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> War Of The Worlds
mesaj 1 Jul 2005, 07:30 AM
Mesaj #1


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 3.203
Inscris: 6 April 04
Din: On the Rhine
Forumist Nr.: 2.942

l-am vazut aseara la cinema si mi-am reamintit ce ma enerveaza filmele cu si despre familisiti.
si ma miram de similaritati cu "Signs" pina nu mi-a venit sa strig "Strider!" ohyeah.gif
prima data am crezut ca-i un Halflife 2 ripoff, dar se pare ca valve s-a inspirat din carte. cam asta-i de fapt singurul lucru ce mi-a placut din film.
restul "problemelor de familie" m-au cam calcat pe nervi. de tom cruise nici nu mai zic nimic, ca-s biased de cind am citit ca-i scientolog. hh.gif

pareri? unsure.gif

Black holes are where God divided by zero.
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mesaj 7 Jul 2005, 01:50 PM
Mesaj #2

Coffee woman

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Filmul "Războiul lumilor" a fost învinuit că a creat un fenomen de isterie în masă după ce localnicii unui sat din Siberia au confundat o tornadă cu o invazie a extratereştrilor, transmite site-ul Ananova.

Oamenii din regiunea Khabarovsk din Siberia au urcat în maşini şi şi-au părăsit în grabă casele când un vânt ciudat s-a iscat din senin, doborând copaci şi distrugând clădiri.

Oficialii de la serviciile locale de urgenţă au explicat că distrugerile au fost provocate de o tornadă cu caracteristici neobişnuite care a lovit regiunea. Ei au pus teama localnicilor de o invazie extraterestră pe seama lansării recente a filmului "Războiul lumilor", adaptare a unui roman de H.G. Wells.

"A fost un fenomen ciudat şi mulţi oameni au tras o concluzie greşită, crezând că a fost cauzat de aterizarea navelor extraterestre în regiune", a spus Natalia Lukaş, purtătoare de cuvânt al Centrului pentru Situaţii de Urgenţă din regiune.

rofl.gif rofl.gif

"Libertatea de a respinge e singura libertate." (Salman Rushdie)
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mesaj 9 Jul 2005, 09:12 PM
Mesaj #3

Hipopotamu' Somnoros

Grup: Moderator
Mesaje: 5.493
Inscris: 18 April 04
Din: Bucuresti
Forumist Nr.: 3.143

Jeeeezas! rofl.gif

Am descoperit zilele trecute, cu stupoare - recunosc, ca exista persoane carora chiar le-a placut filmul.. blink.gif Mai mult, tipul care il ridica in slavi e o persoana ale carui pareri le respect de obicei.. Ma gandeam ca o fi ceva in neregula cu mine de mi s-a parut atat de prost si ma bucur sa vad ca nu sunt singura care l-a inclus in categoria "rahaturilor hollywoodiene" tongue.gif L-am vazut la cinema, in aer liber, si am facut atat de mult misto si am ras in asa hal de stupiditatea filmului chiar in timp ce rula incat la un moment dat am avut impresia ca n-o sa plec de-acolo fara niste pumni luati in freza. Una peste alta, o gramada de faze penibil de negandite ca de exemplu cea in care, cu toate ca in fata casei lui Tommy se prabusise un avion, masina era perfect intacta.. Sau atunci cand tripodul e distrus de o singura grenada in timp ce ceilalti rezista in fata unui adevarat asalt cu rachete & stuff.. Un scenariu incredibil de previzibil: cand, in final, usa casei din Boston se dechide, fiul rebel care pana de curand isi ura tatal si care in mod normal s-ar fi aflat mort pe camp in urma exploziei, apare si alergand sare in bratele tatalui sau.. 6.gif

Si nici pana acum nu am inteles de ce chestiile alea au ramas fara scuturi cry.gif
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Promo Contextual
mesaj 9 Jul 2005, 09:12 PM
Mesaj #


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mesaj 12 Jul 2005, 04:39 PM
Mesaj #4


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 3.203
Inscris: 6 April 04
Din: On the Rhine
Forumist Nr.: 2.942

pentru ca n-au redirectionat fluxul de plasma prin tuburile jeffires pentru a evita o supraincarcare a cristalelor de diliciu. hmm.gif

wait a minute! alt film rofl.gif

Black holes are where God divided by zero.
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mesaj 19 Jul 2005, 05:04 PM
Mesaj #5


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 588
Inscris: 8 June 04
Din: bucuresti
Forumist Nr.: 3.777

Hei la efecte speciale , intre film si halflife e o adevarata batalie , dar ca integrare a povestii .... e jalnic . Insa pe un ecran mare cu dolby de rigoare filmul e dragutz smile.gif nu e de revizionat dar te uiti pana la sfarsit doar asa de dragul efectelor.

Mai bine ma duc in padure
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mesaj 6 Aug 2005, 12:06 AM
Mesaj #6


Grup: Musterii
Mesaje: 21
Inscris: 6 June 05
Forumist Nr.: 6.406

Da ce-aveti fratilor cu filmul?!?!:angry:
A fost fain realizat, si nu e genu de film comercial stil hollywood, chiar respecta si cartea.
Si uitati-va oleak ce bine sunt surprinse reactiile oamenilor, a maselor in conditii limita, nush dak e vre-un film care sa prezinte asta atat de real.
Nu pot spune ca filmul e opera de arta, dar oricum e muuuuult mai bun decat o gramada de mari productii de 2 bani.
sau il preferati pe tom cruise imbracat intr-un tricou mulat impuscand tat in "mission impossible"
be real
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mesaj 6 Aug 2005, 02:37 PM
Mesaj #7


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 3.203
Inscris: 6 April 04
Din: On the Rhine
Forumist Nr.: 2.942


Si uitati-va oleak ce bine sunt surprinse reactiile oamenilor, a maselor in conditii limita, nush dak e vre-un film care sa prezinte asta atat de real.

yeah right. au parcat pe autostrada in asa fel incit un microbuz poate face slalom printre ei la viteza medie rofl.gif

ce ne spune marele filozof si critic contemporan Mr Cranky de la Shadowcultures:

Welcome to "E.T. 2: The Evil Terrestrials." Based on the enduring novel by H.G. Something-or-Other (I blinked during the closing credits, so missed that particular detail), Stephen Spielberg's "War of the Worlds" is the tale of a divorced father struggling to connect with his kids. Fortunately, aliens descend and try to wipe out humanity, which allows the family to spend some quality time together.

Divorced working dad Ray Ferrier (Tom Cruise) is typically at odds with his son Robbie (Justin Chatwin) and daughter Rachel (Dakota Fanning). When mom drops them off at Ray's for the weekend, we're quick to understand why: Robbie is an unpleasant snot, and Rachel is the most annoyingly precocious young girl to ever walk the planet, largely because Dakota Fanning's in the role (which I suspect she landed only after Katie Holmes passed).

In no time, there's some lighting and some alien craft and some vaporizing and it's game on as Ray and his kids flee the city with the aliens on their heels. The movie has many echoes: Echoes of "Independence Day," echoes of 9/11, and echoes of an ABC After School Special as Ray and his kids air their emotional laundry in the midst of a hail of alien death rays. It goes something like, "Wow, here come the aliens. You never expressed your love, Dad!" It's that awkward.

Spielberg leaves some hefty holes in the film's logic through which to weave his story. After the initial attack, Ray packs his kids into the only working car in the city and makes good time down the interstate because the traffic jam of stalled cars has miraculously left a perfect minivan-wide corridor for him to speed through. Though clearly technologically superior, the alien army's strategy for the mass extinction of the human race apparently includes house-to-house searches, which - I don't care how advanced your technology - is going to take an extremely long time. When we finally see the aliens, they really do look like an evil version of E.T., as though someone broke the rules and fed E.T. after midnight.

Though Spielberg deserves some credit for staying true to how the original story resolves the "alien problem," this particular resolution seemed to baffle people leaving the preview screening. Apparently, they were expecting something more along the lines of Tom Cruise shooting a bazooka up the ass of the mother ship and saying, "Phone THAT home, muthafucka."

At one point, Tom Cruise's character is asked by his son, "What do you know?" and he answers, "Everything." It's like Cruise's interview with Matt Lauer all over again. Perhaps the most interesting thing about this film is that after 116 minutes and $128 million of effort, the majority of the comments I heard from the departing crowd concerned Tom Cruise and Scientology. That Tom Cruise's Scientology circus side show has managed to overshadow the entire movie he was sent out to promote in the first place is a good indication that this particular "War of the Worlds" is effectively over before it begins.

rofl.gif rofl.gif

Acest topic a fost editat de dead-cat: 6 Aug 2005, 02:37 PM

Black holes are where God divided by zero.
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mesaj 6 Aug 2005, 03:13 PM
Mesaj #8


Grup: Musterii
Mesaje: 60
Inscris: 18 July 05
Din: Bucuresti
Forumist Nr.: 6.641

War of the world este un film stupid care are niste efecte grozave. Exagerarile sunt grosolane, dar ar mai fi o gramada de filme de la Hollywood care merita amintite la acest capitol. Alt film stupid pe care nu vi-l recomand:Cei patru fantastici. blink.gif
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mesaj 8 Aug 2005, 06:42 PM
Mesaj #9


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 223
Inscris: 26 March 04
Forumist Nr.: 2.770

Da, Dead-Cat, ca tot ai adus vorba de HL 2... prea mari similaritati VIZUALE existau intre tripozii din film si cei din joc...
Dar oricum, 75% din film e chiar reusit, e chiar un SF de top ten... pacat ca restul de 25% strica prea mult. Geniale fazele lui Spielberg, cu care ne obisnuia inca din Jurassic Park: pe strada unde se prabuseau casele, biserica, camera de filmat insista pe indicatorul: No Littering; in secventa de la docuri, cand vaporul se pregateste sa plece si lumea alearga disperata pe strazi, din nou, in cadru apare un indicator: SLOW etc... Ca abordare, ecranizarea lui Spielberg aminteste bine de seria cu zombi a lui George A Romero, construindu-se pe principiul SURVIVE si atat, nu ca "de ce?", nu "cand, cum?".. intrebari neorientate pragmatic nu primesc nici un raspuns... in schimb "what do we do now?" - asta e laitmotivul care da de fapt un realism sinistru filmului...

Razboiul este pace, libertatea este sclavie, ignoranta este putere.

"Homo sum et nihil humani a me alienum puto"- Terentiu
(Om sunt si nimic omenesc nu-mi este strain)

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gabitza ^
mesaj 12 Aug 2005, 11:55 PM
Mesaj #10


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 925
Inscris: 24 May 04
Din: Bucale
Forumist Nr.: 3.623

Si nici pana acum nu am inteles de ce chestiile alea au ramas fara scuturi 

pentru ca (cat) erau ei de tripozi mari si jmekeri au fost rapusi (rand pe rand) de micile bacterii de pe pamant, la care oamenii erau imuni, iar ei nu. de aceea pe unii din tripozi ii omorai cu o grenada pe cand altii rezistau.

una peste alta filmul e "obosit". nu neg ca are efecte speciale bune dar nu poti sa vezi un film numai pentru asta. ideea, continutul, mesajul...totul lasa de dorit. el e un tata oarecum isteric (exact atunci cand nu trebuie, vezi episodul cand fata lui are un atac de panica), aia toti stau opriti ca fraierii pe autostrada in timp ce el era SINGURUL care mergea (si cu oarece viteza, pot sa spun). si cand e tras el de catre tripod ca sa ii suga sangele si desi aia il tineau de mana ca sa il traga in jos el reuseste (cu o singura mana) sa scoata cuiele de la 3 grenade, ca sa poata arunca in aer nenorocirea. bwahahaaaaa rofl.gif

ca sa nu mai spun de aerul propagandistic pe care il emana, cu tanarul care SE ROAGA de tatal sau sa il lase sa se duca sa ii omoare pe "bad guys" pentru ca altfel nu se poate, este datoria lui sa apere tzara... cred ca a scazut rata de inrolare in armatele USA. ohyeah.gif una peste alta...nu merita deloc.

Nu refuza niciodata placerea doar pentru ca iti este frica de ceea ce ar putea spune ceilalti despre tine...
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mesaj 13 Aug 2005, 12:15 AM
Mesaj #11


Grup: Musterii
Mesaje: 21
Inscris: 6 June 05
Forumist Nr.: 6.406

QUOTE (gabitza ^ @ 13 Aug 2005, 12:55 AM)
si cand e tras el de catre tripod ca sa ii suga sangele si desi aia il tineau de mana ca sa il traga in jos el reuseste (cu o singura mana) sa scoata cuiele de la 3 grenade, ca sa poata arunca in aer nenorocirea. bwahahaaaaa

look again. tongue.gif cuiele le-a scos cu dintii
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gabitza ^
mesaj 28 Aug 2005, 04:19 PM
Mesaj #12


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 925
Inscris: 24 May 04
Din: Bucale
Forumist Nr.: 3.623

natalie tongue.gif :
imi pare rau. am ratat faza.
dar nu poti sa negi ca filmul are o actiune de 2 lei. Reprezentativ mi se pare episodul in care cei doi extraterestrii coboara in beci si se opresc sa se minuneze de O BICICLETA. ohyeah.gif ohyeah.gif
adik toata tehnologia lor mare si tare era vax pe langa bicicleta atarnata pe perete. tongue.gif

Nu refuza niciodata placerea doar pentru ca iti este frica de ceea ce ar putea spune ceilalti despre tine...
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mesaj 29 Aug 2005, 02:38 PM
Mesaj #13


Grup: Musterii
Mesaje: 21
Inscris: 6 June 05
Forumist Nr.: 6.406

yep, filmul are o gramada de lipsuri. mi se pare interesant modul in care sunt reliefate reactiile umane in situatii extreme (adik reactiile maselor). ei, unii mai sunt pasionati si de psihologie smile.gif
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mesaj 19 Sep 2005, 12:24 PM
Mesaj #14


Grup: Musterii
Mesaje: 39
Inscris: 6 September 05
Din: cj
Forumist Nr.: 6.900

Filmul este 2 lei (vechi ohyeah.gif) asa cum bine spunea cineva insa eu l-am vazut cu niste prieteni mistocari si m-am amuzat copios.
Am incercat mai in gluma mai in serios sa gasim mesajul acestui film, fara succes insa.
Concluzie, daca nu l-ati vazut, nu va irositi timpul pentru a-l vedea.

Ce bine ca esti, ce mirare ca sunt ...
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mesaj 19 Sep 2005, 07:50 PM
Mesaj #15


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 3.203
Inscris: 6 April 04
Din: On the Rhine
Forumist Nr.: 2.942

mesajul filmului e foarte clar: "Cind iesiti din sala, cereti-va banii inapoi!"

Black holes are where God divided by zero.
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mesaj 19 Sep 2005, 08:25 PM
Mesaj #16


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 635
Inscris: 3 August 03
Din: Bucuresti / Ramnicu Valcea
Forumist Nr.: 537

Filmul e dragut, cu indulgenta. Mai slab decat Independence Day, care nici ala nu era cine stie ce film.

Am gasit pe net o opinie care sumarizeaza greselile din film. Din pacate e in engleza, dar merita efortul:

Dear Alien High Council President,

I am a lowly pilot that was deployed to "Earth" via the lightning to get rid of the humans.
However, I found that my deadliest ray guns failed on cotton clothing but suprisingly melted steel and humans with high accuracy. Despite being bullet-resistant, I think our tentacles should be made axe-proof. Just slightly more, sir.

Also we seem to have some difficulties with our human suction device as a few people apparently figured out a way to defeat one, by simply "holding on" to each other. I propose we execute humans on mass instead of individually killing them with our mightiest "anal probing tentacles."
Also I request we re-calibrate our targeting mechanisms as one human easily seemed to dodge every single death ray at him.
Perhaps we should also make our 120 feet tripod walks outpace a 2 legged 6-foot tall human. We seem to have great difficulty catching people.

From captured earthlings, we found out these creatures have a procedure called a "Vaccination" before sending them to war. I highly recommend we assimilate these procedures before we are sent to war.

I also recommend we stop the practice of our sickened soldiers coughing on every other soldier because apparently we all got sick at the SAME EXACT time and shut down simulataneously.

I hope this letter reaches you, High-council President.

Also please re-configure our shields so that it suddenly doesn't turn off when the pilot gets ill.

Yours dearly,
Alien # 135-SZ35.

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mesaj 20 Sep 2005, 01:18 AM
Mesaj #17


Grup: Musterii
Mesaje: 39
Inscris: 6 September 05
Din: cj
Forumist Nr.: 6.900

QUOTE (dead-cat @ 19 Sep 2005, 08:50 PM)
mesajul filmului e foarte clar: "Cind iesiti din sala, cereti-va banii inapoi!"

rofl.gif thumb_yello.gif

QUOTE (Damnatius @ 19 Sep 2005, 09:25 PM)
Filmul e dragut, cu indulgenta. Mai slab decat Independence Day, care nici ala nu era cine stie ce film.

Cred ca trebuie sa fi deosebit de indulgent pentru a spune ca e dragut smile.gif
Parerea mea este ca nici nu poate fi comparat cu Independence Day. Este cu muuult mai prost.

Ce bine ca esti, ce mirare ca sunt ...
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mesaj 5 Nov 2005, 02:13 AM
Mesaj #18


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.330
Inscris: 16 September 05
Forumist Nr.: 6.952

A vazut cineva "The war of the worlds" (1953), prima ecranizare a romanului lui Wells?

In orice caz filmul regizat de Spielberg mi s-a parut destul de slab, dar efectele speciale sunt intr-adevar de apreciat.

I'm a superbutterfly, and superbutterflies don't cry!
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mesaj 5 Nov 2005, 05:53 AM
Mesaj #19


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 6.255
Inscris: 3 October 03
Forumist Nr.: 899

Se pare ca deloc-indulgentii critici de film de la allmovie.com nu va dau deloc dreptate:
Steven Spielberg has crafted one of his most horrific nightmares with War of the Worlds, an unrelenting disaster pic that brings the genre to a bruised post-9/11 world. With imagery taken straight from history's darkest days, the master storyteller goes against his crowd-pleasing genes and delivers a harrowing tale of survival as only he could. Spielberg and America's favorite crazy man, Tom Cruise, follow up the inspired but bloated Minority Report with a surprisingly efficient picture that's as succinct in its running time as it is in its scares. Made under the gun with less than a year of production behind it, there's an energy to the 128-million-dollar film that hasn't been found in the famed director's work for quite some time. He once again shows his magical skills directing young actors with Dakota Fanning, whose traumatic performance sells every bit of the frightening action, while relative newcomer Justin Chatwin impresses as the older brother filled with blind retribution. Most surprising is actually Cruise himself, who's cast against the typical heroic mold in favor of a conflicted self-centered father forced to accept his responsibilities in the face of imminent death, which even then is questionable considering his plan of action. With superb effects and nerve-rattling sound design, War is filled with its share of jaw-on-the-floor awe moments, but they simply wouldn't work as well if not presented through the narrowly focused perspective of Cruise's character. The somewhat maligned third act with Tim Robbins is a perfect example of this, with Spielberg closing in the action to a single basement, where the fear comes not from what you see, but what you don't. In another person's hands, this could have been a soulless exercise — as it is now, War of the Worlds stands as a strong allegory for its time, taking its place in a summer full of movies with more on their minds than simple popcorn entertainment. — Jeremy Wheeler

Azi avem.

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mesaj 22 Nov 2005, 10:43 AM
Mesaj #20


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 197
Inscris: 27 May 04
Din: Romania, Timisoara
Forumist Nr.: 3.658

N-am vazut filmul inca, dar am soundtrack-ul. E OK, putin datat ca sa zic asa, dar OK.

Wherever you go, go with all your heart.
Medical SEO
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mesaj 22 Dec 2005, 03:00 PM
Mesaj #21


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 1.930
Inscris: 3 November 03
Forumist Nr.: 1.126

Filmul e o troaca - insa are efecte vizuale faine. Si au imaginatie oamenii - asta e adevarul. Si unde sunt resurse din belsug sunt si idei multe - nu-i problema.

"Marile fericiri ie mute...."
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mesaj 2 Jan 2006, 06:33 PM
Mesaj #22

© Care este

Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.113
Inscris: 4 March 03
Din: Nici o Informatie
Forumist Nr.: 17

Mie mi-a placut smile.gif . As fi vrut numai sa nu se termine asa sec, sa mai fi aratat ceva faze in care soldatii le rupeau capu' la extraterestri spoton.gif .
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mesaj 21 Jan 2007, 02:30 AM
Mesaj #23


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.330
Inscris: 16 September 05
Forumist Nr.: 6.952

QUOTE (axel @ 5 Nov 2005, 06:53 AM)
in favor of a conflicted self-centered father forced to accept his responsibilities in the face of imminent death,

... suna de-a dreptul dramatic

I'm a superbutterfly, and superbutterflies don't cry!
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laura k
mesaj 21 Jan 2007, 06:40 PM
Mesaj #24


Grup: Musterii
Mesaje: 36
Inscris: 15 December 06
Forumist Nr.: 9.085

cel mai mult am apreciat efectele sonore, pareau *imprumutate* din filmele vechi de groaza...in rest, acelasi narcisism american,cam caraghios dupa potopul de filme cu aceeasi tema si cam cu acelasi sfarsit
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