser.cache.memory.enable set to false
LibreWolf: browser.cache.memory.capacity set to 0
LibreWolf: browser.privatebrowsing.autostart set to true
LibreWolf: browser.download.always_ask_before_handling_new_types set to true
LibreWolf: security.nocertdb set to true
LibreWolf: extensions.formautofill.heuristics.enabled set to false
LibreWolf: extensions.formautofill.section.enabled set to false
LibreWolf: extensions.update.enabled set to false
LibreWolf: extensions.update.autoUpdateDefault set to false
LibreWolf: revert back to default: permissions.default.camera, permissions.default.geo, permissions.default.xr, and permissions.default.desktop-notification

i2pd to 2.46.1-2
Linux kernel to 5.10.0-21
LibreWolf to 110.0-2
Audacity to 3.2.4
KeePassXC to 2.7.4
XD torrent client to 0.4.3, compiled from source with fixed versioning
GpgFrontend to unreleased version 2.0.11
Other Debian packages


i2pd wget tunnel
Linux kernel 5.10.0-20
Old Linux kernel's modules
Tint2 "start" button
"Applications" entry from PCManFM's places list
"Public" folder from default user directories
Official Monero wallet
Getty login
Nulled /etc/machine-id

Acest topic a fost editat de shapeshifter: 1 Mar 2023, 05:19 PM

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mesaj 28 Mar 2023, 11:40 PM
Mesaj #6


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.494
Inscris: 6 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.211


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mesaj 6 May 2023, 12:00 AM
Mesaj #7


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.494
Inscris: 6 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.211

Darknet setup in Slackware-based distros

Acest topic a fost editat de shapeshifter: 6 May 2023, 11:12 PM

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mesaj 9 May 2023, 09:14 AM
Mesaj #8


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.494
Inscris: 6 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.211

De ceva vreme sunt atacuri de tip sybill+ddos asupra i2p... trecem noi si prin asta... nu mor caii cand vor cainii... ce sa mai zic de restul... pleava... adica cattle in jargon...

btw... stiti ce inseamna nigger in jargon?

Acest topic a fost editat de shapeshifter: 9 May 2023, 09:20 AM

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mesaj 13 May 2023, 08:31 PM
Mesaj #9


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.494
Inscris: 6 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.211

[RELEASE] Prestium 1.4 - Improved OS security, set the level of anonymity, fixed GPG Frontend, new torrent client, IPv6 support

starting with the "boring," this update implements additional security, potentially privacy, features to Prestium, but since they are "low-level," I will name just a few of them, i.e. disabled kernel dumps, added protection against TCP Time-Wait assassination, and disabled kexec. For those further interested, you can see all security related changes in the changelog. These changes have been inspired by Whonix, Kicksecure, and /u/mark22k - thank you.

It's now possible to set the level of anonymity through the right-click menu (in "System" submenu). With this feature, you can easily change inbound and outbound tunnel length to 3, 5 and 8 hops. Changing between levels affects all tunnels, except for the SAM protocol. The implementation of this is rather hacky as there is no API for changing the tunnel length, and also forcibly restarts I2Pd after each change. This Openbox pipe menu is open source, you can read slightly more about how it works here.

A new, albeit experimental, bittorrent client has been added, qBittorrent 4.6.0, and replaced the previous "XD" client. This version had to be compiled from source, with a PR #18845 to fix the peer list (i2p peers not showing). To make qBittorrent work, latest libtorrent had to be compiled from source, too. Commits used to compile both qBittorrent and libtorrent are listed in the changelog. A dark theme (Dracula) is used by default, it wasn't looking nice in light theme, but you can always change between them in the settings.

I2Pd has been slightly reconfigured. The quantity for exploratory tunnels has been increased to 4, enabled IPv6, and I2PControl for restarting I2Pd, and in the next version of Prestium for an I2P monitoring widget (by /u/alreadyburnt, thank you). As per a request, tunnels for Postman's SMTP and POP3 services have been uncommented.

Last time, I made a poor decision to completely disable IPv6. While IPv6 has been re-enabled, it is still in a testing phase, and may misbehave. Network Manager's IPv6 privacy extension has been enabled, too. A thing to keep in mind, there are very few IPv6-enabled or IPv6-only routers, it may be stuck on "Testing" for a few hours before the Network status changes to "OK." If you do have IPv6 address assigned from your ISP, it would be very helpful if you, or someone else, could give me a feedback if it does, or doesn't, work.

HexChat no longer uses 3 separate tunnels (one for Ilita IRC, one for Irc2P, and a SOCKS proxy for any other IRC server), instead, it uses just single SOCKS proxy for all IRC servers. This was done to lower the total number of Client Tunnels. It does have a slight drawback, you are easily recognizable across different IRC servers, keep that in mind when connecting to multiple IRCs. Two new IRC servers have been added to the network list, and switched from memorable domains to b32 form, you will be able to connect faster, and also eliminates the need for jump-starting.

Last but not least, SpeedCrunch calculator has been recommended and added to Prestium for both simple and advanced maths. In previous Prestium version, GPG Frontend stopped working out of nowhere, updated client fixes it, and works again. This issue is unfortunately still present on the non-EE version.

A thank you goes to those who have helped with this Prestium version in any way, and in any capacity, even if the the change, feature or tool wasn't included in this version. That includes /u/NULLi2p, /u/mark22k, Vort, /u/huemob, /u/alreadyburnt, and others from private messages, and IRC.

SpeedCrunch calculator
qBittorrent (built from source, commit 32a5555 + PR #18845)
Dracula dark theme for qBittorrent
Libtorrent (built from source, commit 272828e)
A script for changing inbound and outbound tunnel length (hops)
Right-click menu entry for SpeedCrunch and qBittorrent
Right-click submenu "Anonymity Level"
HexChat: two more IRC servers to the list, i.e. irc.nerds.i2p and irc.crustyirc.i2p (in b32 form)
sysctl: fs.suid_dumpable=0; prevent setuid processes from creating coredumps
sysctl: kernel.core_pattern=|/bin/false; disable core dumps
sysctl: net.ipv4.tcp_rfc1337=1; protect against time-wait assassination
sysctl: net.ipv4.tcp_timestamps=0; disable IPv4 timestamps
sysctl: net.ipv4.icmp_ignore_bogus_error_responses=1; ignore bogus ICMP error responses
sysctl: net.ipv6.conf.all.accept_ra=0; don't accept router advertisments
sysctl: net.ipv6.conf.default.accept_ra=0; -//-
sysctl: kernel.randomize_va_space=2; randomize mmap base, heap, stack and VDSO pages
sysctl: kernel.dmesg_restrict=1; Restrict kernel logs to root only
sysctl: kernel.kptr_restrict=2; hide kernel addresses in different files in /proc
sysctl: kernel.perf_event_paranoid=3; disallow kernel profiling
sysctl: kernel.kexec_load_disabled=1; kexec can be used to replace the running kernel
sysctl: kernel.printk=3 3 3 3; prevent kernel info leaks in console during boot
sysctl: vm.mmap_rnd_bits=32; improve ASLR effectiveness for mmap
sysctl: vm.mmap_rnd_compat_bits=16; -//-
sysctl: vm.swappiness=1; Only swap out of runtime memory if absolutely necessary
sysctl: vm.unprivilieged_userfaultfr=0; restrict userfaultfd() syscall to root
sysctl: dev.tty.ldisc_autoload=0; restrict loading TTY line disciplines to CAP_SYS_MODULE
Security limits (/etc/security/limits.conf): added * hard core 0
Security limits (/etc/security/limits.conf): added * soft core 0


i2pd: enabled I2PControl
i2pd: enabled IPv6
i2pd: uncommented Postman's SMTP and POP3 tunnels
i2pd: increased inbound and outbound tunnel quantity for exploratory tunnels from 3 to 4
Ferm: uncommented IPv6 rules
Network Manager: enabled IPv6 privacy extension
Boot partition's size reduced from 20MB to 10MB
HexChat: IRC servers now use their b32 addresses


XD & XD-Cli torrent client
ipv6.disable=1 boot option
i2pd: separate tunnels for irc.ilita.i2p and irc.postman.i2p


i2pd to 2.47.0
LibreWolf to 113.0-1
Feather wallet to 2.4.5-a
Audacity to 3.3.2
GPG Frontend to 2.1.0
Linux Kernel to 5.10.0-22
Other Debian packages

Both regular and EE versions can be found on prestium.org. Signed ISO hashes, changelog, credits, license, and the FileSystem are included as well.

Acest topic a fost editat de shapeshifter: 13 May 2023, 08:32 PM

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mesaj 12 Oct 2023, 12:45 AM
Mesaj #10


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.494
Inscris: 6 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.211


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mesaj 20 Dec 2023, 02:22 AM
Mesaj #11


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.494
Inscris: 6 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.211

I2P 2.4.0 Release with Congestion and NetDB Security improvements

This release, I2P 2.4.0, continues our effort to improve the security and stability of the I2P network. It contains significant improvements to the Network Database, an essential structure within the I2P network used for disovering your peers. The congestion handling changes will improve network stability by giving routers the ability to relieve congested peers by avoiding them. This will help the network limit the effect of tunnel spam. It will also help the network heal during and after DDOS attacks. The NetDb changes also help secure individual routers and the applications that use them. Routers can now defend against attackers by separating the NetDB into multiple "Sub-DB's" which we use to prevent information leaks between applications and the router. This also improves the information available to Java routers about their NetDB activity and simplifies our support for multihoming applications. Also included are a number of bug-fixes and enhancements across the I2PSnark and SusiMail applications. As usual, we recommend that you update to this release. The best way to maintain security and help the network is to run the latest release.



Router: Restructure netDb to isolate data recieved as a client from data recieved as a router
Router: Implement handling and penalties for congestion caps
Router: Temp. ban routers publishing in the future
NetDB: Lookup handler/throttler fixes
i2psnark: Uncomment and fix local torrent file picker

Bug Fixes

i2ptunnel: Exempt tunnel name from XSS filter (Gitlab #467)
i2ptunnel: Fix gzip footer check in GunzipOutputStream (Gitlab #458)
SAM: Fix accept after soft restart (Gitlab #399)
SAM: Reset incoming socket if no subsession is matched (Gitlab #456)

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mesaj 20 Dec 2023, 02:32 AM
Mesaj #12


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.494
Inscris: 6 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.211

Release notes for Retroshare 0.6.7

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mesaj 13 Jan 2024, 12:59 AM
Mesaj #13


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.494
Inscris: 6 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.211

Pentru că mizerabilii de la reddit blochează instanțe libere precum teddit.i2p... puteți folosi shreddit.i2p cu incredere...

Acest topic a fost editat de shapeshifter: 13 Jan 2024, 12:59 AM

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mesaj 9 Apr 2024, 10:45 PM
Mesaj #14


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.494
Inscris: 6 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.211

New Release I2P 2.5.0

This release, I2P 2.5.0, provides more user-facing improvements than the 2.4.0 release, which was focused on implementing the NetDB isolation strategy.

New features have been added to I2PSnark like the ability to search through torrents. Bugs have been fixed to improve compatibility with other I2P torrent clients like BiglyBT and qBittorrent. We would like to thank all of the developers who have worked with libtorrent and qBittorrent to enable and improve their I2P support. New features have also been added to SusiMail including support for Markdown formatting in emails and the ability to drag-and-drop attachments into emails. Tunnels created with the Hidden Services manager now support "Keepalive" which improves performance and compatibility with web technologies, enabling more sophisticated I2P sites.

During this release we also made several tweaks to the NetDB to improve its resilience to spam and to improve the router's ability to reject suspicious messages. This was part of an effort to "audit" the implementation of "Sub-DB isolation" defenses from the 2.4.0 release. This investigation uncovered one minor isolation-piercing event which we repaired. This issue was discovered and fixed internally by the I2P team.

During this release several improvements were made to the process of releasing our downstream distributions for Android and Windows. This should result in improved delivery and availability for these downstream products.

As usual, we recommend that you update to this release. The best way to maintain security and help the network is to run the latest release.



I2PTunnel: Implement support for Keepalive/Server-side Persistence
Susimail: Add markdown support for formatted plain-text content
Susimail: Add HTML Email support
I2PSnark: Add search capability
I2PSnark: Preserve private=0 in torrent files
Data: Store compressed RI and LS
Bug Fixes

Susimail: Fix handling of forwarded mail with attachments
Susimail: Fix handling of forwarded mail with unspecified encoding
Susimail: Fix forwarding of HTML-only email
Susimail: Bugfixes in presentation of encoded attachmments, mail body
I2PSnark: Handle data directory changes
SSU2: Cancel peer test if Charlie does not have B cap
SSU2: Treat peer test result as unknown if Charlie is unreachable
Router: Filter additional garlic-wrapped messages
I2CP: Prevent loopback messages to same session
NetDB: Resolve Exploratory/Router isolation-piercing event

Acest topic a fost editat de shapeshifter: 9 Apr 2024, 10:46 PM

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mesaj 25 Apr 2024, 11:22 PM
Mesaj #15


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.494
Inscris: 6 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.211

zzz has posted the following update:

"I2P network reliability is currently degraded due to a novel and persistent attack. Please be patient as we work on mitigations. If you have not yet updated to the latest release 2.5.0, please do so as it provides some defences."

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mesaj 29 Apr 2024, 11:14 PM
Mesaj #16


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.494
Inscris: 6 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.211

The I2P network is currently under a Denial-of-Service attack. This attack affects I2P and i2pd but in different ways and is having a serious effect on network health. Reachability of I2P sites is badly degraded.

Java I2P users are encouraged to disable the sybil attack tool entirely, delete the sybil-blocklist, and re-start their routers.

To disable the sybil attack detector tool

Open the sybil attack detector in your router console at
Change "Background Analysis Run Frequency" to "Never"
Click "Save" to save the settings.

To delete the sybil blocklist, run:

On Debian and Ubuntu:

rm "/var/lib/i2p/i2p-config/sybil-analysis/blocklist-sybil.txt"

On other Linuxes and on Mac OSX:

rm "$HOME/.i2p/sybil-analysis/blocklist-sybil.txt"

And on Windows:

del %LocalAppData%\i2p\sybil-analysis\blocklist-sybil.txt"

When you are finished, re-start your I2P router.

Keep calm and host yourself.
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mesaj 29 Apr 2024, 11:22 PM
Mesaj #17


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.494
Inscris: 6 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.211

In the case of Java I2P and of I2P+, the attacker is actually gaming the sybil attack tool in order to trick routers into erroneously banning floodfills.

Basically the attacker has found a way to trick real routers into attempting to connect to fake routers. Normally, this is not harmful, fake routers are just offline routers. Offline forever.

But if you craft your fake router this one specific way then the router you are tricking thinks some real router, which is usually reachable, is offline. That's how it affects I2P without the sybil tool. The sybil tool, in this case, amplifies the effect of the attack and the duration of the attack, because the real router which is ddos'ed gets banned by the sybil tool.

Keep calm and host yourself.
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mesaj 7 May 2024, 03:12 PM
Mesaj #18


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.494
Inscris: 6 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.211

New Release I2P 2.5.1

I2P 2.5.1 is being released to address Denial-of-Service Attacks affecting the I2P network and services. With this release we disable the IP-based parts of the Sybil attack detection tool which were targeted to amplify the effect and duration of the attack. This should help the network return to normal operation. Those of you who have disabled the Sybil attack detection tool may safely re-enable it. Adjustments to other subsystems to improve RouterInfo validation and peer selection have also been made.

As usual, we recommend that you update to this release. The best way to maintain security and help the network is to run the latest release.

Keep calm and host yourself.
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+Quote Post
mesaj 30 May 2024, 12:03 AM
Mesaj #19


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.494
Inscris: 6 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.211

Communicate securely on the Internet with an overlay network

Keep calm and host yourself.
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