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> Glandele Adrenale, pe intelesul tuturor
Nana Floare
mesaj 16 Apr 2004, 05:28 PM
Mesaj #1

Debutul Fulminant

Grup: EmailInvalid
Mesaje: 2.165
Inscris: 12 September 03
Forumist Nr.: 757

Dragilor mwah1.gif , de la o vreme am tot citit despre chestiunea stresului, epuizarii psihice, anxietatii, etc. Si nu m-am multumit cu sfaturile gen "Gandeste pozitiv" ci m-am dus sa caut radacina fiziologica a acestor probleme. Mai jos am lipit un articol scris pe intelesul tuturor (celor care stiu engleza) despre glandele adrenale, rolul lor, posibile boli legate de ele, etc.

The Adrenal Glands

by Clifford S. Garner, Ph.D.

In this paper we tell you about the adrenal glands, alternative
ways of checking on their dysfunction, and what to do about it. Adrenal
disorders are common because the adrenals are so sensitive to
stress. Louise Hay ascribes adrenal problems in part to anxiety,
defeatism, and no longer caring for oneself. The Chinese Law of Five
Elements (used in acupuncture and meridian therapy) associates the adrenals
with the Triple Warmer meridian of the Fire Element, for which key emotions
include despair and despondency, loneliness and heaviness.
The adrenals are two golf-ball-sized glands, one on top of each
kidney. Each consists of:
- a core, the adrenal medulla,
- and an outer layer, the adrenal cortex.
Many nerves run from the sympathetic nervous system to special
medulla cells which secrete epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine
(noradrenaline) on stimulation by these nerves. These two hormones travel
throughout the body via the circulatory system. Some of their more
important functions, many related to the "fight or flight" response,
include: 1) Increasing cellular metabolic rates; 2) Releasing glucose from
the liver, thus raising blood sugar levels; 3) Breaking down glucose in
muscles; 4) Increasing muscle strength and mental alertness; 5) Increasing
blood flow to muscles, while at the same time decreasing flow to organs not
in use at the time; 6) Dilating blood vessels to the heart and skeleton,
while constricting most other vessels; 7) Increasing blood pressure; 8)
Dilating bronchials (why epinephrine injections are given in asthmatic
attacks). Many involuntary body functions, such as respiration, heart
rate, digestion, etc., are controlled by adrenal medulla hormones.

The adrenal cortex secretes a different group of some 40 hormones
collectively called corticosteroids, which are formed from cholesterol.
These exist in three major forms:
- glucocorticoids,
- mineralcorticoids,
- and 17-ketosteroids.
Generally speaking, these hormones help regulate protein
and carbohydrate metabolism, metabolism of salt and water, and contribute
in a major way to the body’s response to stress.
The glucocorticoids consist mainly of three hormones, cortisone
(often used by MDs to treat inflammation and allergies by suppressing the
immune system), corticosterone, and cortisol. Cortisol (also known as
hydrocortisone) is the most important, having many functions including: 1)
Transporting amino acid building blocks of proteins to the liver where they
are converted to glucose; 2) Increasing blood sugar levels; 3) Decreasing
the rate at which cells use glucose; 4) Helping the body burn fats instead
of glucose. If in too great supply, glucocorticoids can raise serum
glucose levels to a point where a diabetes-like condition
ensues. Insufficient cortisol output is associated with many symptoms,
including: 1) Craving sweets, soft drinks, fruit juices, tobacco,
marijuana, etc.; 2) Dizziness on standing up too fast; 3) Headaches,
blurred vision, irritability, erratic energy levels; 4) Conditions over
time such as Addison’s disease, arthritis, bursitis, bronchitis, colitis,
allergies, and frequent infections. Too much cortisol (common in people
in adrenal exhaustion) increases the rate at which bone and muscle mass is
lost (among the first symptoms of physical aging), cognitive impairment,
and many serious diseases, including it seems diabetes, cancer, stroke,
heart problems, ulcers, multiple sclerosis, retinitis pigmentosa, and
Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. Some holistic medical doctors
suggest trying to get cortisol levels in the low end of the normal range
for middle-aged people, namely, 7 to 11 mcg/dL.

The most important of the mineralcorticoids is aldosterone, which
influences mineral balance, especially the important sodium-potassium
balance--we would die within 2 weeks without aldosterone. An aldosterone
deficiency and the resulting sodium loss is a cause of dehydration, muscle
spasm and twitching, heart palpitations, and increased perspiration,
urination, and skin pigmentation. Too much aldosterone causes higher
sodium levels in the extracellular fluids (we become thirsty) and increased
potassium excretion by the kidneys, leading in turn to high blood pressure,
muscle weakness and spasms (possibly convulsions) and an over-alkaline body
resulting in extreme nervousness.

The 17-ketosteroids are sex hormones, of which the main one is the
male hormone (androgen) dehydroepiandrosterone, DHEA. Because of the
alleged anti-aging properties of DHEA, many people are popping DHEA pills
like candy. No long-term studies have been done on DHEA or other popular
hormones, and hormone interaction with other hormones is complex. A
minority of holistic MDs, NDs, DCs, and I think taking these hormones
long-term at this time is risky; if one is going to take DHEA, it would
seem advisable to first get a lab test on serum DHEA levels, or even
better, cortisol/DHEA ratios, and to monitor them as one ingests
DHEA. Actually, determining cortisol and DHEA levels in saliva is more
accurate than in blood or urine–see below for adrenal stress index (ASI)

An acupuncture technique from a holistic MD, Norman Shealy,
called the “Ring of Fire,” in which certain acupoints are activated in
sequence daily, has been shown to increase DHEA levels in chronically ill
patients by 50-60% in 12 weeks. Although needles were used in the research
for 20 minutes, a low intensity 670-nm laser can do the job in 5 seconds
per point; rubbing the points firmly for several minutes daily will be less
effective but still useful. For those that have an acupuncture chart, the
points in sequence (the points on meridians other than Conception Vessel
(CV) and Governing Vessel (GV) are done on both sides of the body): K-3 (1"
up from sole of foot and 2" forward from heel), CV-2 (midline of pubic
bone), CV-6 (1" below navel), BL-22 (just off spine in line with lowest
point of rib cage), CV-18 (slightly below middle of breast bone), CX-6
(2"on inside of arms above middle of wrist crease), LI-18 (on vertical line
from front of ear, even with bottom of chin), GV-20 (top of skull on
midline); rubbing wrong points will not be harmful. The Ring of Fire helps
in adrenal exhaustion (see below) and in chronic fatigue.

A major cause of adrenal dysfunction is sudden extreme or chronic
prolonged stress. We tend to think of stress as emotional, but it can be
physical (e.g., accidents, surgery, prolonged illness, especially from a
toxic liver and/or congested kidneys), nutritional (e.g., long-term use of
synthetic vitamins–especially ascorbic acid in high dosage, deficiencies
or excesses of nutrients, allergies), environmental (e.g., chemical
sensitivities, metal toxicities, electromagnetic fields), thermal (e.g.,
prolonged excessive heat or cold), many medical drugs (especially
hormones), overwork, etc., all of which adversely affect the adrenals.

The Canadian physician, Dr. Hans Selye, extensively studied the adrenals and
the effect of stress on them. What he called the "General Adaptation
Syndrome" has at least three stages as follows.
The initial response is the "fight or flight" response (or "alarm
stage"), designed to address actual or perceived danger by mobilizing body
resources for immediate physical action. The
adrenal medulla secretes epinephrine and other stress-related hormones,
overreacting to cope with the stress. People in this stage often have
“glassy” eyes, sometimes with “shiny” skin.
The second stage ("resistance stage") allows the corticosteroids
to continue fighting a stressor long after the short-lived "fight or
flight" response has worn off. With chronic stress the adrenals become
overtaxed and depleted. If you are able to learn to reduce stress
sufficiently and are otherwise in at least fairly good health, the adrenals
will rebuild themselves and actually grow larger. People in this second
stage often have a substantial amount of the white sclera of one eyeball
showing under the iris, due to one eyeball having rotated up from lack of
right-left brain integration brought on by the stress–this condition leads
to poor depth perception and is a common cause of accidents. If you do not
learn stress reduction, you are likely to go into the third stage, "adrenal
Adrenal exhaustion is reached when there is no reserve capacity to
handle stress without "going to pieces." This may mean total collapse of
body function or of specific organs or glands, especially the heart and
adrenals, and impairment of blood vessels and the immune system, whatever
is inherently weak. Loss of potassium becomes extreme and depletion of
glucocorticoids becomes severe, often "instantly" leading to low blood
sugar (hypoglycemia) symptoms, and a tendency for greater and longer
lasting illness, and even to "nervous breakdown." This condition is not
easy to reverse, even with holistic methods. People in this third stage
tend to have both eyes showing much white sclera under the irises. If the
hair is beginning to turn gray or white this is usually a sign of weak
adrenals about to enter exhaustion, which is likely to show up 6 to 12
months later. Another indicator is if one feels tired within an hour after
eating (this can also indicate allergy to what was eaten), even becoming
sleepy. People who need coffee to get through the day usually have
exhausted adrenals, and the coffee drunk late in the day usually makes them
There are many good stress management and emotional stress release
techniques, including the more elaborate ones of PKP kinesiology. In
Paper 1D we described a simple effective emotional stress release
procedure. A friend recently called my attention to an excellent 1997
book, "Deep Healing," by Emmett E. Miller, MD, which presents many ideas
for healing yourself including stress management. Dr. Miller has produced
excellent audiotapes for relaxation, stress reduction, etc.

Other causes of adrenal dysfunction include: 1) Frequent
over-consumption of sugar (including in most processed foods}, honey, maple
syrup, fruit juices, soft drinks, all of which stress the pancreas as well
as the adrenals, caffeine, alcohol, marijuana, tobacco, etc.; 2) Fasting,
which further overtaxes weak adrenals as they attempt to maintain blood
sugar levels; 3) Overuse of cortisone injections for medical treatment of
arthritis, asthma, etc., or hydrocortisone creams for skin rash and
itching--these deplete both the adrenals and the immune system; 4) Spinal
vertebral misalignment, especially of C 7 and T 10, and ankle subluxation;
5) Allergies; 6) Pituitary dysfunction (the pituitary controls adrenal
hormone secretion, especially the anterior pituitary hormone adrenal
corticotrophic hormone, ACTH); 7) Tuberculosis. Avoidance of high
glycemic-index foods is important in the adrenal stress syndrome; 8) Dental
“silver” fillings (half toxic mercury) and root canals play an extremely
important role, as has been shown by Hal Huggins, DDS.
As seen, adrenal dysfunction is complex, whether it is
underactivity (hypoadrenia) or overactivity (hyperadrenia). Sometimes when
the adrenal cortex is underactive for a longer time a rare adrenal disorder
called "Addison's disease" may develop, in which discoloration and dark
pigmentation of the skin is seen, especially of elbows, knees, skin folds,
scars, mouth, vagina, and in freckles (President John Kennedy had Addison’s
disease, and rumors circulated that autopsy of his body showed a nearly
complete atrophy of his adrenals). Other symptoms include lessening of
body hair in armpits and groin, appetite loss, chronic fatigue, constantly
feeling cold, lowered resistance to colds and other infections, weak
ligaments, blood pressure problems, asthma, etc. Many MDs tend to
consider Addison’s disease as “incurable,” but with the proper diet,
nutrition and patience it can be overcome. Sometimes a rare disease called
Cushing’s Syndrome” may occur from an overactive adrenal cortex and a
suppressed immune system. People with Cushing's Syndrome usually are heavy
in the abdomen, buttocks and face, but with very thin arms and legs, and
the face can get acne-like sores, swollen eyelids, and body hair overgrowth
is common (women may grow a moustache or even a beard). Louise Hay lists
severe emotional malnutrition and self-anger as causative factors in
Addison's disease, and overproduction of crushing ideas and a feeling of
being overpowered as factors in Cushing's Syndrome.
Medical diagnosis and treatment of adrenal disease is too complex
to discuss here, except to note that surgery may be used in hyperadrenia,
and drugs such as hydrocortisone and fluorocortisone used in hypoadrenia,
which not only have a poor success rate, but also a tendency in long-term
use to affect the adrenals adversely and to cause other problems. If you
want more information on the medical approach, a good source is the
Internet or "The Merck Manual, Home Edition," Merck Research Laboratories,
NJ, 1997.
Turning to alternative ways of checking your adrenals, a good test
for hypoadrenia is the Ragland test, which you can do on yourself if you
have a blood pressure measuring device. After lying on your back relaxed
for 5 minutes with the blood pressure cuff in place, but not inflated, take
your blood pressure (or have someone take it for you). Leaving the
uninflated cuff in place, quickly stand up and immediately take the
pressure again (be careful of dizziness if this is a problem for
you). Your systolic blood pressure (the higher of the two numbers, 130/80
e.g,) should rise 5-15 (mm of mercury) on standing if there is no
hypoadrenia. If the systolic pressure falls, hypoadrenia is probable, with
a greater decrease tending to correlate with a greater degree of
hypoadrenia; a drop of 5 points or less corresponds to mild adrenal
weakness; a drop in the 5 to 10 point range means substantial
hypoadrenia; more than 10 points suggests the person is bordering on
adrenal failure. In some cases kidney problems can do this too. It is good
to repeat the test a day or so later.
Another test is to stand and hang your arms along your sides for
several minutes; the veins in the backs of your hands will swell with blood
and protrude. Now slowly raise either hand to heart level, keeping it
there–if the protruding veins disappear within 2 to 5 seconds after your
hand is at heart level, you almost surely have weak adrenals, your blood
volume being low and your tissues dehydrated. People with very strong
adrenals can even raise their hand over their head and the protruding veins
will still not disappear.
Another test you can do relates more to deficiency in
mineralcorticoids, which control mineral balances. For nerve impulses to
be transmitted properly there must be enough sodium ions outside the cell
and enough potassium inside the cell. In hypoadrenia there may be too much
sodium loss and too much potassium retention. This shows up not only in
muscle spasm and heart palpitation, but also in abnormal eye pupil
change. To do the test it is easier to have someone help you, although you
can do it alone with a mirror. Sit in a darkened room for a few minutes to
dark-adapt the eyes, then shine the light from a not-to-strong penlight
from about 6 inches away onto the center of one eye, keeping it there for
at least 30 seconds. Normally the light will constrict the pupil (dark
center of eye), which will remain constricted. In hypoadrenia one of three
abnormal responses occurs: 1) The pupil opens at once; 2) The pupil yoyos
between closed and open; 3) The pupil closes at first, but reopens within
10-30 seconds of light exposure. This is why hypoadrenal people often wear
dark glasses, complain about bright sunlight, have difficulty driving at
night, etc.
A good test to find the progression of chronic stress through the
general adaptation syndrome (see earlier) is the salivary adrenal stress
index test (ASI). Saliva is collected at 7 am, 11 am, 4 pm and 11 pm, and
the samples are sent to a special lab. Levels of cortisol, DHEA, and the
sulfated form of DHEA ( DHEAS) are plotted against each other. The
prescribing physician must be trained in interpreting the ASI profile. One
such lab is Diagnos-Tech, 1-800-878-3787; they will send you an ASI kit
without charge, and you pay them maybe $80 when you submit the 4 samples to
them–they will send you a graph together with therapeutic suggestions.
Dr. Paul Eck, outstanding mineral researcher, has found that
imbalance in the sodium-magnesium ratio is associated with an adrenal
disorder (as potassium-calcium imbalance is associated with thyroid
dysfunction, and so on for other mineral ratios and organs or glands), a
low sodium-magnesium ratio slows the adrenals and a high ratio speeds the
adrenals. Dr. Eck interprets hair analyses for mineral imbalances and
suggests appropriate nutritional supplements accordingly. Incidentally,
one cannot simply supply the given mineral to boost its ratio, for changing
one mineral level affects all other mineral levels. Rather one has to work
indirectly to support the dysfunctioning organ/gland.
Contact Reflex Analysis, CRA, is another good way of getting
information and suggested nutrition for the adrenals and all other
organ/gland/body systems. In the Las Cruces area Regis Guest, DN, and I
are trained in CRA.

Lastly, we turn to what to do for adrenal problems. Much has been
implied earlier in this article about stress reduction, improved lifestyle,
avoidance of certain foods and medications, etc. Following a diet for your
blood type (0, A, B, or AB), as explained in the excellent 1996 book, “Eat
Right 4 Your Type," by Peter D'Adamo, ND, should help.
Helpful Touch for Health (TFH) techniques include a 1-minute
rubbing daily of neurolymphatic (NL) points found by going 1 inch to each
side of the navel and 2 inches up. Softly holding with a finger or two for
maybe 1 to 5 minutes daily a neurovascular (NV) point on the midline of the
skull, about 5 finger widths above the base of the skull in back should
also help, and even better is to do the rubbing of the NL with one hand and
the holding of the NV with the other hand simultaneously. In adrenal
stress the sartorius, gracilis, gastrocnemius and soleus muscles tend to be
weak, and strengthening them with TFH methods helps. Use of the ESR NV
points described in my paper 1D will reduce emotional stress if applied
daily. Also a help is to rub for maybe a minute daily a reflexology point
on the sole of each foot at its narrowest width and in line with the second
Once a day stand in your shower with your back to the spray so it
can beat just above the kidneys for 3 minutes with the hottest water you
can stand, then for a half-minute with the coldest water.
Some potentially helpful nutritional supplements and herbs, best
checked for your use with a pendulum or by a skilled kinesiologist, include
per day: vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid or calcium pantothenate, especially
important for the adrenals, 500-2000 mg), vitamin C (3000 mg to bowel
tolerance), a good high-B complex, Standard Process B6-Niacinamide (3-12
tablets), L-tyrosine (500 mg on an empty stomach), coenzyme Q10 (90 mg), a
good adrenal extract or protomorphogen (Standard Process Drenamin, 6
tablets, or 3 of their Whole Desiccated Adrenal), minerals such as
chromium, copper, magnesium, manganese, potassium, selenium and zinc (say,
as picolinates and/or citrates), and a good digestant such as Standard
Process Zypan, maybe 2 at each meal, and the herbs astragalus, gotu kola,
licorice root, hawthorn berry, Korean or Siberian ginseng, echinacea, and
milk thistle. Alpha lipoic acid (thioctic acid) may also help. Check the
pituitary, pineal, hypothalamus and thyroid for possible nutritional need
or cranial manipulation. One way to check potential helpful supplements is
to do the Ragland test (see above), then repeat it with a tablet or capsule
of the supplement in the mouth–if helpful, the supplement gives a blood
pressure increase.

Information and procedures described in this and other “Health
Musings” are reported solely for educational purposes. The author is not
directly or indirectly dispensing medical advice. Although the author
believes this information and these procedures to be valuable, persons
using them do so entirely at their own risk.

Cliff Garner, Ph.D., is a holistic health facilitator and a professional
kinesiology practitioner. He may be reached by telephone or fax at (505)
525-1089 or by email at kosmik@totacc.com.
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+Quote Post
Nana Floare
mesaj 16 Apr 2004, 05:34 PM
Mesaj #2

Debutul Fulminant

Grup: EmailInvalid
Mesaje: 2.165
Inscris: 12 September 03
Forumist Nr.: 757

user posted image
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+Quote Post
mesaj 19 Apr 2004, 04:00 AM
Mesaj #3


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 1.037
Inscris: 3 January 04
Forumist Nr.: 1.685

Nicodim, super articolul. L-am citit dintr-o rasuflare. smile.gif

Iti pot spune si eu, ca reteta de presopunctura data acolo e f benefica. Plus mai am una care da rezultate imediate, o folosesc ptr clientii cu extenuari psihice si fizice.

Deasemeni, daca masezi reflexele glandelor suprarenale in talpa, ajuta enorm. Si cum aceste glande endocrine sint dirijate de "glanda sefa"--glanda pituitara, se recomanda deci, si masarea acestui reflex (a glandei pituitare). La un topic despre reflexologie, am pus un link daca vrei detalii. Eu asa fac cind nu am energie la mijlocul zilei, si mai ales cind am de invatat (ca acum): 4 minute de masaj la aceste terminatii face minuni si imi energie pe loc (instant rush of energy).

La cele scrise mai jos, as putea adauga, ca un excess a hormonului cortisol, are un efect nefast asupra hypocampus'ului, partea din creier care care transforma the short term memory in long term memory (na ca nu am stiut traduce tongue.gif ) Devenim uituci din cauza stresului. laugh.gif Articolul tau a spus vag aceata...Dar apoi putem lua ginkgo biloba rolleyes.gif sau putem avea o sesiune de shiatsu wink.gif Ptr shiatsu veniti la mine. rolleyes.gif

Nicodim stii cite as putea spune si eu la topicul asta??? rolleyes.gif
Uite iti mai dau un hint. In acupressure, este un punct pe meridianul rinichiului, K7 (kindney 7). Acesta este un **** point. Gaseste'l si stimuleaza'l sa iti revitalizezi rinichii si suprarenalele. Vorbesc f serios. O poti face oricind si la servici daca nu ai timp.

Si baga un search pe internet despre "pulse reading" chinese method. La mina stinga, poti vedea "starea rinichilor+suprerenalelor oricind wink.gif fara test de saliva, fara nimic.

Ps. After reading your article, I could not help but marvel that these sort of things preoccupy you. Nicodim, you are way ahead of everybody. wink.gif I'll add this: your body will thank you. Take good care. smile.gif

Prayer is the bridge between panic and peace.
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+Quote Post
Promo Contextual
mesaj 19 Apr 2004, 04:00 AM
Mesaj #


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Quote Post
Nana Floare
mesaj 21 Apr 2004, 11:35 PM
Mesaj #4

Debutul Fulminant

Grup: EmailInvalid
Mesaje: 2.165
Inscris: 12 September 03
Forumist Nr.: 757

Ligia, problema mea cu reflexologia este ca nu-mi dau seama daca identific exact punctele pe care trebuie sa le frec [ rofl.gif ].

Am inteles ca pentru adrenale sunt urmatoarele zone care trebuie gadilate:

1. zona burtii: 2cm in stanga si-n dreapta buricului si patru-cinci centimetri deasupra buricului
2. ceafa: cinci degete deasupra cefei - deci un pic mai jos de buricul ala din cap unde se invarte parul [ rofl.gif ]
3. talpile: am inteles ca e in zona cea mai ingusta a talpii, in dreptul primului deget de langa degetul gros

Dar unde pot gasi **** point de care vorbeai? (daca poti explica babeste, sa priceapa si prostii ca mine)

Si pe ce punct tre' sa apas ca sa declansez o detoxifiere generala?
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+Quote Post
mesaj 25 Apr 2004, 01:01 AM
Mesaj #5


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 6.255
Inscris: 3 October 03
Forumist Nr.: 899

QUOTE (LigiaB @ 19 Apr 2004, 06:02 AM)

... adica hippocampus, ca nu este ipocrit...

partea din creier care care transforma the short term memory in long term memory (na ca nu am stiut traduce  tongue.gif )

S-ar traduce: partea din creier care care transforma memoria pe termen scurt in memoria pe termen lung.

Azi avem.

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+Quote Post
mesaj 29 Apr 2004, 08:57 AM
Mesaj #6


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 1.037
Inscris: 3 January 04
Forumist Nr.: 1.685

Nicodim, salut. : )
Imi cer mii de scuze ca intirzii cu raspunsul. Mi s-au stricat amindoua laptops laugh.gif apoi am avut examene, si in al 3 lea rind nu aveam the flash cards cu punctele sa iti arat exact unde sint. Intre timp le-am cumparat si le-am scanat o sa incerc sa le atasez.

Ok, vad ca gidilatu' iti suride. laugh.gif (am ris in hohote cind am citit raspunsul tau.... ha ha )

Nicodim, afla ca reflexologia si presopunctura sint 2 metode diferite. Total diferite. Reflexologia foloseste numai terminatii nervoase"reflexe" in talpa, pe cind acupressure (presopunctura) foloseste diferite puncte peste tot pe corp. Eu folosesc ambele metode ptr clientii mei. Amindoua dau rezultate fantastice. Presopunctura inca o studiez acum, in schimb reflexologia o practic de mai multi ani.

Ok, punctul de **** e de presopunctura. E pe meridianul rinichiului care porneste din talpa si se opreste aproape de beregata. Are 27 de puncte, pe noi ne intereseaza punctul nr 7. Acest punct, se afla in partea interioara a piciorului, linga tendonul lui Achilles... sau cum il mai cheama laugh.gif, deasupra osului cam 3 degete in sus de la os...sper ca intelegi... Acest punct actioneaza direct asupra rinichilor si suprarenalelor, daca e dureros, inseamna ca toxine si acid lactic s-au acumulat acolo, si asta blocheaza energia chi sa curga prin meridian. Punctule K3 e f important de semenea dar are numai ***, rolleyes.gif Punctul K3 e un "source point/balancing point" Acest puntulet e in stare sa balanseze energia in tot meridianul, daca e prea multa o reduce, daca e prea putina o tonifica. Pretty amazing! smile.gif Dupa ce apesi pe K7 apasa si pe k3 un minut.

Ma intrebai de un punct ptr detoxificare totala. Stiu un punct si ptr acesta si chiar lucra.. E GB31. (gallbladder 31- fierea 31)
Daca stai in picioare cu miinile pe linga corp, degetul al 3-lea (the freeway finger laugh.gif ) natural cade exact pe acest punct, el e pe partea exterioara a piciorului. Apasa acolo si il vei simtii.

Punctele astea sint usor de gasit. Deobicei simti ca o mica intepatura cind esti pe ele. Apasa si cauta pe suprafata pielii pina gasesti, sint la suprafata. Cind le gasesti, tine degetul pe ele, nu apasa tare. Dupa un timp vei simtii un puls. Asta inseamna ca puntul s-a deschis. Daca le apesi la ambele picioare (cea ce iti recomand) ai sa vezi ca se deschid pe rind, si la un moment dat, pulseaza impreuna. Eu nu contenesc sa ma mir cind dau un tratament ce frumos punctele astea se sincronizeaza si cum sint in stare sa mut chi'ul manual... Nicodim sint in awe de fiecare data.... Poti apasa pe punctele astea zilnic...Noi vrem sa prevenim boala sau in cazul suprarenalelor--extenuarea....

Inca un lucru, destul de important, tot despre adrenale, chiar ii spuneam unui prieten asta azi....
Sistemul nervos autonomic (cel involuntar) are 2 componente: sistem nervos sympathetic si sistemul nervos parasympathetic. Primul, cel sympathetic, e cel care declanseaza the "flight or fight response" (scrie si in articolul tau). Acesta e cel care stimuleaza otrava de adrenalina in singe. Dupa cum ti-ai dat seama, e declansat de stress, nervi, draci... laugh.gif Acestea taxeaza suprarenalele. Adrenalele cind lucra overtime, consuma vitaminele din singe in special B'urile...iti dai seama ca daca nu le introduci in organism iar, via hrana, celulele toate sufera. Cind esti sub stress, cam tot organismul sufera, chiar si digestia dar mai ales absorbtia e dereglata.

Cind un client vine la mine, primul lucru care ma intereseaza sa il fac, e sa shut down sistemul nervos sympathetic, daca reusesc si aproape de fiecare data pot, atunci sistemul celalalt parasympatethic kicks in si corpul incepe sa se vindece... ca da! Our bodies are self-healing. Daca induc o relaxare totala in care clientul adoarme pe masa, atunci sint in extaz. : ) DAca nu reusesc, il pun tot timpul sa respire adinc, asta ajuta la deschidea punctelor mai repede...Chi'ul curge mai bine, tensiunea scade, activitatea cerebrala e redusa dramatic.... Ptr o relaxare maxima, sistemul nervos sympathetic trebuie redus la minim...

Ti-am spus de acest system (sympathetic) ca e guvernat in totalitate de adrenale.

Eu inchei acum ca pic de somn. Am bagat si citeva cuvinte in engleza, ca la ora asta cele romanesti dorm... : ))))) sper ca nu deranjeza pe cineva....

Nico, sper ca informatia asta iti este utila. Daca mai ai intrebari, intreaba, iti raspund cu placere daca stiu. rolleyes.gif

ceau ceau si scuze inca o data ca am raspuns asa tirziu, imi statea pe creier sa iti scriu... tongue.gif

Prayer is the bridge between panic and peace.
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mesaj 29 Apr 2004, 09:22 PM
Mesaj #7

Gazda Hanului

Grup: Admin
Mesaje: 8.578
Inscris: 22 February 03
Din: Hanu Ancutei
Forumist Nr.: 1

Am primit de la Ligia doua imagini pe care dorea sa le ataseze aici. Le voi atasa in continuare. Prima:
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mesaj 29 Apr 2004, 09:23 PM
Mesaj #8

Gazda Hanului

Grup: Admin
Mesaje: 8.578
Inscris: 22 February 03
Din: Hanu Ancutei
Forumist Nr.: 1

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