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> Hackeri, Totul Despre Aceste Fantome Nevazute!, Hackeri
mesaj 19 Apr 2004, 10:01 AM
Mesaj #1


Grup: Musterii
Mesaje: 22
Inscris: 2 January 04
Forumist Nr.: 1.678

M-am gandit ca ar fi fain sa deschid un subiect despre Hackeri, sa discutam despre ceea ce sunt ei, ce reprezinta, cu ce se ocupa, etc smile.gif ! Poate chiar sa relatam niste intalniri de gradu III cu aceste "fantome" smile.gif , de exemplu daca sa intamplat vreodata ca sistemul vostru de operare sa fie "hackuit" sa daca sunteti administratori atunci serverul vostru sa fie Hackuit! Eu Pot sa va ofer niste informatii despre aceste "fantome"! Dar totusi as vrea sa aud parerea voastra despre ei si ce credeti in legatura cu munca pe care o fac ei!
In continuare va voi prezenta o mica clasificare facuta de mine :
1. Rookie: semi-mirchisti, incep sa-si de-a seama de adevarata valoare a unui bot sau psybnc, fara sa stie diferenta intre un psy si un bnc, flooderi de ctcp cu 5 mircuri pornite, au rootkit dar n-au idee ce sa faca cu el

2. Incepatorul: rootkit backdoor-at, mass-scanner, root, toate imprumutate, fara sa stie el lucreaza pt. ala care l-a initiat, prinde cate ceva .. si le tine cam 2-3 zile, da are tupeul sa se enerveze

3. Flooderul: are 5-10 rooturi, ceva floodere, floodeaza la greu, psy-ul i l-a setat un amic ..

4. mIRC - Lackerul: stie sa-si seteze un psy si un bot ... are cate 5-shpe din fiecare si pe toate canalele umbla cu armata dupa el

5. Lacker: asta isi da seama de ce nu vrea rk-ul sa se instaleze pe orice shell gratuit/user normal, in schimb scaneaza la greu .. de pe cate 5 servere deodata

6. Advanced Lacker: are deja scannere la greu, foloseste xploituri locale, si are macar 5 servere de treaba .. deja se crede hacker pur sange si incepe sa de-a lectii

7. Hacker: isi face singur rk., mass-scannere, 1 psy, floodeaza rar, isi tine serverele cam 2 saptamani

8. Advanced Hacker: stie sa citeasca un cod C, scriptul de shell e mediul lui, isi face rost singur de cc-uri, site-urile de advisory sunt in "Favorites", partitie de linux pe calculatorul de acasa

9. Master Hacker: in 1 din 3 cazuri ia orice server pe care il vrea, nu are ce face cu cc-urile, nu mai scaneaza, nu mai floodeaza, il tenteaza sa devina administrator de server

10. Administratorul: stie tot ce misca in linux, isi da seama ca nu mai merita heckereala asta, si ... dupa un mic calcul isi da seama ca n-o mai vazut femeie de luni de zile si remarca inca vreo 7-shpe cluburi nou deschise in oras

Acuma in caz ca va considerati hackeri atunci va rog sa va uitati peste clasificare si sa ziceti care dintre aia credeti ca sunteti smile.gif !!
Pai asta a fost cam tot pentru deschidere, in continuare va astept pe voi sa elaborati acest subiect cat mai mult posibil si poate chiar sa veniti cu idei sau intrebari noi despre acest subiect, va multumesc smile.gif !

Vreti un joc competitiv si totodata simplu, atunci jucati LOST online!

Viata e ca un drum de tara, plin de gropi si ocolisuri !
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mesaj 19 Apr 2004, 10:14 AM
Mesaj #2


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 3.203
Inscris: 6 April 04
Din: On the Rhine
Forumist Nr.: 2.942

hacker= om cu mult timp la dispozitie (student?) si nmap pornit tot timpul
administrator = om care trebuie sa tina serverele in picioare

un hacker bun nu e neaparat un admin bun (de fapt de cele mai multe ori nu e)
si un admin bun nu trebuie sa fie un hacker, asta daca nu e departamentul de security.

am cunoscut admini excellenti de HP-UX si AIX care nu prea aveau habar de security. asta pentru ca erau sysadmini pentru serverele departamentale nu erau legate la net. rolul lor era sa asigura buna functionare a serverelor, lucru care-l faceau cu brio, avind un uptime care ridicoliza departamentul de windows.

dar daca esti firewall admin, e obligatoriu sa fii fost hacker, altfel nu prea are rost.

si-apoi mai e "script-kiddie"-ul... o justificare perfecta pentru bataile din scoala de corectie.

Black holes are where God divided by zero.
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mesaj 19 Apr 2004, 11:46 AM
Mesaj #3


Grup: Musterii
Mesaje: 22
Inscris: 2 January 04
Forumist Nr.: 1.678

Pai n-am zis ca un admin trebuie sa fie intotdeauna hacker sau ivners, am facut clasificarea aceea cat de cat corecta zic eu ca unii care se cred ei hackeri sa poate vedea la ce nivel is.... pentru ca sunt multi in lumea asta care vor sa devina sau mai ales se cred hackeri.... dar ... de fapt marea majoritate dintre ei nu stiu nimic ..! jamie.gif

Vreti un joc competitiv si totodata simplu, atunci jucati LOST online!

Viata e ca un drum de tara, plin de gropi si ocolisuri !
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Promo Contextual
mesaj 19 Apr 2004, 11:46 AM
Mesaj #


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mesaj 19 Apr 2004, 11:56 AM
Mesaj #4

Don Juan Cronicar

Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.524
Inscris: 14 February 04
Din: Aproape în aproape
Forumist Nr.: 2.225

De fapt, 'script-kiddie' e un fiece compliment pentru ei. Se folosesc, mai des, 'h4x0r', '5uP3®-M3G4-G1G4-H4x0r'sau 'scr1pt k1dd|3', sau 'l33t-h4x0rz'.

Besides, e un subiect de care nu putem vorbi, nestiind ce si cum se mistă în lumea respectivă. Putini români au curaju' să scoată capu' din cearcaf si să spună că e h4x0r. Nu vreau să cred că doar legea adoptată în 2002 în privinta lor îi opreste si vreau să cred că au o oarecare constiintă si un fiece IQ pozitiv.

Dragostea, precum un râu, îşi va găsi un nou curs de fiecare dată când va întâlni în cale un obstacol.
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mesaj 19 Apr 2004, 12:04 PM
Mesaj #5


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 3.203
Inscris: 6 April 04
Din: On the Rhine
Forumist Nr.: 2.942

poate mai potrivit la "bancuri" dar nu chiar offtopic, un review al filmului "Hackers" din perspectiva unui script-kiddie:




It si about a L33T hax0r namd DADE but he goze by teh name ZERO COOL when he si just a script kiddie but tehn later by teh name CRASH BANDICOOT or sometihng lkie that (I wuzznt paying too good attenzhun cuz my stoopid cat kipt buging me I told him to git away but he kipt bugging me so I shots him acroos teh room tehn he hissed an runned away stoopid cat). Dade si cool and vary smart he hax0rs stuff. In teh beginning he hax0rs some TV stashun becuz tehy R pl@ying crap on teh TV and he wants to watch OUTAR LIMITS (A VARY QALITY SHOW) but tehn some othar hax0r gets in his face and hez like GO AWAY I AM HAX0RING TIHS STOOPID TV STASHUN and teh othar hax0r is like NO TIHS IS MY HAX0RING PLACE U GO AWAY so tehn they fight and watch othar qality shows like LAND OF TEH LOST tehn CRASH gets thrown out of teh sistem by teh othar hax0r naed ACID BURN who turns out to be a VARY HOT CHIX0R but CRASH duzzent know tihs yet so he is like "SHOOTS I WILL GIT TAHT HAX0R!"

Tehn DAde goes to skool but I hates skool so I wont talks about taht part of teh moovie and it was not vary good anyway but he meets the VARY HOT HAX0R but duzznt know it STOOPID CRASH SHE WANTS YOU STUDMOOFIN!!

Tehn Dade meets othar hax0rs with reely cool handals like LORD NIKON (likes teh CAMERA) and CEREAL KILLER (LOOK OUT CAP'N CRUNCH HERE COMES CEREAL KILLER!) and some othars taht I don't remembar and were not vary cool like teh othars.

ANYway teh goes to tihs place that I thinks they owns becuz they skates around inside and there are no adults and tehre are vary big viddeo gamez and it si vary cool but I don't remembars what happens there so I wont talks about it too much excapt that DADE beets the HOT CHIX0R AT A VIDEEO GAEM!!!!!!1 U SI STOOPID CRASH U DON'T BEET CHIX0RS OR TEHY WILL HATE U!!!

Tihs KID namd JOey wants to git a handal but he haz to score a RIGHTEOUS HACK first B4 HE can be 733t. So he goes home and hacks into sum big computar and steels tehir garbage which is NOT ACTUALL GARBAGE BUT SUM VIRUS OR SNAIL OR SOMETHING I wuzznt sure bcuz my cat came back and starts to bothar me again and startid biting my leg so I kicked hims again and he runs off STOOPID CAT I'M WACHING A LEET MOOVIE GOES AWAY!

But it si VARY COOL when teh hax0r things bcuz they have tihs VARY 733t GOOEY INTARFACE taht lets them fly around insides the computar in 3D and theys shots tihns at the kernal and blows stuffs up. I wisshes I had taht gooey bcuz whenevar I boots my LUNUX macheen it duzznt have taht and I haves to types commands and that SI NOT 733t!!! MAybee I just needs to git an appal computar with a P6 chip liks they hads in teh moovie I gess tehy come with taht 733t gooey.

Tehn JOEY gets cot by the SECRAT SERVACE!!! He goes to jail and all teh other 733t peepul are like OH NOS HE SI IN JAIL TEH WILL GETs US ALL! But tehn nothing happens so tehy have a contast to bug sum secrat servace guy but then things happen and teh hax0rs have to hax0r teh place joey hax0red so tehy can gets teh rest of teh GARBAGE taht joey gots so tehy can saves teh world. Tihs part wuz vary cool and was a vary qality piece of moovie making bcuz it was VARY TRUE. Tehy HAX0R into teh bad gys place and HIT TEHM WITH TEH DREEDED COOKEI MONSTAR VIRUS but teh bad guys are sortr fo 733t 2 tehy no to jist type "COOKIE" and teh viras gos away!! TEhn tehy send RABBITS and othar animals to kills teh bad guys but teh bad guy si like "HA HA I AM WAY 733t U CANT HAX0RS ME!" But tehn they send tha CANCAR and it EETS TEH FILAS OH NO U CANT HAVE A SYSTAM WITHOUT FIALS!! But teh bad guys TRIX0R tehm again and it looks like teh bad guy is goin to WIN OH NO!! But suddanly all teh hax0rs in teh world BRAKE INTO TEH SYSTAM and teh bad guys are like OH NO TEH ARE COMING IN FROM REMOTE NOSE! TEHY ARE IN TEH KERNAL!!! (Teh kernal si a VARY IMPORTANT part of teh computar and you have to be SUPA 733t to hax0r teh kernal it si vary hard and there are MANY GUNS PROTECTING THE KERNAL!! ITs not loke Kernal Clink tho he was stoopid Hogan gots away frum him all teh time THE TUNNEL IS UNDER TEH BED U IDIAT!!)

BUt finally teh shots their way in wiht their VIRAS BULLITS and teh GET TEH GARBAGE!!! BUT TEHN THE SECRAT SERVACE CATCHES TEHM!!! Teh secrat servace si not vary 733t and tehy tihnk teh HAX0RS ARE EVAL (STOOPID SECRAT SERVACE HAX0RS ARE G00D PEEPUL!!) Tehy arrest teh haxors but BANDICOOT throws teh disk in teh trash as they are walking out. HE shouts "HAX TEH PLANAT!" as he si beeing put into teh copper car and his 733t frends here him. HAX TEH PLANAT si hax0r speek for "WE GOTS TEH GARBAGE FILE AND PUTS IT ON A DISK BUT THE SECRAT SERVACE COT US SO I SHOTS TEH DISK SI IN TEH GARBAGE CAN ON TEH SECOND FLOOR!!" and teh 733t guy finds the disk and EVARYONE SI SAVED!!!

I wuz jumping ups and downs in my living room wehn teh hax0rs won but tehn my cat came back in so I whacked it with my reemote controol and it lade down for awhile STOOPID CAT.

IN conclushun tihs si a vary 733t moovie and u shood go watch it with othar 733t frends and LEARN TO LUV IT bcuz it si SO TRUE!! And gets an appal with a P6 im getting one so i can hax0r with taht 733t GOOEY!!!!!!!1111

Scene to watch for: Penn Jillette as teh 733t securaty gard

Best Line: "Oh, it's Leopard boy. AND the Decepticons."

Things that make you go "Huh?": TEH L33T G00EY!!!

Black holes are where God divided by zero.
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mesaj 19 Apr 2004, 12:37 PM
Mesaj #6

Don Juan Cronicar

Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.524
Inscris: 14 February 04
Din: Aproape în aproape
Forumist Nr.: 2.225

Pot să spun si părerea unui realist? Filmu' e infect.

Dragostea, precum un râu, îşi va găsi un nou curs de fiecare dată când va întâlni în cale un obstacol.
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+Quote Post
mesaj 22 Apr 2004, 01:59 AM
Mesaj #7


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 196
Inscris: 10 September 03
Forumist Nr.: 746

Top 10 Signs your Son is a Hacker
[ http://www.elsop.com/wrc/humor/ad_hkson.htm ]

Is Your Son a Computer Hacker?
[ http://www.adequacy.org/public/stories/200...42056.2147.html ]

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mesaj 24 Apr 2004, 05:33 AM
Mesaj #8


Grup: Musterii
Mesaje: 45
Inscris: 19 April 04
Forumist Nr.: 3.147

Ce poate face imaginatia din om , e grav domnule ce mai . . . 2-3 gardieni .."neuronali" si totul redevine monoton

Seasons change, friends move away, and life goes on from day to day. Flowers fade and streams go dry and many times we wonder why
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