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> Omul Din Luna
mesaj 2 Oct 2003, 02:38 PM
Mesaj #1


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 4.234
Inscris: 11 March 03
Forumist Nr.: 63

Un film... ciudat. Cine l-a vazut si ce a inteles din el?

Vreti sa vedeti ceva funny? Tastati alinalinuta in Yahoo.
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mesaj 2 Oct 2003, 03:26 PM
Mesaj #2


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 1.480
Inscris: 24 March 03
Din: Husi
Forumist Nr.: 120

Recunosc ca l-am vazut cry.gif , dar nu am ramas decat cu vaga impresie ca actorul de comedie celebru in SUA prin anii '70 ori era psihopat ori ascundea un geniu artistic maladiv! Poate ca nu e nici una nici cealalta, inca nu am cunostinte precise despre viata acestuia...
Insa Jim CAREY si-a jucat cu brio "partitura"!

"noi suntem simboluri si traim simboluri!" - Ralph Waldo Emerson
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mesaj 2 Oct 2003, 03:55 PM
Mesaj #3


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 4.234
Inscris: 11 March 03
Forumist Nr.: 63

Yup. Poanta e ca nu habar n-aveam de existenta lui. Am crezut ca e o farsa a lui Forman. Credeam ca Andy si-a inscenat moartea si apoi a aparut costumat ca Bob Zmuda. biggrin.gif

Acest topic a fost editat de Figaro: 2 Oct 2003, 03:55 PM

Vreti sa vedeti ceva funny? Tastati alinalinuta in Yahoo.
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Promo Contextual
mesaj 2 Oct 2003, 03:55 PM
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mesaj 2 Oct 2003, 03:58 PM
Mesaj #4


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 1.407
Inscris: 4 August 03
Forumist Nr.: 542

Nu am reusit sa vad decat fragmente..
Asa e HBO,..stii ca sigur..dai "paste" si vezi si restul..
Stiu ca este straniu..filmul..
Il vad eu pe tot..revin cu comentarii.
Nu am suficiente date acum wink.gif

Acest topic a fost editat de cameron: 2 Oct 2003, 03:59 PM

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mesaj 2 Oct 2003, 04:05 PM
Mesaj #5


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 4.234
Inscris: 11 March 03
Forumist Nr.: 63

Pentru mine a devenit straniu cand am aflat ca se bazeaza pe un fapt real. Genul acesta de istorii la granita dintre fictiv si real s-au mai facut. Wody Allen a facut un film excelent pe tema asta. Dar aici e vorba de un fapt real.

Vreti sa vedeti ceva funny? Tastati alinalinuta in Yahoo.
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mesaj 3 Oct 2003, 07:44 AM
Mesaj #6


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 1.155
Inscris: 20 June 03
Forumist Nr.: 392

L-am vazut de doua ori.Prima data eram mai mica si
mi-a placut la nivel de muzica, actiune, etc.
Revazandu-l acu vreo doi ani mi s-a parut o pledoarie
pentru respingerea prejudecatii "Cine nu e ca noi e respins".
Oricum l-as mai revedea cu placere.

Nu-ti fie teama ca inaintezi prea incet. Teme-te daca te opresti!
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mesaj 3 Oct 2003, 04:42 PM
Mesaj #7


Grup: EmailInvalid
Mesaje: 1.500
Inscris: 6 May 03
Forumist Nr.: 267

...pai daca stiam eu cand vedeam zilnic "Taxi" pe ProTV, acum vreo cativa ani, ca Laika (sau cum ii zicea personajului respectiv) era nebun de legat... am inteles perfect reactia publicului, pentru ca personajul jucat de el in serialul ala era super simpatic, iar actorul in sine NU... shifty.gif

sincer eu nu am inteles din film ce s-a intamplat pana la urma cu actorul, dar uite ca o sa dau un checking pe net, si o sa scriu aici rezultatul.

filmul a fost unul dintre cele mai greu de digerat vazute de mine, si am stat pana la sfarsit numai datorita enormului respect pe care il am fata de singurul actor cu adevarat nebun (genial) din zilele noastre: Jim Carey... (asta nu inseamna ca e un actor mare, ci doar genial... nuance... cool.gif )

de remarcat ca si multi comedieni de marca din zilele noastre il imita pe Andy (unul dintre ei e Andy de pe MTV, fost Matthew in serialul "Radio Station"), dar nu reusesc sa para la fel de convingatori...

<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>
An angel led me when I was blind
I said take me back, I've changed my mind
Now I believe
From the blackest room, I was torn
He called my name, a love was born
So I believe.

DM - Suffer Well (Playing the Angel)</span>
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mesaj 3 Oct 2003, 04:52 PM
Mesaj #8


Grup: EmailInvalid
Mesaje: 1.500
Inscris: 6 May 03
Forumist Nr.: 267

Imi cer scuze pentru fragmentul de mai jos in engleza, dar cred ca clarifica lucrurile... sau... oare? devil.gif

"Andy Kaufman's performances were like no other. He not only pushed the boundaries of good taste and audience tolerance, he also created a myriad of strange, wonderful, and sometimes horrific characters, switching effortlessly from one to the other, effectively blurring the lines between Kaufman the man and Kaufman the artist. For many years, his fans argued whether or not obnoxious lounge singer Tony Clifton (whom Kaufman once hired to open for his live shows) was for real or whether he was an elaborate persona. Kaufman himself best summed up his art, stating, " I am not a comic, I have never told a joke....The comedian's promise is that he will go out there and make you laugh with him....My only promise is that I will try to entertain you as best I can. I can manipulate people's reactions. There are different kinds of laughter. Gut laughter is where you don't have a choice, you've got to laugh. Gut laughter doesn't come from the intellect. And it's much harder for me to evoke now, because I'm known. They say, 'Oh wow, Andy Kaufman, he's a really funny guy.' But I'm not trying to be funny. I just want to play with their heads."
Born and raised in the upper-class Long Island suburb of Great Neck, NY, Kaufman had a lifelong fascination with performing. At age nine, Kaufman was performing at children's parties and in 1963, he unsuccessfully tried out for a spot at Budd Friedman's improvisational comedy club. He discovered the joy of "being" Elvis Presley in 1964 and later in his career became so good at imitating the moves and physical presence of "The King," that Presley himself deemed Kaufman his favorite impersonator. A year after his high school graduation, Kaufman enrolled in the Television and Radio program at Grahm Junior College in Boston. While there, he started performing at local coffee houses and appearing in the campus-sponsored The Soul Time Review. Kaufman went to Spain in 1971 to study Transcendental Meditation and travel.
Later that year, he successfully auditioned for Budd Friedman and landed a standup gig at a Long Island club. More club dates followed and television appearances followed. In 1975, Kaufman appeared in the first broadcast of NBC's sketch comedy series Saturday Night Live. Through the decade up to the early '80s, Kaufman would periodically return to host the show. His comedy was typically extreme and sometimes unfathomable. In November 1982, the producers of SNL responded to a viewer telephone poll and asked Kaufman to never again host the show. In 1978, Kaufman took one of his most popular characters, the Foreign Man, an incomprehensible comic from Central Europe, and translated him into the delightful, sometimes poignant foreign auto mechanic Latka Gravas on the popular sitcom Taxi (1978-1983). Kaufman created his famed world Inter-Gender Wrestling matches in 1979. A longtime aficionado of professional wrestling but too small to beat men, he would wrestle with female audience members, offering a large cash prize if they could pin him. 400 tried, but none succeeded. In 1981, Kaufman hosted Fridays, an experimental comedy show in which his intentional line flubbing caused a fight between himself, the cast, and the crew. The following week, Kaufman aired a tearful taped apology that may or may not have been a put-on. More controversy followed when the performer got into an ugly row with professional wrestler Jerry "The King" Lawler that culminated in his throwing hot coffee on Lawler during a taping of the Late Night With David Letterman show in 1982. The fight was precipitated by an earlier wrestling match between Kaufman and Lawler in which the wrestler inflicted a serious head injury to the comic. This violent feud between the two is further detailed in the 1983 documentary chronicle of Kaufman's wrestling career, I'm From Hollywood.
Kaufman made his feature-film debut as an actor in Demon (1977) and afterward, only appeared in three more films. Kaufman developed a cough in late 1983 that was diagnosed as a rare form of lung cancer. Though only in his mid-thirties, a teetotaler, lifelong nonsmoker, and a vegetarian, Kaufman was only given a few months to live. He tried a variety of alternative healing therapies, as well as chemotherapy, but nothing worked and Kaufman died in 1984. Ironically, some fans believe the illness was all an elaborate hoax and maintain that Kaufman is still alive, waiting to come back in a couple decades. Though it is extremely doubtful that even Kaufman would be able to pull off such a hoax, the thought that others would think him capable of doing it would have pleased him. ~ Sandra Brennan, All Movie Guide

deci sunt 99% sanse ca el sa fie mort. dar exista si acel 1% dubiu... dar cum asta se spune si despre Elvis... 6.gif

<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>
An angel led me when I was blind
I said take me back, I've changed my mind
Now I believe
From the blackest room, I was torn
He called my name, a love was born
So I believe.

DM - Suffer Well (Playing the Angel)</span>
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mesaj 6 Oct 2003, 02:23 PM
Mesaj #9

Cronicar oPsedat

Grup: Moderator
Mesaje: 3.227
Inscris: 8 March 03
Din: Din sud
Forumist Nr.: 45

Pentru prima data am vazut filmul pe video. Insa am inchis prea repede, si nu am prins ultima faza, in care canta Tony... biggrin.gif La o prima vizionare nu mi-a placut filmul. A doua oara mi-am zis ca e genial. L-am mai vazut de cateva ori si mi-a placut la culme. Nu cred ca este comedie, nu cred ca este umor. Este pur si simplu despre un geniu care se comporta exact cum ar trebui sa se comoprte - ca un neinteles... ceea ce a facut acel om... nu cred ca ar mai face cineva.... wink.gif

Daphne - m-am tinut de cuvant. E randul tau tongue.gif

Am incalcat cel putin 5 din 10 porunci/Ma pocaiesc la 90 de ani, pacatuiesc pana atunci

PreaoPsedatul genicon
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mesaj 9 Oct 2003, 08:42 AM
Mesaj #10


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 537
Inscris: 5 October 03
Din: Bucuresti
Forumist Nr.: 914

Oki, filmul e bine realizat si Carrey chiar joaca bine, era singurul pe care mi-l pot imagina in rolul lui Andy...
Dar ce e important in filmu asta e ca te face (sau incearca sa te faca) sa vezi cum intelegea sa-si traiasca viata un om (geniu sau nu), cu dragoste si mult umor. Filmul e de fapt despre bucuria de a trai a lui Andy, si despre cum vede el Frumusetea vietii, altfel decat ceilalti. Si are dreptate mogaldeatza referitor la chestia cu "cine nu e ca noi"

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mesaj 18 Jun 2004, 09:27 AM
Mesaj #11

Serafim al Viselor

Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 1.284
Inscris: 1 March 04
Din: Ploiesti
Forumist Nr.: 2.418

Jim Carrey joaca excelent in filmul asta! Este un film care te face sa si razi,sa si plangi... La sfarsitul filmului am ramas cateva minute pe canapea, privind in gol si incercand cu greu sa ma desprind din magia cu care ma inconjurase tot ceea ce a reprezentat acel film. Merita vazut!!!!!!!!!!!

Violenta este ultimul refugiu al incompetentilor!
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