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Trimis de: Mihai pe 23 Nov 2003, 02:49 PM

Scrieri, amintiri, ganduri din viata lui halcyon_lll veti putea citi in cadrul acestui Jurnal.
Lectura placuta! smile.gif

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 24 Nov 2003, 06:35 PM

Azi am ramas socat timp de mai multe minute. Va intrebati de ce? Pai aveam o fereastra de 2 ore libere si din lipsa de ocupatie ma duc sa ma plimb prin oras. Ajung in centru si dupa ce scap cu greu de vanzatorii ilegali de petarde incep sa ma uit pierdut prin magazine. La un moment dat vad in fata mea un afis urias cu litere de-o schioapa:
Pizza XXXXXXX (nu dau nume)
-specialitatea de azi - Pizza Canibala
Citesc o data, recitesc si raman cum am mai zis socat. Cum adica pizza canibala? Ce, in loc de carne de vita sau porc primesc o bucata de gamba sau pulpa proaspata de om? cat de departe poate merge prostia oamenilor? Ce urmeaza? ... pizza cu pamant, gunoi, animale moarte, fecale?
Poate raman eu in tin pasul cu modernizarea de azi.

Trimis de: mogaldeatza pe 25 Nov 2003, 03:12 PM

Reclama e ...sufletu comertului.Tu ai citit si ai ramas siderat, altii
poate chiar, din curiozitate au incercat smile.gif .
Am patit o chestie asemanatoare referitor la humus wink.gif -eu stiam ca
e un tip de sol, dar in buacataria araba este un fel de crema de naut. smile.gif

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 25 Nov 2003, 04:22 PM

Se poate dar nici chiar asa! Azi ma doare capul...sunt obosit si totusi nu am facut nimic! smile.gif Ascult ATB pana adorm si dupa ce imi fac somnul mai intru pe la Han sa vad cum o mai duceti cu viata asta... A fost o zi asa de monotona si rece ca a incept sa ma doara capul. Urasc iarna! Rectific: Urasc iarna la oras! Mi-e sila sa ies in oras daca a nins... Toata zapada cazuta se transforma intr-o mazga framantata de oamenii ce pleaca garbiti la servici, si tot ce a fost noaptea alb devine ziua gri, murdar, pangarit. Si in plus nu suport frigul!!! Spre deosebire de iarna citadina, cea de la sat e super! Acolo imi place! Feeria nocturna ramane intacta si ziua... puritatea (daca pot zice asa) zapezii se pastreaza si se ofera oameniilor... Oau deja incep sa delirez. Klar ma duc sa iau un Paracetamol! biggrin.gif Vorbim mai incolo!!!!

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 26 Nov 2003, 08:48 PM

Incep sa ma plictisesc! Nu mai am rabdare! Cineva zicea sa faci in fiecare zi ceva care sa te sperie sau care sa iti creasca nivelul andrenalinei la maxim. Numai asa te desprinzi de lucrurile marunte si nesemnificative ale vietii si traiesti la maxim. Cred ca am o pre-depresie daca exista asa ceva!!!! yeahrite.gif Am nimerit din greseala la pozele de la intalnirea formistilor. Super haioase! Si cum tot priveam p-acolo am realizat ca sunteti o trupa de prieteni buni, care se inteleg de minune. Atunci ce caut pe forumul vostru? Eu nu va cunosc pe niciunul, personal vorbind! sad.gif Ma bag aici in seama singur vorbind cu niste necunoscuti... Nu mai am ... rabdare! Nu mai ... scriu! Poate maine! Poate nu!

Trimis de: Nana Floare pe 26 Nov 2003, 09:11 PM

Cineva zicea sa faci in fiecare zi ceva care sa te sperie sau care sa iti creasca nivelul andrenalinei la maxim. Numai asa te desprinzi de lucrurile marunte si nesemnificative ale vietii si traiesti la maxim.

O alta solutie, la fel de eficace, este sa inveti sa te bucuri de bucuriile simple: o prajitura, un apus de soare, o vorba buna, o privire, muzica preferata, un banc...Daca citesti Jurnalul Dificilei sau cel al Dianei-Maria vei intelege despre ce vorbesc.

Cred ca am o pre-depresie daca exista asa ceva!!!!

O metoda excelenta de lupta contra depresiei este tinerea unui Jurnal...(pe bune).

Atunci ce caut pe forumul vostru? Eu nu va cunosc pe niciunul, personal vorbind!

Poti sa participi si tu la intalnirile forumistilor...cred ca e suficient sa fii atent la threadul cu "se pregateste urmatoarea intalnire". Cred ca membrii forumului s-au cunoscut intai online si dup'aia, unii dintre ei au devenit prieteni si-n "Viata reala" (din mesajul tau mi se pare ca tu crezi ca a fost invers)

+++ cea mai buna cale de a-ti face prieteni este sa iti dezvolti capacitatea de a-ti admite slabiciunile, de a marturisi ceea ce totii purtam masti in viata profesionala, etc. Prietenii sunt cei cu care poti fi chiar tu...Deci Jurnalul e un loc bun pentru a incepe...

Trimis de: Afrodita pe 26 Nov 2003, 09:27 PM

Uhh, adolescentule, nu mai gandi asa ca vine baba Afro si te bate tongue.gif Cum adica "forumul vostru"?? Stai draga linistit ca nu e al nici unuia si al tuturor...Noi ne cunoasteam de prin martie(adik io de atunci, altii mai devreme) si ne-am intalnit mai multi abia in octombrie...Deci ditamai distanta!! Asa ca stai linistit...Motzu' chiar era venit de putin timp si a fost la intalnirea noastra de atunci si s-a simtit super!! Asa ca si tu esti binevenit oricand!! Apropos , esti din Bucuresti,nu? biggrin.gif
P.S. :Ma mananca sub unghie, daca-sti mai auzit de asta!! blink.gif blink.gif

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 26 Nov 2003, 10:17 PM

Incep de la coada...Nu, nu sunt din Bucuresti. Stau in Cluj si-mi place! smile.gif Chiar dupa ce am scris mesajul deplorabil si demn de mila in jurnal m-am intalnit cu cineva (secret!!!) si mi-a descretit fruntea de tot. Oricum, mersi pentru incurajari si postari la mine in jurnal. Si ca sa nu fiu egoist va arat ce mi-a dat scris pe un bilet:

I will meet you
In some place
Where the light lends itself
To soft repose
I will let you undress me
But I warn you
I have thorns like any rose

You could hurt me
With your bare hands
You could hurt me
Using the sharp end of what you say
But I’m lost to you now
And there’s no amount of reason
That could save me

Nu-mi vine sa cred ca si ea asculta Jewel! Daca m-ati vedea cum topai dintr-un colt in altul ca un copil bezmetic, v-ati prapadi de ras! Asta e! Nu va faceti griji, maine revin la starea de depresie! NU!

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 26 Nov 2003, 10:19 PM

QUOTE (afrodita @ Nov 26 2003, 09:37 PM)
Uhh, adolescentule, nu mai gandi asa ca vine baba Afro si te bate

Ce baba Afro? Eh, ti-am vazut poza si asa babe sa tot vezi! smile.gif ohyeah.gif

Trimis de: Afrodita pe 27 Nov 2003, 10:35 AM

Hahahaaaaa, multam mult!! mwah1.gif Eh, baba, pt ca uneori asa ma simt...Impovarata...Si oricum is mai "batrana" ca tine tongue.gif

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 27 Nov 2003, 05:41 PM

Esti tu un pik mai batrana, da' nu cu mult. Eu sper ca ne putem "tutui", adica n-ar trebui sa-ti zic Tanti Afro! blink.gif
Azi am primit o veste super la Analiza: Cica sapt. viitoare dam lucrare! Yeeee! Si eu nu stiu numic, ca deh, in loc sa invat, stau pe la Han. Asa ca joia viitoare toata lumea care ma cunoaste sa-mi tina pumnii din greu, da? Si de Mos Niculas imi iau calculator, veste tot azi primita, ceea ce inseamna Yeee! tongue.gif . Si diseara ma duc la balul bobocilor ca cica vin Candy.... de fapt nu ma duc la spectacolul propriu-zis ci numai la cheful de dupa, intr-o discoteca. Asa ca azi a fost o zi plina pt mine!!!
Si inca ceva sa nu uit: Duminica, inchinati un pahar de ceva (exclus bere) pt mine! imi serbez ziua de nume!!!! Daca vreti, puteti sa veniti si pana la mine sa chefuim impreuna ca nu ma supar!!!! tongue.gif drunk.gif

Trimis de: Afrodita pe 27 Nov 2003, 05:48 PM

Sa nu te prin cu tanti Afro tongue.gif
Multa bafta!!
Si la multi ani!!
Si as veni, da' esti prea departe cry.gif

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 1 Dec 2003, 07:54 PM

Azi a fost 1 Decembrie. Mare sarbatoare mare! Ca tot romanu ma trezesc dimineata, ma imbrac decent si o iau spre centru unde cica se tin uimitoare manifestatii. Dupa 30 min de mers, ajung in centrul urbei, unde deja erau stransi o gramada de gura-casca. Profitand de statura mea nu foarte masiva, ma strecor printre oameni si ma postez langa un amarat de soldat pus acolo sa "mentina linistea si ordinea publica", care inghitea nervos in gol la fiecare de 30 sec. Dupa multe cuvantari de bun venit si o lectie de istorie pe care toti o stim pe de rost, primarul si prefectul si alti oameni sus-pusi elibereaza microfonul strategic plasat undeva la inaltime pe un podium. Incepe parada! Tobele se aud tot mai aproape, cantecul militaresc se desluseste, cand o voce groasa de barbat ma zgarie pe timpan: "Ce te impingi mai nesimtitule? Lua-te-ar mama drac..." ma uit in stanga inghetat si vad ca nu eu eram nesimtitul, ci un alt gura-casca ghinionist. Cu toate astea, ma iau si ma duc langa 2 tanti mai docile, sperand ca de aici voi putea privi nestingherit parada! Da' de unde! Nici nu ma postez bine, ca si o aud pe una: "Floricĺ, ia-o tu pa fufa aia...cum o cheama? Aia care umbla cu barbatu lu Lucica de la doi!!" Cealalta:"Hiii, ce uite cum s-a imbracat!!"... Ma intorc incruntat spre cele 2 tani devenite tzatze si ma decit sa imi schimb iar locul. Ma duc langa o mama cu 2 copii minori. De acolo privesc aproape toata parada, zic aproape ca pe la sfarsit, un plod zice:"Mami,mami,mami!"."Ce-ti trebe?" se rasti ma-sa. "Mami, ai zis ca vin si elicoptere care "."Taci o data ca daca te pocnesc nu mai trezesti pana maine, tu nu stii sa stai cuminte?" Bineinteles, ma mut pentru a treia oara langa 3 soldati care aveau sarcina sa tina steagul. De acolo vad pana la sfarsit, cu mici exceptii, parada. La sfarsit, cand sa plec, unul dintre ei ma intreaba :"Ba,n-ai o tigara?".Ma uit la el si zic. "Nu, nu fumez!".Nici nu raspund bine, ca unul mai badaran vine cu intrebarea zilei: "Da' nici sora n-ai?" Urmeaza rasete peste rasete. Ce rau imi pare ca nu am o statura mai infricosatoare ca le aratam eu!!! Cu toate astea, ma duc nervos pana la un nene cu chipiu si ii zic:"Domnule, militarii aia de acolo s-au legat de sora-mea!!! smile.gif devil.gif nici nu apuc sa zic bine ca il si aud tipand:Baidoc, bala bla rapid in formatie si la unitate cu voi, fir-ar... Si plec impacat si fericit acasa! A venit decembrie!

Trimis de: Afrodita pe 2 Dec 2003, 04:59 AM

Hahaa, ce de peripetii rofl.gif Io habar nu am ce a fost in oras...Pe la 8 si un pic a venit ex-ul cu catelu' si m-a luat de la munca...Am ajuns acasa, am dormit pana la 6 , am stat putin pe net si hop-top iar la munca...Unde sunt si-acuma biggrin.gif Si asta a fost 1 dec al meu...Ah, am uitat sa zic: mi-a trimis dentistu' mesaj ca are gripa si ca ma reprogrameaza pe joi la ora 5...Oare fix la ora aia ii trece gripa? blink.gif blink.gif

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 3 Dec 2003, 07:16 PM

Incep sa ma plictisesc...iar! Stau in fata calculatorului si ma uit cum vin de pe net melodiile. Imi aduc albumul lui Benny Benassi - Hypnotica . Nu fac nimic si totusi timpul trece asa de repede! E deja miercuri, decembrie, frig... lipseste zapada. Urasc zapada de la oras! am mai zis si totusi ma repet. Probabil ca daca nu as asculta muzica asa de tare as adormi. Love is gonna save us! cica!!! (Asa se cheama o melodie de-a lui Benny). Drums and Bass imi intra adanc in cap... As merge in o discoteca, da' nu pot ca maine am seminarii si se face prezenta!!! mad.gif Mi-e lene si sa tastez!!! Mai bine stau si citesc mesajele noi de la Han.

@Afro: Dentist? Cand aud cuvantul asta ma apuca tremuriciu'. Cred ca am fobia aia valabila la multa lume: mi-e frica de dentist! 6.gif Ti-e nu? unsure.gif

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 6 Dec 2003, 07:33 PM

Azi nu a mers netu timp de vreo 12 ore... Am crezut ca o iau razna!!! biggrin.gif Si bineinteles am si intrat pe la Han sa imi mai bag si eu coada pe unde nu trebuie devil.gif . Mi-e somn! Aseara am fost la un chef si m-am culcat tarziu. Totul a inceput pe la 10 cand am ajuns in camera cu pricina. Ajunsesem prea devreme... numai niste studenti, fiecare cu cate un pahar de unica folosinta plin (variaza de la caz la caz) cu vin, asteptau flamanzi sa vina "femeile". Ma strecor printre ei, imi salut cunoscutii, si ma trezesc si eu cu un pahar in mana asteptand pe hol minunea. Si dupa 30 min minunea apare. Una cate una, care de care mai machiata, mai prost imbracata, adica intr-un cuvant, mai depravata. Si muzica incepe sa bubuie. Ma asez strategic la calculator si caut pe playlist ce melodii imi plac. Cheful incepuse! Bautura curgea, fetele isi agitau echipamentul pe ritmuri de drum&bass (adica Benny Benassi, Andrea Brown, etc) si baietii se gandeau cum sa prinda doi iepuri deodata (o fata + o cantitate nedeterminata de alcool). Si cand totul decurgea atat de bine imi apare in fata o fata (asa cred) toata in negru, cu 3 kile de rimel negru la ochi care ma intreaba: "Auzi, da' Marylin Manson nu pui?" blink.gif Nici nu ma mai obosesc sa ii raspund si ma duc afara. Acolo ma intalnesc cu o colega de-a mea de grupa. Saluturi, pupaturi intrebari de genu "Ce mai faci?", zambate sirete, priviri indiscrete si atat. Vine X (X fiind un amic de-al meu) si-mi zice :"Ia-o mah ca-i bunicica, ce draq?"."Pai mi-e colega!!!"."Ai ASA colege?"."Mda..." Oricum nu are rost sa continui discutia noastra cert e ca pe la sfarsit colega mea era cu X, iar eu ramasesem cu buza umflata. Da' n-as fi umblat cu o fata de genu ala oricum! (Asta e fraza de consolare! rofl.gif ) Sa speram ca petrecera viitoare va fi mai productiva!!!

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 16 Dec 2003, 03:51 PM

Ultima saptamana din anul asta cand mai intru pe la Han! Plec acasa, unde ma rup de toate chestiile ce tin de Cluj, mai putin scoala ca ma pun pe invatat. biggrin.gif Pana acum, saptamana asta a iesit destul de bine... mai putine ore de deprimare, mai multe ore de distractie si buna dispozitie. Ninge... nuuuu! Presimteam eu ceva...
Da' nu conteaza... Anu asta il inchei happy! Mosu a venit deja demult la mine si in noaptea de Craciun voi sti cine a fost cadoul meu cel mai bun (**** te iubi mult!!!!). Si in plus mi-am luat si calculator! Devin deja prea personal... Si daca persoana de la 3 citeste mesajul vreau sa ii zic ca la faza cu jumatatea eu inca nu sunt lamurit da' nu incetez sa sper!!!

Trimis de: Afrodita pe 21 Dec 2003, 05:15 AM

Vai ce misterios ai inceput sa devii!! Si nici nu ne lamuresti si pe noi, rusinicaaa tongue.gif

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 4 Jan 2004, 06:32 PM

Da cam ce lamuriri ai vrea? smile.gif Oricum daca devii foarte foarte insistenta o sa-ti spun despre ce e vorba, ok? Asta ca sa nu-mi zici mie rusinica... sad.gif As scrie mai multe da' abia am ajuns in camera nici n-am despachetat si deja m-am pus in fata calculatorului si Hop pe Hanu Ancutei sa vad ce s-a mai intamplat in lipsa mea... Virusul Hanului mi-a intrat in sange!
De fapt asta se vede si din Avatar nu? spoton.gif

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 13 Jan 2004, 12:21 PM

Nu ii venea sa creada ca face acest lucru. Astepta incremenita in camera, gandindu-se la tot ce se intamplase pana acum... Isi aduse aminte de prietena ei cea mai buna care o sfatuise sa o faca cat mai repede, cat e tanara. Nu isi inchipuia cum a putut sa se lase convinsa... pana la urma urmei el era un necunoscut si...
Zgomotul facut de usa ii intrerupse sirul gandurilor. In prag aparu el, si inima ei incepu sa bata cu putere. Acum era prea tarziu sa dea inapoi. Nu reusea sa scoata o vorba... Il vazu la fata si zambetul lui siret o nelinistea mai tare. Ii zise sa se intinda si ea executa fara sa se impotriveasca. In timp ce el se pregatea, mintea ei lucra febril, gandindu-se daca e o greseala ce face, daca va fi o experienta care o va marca profund.
El se intoarse si ii zise:
- Esti pregatita?
Nu reusi sa zica nimic doar dadu din cap.
- Totul va fi bine. Sa nu-ti faci griji, voi fi cat se poate de delicat cu tine.
Aceste vorbe nu reusisera decat sa ii creasca teama. Privi spre geam , dar nu vazu nimic... Nici nu mai avea putere sa realizeze ce se intampla. Corpul lui masiv se apropie de al ei. Se apleca peste ea si ochii ei intalnira instrumentul lui. Vroia sa moara dar, culmea ironiei, va trai si isi va aminti multi ani aceasta experienta. Il simti inauntrul ei, cum o zgandarea, o profana, ii spulbera inocenta. Vroia sa tipe dar nu reusea si tot ce se auzea erau bataile inimii ei. Trupul lui o invaluia... inchise ochii si incerca sa se desprinda de realitate.
O durea. O durea amarnic si incepu sa curga sange si el nu se mai oprea. Unghiile i se adanceau in tapiteria fotoliului incomod. Simtea ca tot trupul ei e strapuns de mii de ace fierbinti care o impungeau fara nici o mila. Pe obraz i se scurse o lacrima fierbinte. O lacrima de durere, de tristete, de deznadejde. Si el nu se mai oprea. Tot mai adanc, mai adanc simtindu-i rasuflarea cum o otraveste. Privea tavanul si vedea dincolo de tavan. Vedea cerul, ingeri plangand, si durerea nu inceta. Sangele de un rosu aprins nu il atentiona. Era obisnuit cu asa ceva, era obisnuit cu... si un tipat fulgerator umplu camera. Inima i se rupse de durere. Ramase cu ochii atintiti de candelabru. Lacrimile au secat. el se retrase si iesi din camera.
- Esti gata! Poti pleca.
Putea sa plece... in sfarsit, chinul trecuse, dar trupul ei inca mai pulsa de durere. Se duse la baie si se curata... dar se simtea murdara. Un gol imens se afla inauntrul ei. Iesi repede pe usa si privi inca o data spre usa care ii adusese atata durere. Se uita cu dezgust la afisul de o schioapa: M. Nedelcu - Medic stomatolog.
Cat de mult o dezamagise prima vizita la dentist!

Trimis de: punctt pe 27 Apr 2004, 06:53 AM

Buna, sper ca nu deranjez.
Este o reclama cu un medic stomatolog....
copilul care alearga cu bratele deschise care medic.
Chipul ii radiaza de bucurie... in

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 8 May 2004, 07:52 AM

Bucurati-va! Farmaciile au iar Halcyon, si se elibereaza fara reteta.

Citesc jurnalele altora, si ma minunez. Fiecare e asa interesant si are atatea de spus. Si imi vine sa ma bag peste gandurile omului. Si de multe ori o fac. Unii ma inteleg, altii nu. Dar m-am hotarat sa revin la vechiul meu jurnal, pe care vreau sa-l ridic la standardele celorlalte. Aici macar nu sunt un intrus.

E sambata, 8:50 am. M-am trezit devreme, prea devreme, dar nu mai aveam somn. Ar trebui sa ma apuc de invatat, hmm ar trebui dar niciodata nu ajung sa stau in fata cursurilor. Uneori, school sucks! Asa ca iata-ma iar in fata calculatorului, citind ce mai e pe han, analizand in tacere.

Ascult melodii de somn si totusi ele ma trezesc ... Moby, Glenn Miller, Cirque du Soleil, Enya, Mihaela Runceanu ... hmm, eu plin de viata si de umor ascult melodii lente...Somethin's wrong! laugh.gif

Cam atat pe ziua de azi!

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 8 May 2004, 08:08 AM

~Discutie telefonica~

El: -Alo, familia Costea.
Ea: -Da. Doamna Costea la telefon...Cine e?
El: -Doamna, de la Salvare va deranjam. Sotul dumneavoastra a suferit un accident ...
Ea: -Aoleu ...
El: -Doamna, alo, doamna mai sunteti?
Ea: -Da, vai Doamne, ce ... ce s-a intamplat? Sotul meu trebuia sa vina de la servici...
El: -A avut un accident de masina, s-a rasturnat...
Ea: -Nu se poate...E grav? Vin in 10 minute...
El: -Doamna, cum sa va spun, sotul dumneavoastra a decedat. Airbag-ul i-a rupt gatul. Va rugam sa veniti pentru identificare...
Ea: -Doamne, dumnezeule, nu se poate. Nu se poate. Sunteti sigur? Adica, chiar de 20 min m-a sunat si zicea ca vine acasa ... *plans*
El: -Condoleantele mele doamna, dar asa s-a intamplat. Va rog sa nu veniti singura. Luati o ruda cu dumneavoastra...Ah si inca ceva ... aduceti o lesa pentru caine...Ca prin minune, el a scapat...
Ea: -Ce caine? Ce caine?
El: -Pai domnul avea in masina un caine, doamna linsititi-va .... si animalul a scapat.
Ea: -Dar nu avem nici un caine, sotul meu venea de la servici, ce caine domnule?
El: -Doamna, noi am gasit un caine in fiarele contorsionate. Atat stim! Si la gat are un medalion pe care scrie "4 mai 1977 am atiu" .
Ea: -Vai ... nu se poate!
El: -Doamna, e al dumneavoastra veniti ..
Ea: -E data de nastere a sotului...Ce se intampla? Noi nu avem caine...


Trimis de: HabarNam pe 8 May 2004, 10:14 AM

Şi morala care e ?

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 8 May 2004, 11:09 AM

Trebuie sa fie o morala? huh.gif Nu cred. Nu trebuie sa ma explic.

Trimis de: fargakos pe 8 May 2004, 02:02 PM

Si pe mine m-ai bagat in gandesc si n-am gasit numai o posibilitate blink.gif
Edit.. ba nu, is mai multe...

Trimis de: Nico pe 8 May 2004, 06:52 PM

Aha, deci aici mi-erai? Am cautat jurnalul asta dar nu l-am vazut pana acum.
Nu-ti fa griji, nu voi fi o intrusa. Eu sunt doar intrusa din jurnalul lui Farga^ laugh.gif
Promit sa fiu cumite sorry.gif

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 8 May 2004, 06:59 PM stii ca esti supravegheata in permanenta. ai grija ce faci rofl.gif

Trimis de: Nico pe 8 May 2004, 07:09 PM

Mai, nu ma provoca. Ai vazut ce a patit saracu Farga in jurnal si era nevinovat rofl.gif
Gata, nu mai zic nimic ph34r.gif

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 8 May 2004, 07:13 PM

user posted image

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 8 May 2004, 08:02 PM


-Ce facem e atat de gresit! nu ne auda cineva ...
-Mda...stii ca exista legi si poti intra in inchisoare daca intri noaptea in cimitire?
-De asta e asa de incitant. Hai..sari si tu!
-Off mai cate ma mi-e frica!!
-Hai Mirela, lasa andrenalina sa-ti curga prin sange ... Sa vezi ce misto o sa fie!
-Misto? Ce e asa de misto? Sa calci pe ramasitele unor oameni?
-Uite, ce interesant, aceasta femeie a murit in 1976, 7 martie. Uite ce i-a scris familia "Nu vom uita aceasta zi. Azi un inger a fost chemat inapoi in rai"...frumos!
-Paul...esti un ciudat. Stinge bricheta si hai sa plecam. Te rog!
-Stai un pic. Daca tot am intrat aici sa mai citim...Uite Grigorescu Petru, asa, o mie noua sute ... "Vei ramane mereu in amintirea noastra" ...
-Pai asa scrie la toata lumea. Uite Valean Andreea 1999-2003 "Nu credeam ca va veni ziua in care vei muri. Te vom iubi toata viata." Ce trist...mama si tata! Paul hai sa plecam...mi-e frica si acuma m-am deprimat.
-Inca o piatra. Uite aia de acolo...mai singuratica. Scrie ... scrie ... ce dumnezeu?!? ...
-Ce e? Ce scrie?
-Scrie Vranceanu Paul ..
-Ce? Tu ma prostesti ... ala e numele tau...
-Tu fata! stiu! uita .. Vranceanu Paul 8 noiembrie 1982- 15 mai 2004... E data mea de nastere...
-Si maine e 15...Vai...
-Adica azi...Ce drac ....


Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 9 May 2004, 10:08 PM

I'm so tired of being here. Suppressed by all my childhood fears. These wounds won't seem to heal, this pain is just too real, there's just too much that time cannot erase. Evanescence

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 10 May 2004, 10:11 PM

O zi buna. Chiar a fost o zi buna. A inceput bine, s-a continuat bine si se va incheia cu bine. Probabil maine va fi mai rau! Ascult obsesiv Cirque du soleil si ma linistesc, ma scufund, si imi aduc aminte de visul de noaptea trecuta. Am visat ca eram intr-un ocean sau o mare si stateam acolo in apa. Era asa de bine. Si culmea, nu respiram, nu aveam nevoie de aer. Stateam printre alge marine si priveam pestii. Ciudat!

Trimis de: Nana Floare pe 10 May 2004, 10:26 PM

Love is a bird she needs to fly. Let all the hurt inside of you die.♥

De-ar fi asa simplu... sad.gif Nu vrea sa moara.

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 10 May 2004, 10:35 PM

Asta pentru ca nu vrei tu. Inneac-o!

Trimis de: Nana Floare pe 10 May 2004, 10:37 PM

Ma ineaca ea pe mine... sad.gif smile.gif huh.gif

Trimis de: Nico pe 17 May 2004, 02:23 AM

Ma gandesc cateodata ca e posibil intr-o zi sa nu mai intru pe Han, sa renunt, si totusi imi dau seama ca nu as putea... pentru ca aici am intalnit atatia oameni minunati, preocupati de adevar si de sfaturi de viata, care stiu atat de bine sa exprime ceea ce simt prin imagini, carora le plac poeziile negre, unele atat de triste, dar si cu un simt al umorului extraordinar, incat uiti ca mai aveai si probleme. Eu pe acesti oameni ii apreciez in mod deosebit si vreau sa afle lucrul asta, si as mai vrea sa ii vad numai zambitori biggrin.gif si cat se poate de fericiti. Sincer! wink.gif

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 17 May 2004, 12:40 PM

Nico hug.gif

I met on the net,
A friend I think of everyday,
Someone whose warmth and sunny disposition I could never forget.

My friend lives far away,
but it doesn't affect how precious she is to me,
because we share each other's lives,
and share some deep thoughts.

And I'll make a wish,
as I always do,
That the dear dreams in my friend's heart
will someday come true.

Thank you for being a friend,
Someone who gives me something
To look forward to each day,
Someone whom I can always depend.


Trimis de: Nico pe 17 May 2004, 02:47 PM

Halcy, ai scris mult mai mai dragut ca mine hug.gif

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 19 May 2004, 09:32 AM

Don’t need to paper
Don’t need no pencil
Don’t need no love letters
Cause I just wanna get along with you

No beeper
Don’t need no cellular
No digitals better
I just wanna get along with you

Try me
Cause I agree
What makes you happy
But the part that I don’t get is
Why me
You deny me
Now I’m forced upon this planet
Sadly lonely nights I’m used to gettin
You took my heartbeat from me
This is the saddest story
What was wrong with my love
You took my heartbeat from me
Was it I loved you poorly
Whatever it was
I just wanna get along with you

Don’t need no car
Don’t need no truck
Don’t need no vehicles
Cause I just wanna get along with you
No planes
Don’t need no trains
Don’t need to be passenger
Cause I just wanna get along with you

Try me
Cause I agree
What makes you happy
But the part that I don’t get is
Why me
You deny me
Now I’m forced upon this planet
Sadly lonely nights I’m used to gettin
You took my heartbeat from me
This is the saddest story
What was wrong with my love
You took my heartbeat from me
Was it I loved you poorly
Whatever it was
I just wanna get along with you

Don’t need new clothes
Don’t need this house
Don’t need this land or skies
Cause I just wanna get along with you
These eyes
Don’t need these thighs
As a matter of fact this damn life
Cause I just wanna get along with you

Try me
Cause I agree
What makes you happy
But the part that I don’t get is
Why me
You deny me
Now I’m forced upon this planet
Sadly lonely nights I’m used to gettin
You took my heartbeat from me
This is the saddest story
What was wrong with my love
You took my heartbeat from me
Was it I loved you poorly
Whatever it was
I just wanna get along with you

You took my heartbeat from me
This is the saddest story
What was wrong with my love
Your took my heartbeat from me
Should have just stabbed it for me
From ashes to dust
I just wanna get along with you

Dear diary
I remember like it was yesterday
It was october 30th
I no longer have any need for these worldly things
I wanna go where he is
I’ll follow the fire in the sky
And just like that I’ll be gone

You took my heartbeat from me
This is the saddest story
What was wrong with my love
Your took my heartbeat from me
Should have just stabbed it for me
From ashes to dust
I just wanna get along with you

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 23 May 2004, 10:07 AM

*Art. 194. - Constrângerea unei persoane, prin violentă sau amenintare, să dea, să facă, să nu facă sau să sufere ceva, dacă fapta este comisă spre a dobândi în mod injust un folos, pentru sine sau pentru altul, se pedepseste cu închisoare de la 6 luni la 5 ani.
Când constrângerea constă în amenintarea cu darea în vileag a unei fapte reale sau imaginare, compromitătoare pentru persoana amenintată, pentru sotul acesteia sau pentru o rudă apropiată, pedeapsa este închisoarea de la 2 la 7 ani.

*Art. 205. - Atingerea adusă onoarei ori reputatiei unei persoane prin cuvinte, prin gesturi sau prin orice alte mijloace, ori prin expunerea la batjocură, se pedepseste cu închisoare de la o lună la 2 ani sau cu amendă.
Aceeasi pedeapsă se aplică si în cazul când se atribuie unei persoane un defect, boală sau infirmitate care, chiar reale de-ar fi, nu ar trebui relevate.
Actiunea penală se pune în miscare la plângerea prealabilă a persoanei vătămate.
Împăcarea părtilor înlătură răspunderea penală.

*Art. 206. - Afirmarea ori imputarea în public, prin orice mijloace, a unei fapte determinate privitoare la o persoană, care, dacă ar fi adevărată, ar expune acea persoană la o sanctiune penală, administrativă sau disciplinară ori dispretului public, se pedepseste cu închisoare de la 3 luni la 3 ani sau cu amendă.
Actiunea penală se pune în miscare la plângerea prealabilă a persoanei vătămate.
Împăcarea părtilor înlătură răspunderea penală

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 23 May 2004, 08:15 PM

Poprosi menya'.

Ogon'ki privychnye gasnut i konchayutsya. Tol'ko bezrazlichnye, fanari kochayutsya mysli postoronnie lishnie ne novye i potustaronnie zavodnye klouny. Sinie I krasnya zavodnye klouny i slova naprasnye luchshe poprosi menya i prosnemsya novymi, i prosnemsya sil'nymi. Samye obychnye i sovsem ne novye kukly bez razlichnye, zavodnye klouny na chetyre storony vse chetyre levye a po pyatoi klouny? Kukly ne umelye ...

Trimis de: Arlequine pe 23 May 2004, 08:59 PM

tulai doamne, halcyoane, la ce chinuri lingvistice ne supui... unsure.gif

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 23 May 2004, 09:43 PM

Un test!!!

Я теперь твой враг

Дым сигарет,
Старый букет,
Сутки смотрю в телевизор.
Настежь балкон
И молчит телефон,
Задыхаюсь без тебя
И твержу про себя

Просто получилось так
Я теперь твой враг
За какое преступление
Просто получилось так
Я теперь твой враг
Я не попрошу прощения

Город не спит,
Время стоит,
С кем твои игры сегодня.
День или год
Мне объявлен бойкот
Не пойму, как дальше жить
Ты не можешь простить

Ce vad si caracterele chirilice! thumb_yello.gif

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 27 May 2004, 01:38 PM

Walk in a corner shop
See a shoplifting cop
See the old lady with a gun
See the hero try to run

Nothing's what it seems, I mean
It's not all dirty, but it's not all clean
There's children paying bills
There's monks buying thrills

There's pride for sale in magazines
There's pills for rent to make u clean
There's angels with dirty faces so mean

Mothers weep, children sleep
So much violence ends in silence
It's a shame there's no one 2 blame
For all the pain that life brings

A waitress brings me lunch
We meet but do not touch
On TV, Nastase is selling lies
While in the corner, a child's dream dies

Go 2 the counter, pay for me and my friend
A homeless man pulls out a roll, says it's on him
The mayor has no cash
He said he spent it on hookers and hash

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 29 May 2004, 08:37 PM

Si daca ramuri bat in jam ... cry.gif

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 29 May 2004, 10:54 PM

You thought the worst was over. You thought the beast was dead. But the nightmare ... has just begun. From the creator of "Doza zilnica de Halcyon" comes the next chapter as one of the most terrifying student tales continues. How can you escape when the evil lives in your veins ? The beast is back. "Doza zilnica de Halcyon" 2 - Unleashed.

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 30 May 2004, 05:03 PM

Yes you said we'll be two stars shinning in the night. But you know on a day like this i'm sitting here alone. Where all those dreams you promised me, my love? I'm so scared of loneliness and no one carred about what i'm thinking. But i hear you knockin on my door, and nothing hurts forever, and you said i'm lying ... you really think that i'm lying to you?

Yes, you said to me that you're jealous and that i'm fooling around with other girls. But you know, when a love goes wrong nothing goes right. Every night i'm running around and they scandalised my name and no one carred about what i'm thinking ... no one carred about me. But how many times can we say goodbye? ... One day it's over. And you said i'm lying ... you really think that i'm lying to you?

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 8 Jun 2004, 12:40 PM

Tell me

Can you express your hidden passion? Or do you live by social direction? Moving with the madding crowed void of sense and self expression, awaken from your paralyzing nightmare and transcend the boundaries to reality. For caution to the wind be free unleash the strength within to dare.

Express your hidden passion

Express your hidden passion here and now dancing free, a soul without fear...No need to hide or be ashamed craps your chance release your passion now. The walls of inhibition crumble past shadows fade and light prevails, like the phoenix from the ashes you have risen ... live life to the fullest while other stumble.

While other stumble

Express your hidden passion

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 8 Jun 2004, 12:47 PM

For just one day
I wanna break all regoulations,
because we all go the same way,
and we all pass the same stations.

For just one day
I wanna feel totally free,
no responsabilities,
just everything is O.K.

No desires,
just surviving is the key,
for just one day
I wanna ignore our senseless fate,
colours are victorious over the grey,
stop to get controlled by the state.

For just one day
I wanna forget the value of money and gold,
I wanna live my way
and lose my inhibition threshold

Just one day ...

Trimis de: Onix pe 20 Jun 2004, 01:05 PM

May you smile your way through life and grow stronger with each passing day!

La multi ani, Halcy!

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 27 Jun 2004, 03:09 PM

I will always remember!!!

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 29 Jun 2004, 03:59 PM

user posted image

A tree among trees, a life among lives,
A death among deaths.
Here, with peace we lay down our
Dead ... with stones and flowers on the ground

And when we lie with our pillow of stone, with lifeless
Smiles decorating our faces, we will remain safe in the
Knowledge that equality pervades us. We, being just
A tree among trees, a life among lives, a death among deaths

Copyright Halcyon_lll

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 30 Jun 2004, 07:46 AM

One last goodbye

Looking at the letters
on the page
reading through them
checking they're right
sealing them all
with one last goodbye
sitting shaking
taking one last look
at the world all around him
one last goodbye
to the special friend that made it so perfect
closing his eyes
he says one last goodbye

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 3 Oct 2004, 06:08 PM

The seagulls cry.
Red sunset beach.
Lessons learned of today.
Tomorrow ,
I may teach.

What I have learned.
I stash in my pocket.
That hole in my mind.
A few crumbs of knowledge.
That might fit in a locket.

But some of the most precious things,
Sometimes fit in small packages.
To be revived in the future.
Or even in lifes passing.

I'll never tire of knowledge.
It carries so lite.
So lite that it weighs,
Like a feather in flight.

It the heaviness of heart.
It's that I must weigh.
I must decide what is good.
And discard the rest away.

I'll travel heavy with the knowledge,
And lite with the heart.
Till my soul overflows.
From the seas to the sun

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 7 Oct 2004, 01:11 PM

Our sorrows measure all the joys we tell
Night makes us grateful for the days illume
But dawn draws near, there’s silence now in hell

I’ve wept in shame as far from grace I fell
My murmured teardrops echoing in the gloom
Our sorrows measure all the joys we tell

Now fades the gong of Hades hateful bell
And distance swallows up the thundering boom
But dawn draws near, there’s silence now in hell

Delight and pain, oh twisted parallel!
As if bloods stench were fine and sweet perfume
Our sorrows measure all the joys we tell

The damned of Tartarus know the requiem well
Their lips repeating, ranting songs of doom
But dawn draws near, there’s silence now in hell

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 13 Oct 2004, 07:20 PM

A little late for all the things you didn't say ... I'm not sad for you but I'm sad for all the time I had to waste with you. Because I learned the truth and I know that your heart is in a place I no longer wanna be. I knew there'd come a day when
I'd set you free. ... Your love isn't fair ....

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 14 Oct 2004, 08:25 PM

Without begining or end

as we were talking outside it was cold we were shivering yet warmed by the subject matter my wife is in the next room we've been having troubles you know please don't tell her or anyone but I need to talk to somebody you say "wouldn't it be a shame if I knew how great I was five minutes before I died i'd be filled with such regret before I took my last breath" and I said "you're willing to tell me this now and you're not going to die any time soon" and I said I haven't been eating chicken or meat or anything and you said yes but you've been wearing leather and laughed and said we're at the top of the food chain and yes you're still a fine woman and I cringed

I was hoping I was hoping we could heal each other
I was hoping I was hoping we could be raw together

we left the restaurant where the head waiter (in his 60's) said "good-bye sir thank you for your business sir you're successful and established sir and we like the frequency with which you dine here sir and your money" and when I walked by they said "thank you too dear" I was all pigtails and cords and there was a day when I would've said something like "hey dude I could buy and sell this place so kiss it" I too once thought I was owed something

I was hoping I was hoping we could challenge each other
I was hoping I was hoping we could crack each other up

I too thought that when proved wrong I lost somehow I too once thought life was cruel it's a cycle really you think i'm withdrawing and guilt tripping you I think you're insensitive and I don't feel heard and I said do you believe we are fundamentally judgemental? fundamentally evil? and you said yes I said I don't believe in revenge in right or wrong good or bad you said "well what about the man that I saw handcuffed in the emergency room bleeding after beating his kid and she threw a shoe at his head. I think what he did was wrong and I would've had a hard time feeling compassion for him"

I had to watch my tone for fear of having you feel judged
I was hoping I was hoping we could dance together

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 17 Oct 2004, 08:48 PM

M-am gandit sa postez niste poze facute de mine, care mi se par deosebite, intr-un fel sau altul. Nu va rusinati. Accept orice fel de comenatrii critice la adresa lor.

Secret Window

user posted image

The Last Dendroid

user posted image

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 18 Oct 2004, 10:09 PM

Simply Red

Trimis de: Nico pe 19 Oct 2004, 10:38 PM

Simply Red mi se pare reusita prin faptul ca iti trezeste interesul, nu stii exact ce este si iti poate lasa impresia ca ai fotografiat o sfera, desi nu e rolleyes.gif .

Trimis de: Absolut pe 20 Oct 2004, 12:11 AM

Simple Red imi pare si mie a fi cea mai reusita . lasa loc la interpretari . umbra e singurul element care ajuta doar la depistarea sursei de lumina. cred ca e un vas (de sticla) pus invers pe o masa . eu am privit fascinat pentru cateva clipe . ai reusit sa transmiti ceva , sa stimulezi , sa aprinzi si asta cred eu ca e cel mai important.
eu unul iti scriu sa continui cu fotografia . un photoshop e bun pt orice fotograf care se vrea profi , dar cred ca deja il ai wink.gif
eu astept sa mai vad si altele.

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 20 Oct 2004, 11:53 AM

Peace with God

user posted image

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 4 Nov 2004, 04:15 PM

I miss you - where are you now
I miss you - where have you gone
I miss you - waiting my hole life for you
I miss you - but I never met you yet

I miss you - I believe in dreams
I miss you - I believe in you
I miss you - wouldn't even recognize
I miss you - but I never met you yet

I miss you - I believe in dreams
I miss you - I believe in you
I miss you - wouldn't even recognize
I miss you - but I never met you yet

I miss you ...

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 5 Nov 2004, 06:07 PM

... way to heaven ?

Trimis de: Nico pe 5 Nov 2004, 07:36 PM

"Beauty always comes with dark thoughts" rolleyes.gif

Trimis de: flu pe 5 Nov 2004, 07:55 PM

"Way to heaven" asa-i ca e facuta pe drumul care urca spre Zorilor? smile.gif

Faine fotografiile, cel mai mult imi place cea cu copacelul singuratec - incadrarea, luminozitatea, culorile... spoton.gif

Asteptam mai multe... wink.gif

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 5 Nov 2004, 08:45 PM

Mersi mult Nico si Flu (de unde stii ? esti din Cluj ? )...

Si pt Nico :
A dead world
A dark path
Not even crossroads to choose from
All the bloodred
Carpets before me
Behold this fair creation of God

Trimis de: Nico pe 5 Nov 2004, 10:30 PM

Halcy, esti la postul 1000!!! La mai multe biggrin.gif

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 6 Nov 2004, 07:52 PM

My world - cracked

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 7 Nov 2004, 11:35 AM

Where did we go wrong ?
Where did we lose our faith ?
My lover is in need
But can she depend on me ?
Do you think if one of you tried
Maybe you could find
A better lover than any other ?
If you gave more than you took
Life could be so good
Come on and try
Now’s the time
’cause you’re free
To do what you want to do
You’ve got to live your life
Do what you want to do

Are we all strangers ?
Does anyone really care ?
Deep down we’re all the same
Trying to hide our pain.
You think you can never trust another
’cause they’re all out to get ya ?
We have to live in this world together
If we open up our hearts
Love can finally start
Come on and try
Now’s the time

When you’re down and you’re
Feeling bad
Everybody has left you sad
Feels like no one will pull you through
It’s your life whatcha gonna do
Make that change let’s start today
Get outta bed get on your way
Don’t be scared your dream’s right there
You want it reach for it

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 10 Nov 2004, 11:24 PM

Ideea e sa mori tanar ... cat mai tarziu posibil.

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 20 Jan 2005, 02:55 PM

Broken hearted,
so,so Cruel.
Slit wrists,
Eyes so sore.

Bleeding nose,
Stomach ache.
Feels so real,
looks so fake.

Bad headache,
Stupid rumour.
Pain grows,
like a tumour.

Soul is black,
hands swolen.
Neck bleeds,
hearts stolen.

Feet are killing,
blister's bursting.
Legs deceased,
this smile is hurting.

Lonliness covers,
again i lose.
Roll the dice,
i get another bruise.

Broken hearted,
All alone.
Heart's like paper,
But soul's like stone.

Trimis de: denise pe 20 Jan 2005, 03:02 PM

smile.gif Ca tot vorbeam de culori azi:

You with the sad eyes
Don't be discouraged, though i realize it's hard to
take courage in a world, full of people,
you can lose sight of it
And the darkness inside you
will make you feel so small

But I see your true colors, shining through
I see your true colors, and that's why I love you
So don't be afraid, to let them show
Your true colors, true colors
Are beautiful, like a rainbow

Show me a smile, don't be unhappy
I can't remember when i last saw you laughing
If this world makes you crazy and
you've taken in all you can bare
You call me up- because you know I'll be there

I can't remember when I last saw you laughing
If this world makes you crazy
and you take in all you can bare
You call me up- because you know I'll be there

And I see your true colors, shining through
I see your true colors and thats why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors, true colors,
True colors, are shining through
I see your true colors and that's why i love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors, true colors
Are beautiful, like a rainbow

(Cindy Lauper- True colors)

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 2 Feb 2005, 09:19 PM

Three important rules for breaking up:

1. Don’t put off breaking up when you know you want to. Prolonging the situation only makes it worse. Tell her honestly, simply, kindly, but firmly. Don’t make a big production, don’t make up an elaborate story ... this will help you avoid a big tear jerking scene.

2. If you wanna date other people say so. Be prepared for the girl to feel hurt and rejected even if you’ve gone together for only a short time and haven’t been too serious there’s still a feeling of rejection.

3. But if you’re honest, and direct, and avoid making a flowery emotional speech when you brake the news, the girl will respect you for your frankness, and honestly she’ll apeciate the kind of straight foward manner in which you told her your decision.

Unless she’s a real bitch or a cry baby you will remain friends ...

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 12 Feb 2005, 03:00 PM

You look into my eyes
I go out of my mind
I can't see anything
Cos this thing's got me blind
I can't help myself
I can't break the spell
I can't even try
I'm in over my head
You got under skin
I got no strength at all
In the state that I'm in
And my knees are weak
And my mouth can't speak
Fell too far this time

When you whisper to me
And I shiver inside
You undo me and move me
In ways undefined
And you're all I see
And you're all I need
Cos I'm slipping away
Like the sand to the tide
Falling into your arms
Falling into your eyes
If you get too near
I might disappear
I might lose my mind

Baby, I'm too lost in you
Caught in you
Lost in everything about you
So deep, I can't sleep
I can't think
I just think about the things that you do
I'm too lost in you

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 12 Feb 2005, 06:07 PM

user posted image

Beneath Still Waters…something ancient now stirs, and a forgotten legend lives again. Half a century ago they thought that they buried the horror forever.

But you can’t kill…what was never really alive. And the massive stone walls of the Dam must soon burst…and what was myth, what was unbelievable, will turn deadly and all too real.

user posted image

Modele: Andreea & Carmen.

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 4 Mar 2005, 09:03 PM

All my love is up till you
Got no reason to go through
Baby you know you make me blue
But I wanna get better
I don't mind if you say no
Darling let your spirit go
If you just try to watch our love
You know we're gonna get better

I'm waiting for you
I'm alone and I wonder
trying not to lose my mind
But it doesn't matter
Cuz my feeling is hungry
I just wanna see your eyes
So what can I do
If you say that you're gone now
I dont ever lose my time
If waste in each other
your words and letters
Things are gonna get better

But you
Don't wanna do much
So I've been
Looking for another life
And now I feel better
Because you know I'm so stronger
So what's the use
Of your lies
in all these empty days and nights
Cuz it's over
And they're gonna get better

The time of my life
Is gonna get better
The future for us
Is gonna get better
Cuz you turn me on
And I lose control
If we stay together
Yeah we're gonna get better
You know that my love
Is making you strong
Day by day
You will never be alone
Cuz I will be there
Be by your side
You know that
Everything is gonna get better

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 29 May 2005, 11:12 AM

Falling... Me caigo
Fall of an angel...
You can see the fall...
When you're feeling high...
Yo estoy dentro de las sombras
When you kiss the earth
Angel of your mind ... I'm flowing

Dentro de tus suegos mas profundos
Yo te oigo me llamas ... Celestial
Tus miedos profundos
Me ves cayendo
Me caigo ... Falling
Vivo dentro de tu spiritu
Fall of an angel
La tiendo dentro de tu corazon

You can see the fall... Angel...
In your deepest dreams

Sufriendo, fluyendo dentro de ti
Fall of an angel
Besando la tierra
Asciende te, levantando te
Fluyendo dentro de ti
Atraves de ti
Cuando te lavantas
Cuando esta triste
Cuando lloras con la luvia

As oceans collide
From the moon across the sun
I'm wasting my breath
With no name and no one

Silence of the sound
And the color of the night
The sounds from the thoughts
And the thoughts from the light

Fluid and sinking
I melt into the light
There's nothing but space
And my soul can take flight

When you're feeling high ...
When you're feeling down ...

Silence of the sound
And the colors of the night
The sounds from the thoughts
And the thoughts from light

Fall of an angel...

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 26 Jun 2006, 12:34 PM

mda ... a trecut ceva vreme ... s-a depus prafu' ... a trecut ceva vreme

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 21 Oct 2006, 01:05 PM

You’ve become weak
Lost and alone.
With tears of sulphur
And a heart of stone.

You’ve become nothing
A speckle in this time
Thoughts became illegal,
Feelings became a crime.

Sitting in the corner,
Watching you point and stare
“See that poor boy ?
He’s dying over there” ...

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 14 Feb 2007, 02:14 PM

Social Suicide
user posted image

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 1 Mar 2007, 09:19 PM

Her blood coursed through my veins sweeter than life itself.

user posted image

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 2 Mar 2007, 09:23 PM

Mirror, mirror on the wall,
Who's the fairest of them all?
She looks at her and what does she see ?
The fattest one is still just thee.

She stands up straight, sucks it in,
In a feeble attempt to feel thin.
Mirror, mirror shattered on the ground,
She curses her body for being so round.

You cannot hate what you cannot see,
So plenty should be hating thee.
Mirror, mirror, cutting hard and deep
Falling on the floor, she starts to weep

Mirror, mirror stained with blood and tears
She starts hating the body she wears
Desperate, pieces cut through flesh and veins
Hoping that when she's done, nothing remains

user posted image

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 18 Mar 2007, 09:35 PM

user posted image

We are the people who's come here to play
I don't like it easy ...
I don't like the straight way
We're in the middle of something
We are here to stay
And we raise our heads for the color red

I heard you for the first time on the radio
When I was going somewhere in a car
You touched my heart, like a knife that's very sharp
Or like a bird, you just set free
That's just like me, when I hear you speak

I like vanilla and I like sex
I ride the pony that I like best
I knew I that there was something I missed
I was fifteen when I first got kissed, before I knew about the equality way
I wanted to get laid to "Take my breath away"

We are the people who's come here to play
I don't like it easy
I don't like the straight way
We're in the middle of something
We are here to stay
And we raise our heads for the colour red

user posted image

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 18 Mar 2007, 09:36 PM

I keep my knife sharp!

Trimis de: Arlequine pe 19 Mar 2007, 07:16 PM

abia acuma o vad, ultima poza e foarte misto. thumb_yello.gif

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 27 Mar 2007, 11:51 AM

user posted image

Beautiful Carmen and her little friend, Tiky!

user posted image

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 29 Mar 2007, 06:37 PM

All is full of Mauve.

user posted image

you'll be given love
you'll be taken care of
you'll be given love
you have to trust it

maybe not from the sources
you have poured yours
maybe not from the directions
you are staring at ...

Trimis de: Nico pe 29 Mar 2007, 07:35 PM

I like it... rolleyes.gif smile.gif

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 30 Mar 2007, 12:59 PM

A day in the park ... smile.gif

user posted image

user posted image

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 3 Apr 2007, 05:29 PM

Is it love ?

user posted image

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 4 Apr 2007, 08:23 PM

Nightcrawler: Excuse me? They say you can imitate anybody, even their voice.
Mystique: [as Nightcrawler] Even their voice.
Nightcrawler: Then why not stay in disguise all the time? You know, look like everyone else.
Mystique: Because we shouldn't have to.

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 5 Apr 2007, 10:39 AM

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have
All of me

user posted image

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 1 May 2007, 09:13 AM

Do you remember that game we used to play when we were little? The one where we would make ourselves hold our breath until we passed out? Then you'd always get scared and call Mom and I'd get in to trouble?

That game really sucked.

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Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 13 May 2007, 11:42 PM

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Neincetat ma regasesc prins intre nori si-astept sa vina ploaia ... sa vina ploaia. Caut un drum sa merg spre cer, vreau sa ma pierd in el deoarece aici visele nu pier. Si zi de zi nu ma regasesc, pierdut printre nori stau si-astept sa vina ploaia ... sa vina ploaia. Caut un loc si-n vise mai sper ...

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 25 May 2007, 09:25 PM

Lonely heart of a little boy who's waiting for his daddy with a brand new toy ... lonely eyes of a little boy, petrified of love cause they don't know how many tears or how many broken hearts? Just how many sorrows? How much you'll take In YOUR LIFE ?

user posted image

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 4 Jun 2007, 04:03 PM

user posted image

Leave me here to find my joy, the way I want to ... Leave me here to find the spark, that never goes away, never goes away, never goes away, never goes away ... Leave me here to find my perfect sequence the way I dream it, leave me here to find the feeling that never goes away. Love should make you crazy, love should make you crazy, love should make you crazy ...


UPDATE: Bogdan, only 16 ... descoperit in Avenue Club, Cluj.

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Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 11 Jun 2007, 09:37 AM

One last photoshoot ... before the depart.

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user posted image

Thank you all ... mwah1.gif

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 11 Jun 2007, 09:44 AM

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user posted image

si ... Bogdan

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Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 20 Jun 2007, 05:12 PM

No more carefree laughter ... Silence ever after ... Walking through an empty house, tears in her eyes. Here is where the story ends, this is goodbye ... In these old familiar rooms children would play, now theres only emptiness, nothing to say.

user posted image

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 17 Sep 2007, 12:04 AM

Aparitie in revista GQ, noiembrie 2007 ... munca grea are in sfarsit, un rezultat.

Trimis de: denise pe 17 Sep 2007, 07:39 AM

mwah1.gif Felicitari! Munca grea...dar frumoasa.

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 3 Oct 2007, 03:31 PM

Begegnet dir die Liebe,
sei leise, still, nicht stumm.
Vertraue meiner Liebe
und dreh dich niemals um.
Ich kann dich seh´n...

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 3 Oct 2007, 03:37 PM

There is a smile
A smile upon your face

I wonder why
Why you´re full of grace

There is a time
My feeling was replaced

I wanna hide
Hide in your embrace...

Trimis de: Afrodita pe 3 Oct 2007, 08:09 PM

Sunt superbe pozele! De unde le ai? biggrin.gif

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 6 Oct 2007, 05:18 PM

You are a beautiful, beautiful ... butterfly.

i love you ...

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 7 Oct 2007, 11:01 AM

And butterflies fly ... forever.

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 8 Oct 2007, 04:41 PM

Blue ?
Yellow ?
Both ?!?

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 9 Oct 2007, 12:32 PM

Cluj rocks!!!

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 11 Oct 2007, 01:16 PM

Asi se baila el tango

Trimis de: Aramis pe 11 Oct 2007, 10:02 PM

tonight your pictures maked me smile and forget about myself

thank you

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 15 Oct 2007, 05:15 PM

QUOTE(Aramis @ 11 Oct 2007, 09:02 PM) *
tonight your pictures maked me smile and forget about myself

thank you

It was my pleasure ... mwah1.gif

You'll know it in time, feel what is there. After so many days if your clock ticks twelve, its ok.

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 18 Oct 2007, 10:12 AM

Se spune ca vremea e frumoasa atunci cand in suflet e soare
Se spune ca ploaia-i mai rece atunci cand in suflet te doare
Se spune ca vantul nu bate deloc cand iubesti
Dar frunzele toate se misca, sa stii ca-mi lipsesti

Se spune ca ploaia-i mai rece atunci cand in suflet te doare ....

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 19 Oct 2007, 01:46 PM

Commercial work ... thumb_yello.gif , din pacate n-a placut clientului poza asta. mad.gif

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 30 Oct 2007, 03:58 PM

It's cold ...

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 31 Oct 2007, 03:37 PM

She did love to be photographed..., and people loved to take pictures of her and do little things for her.

At that time, everybody was tall, thin and blond.

Everybody posed, everybody gave you a look. But she was different.

Romania was not ready for this. But Italy was. It was the right moment... and being of the moment is everything in fashion. But of course, the more you were of the moment... the faster you become of the past.

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 1 Nov 2007, 11:55 PM

Unii oameni se nasc frumosi ... pur si simplu.

Raluca, 16 ani

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 3 Nov 2007, 03:29 PM


Trimis de: Aramis pe 5 Nov 2007, 10:42 PM

You are truly a great photographer.

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 7 Nov 2007, 04:40 PM

Thank you, my dearest Aramis ... i try too ...

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 8 Nov 2007, 09:08 PM

3 °C cold.gif cry.gif

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 9 Nov 2007, 08:16 PM

Cold weather can damage your health ... but, damn, makes you look amazing!!

Anca, you're a supergirl. And supergirls don't cry! rofl.gif

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 12 Nov 2007, 03:33 PM

Personal work!!!

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 15 Nov 2007, 04:12 PM

Personal work

Si atunci, eu, împăcat cu rostul
Acestei lumi deserte,
As vrea să mor, să-mi zică toti
Un: "Dumnezeu să-l ierte!"

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 18 Nov 2007, 09:09 PM

Studio ...

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 1 Dec 2007, 11:49 AM

Somes ... first snow.

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 10 Dec 2007, 09:25 PM

Never give up!

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 10 Feb 2008, 12:29 PM

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 11 Feb 2008, 06:05 PM

ianuarie 2003

ianuarie 2008

Trimis de: Aramis pe 7 Jan 2009, 11:01 PM

am vrut sa ma uit inca o data la fotografiile tale, pentru ca sunt atat de frumoase... wub.gif

Trimis de: Serenity pe 7 Jan 2009, 11:20 PM

Sunt su-per-be! wub.gif Nu ti-am zis niciodata, Halcy, but it's true. biggrin.gif

Trimis de: halcyon_lll pe 1 Dec 2017, 03:30 PM

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